// Copyright 2023 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source // tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found // in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may // be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Utilities for palette analysis. // // Author: Vincent Rabaud (vrabaud@google.com) #include "src/utils/palette.h" #include #include #include "src/dsp/lossless_common.h" #include "src/utils/color_cache_utils.h" #include "src/utils/utils.h" #include "src/webp/encode.h" #include "src/webp/format_constants.h" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Palette reordering for smaller sum of deltas (and for smaller storage). static int PaletteCompareColorsForQsort(const void* p1, const void* p2) { const uint32_t a = WebPMemToUint32((uint8_t*)p1); const uint32_t b = WebPMemToUint32((uint8_t*)p2); assert(a != b); return (a < b) ? -1 : 1; } static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t PaletteComponentDistance(uint32_t v) { return (v <= 128) ? v : (256 - v); } // Computes a value that is related to the entropy created by the // palette entry diff. // // Note that the last & 0xff is a no-operation in the next statement, but // removed by most compilers and is here only for regularity of the code. static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t PaletteColorDistance(uint32_t col1, uint32_t col2) { const uint32_t diff = VP8LSubPixels(col1, col2); const int kMoreWeightForRGBThanForAlpha = 9; uint32_t score; score = PaletteComponentDistance((diff >> 0) & 0xff); score += PaletteComponentDistance((diff >> 8) & 0xff); score += PaletteComponentDistance((diff >> 16) & 0xff); score *= kMoreWeightForRGBThanForAlpha; score += PaletteComponentDistance((diff >> 24) & 0xff); return score; } static WEBP_INLINE void SwapColor(uint32_t* const col1, uint32_t* const col2) { const uint32_t tmp = *col1; *col1 = *col2; *col2 = tmp; } int SearchColorNoIdx(const uint32_t sorted[], uint32_t color, int num_colors) { int low = 0, hi = num_colors; if (sorted[low] == color) return low; // loop invariant: sorted[low] != color while (1) { const int mid = (low + hi) >> 1; if (sorted[mid] == color) { return mid; } else if (sorted[mid] < color) { low = mid; } else { hi = mid; } } assert(0); return 0; } void PrepareMapToPalette(const uint32_t palette[], uint32_t num_colors, uint32_t sorted[], uint32_t idx_map[]) { uint32_t i; memcpy(sorted, palette, num_colors * sizeof(*sorted)); qsort(sorted, num_colors, sizeof(*sorted), PaletteCompareColorsForQsort); for (i = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) { idx_map[SearchColorNoIdx(sorted, palette[i], num_colors)] = i; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define COLOR_HASH_SIZE (MAX_PALETTE_SIZE * 4) #define COLOR_HASH_RIGHT_SHIFT 22 // 32 - log2(COLOR_HASH_SIZE). int GetColorPalette(const WebPPicture* const pic, uint32_t* const palette) { int i; int x, y; int num_colors = 0; uint8_t in_use[COLOR_HASH_SIZE] = {0}; uint32_t colors[COLOR_HASH_SIZE] = {0}; const uint32_t* argb = pic->argb; const int width = pic->width; const int height = pic->height; uint32_t last_pix = ~argb[0]; // so we're sure that last_pix != argb[0] assert(pic != NULL); assert(pic->use_argb); for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { int key; if (argb[x] == last_pix) { continue; } last_pix = argb[x]; key = VP8LHashPix(last_pix, COLOR_HASH_RIGHT_SHIFT); while (1) { if (!in_use[key]) { colors[key] = last_pix; in_use[key] = 1; ++num_colors; if (num_colors > MAX_PALETTE_SIZE) { return MAX_PALETTE_SIZE + 1; // Exact count not needed. } break; } else if (colors[key] == last_pix) { break; // The color is already there. } else { // Some other color sits here, so do linear conflict resolution. ++key; key &= (COLOR_HASH_SIZE - 1); // Key mask. } } } argb += pic->argb_stride; } if (palette != NULL) { // Fill the colors into palette. num_colors = 0; for (i = 0; i < COLOR_HASH_SIZE; ++i) { if (in_use[i]) { palette[num_colors] = colors[i]; ++num_colors; } } qsort(palette, num_colors, sizeof(*palette), PaletteCompareColorsForQsort); } return num_colors; } #undef COLOR_HASH_SIZE #undef COLOR_HASH_RIGHT_SHIFT // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The palette has been sorted by alpha. This function checks if the other // components of the palette have a monotonic development with regards to // position in the palette. If all have monotonic development, there is // no benefit to re-organize them greedily. A monotonic development // would be spotted in green-only situations (like lossy alpha) or gray-scale // images. static int PaletteHasNonMonotonousDeltas(const uint32_t* const palette, int num_colors) { uint32_t predict = 0x000000; int i; uint8_t sign_found = 0x00; for (i = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) { const uint32_t diff = VP8LSubPixels(palette[i], predict); const uint8_t rd = (diff >> 16) & 0xff; const uint8_t gd = (diff >> 8) & 0xff; const uint8_t bd = (diff >> 0) & 0xff; if (rd != 0x00) { sign_found |= (rd < 0x80) ? 1 : 2; } if (gd != 0x00) { sign_found |= (gd < 0x80) ? 8 : 16; } if (bd != 0x00) { sign_found |= (bd < 0x80) ? 64 : 128; } predict = palette[i]; } return (sign_found & (sign_found << 1)) != 0; // two consequent signs. } static void PaletteSortMinimizeDeltas(const uint32_t* const palette_sorted, int num_colors, uint32_t* const palette) { uint32_t predict = 0x00000000; int i, k; memcpy(palette, palette_sorted, num_colors * sizeof(*palette)); if (!PaletteHasNonMonotonousDeltas(palette_sorted, num_colors)) return; // Find greedily always the closest color of the predicted color to minimize // deltas in the palette. This reduces storage needs since the // palette is stored with delta encoding. for (i = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) { int best_ix = i; uint32_t best_score = ~0U; for (k = i; k < num_colors; ++k) { const uint32_t cur_score = PaletteColorDistance(palette[k], predict); if (best_score > cur_score) { best_score = cur_score; best_ix = k; } } SwapColor(&palette[best_ix], &palette[i]); predict = palette[i]; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Modified Zeng method from "A Survey on Palette Reordering // Methods for Improving the Compression of Color-Indexed Images" by Armando J. // Pinho and Antonio J. R. Neves. // Finds the biggest cooccurrence in the matrix. static void CoOccurrenceFindMax(const uint32_t* const cooccurrence, uint32_t num_colors, uint8_t* const c1, uint8_t* const c2) { // Find the index that is most frequently located adjacent to other // (different) indexes. uint32_t best_sum = 0u; uint32_t i, j, best_cooccurrence; *c1 = 0u; for (i = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) { uint32_t sum = 0; for (j = 0; j < num_colors; ++j) sum += cooccurrence[i * num_colors + j]; if (sum > best_sum) { best_sum = sum; *c1 = i; } } // Find the index that is most frequently found adjacent to *c1. *c2 = 0u; best_cooccurrence = 0u; for (i = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) { if (cooccurrence[*c1 * num_colors + i] > best_cooccurrence) { best_cooccurrence = cooccurrence[*c1 * num_colors + i]; *c2 = i; } } assert(*c1 != *c2); } // Builds the cooccurrence matrix static int CoOccurrenceBuild(const WebPPicture* const pic, const uint32_t* const palette, uint32_t num_colors, uint32_t* cooccurrence) { uint32_t *lines, *line_top, *line_current, *line_tmp; int x, y; const uint32_t* src = pic->argb; uint32_t prev_pix = ~src[0]; uint32_t prev_idx = 0u; uint32_t idx_map[MAX_PALETTE_SIZE] = {0}; uint32_t palette_sorted[MAX_PALETTE_SIZE]; lines = (uint32_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(2 * pic->width, sizeof(*lines)); if (lines == NULL) { return 0; } line_top = &lines[0]; line_current = &lines[pic->width]; PrepareMapToPalette(palette, num_colors, palette_sorted, idx_map); for (y = 0; y < pic->height; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < pic->width; ++x) { const uint32_t pix = src[x]; if (pix != prev_pix) { prev_idx = idx_map[SearchColorNoIdx(palette_sorted, pix, num_colors)]; prev_pix = pix; } line_current[x] = prev_idx; // 4-connectivity is what works best as mentioned in "On the relation // between Memon's and the modified Zeng's palette reordering methods". if (x > 0 && prev_idx != line_current[x - 1]) { const uint32_t left_idx = line_current[x - 1]; ++cooccurrence[prev_idx * num_colors + left_idx]; ++cooccurrence[left_idx * num_colors + prev_idx]; } if (y > 0 && prev_idx != line_top[x]) { const uint32_t top_idx = line_top[x]; ++cooccurrence[prev_idx * num_colors + top_idx]; ++cooccurrence[top_idx * num_colors + prev_idx]; } } line_tmp = line_top; line_top = line_current; line_current = line_tmp; src += pic->argb_stride; } WebPSafeFree(lines); return 1; } struct Sum { uint8_t index; uint32_t sum; }; static int PaletteSortModifiedZeng(const WebPPicture* const pic, const uint32_t* const palette_in, uint32_t num_colors, uint32_t* const palette) { uint32_t i, j, ind; uint8_t remapping[MAX_PALETTE_SIZE]; uint32_t* cooccurrence; struct Sum sums[MAX_PALETTE_SIZE]; uint32_t first, last; uint32_t num_sums; // TODO(vrabaud) check whether one color images should use palette or not. if (num_colors <= 1) return 1; // Build the co-occurrence matrix. cooccurrence = (uint32_t*)WebPSafeCalloc(num_colors * num_colors, sizeof(*cooccurrence)); if (cooccurrence == NULL) { return 0; } if (!CoOccurrenceBuild(pic, palette_in, num_colors, cooccurrence)) { WebPSafeFree(cooccurrence); return 0; } // Initialize the mapping list with the two best indices. CoOccurrenceFindMax(cooccurrence, num_colors, &remapping[0], &remapping[1]); // We need to append and prepend to the list of remapping. To this end, we // actually define the next start/end of the list as indices in a vector (with // a wrap around when the end is reached). first = 0; last = 1; num_sums = num_colors - 2; // -2 because we know the first two values if (num_sums > 0) { // Initialize the sums with the first two remappings and find the best one struct Sum* best_sum = &sums[0]; best_sum->index = 0u; best_sum->sum = 0u; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) { if (i == remapping[0] || i == remapping[1]) continue; sums[j].index = i; sums[j].sum = cooccurrence[i * num_colors + remapping[0]] + cooccurrence[i * num_colors + remapping[1]]; if (sums[j].sum > best_sum->sum) best_sum = &sums[j]; ++j; } while (num_sums > 0) { const uint8_t best_index = best_sum->index; // Compute delta to know if we need to prepend or append the best index. int32_t delta = 0; const int32_t n = num_colors - num_sums; for (ind = first, j = 0; (ind + j) % num_colors != last + 1; ++j) { const uint16_t l_j = remapping[(ind + j) % num_colors]; delta += (n - 1 - 2 * (int32_t)j) * (int32_t)cooccurrence[best_index * num_colors + l_j]; } if (delta > 0) { first = (first == 0) ? num_colors - 1 : first - 1; remapping[first] = best_index; } else { ++last; remapping[last] = best_index; } // Remove best_sum from sums. *best_sum = sums[num_sums - 1]; --num_sums; // Update all the sums and find the best one. best_sum = &sums[0]; for (i = 0; i < num_sums; ++i) { sums[i].sum += cooccurrence[best_index * num_colors + sums[i].index]; if (sums[i].sum > best_sum->sum) best_sum = &sums[i]; } } } assert((last + 1) % num_colors == first); WebPSafeFree(cooccurrence); // Re-map the palette. for (i = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) { palette[i] = palette_in[remapping[(first + i) % num_colors]]; } return 1; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int PaletteSort(PaletteSorting method, const struct WebPPicture* const pic, const uint32_t* const palette_sorted, uint32_t num_colors, uint32_t* const palette) { switch (method) { case kSortedDefault: // Nothing to do, we have already sorted the palette. memcpy(palette, palette_sorted, num_colors * sizeof(*palette)); return 1; case kMinimizeDelta: PaletteSortMinimizeDeltas(palette_sorted, num_colors, palette); return 1; case kModifiedZeng: return PaletteSortModifiedZeng(pic, palette_sorted, num_colors, palette); case kUnusedPalette: case kPaletteSortingNum: break; } assert(0); return 0; }