"use strict"; const server = createHttpServer({ hosts: ["example.com"] }); server.registerPathHandler("/", (request, response) => { response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8", false); response.write(""); }); ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { GeckoViewConnection: "resource://gre/modules/GeckoViewWebExtension.sys.mjs", }); // Save reference to original implementations to restore later. const { sendMessage, onConnect } = GeckoViewConnection.prototype; add_setup(async () => { // This file replaces the implementation of GeckoViewConnection; // make sure that it is restored upon test completion. registerCleanupFunction(() => { GeckoViewConnection.prototype.sendMessage = sendMessage; GeckoViewConnection.prototype.onConnect = onConnect; }); }); // Mock the embedder communication port class EmbedderPort { constructor(portId, messenger) { this.id = portId; this.messenger = messenger; } close() { Assert.ok(false, "close not expected to be called"); } onPortDisconnect() { Assert.ok(false, "onPortDisconnect not expected to be called"); } onPortMessage(holder) { Assert.ok(false, "onPortMessage not expected to be called"); } triggerPortDisconnect() { this.messenger.sendPortDisconnect(this.id); } } function stubConnectNative() { let port; const firstCallPromise = new Promise(resolve => { let callCount = 0; GeckoViewConnection.prototype.onConnect = (portId, messenger) => { Assert.equal(++callCount, 1, "onConnect called once"); port = new EmbedderPort(portId, messenger); resolve(); return port; }; }); const triggerPortDisconnect = () => { if (!port) { Assert.ok(false, "Undefined port, connection must be established first"); } port.triggerPortDisconnect(); }; const restore = () => { GeckoViewConnection.prototype.onConnect = onConnect; }; return { firstCallPromise, triggerPortDisconnect, restore }; } function stubSendNativeMessage() { let sendResponse; const returnPromise = new Promise(resolve => { sendResponse = resolve; }); const firstCallPromise = new Promise(resolve => { let callCount = 0; GeckoViewConnection.prototype.sendMessage = data => { Assert.equal(++callCount, 1, "sendMessage called once"); resolve(data); return returnPromise; }; }); const restore = () => { GeckoViewConnection.prototype.sendMessage = sendMessage; }; return { firstCallPromise, sendResponse, restore }; } function promiseExtensionEvent(wrapper, event) { return new Promise(resolve => { wrapper.extension.once(event, (...args) => resolve(args)); }); } // verify that when background sends a native message, // the background will not be terminated to allow native messaging add_task(async function test_sendNativeMessage_event_page() { const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ isPrivileged: true, manifest: { permissions: ["geckoViewAddons", "nativeMessaging"], background: { persistent: false }, }, async background() { const res = await browser.runtime.sendNativeMessage("fake", "msg"); browser.test.assertEq("myResp", res, "expected response"); browser.test.sendMessage("done"); browser.runtime.onSuspend.addListener(async () => { browser.test.assertFail("unexpected onSuspend"); }); }, }); const stub = stubSendNativeMessage(); await extension.startup(); info("Wait for sendNativeMessage to be received"); Assert.equal( (await stub.firstCallPromise).deserialize({}), "msg", "expected message" ); info("Trigger background script idle timeout and expect to be reset"); const promiseResetIdle = promiseExtensionEvent( extension, "background-script-reset-idle" ); await extension.terminateBackground(); info("Wait for 'background-script-reset-idle' event to be emitted"); await promiseResetIdle; stub.sendResponse("myResp"); info("Wait for extension to verify sendNativeMessage response"); await extension.awaitMessage("done"); await extension.unload(); stub.restore(); }); // verify that when an extension tab sends a native message, // the background will terminate as expected add_task(async function test_sendNativeMessage_tab() { const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ isPrivileged: true, manifest: { permissions: ["geckoViewAddons", "nativeMessaging"], background: { persistent: false }, }, async background() { browser.runtime.onSuspend.addListener(async () => { browser.test.sendMessage("onSuspend_called"); }); }, files: { "tab.html": ` `, "tab.js": async () => { const res = await browser.runtime.sendNativeMessage("fake", "msg"); browser.test.assertEq("myResp", res, "expected response"); browser.test.sendMessage("content_done"); }, }, }); const stub = stubSendNativeMessage(); await extension.startup(); const tab = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage( `moz-extension://${extension.uuid}/tab.html?tab`, { extension } ); info("Wait for sendNativeMessage to be received"); Assert.equal( (await stub.firstCallPromise).deserialize({}), "msg", "expected message" ); info("Terminate extension"); await extension.terminateBackground(); await extension.awaitMessage("onSuspend_called"); stub.sendResponse("myResp"); info("Wait for extension to verify sendNativeMessage response"); await extension.awaitMessage("content_done"); await tab.close(); await extension.unload(); stub.restore(); }); // verify that when a content script sends a native message, // the background will terminate as expected add_task(async function test_sendNativeMessage_content_script() { const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ isPrivileged: true, manifest: { permissions: [ "geckoViewAddons", "nativeMessaging", "nativeMessagingFromContent", ], background: { persistent: false }, content_scripts: [ { run_at: "document_end", js: ["test.js"], matches: ["http://example.com/"], }, ], }, files: { "test.js": async () => { const res = await browser.runtime.sendNativeMessage("fake", "msg"); browser.test.assertEq("myResp", res, "expected response"); browser.test.sendMessage("content_done"); }, }, async background() { browser.runtime.onSuspend.addListener(async () => { browser.test.sendMessage("onSuspend_called"); }); }, }); const stub = stubSendNativeMessage(); await extension.startup(); info("Load content page"); const page = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage("http://example.com/"); info("Wait for message from extension"); Assert.equal( (await stub.firstCallPromise).deserialize({}), "msg", "expected message" ); info("Terminate extension"); await extension.terminateBackground(); await extension.awaitMessage("onSuspend_called"); stub.sendResponse("myResp"); info("Wait for extension to verify sendNativeMessage response"); await extension.awaitMessage("content_done"); await page.close(); await extension.unload(); stub.restore(); }); // verify that when native messaging ports are open, the background will not be terminated // and once the ports disconnect, onSuspend can be called add_task(async function test_connectNative_event_page() { const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ isPrivileged: true, manifest: { permissions: ["geckoViewAddons", "nativeMessaging"], background: { persistent: false }, }, async background() { const port = browser.runtime.connectNative("test"); port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => { browser.test.assertEq( null, port.error, "port should be disconnected without errors" ); browser.test.sendMessage("port_disconnected"); }); browser.runtime.onSuspend.addListener(async () => { browser.test.sendMessage("onSuspend_called"); }); }, }); const stub = stubConnectNative(); await extension.startup(); info("Waiting for connectNative request"); await stub.firstCallPromise; info("Trigger background script idle timeout and expect to be reset"); const promiseResetIdle = promiseExtensionEvent( extension, "background-script-reset-idle" ); await extension.terminateBackground(); info("Wait for 'background-script-reset-idle' event to be emitted"); await promiseResetIdle; info("Trigger port disconnect, terminate background, and expect onSuspend()"); stub.triggerPortDisconnect(); await extension.awaitMessage("port_disconnected"); info("Terminate extension"); await extension.terminateBackground(); await extension.awaitMessage("onSuspend_called"); await extension.unload(); stub.restore(); }); // verify that when an extension tab opens native messaging ports, // the background will terminate as expected add_task(async function test_connectNative_tab() { const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ isPrivileged: true, manifest: { permissions: ["geckoViewAddons", "nativeMessaging"], background: { persistent: false }, }, async background() { browser.runtime.onSuspend.addListener(async () => { browser.test.sendMessage("onSuspend_called"); }); }, files: { "tab.html": ` `, "tab.js": async () => { const port = browser.runtime.connectNative("test"); port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => { browser.test.assertEq( null, port.error, "port should be disconnected without errors" ); browser.test.sendMessage("port_disconnected"); }); browser.test.sendMessage("content_done"); }, }, }); const stub = stubConnectNative(); await extension.startup(); const tab = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage( `moz-extension://${extension.uuid}/tab.html?tab`, { extension } ); await extension.awaitMessage("content_done"); await stub.firstCallPromise; info("Terminate extension"); await extension.terminateBackground(); await extension.awaitMessage("onSuspend_called"); stub.triggerPortDisconnect(); await extension.awaitMessage("port_disconnected"); await tab.close(); await extension.unload(); stub.restore(); }); // verify that when a content script opens native messaging ports, // the background will terminate as expected add_task(async function test_connectNative_content_script() { const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ isPrivileged: true, manifest: { permissions: [ "geckoViewAddons", "nativeMessaging", "nativeMessagingFromContent", ], background: { persistent: false }, content_scripts: [ { run_at: "document_end", js: ["test.js"], matches: ["http://example.com/"], }, ], }, files: { "test.js": async () => { const port = browser.runtime.connectNative("test"); port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => { browser.test.assertEq( null, port.error, "port should be disconnected without errors" ); browser.test.sendMessage("port_disconnected"); }); browser.test.sendMessage("content_done"); }, }, async background() { browser.runtime.onSuspend.addListener(async () => { browser.test.sendMessage("onSuspend_called"); }); }, }); const stub = stubConnectNative(); await extension.startup(); info("Load content page"); const page = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage("http://example.com/"); await extension.awaitMessage("content_done"); await stub.firstCallPromise; info("Terminate extension"); await extension.terminateBackground(); await extension.awaitMessage("onSuspend_called"); stub.triggerPortDisconnect(); await extension.awaitMessage("port_disconnected"); await page.close(); await extension.unload(); stub.restore(); });