Building Firefox for Android ============================ First, you'll want to `set up your machine to build Firefox `_. Follow the instructions there, choosing "GeckoView/Firefox for Android" as the bootstrap option. Once you're set up and have a GeckoView build from the above, please continue with the following steps. 1. Clone the repository and initial setup ----------------------------------------- .. code-block:: shell git clone cd firefox-android/fenix echo dependencySubstitutions.geckoviewTopsrcdir=/path/to/mozilla-central > replace `/path/to/mozilla-central` with the location of your mozilla-central/mozilla-unified source tree. 2. Build -------- .. code-block:: shell export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/.mozbuild/jdk/jdk-17.0.6+10 export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/.mozbuild/android-sdk- ./gradlew clean app:assembleDebug `` is either `linux`, `macosx` or `windows` depending on the OS you're building from. For more details, check out the `more complete documentation `_. 3. Run ------ From the gecko working directory: .. code-block:: shell ./mach android-emulator From the firefox-android working directory: .. code-block:: shell ./gradlew :app:installFenixDebug "$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb" shell am start -n org.mozilla.fenix.debug/org.mozilla.fenix.debug.App