/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ package org.mozilla.geckoview.test import android.Manifest import android.content.Context import android.content.pm.PackageManager import android.location.LocationManager import android.os.Build import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4 import androidx.test.filters.MediumTest import androidx.test.platform.app.InstrumentationRegistry import org.hamcrest.Matchers.* // ktlint-disable no-wildcard-imports import org.json.JSONArray import org.junit.Assert.fail import org.junit.Assume.assumeThat import org.junit.Ignore import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoResult import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.NavigationDelegate import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.PermissionDelegate import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.PermissionDelegate.MediaCallback import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.PermissionDelegate.MediaSource import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSessionSettings import org.mozilla.geckoview.StorageController.ClearFlags import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.TrackingPermissionService.TrackingPermissionInstance import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule.AssertCalled import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule.ClosedSessionAtStart import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) @MediumTest class PermissionDelegateTest : BaseSessionTest() { private val targetContext get() = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext private fun hasPermission(permission: String): Boolean { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23) { return true } return PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED == InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext.checkSelfPermission(permission) } private fun isEmulator(): Boolean { return "generic" == Build.DEVICE || Build.DEVICE.startsWith("generic_") } private val storageController get() = sessionRule.runtime.storageController @Test fun media() { // TODO: needs bug 1700243 assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isIsolatedProcess, equalTo(false)) assertInAutomationThat( "Should have camera permission", hasPermission(Manifest.permission.CAMERA), equalTo(true), ) assertInAutomationThat( "Should have microphone permission", hasPermission(Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO), equalTo(true), ) mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH) mainSession.waitForPageStop() val devices = mainSession.evaluateJS( "window.navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices()", ) as JSONArray var hasVideo = false var hasAudio = false for (i in 0 until devices.length()) { if (devices.getJSONObject(i).getString("kind") == "videoinput") { hasVideo = true } if (devices.getJSONObject(i).getString("kind") == "audioinput") { hasAudio = true } } assertThat( "Device list should contain camera device", hasVideo, equalTo(true), ) assertThat( "Device list should contain microphone device", hasAudio, equalTo(true), ) mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onMediaPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, uri: String, video: Array?, audio: Array?, callback: MediaCallback, ) { assertThat("URI should match", uri, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH)) assertThat("Video source should be valid", video, not(emptyArray())) if (isEmulator()) { callback.grant(video!![0], null) } else { assertThat("Audio source should be valid", audio, not(emptyArray())) callback.grant(video!![0], audio!![0]) } } }) // Start a video stream, with audio if on a real device. val code = if (isEmulator()) { """this.stream = window.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: { width: 320, height: 240, frameRate: 10 }, });""" } else { """this.stream = window.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: { width: 320, height: 240, frameRate: 10 }, audio: true });""" } // Stop the stream and check active flag and id val isActive = mainSession.waitForJS( """$code this.stream.then(stream => { if (!stream.active || stream.id == '') { return false; } stream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop()); return true; }) """.trimMargin(), ) as Boolean assertThat("Stream should be active and id should not be empty.", isActive, equalTo(true)) // Now test rejecting the request. mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onMediaPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, uri: String, video: Array?, audio: Array?, callback: MediaCallback, ) { callback.reject() } }) try { if (isEmulator()) { mainSession.waitForJS( """ window.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true })""", ) } else { mainSession.waitForJS( """ window.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: true })""", ) } fail("Request should have failed") } catch (e: RejectedPromiseException) { assertThat( "Error should be correct", e.reason as String, containsString("NotAllowedError"), ) } } @Test fun geolocation() { assertInAutomationThat( "Should have location permission", hasPermission(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION), equalTo(true), ) val url = createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH) mainSession.loadUri(url) mainSession.waitForPageStop() // Set location for test sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("geo.provider.testing" to false)) var context = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext var locManager = context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager var locProvider = sessionRule.MockLocationProvider( locManager, "permissionsLocationProvider", 1.1111, 2.2222, false, ) locProvider.postLocation() mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { // Ensure the content permission is asked first, before the Android permission. @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1]) override fun onContentPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission, ): GeckoResult { assertThat("URI should match", perm.uri, endsWith(url)) assertThat( "Type should match", perm.permission, equalTo(PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_GEOLOCATION), ) return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW) } @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2]) override fun onAndroidPermissionsRequest( session: GeckoSession, permissions: Array?, callback: PermissionDelegate.Callback, ) { assertThat( "Permissions list should be correct", listOf(*permissions!!), hasItems(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION), ) callback.grant() } }) try { val hasPosition = mainSession.waitForJS( """new Promise((resolve, reject) => window.navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( position => resolve( position.coords.latitude !== undefined && position.coords.longitude !== undefined), error => reject(error.code)))""", ) as Boolean assertThat("Request should succeed", hasPosition, equalTo(true)) } catch (ex: RejectedPromiseException) { assertThat( "Error should not because the permission was denied.", ex.reason as String, not("1"), ) } val perms = sessionRule.waitForResult(storageController.getPermissions(url)) assertThat("Permissions should not be null", perms, notNullValue()) var permFound = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_GEOLOCATION && url.startsWith(perm.uri) && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW ) { permFound = true } } assertThat("Geolocation permission should be set to allow", permFound, equalTo(true)) mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onLocationChange(session: GeckoSession, url: String?, perms: MutableList) { var permFound2 = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_GEOLOCATION && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW ) { permFound2 = true } } assertThat("Geolocation permission must be present on refresh", permFound2, equalTo(true)) } }) mainSession.reload() mainSession.waitForPageStop() locProvider.removeMockLocationProvider() } @Test fun geolocation_reject() { val url = createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH) mainSession.loadUri(url) mainSession.waitForPageStop() mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onContentPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission, ): GeckoResult { return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY) } @AssertCalled(count = 0) override fun onAndroidPermissionsRequest( session: GeckoSession, permissions: Array?, callback: PermissionDelegate.Callback, ) { } }) val errorCode = mainSession.waitForJS( """new Promise((resolve, reject) => window.navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(reject, error => resolve(error.code) ))""", ) // Error code 1 means permission denied. assertThat("Request should fail", errorCode as Double, equalTo(1.0)) val perms = sessionRule.waitForResult(storageController.getPermissions(url)) assertThat("Permissions should not be null", perms, notNullValue()) var permFound = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_GEOLOCATION && url.startsWith(perm.uri) && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY ) { permFound = true } } assertThat("Geolocation permission should be set to allow", permFound, equalTo(true)) mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onLocationChange(session: GeckoSession, url: String?, perms: MutableList) { var permFound2 = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_GEOLOCATION && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY ) { permFound2 = true } } assertThat("Geolocation permission must be present on refresh", permFound2, equalTo(true)) } }) mainSession.reload() mainSession.waitForPageStop() } @ClosedSessionAtStart @Test fun trackingProtection() { // Tests that we get a tracking protection permission for every load, we // can set the value of the permission and that the permission persists // across sessions trackingProtection(privateBrowsing = false, permanent = true) } @ClosedSessionAtStart @Test fun trackingProtectionPrivateBrowsing() { // Tests that we get a tracking protection permission for every load, we // can set the value of the permission in private browsing and that the // permission does not persists across private sessions trackingProtection(privateBrowsing = true, permanent = false) } @ClosedSessionAtStart @Test fun trackingProtectionPrivateBrowsingPermanent() { // Tests that we get a tracking protection permission for every load, we // can set the value of the permission permanently in private browsing // and that the permanent permission _does_ persists across private sessions trackingProtection(privateBrowsing = true, permanent = true) } private fun trackingProtection(privateBrowsing: Boolean, permanent: Boolean) { // Make sure we start with a clean slate storageController.clearDataFromHost(TEST_HOST, ClearFlags.PERMISSIONS) assertThat( "Non-permanent only makes sense with private browsing " + "(because non-private browsing exceptions are always permanent", permanent || privateBrowsing, equalTo(true), ) val runtime0 = TrackingPermissionInstance.start( targetContext, temporaryProfile.get(), privateBrowsing, ) sessionRule.waitForResult(runtime0.loadTestPath(TRACKERS_PATH)) var permission = sessionRule.waitForResult(runtime0.trackingPermission) assertThat( "Permission value should start at DENY", permission, equalTo(ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY), ) if (privateBrowsing && permanent) { runtime0.setPrivateBrowsingPermanentTrackingPermission( ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW, ) } else { runtime0.setTrackingPermission(ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW) } sessionRule.waitForResult(runtime0.reload()) permission = sessionRule.waitForResult(runtime0.trackingPermission) assertThat( "Permission value should be ALLOW after setting", permission, equalTo(ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW), ) sessionRule.waitForResult(runtime0.quit()) // Restart the runtime and verifies that the value is still stored val runtime1 = TrackingPermissionInstance.start( targetContext, temporaryProfile.get(), privateBrowsing, ) sessionRule.waitForResult(runtime1.loadTestPath(TRACKERS_PATH)) val trackingPermission = sessionRule.waitForResult(runtime1.trackingPermission) assertThat( "Tracking permissions should persist only if permanent", trackingPermission, equalTo( when { permanent -> ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW else -> ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY }, ), ) sessionRule.waitForResult(runtime1.quit()) } private fun assertTrackingProtectionPermission(value: Int?) { var found = false mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : NavigationDelegate { @AssertCalled override fun onLocationChange( session: GeckoSession, url: String?, perms: MutableList, ) { for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_TRACKING) { if (value != null) { assertThat( "Value should match", perm.value, equalTo(value), ) } found = true } } } }) assertThat( "Permission should have been found if expected", found, equalTo(value != null), ) } // Tests that all pages have a PERMISSION_TRACKING permission, // except for pages that belong to Gecko like about:blank or about:config. @Test fun trackingProtectionPermissionOnAllPages() { val settings = sessionRule.runtime.settings val aboutConfigEnabled = settings.aboutConfigEnabled settings.aboutConfigEnabled = true mainSession.loadUri("about:config") assertTrackingProtectionPermission(null) settings.aboutConfigEnabled = aboutConfigEnabled mainSession.loadUri("about:blank") assertTrackingProtectionPermission(null) mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH) assertTrackingProtectionPermission(ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY) } @Test fun notification() { sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webnotifications.requireuserinteraction" to false)) val url = createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH) mainSession.loadUri(url) mainSession.waitForPageStop() mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onContentPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission, ): GeckoResult { assertThat("URI should match", perm.uri, endsWith(url)) assertThat( "Type should match", perm.permission, equalTo(PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION), ) return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW) } }) val result = mainSession.waitForJS("Notification.requestPermission()") assertThat( "Permission should be granted", result as String, equalTo("granted"), ) val perms = sessionRule.waitForResult(storageController.getPermissions(url)) assertThat("Permissions should not be null", perms, notNullValue()) var permFound = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && url.startsWith(perm.uri) && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW ) { permFound = true } } assertThat("Notification permission should be set to allow", permFound, equalTo(true)) mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onLocationChange(session: GeckoSession, url: String?, perms: MutableList) { var permFound2 = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW ) { permFound2 = true } } assertThat("Notification permission must be present on refresh", permFound2, equalTo(true)) } }) mainSession.reload() mainSession.waitForPageStop() val result2 = mainSession.waitForJS("Notification.permission") assertThat( "Permission should be granted", result2 as String, equalTo("granted"), ) } @Ignore("disable test for frequently failing Bug 1542525") @Test fun notification_reject() { val url = createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH) mainSession.loadUri(url) mainSession.waitForPageStop() mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onContentPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission, ): GeckoResult { return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY) } }) val result = mainSession.waitForJS("Notification.requestPermission()") assertThat( "Permission should not be granted", result as String, equalTo("denied"), ) val perms = sessionRule.waitForResult(storageController.getPermissions(url)) assertThat("Permissions should not be null", perms, notNullValue()) var permFound = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && url.startsWith(perm.uri) && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY ) { permFound = true } } assertThat("Notification permission should be set to allow", permFound, equalTo(true)) mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onLocationChange(session: GeckoSession, url: String?, perms: MutableList) { var permFound2 = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY ) { permFound2 = true } } assertThat("Notification permission must be present on refresh", permFound2, equalTo(true)) } }) mainSession.reload() mainSession.waitForPageStop() } @Test fun autoplayReject() { // Bug 1810736 assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isIsolatedProcess, equalTo(false)) // The profile used in automation sets this to false, so we need to hack it back to true here. sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd( mapOf( "media.geckoview.autoplay.request" to true, ), ) mainSession.loadTestPath(AUTOPLAY_PATH) mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 2) override fun onContentPermissionRequest(session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission): GeckoResult { val expectedType = if (sessionRule.currentCall.counter == 1) PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_AUTOPLAY_AUDIBLE else PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_AUTOPLAY_INAUDIBLE assertThat("Type should match", perm.permission, equalTo(expectedType)) return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY) } }) } @Test fun contextId() { sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webnotifications.requireuserinteraction" to false)) val url = createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH) mainSession.loadUri(url) mainSession.waitForPageStop() mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onContentPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission, ): GeckoResult { assertThat("URI should match", perm.uri, endsWith(url)) assertThat( "Type should match", perm.permission, equalTo(PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION), ) assertThat("Context ID should match", perm.contextId, equalTo(mainSession.settings.contextId)) return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW) } }) val result = mainSession.waitForJS("Notification.requestPermission()") assertThat( "Permission should be granted", result as String, equalTo("granted"), ) val perms = sessionRule.waitForResult(storageController.getPermissions(url, false)) assertThat("Permissions should not be null", perms, notNullValue()) var permFound = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && url.startsWith(perm.uri) && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW ) { permFound = true } } assertThat("Notification permission should be set to allow", permFound, equalTo(true)) mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onLocationChange(session: GeckoSession, url: String?, perms: MutableList) { var permFound2 = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW ) { permFound2 = true } } assertThat("Notification permission must be present on refresh", permFound2, equalTo(true)) } }) mainSession.reload() mainSession.waitForPageStop() val session2 = sessionRule.createOpenSession( GeckoSessionSettings.Builder() .contextId("foo") .build(), ) session2.loadUri(url) session2.waitForPageStop() session2.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onContentPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission, ): GeckoResult { assertThat("URI should match", perm.uri, endsWith(url)) assertThat( "Type should match", perm.permission, equalTo(PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION), ) assertThat( "Context ID should match", perm.contextId, equalTo(session2.settings.contextId), ) return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW) } }) val result2 = session2.waitForJS("Notification.requestPermission()") assertThat( "Permission should be granted", result2 as String, equalTo("granted"), ) val perms2 = sessionRule.waitForResult(storageController.getPermissions(url, false)) assertThat("Permissions should not be null", perms, notNullValue()) permFound = false for (perm in perms2) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && url.startsWith(perm.uri) && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW ) { permFound = true } } assertThat("Notification permission should be set to allow", permFound, equalTo(true)) session2.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onLocationChange(session: GeckoSession, url: String?, perms: MutableList) { var permFound2 = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW && perm.contextId == session2.settings.contextId ) { permFound2 = true } } assertThat("Notification permission must be present on refresh", permFound2, equalTo(true)) } }) session2.reload() session2.waitForPageStop() } @Test fun setPermissionAllow() { sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webnotifications.requireuserinteraction" to false)) val url = createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH) mainSession.loadUri(url) mainSession.waitForPageStop() mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onContentPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission, ): GeckoResult { assertThat("URI should match", perm.uri, endsWith(url)) assertThat( "Type should match", perm.permission, equalTo(PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION), ) return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY) } }) mainSession.waitForJS("Notification.requestPermission()") val perms = sessionRule.waitForResult(storageController.getPermissions(url)) assertThat("Permissions should not be null", perms, notNullValue()) var permFound = false var notificationPerm: ContentPermission? = null for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && url.startsWith(perm.uri) && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY ) { notificationPerm = perm permFound = true } } assertThat("Notification permission should be set to allow", permFound, equalTo(true)) storageController.setPermission( notificationPerm!!, ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW, ) mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onLocationChange(session: GeckoSession, url: String?, perms: MutableList) { var permFound2 = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW ) { permFound2 = true } } assertThat("Notification permission must be present on refresh", permFound2, equalTo(true)) } }) mainSession.reload() mainSession.waitForPageStop() val result = mainSession.waitForJS("Notification.permission") assertThat( "Permission should be granted", result as String, equalTo("granted"), ) } @Test fun setPermissionDeny() { sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webnotifications.requireuserinteraction" to false)) val url = createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH) mainSession.loadUri(url) mainSession.waitForPageStop() mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onContentPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission, ): GeckoResult { assertThat("URI should match", perm.uri, endsWith(url)) assertThat( "Type should match", perm.permission, equalTo(PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION), ) return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW) } }) val result = mainSession.waitForJS("Notification.requestPermission()") assertThat( "Permission should be granted", result as String, equalTo("granted"), ) val perms = sessionRule.waitForResult(storageController.getPermissions(url)) assertThat("Permissions should not be null", perms, notNullValue()) var permFound = false var notificationPerm: ContentPermission? = null for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && url.startsWith(perm.uri) && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW ) { notificationPerm = perm permFound = true } } assertThat("Notification permission should be set to allow", permFound, equalTo(true)) storageController.setPermission( notificationPerm!!, ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY, ) mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onLocationChange(session: GeckoSession, url: String?, perms: MutableList) { var permFound2 = false for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_DENY ) { permFound2 = true } } assertThat("Notification permission must be present on refresh", permFound2, equalTo(true)) } }) mainSession.reload() mainSession.waitForPageStop() val result2 = mainSession.waitForJS("Notification.permission") assertThat( "Permission should be denied", result2 as String, equalTo("denied"), ) } @Test fun setPermissionPrompt() { sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webnotifications.requireuserinteraction" to false)) val url = createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH) mainSession.loadUri(url) mainSession.waitForPageStop() mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onContentPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission, ): GeckoResult { assertThat("URI should match", perm.uri, endsWith(url)) assertThat( "Type should match", perm.permission, equalTo(PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION), ) return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW) } }) val result = mainSession.waitForJS("Notification.requestPermission()") assertThat( "Permission should be granted", result as String, equalTo("granted"), ) val perms = sessionRule.waitForResult(storageController.getPermissions(url)) assertThat("Permissions should not be null", perms, notNullValue()) var permFound = false var notificationPerm: ContentPermission? = null for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && url.startsWith(perm.uri) && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW ) { notificationPerm = perm permFound = true } } assertThat("Notification permission should be set to allow", permFound, equalTo(true)) storageController.setPermission( notificationPerm!!, ContentPermission.VALUE_PROMPT, ) mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onContentPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission, ): GeckoResult { return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_PROMPT) } }) val result2 = mainSession.waitForJS("Notification.requestPermission()") assertThat( "Permission should be default", result2 as String, equalTo("default"), ) } @Test fun permissionJsonConversion() { sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webnotifications.requireuserinteraction" to false)) val url = createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH) mainSession.loadUri(url) mainSession.waitForPageStop() mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { @AssertCalled(count = 1) override fun onContentPermissionRequest( session: GeckoSession, perm: ContentPermission, ): GeckoResult { assertThat("URI should match", perm.uri, endsWith(url)) assertThat( "Type should match", perm.permission, equalTo(PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION), ) return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW) } }) val result = mainSession.waitForJS("Notification.requestPermission()") assertThat( "Permission should be granted", result as String, equalTo("granted"), ) val perms = sessionRule.waitForResult(storageController.getPermissions(url)) assertThat("Permissions should not be null", perms, notNullValue()) var permFound = false var notificationPerm: ContentPermission? = null for (perm in perms) { if (perm.permission == PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION && url.startsWith(perm.uri) && perm.value == ContentPermission.VALUE_ALLOW ) { notificationPerm = perm permFound = true } } assertThat("Notification permission should be set to allow", permFound, equalTo(true)) val jsonPerm = notificationPerm?.toJson() assertThat("JSON export should not be null", jsonPerm, notNullValue()) val importedPerm = ContentPermission.fromJson(jsonPerm!!) assertThat("JSON import should not be null", importedPerm, notNullValue()) assertThat("URIs should match", importedPerm?.uri, equalTo(notificationPerm?.uri)) assertThat("Types should match", importedPerm?.permission, equalTo(notificationPerm?.permission)) assertThat("Values should match", importedPerm?.value, equalTo(notificationPerm?.value)) assertThat("Context IDs should match", importedPerm?.contextId, equalTo(notificationPerm?.contextId)) assertThat("Private mode should match", importedPerm?.privateMode, equalTo(notificationPerm?.privateMode)) } // @Test fun persistentStorage() { // mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH) // mainSession.waitForPageStop() // // Persistent storage can be rejected // mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { // @AssertCalled(count = 1) // override fun onContentPermissionRequest( // session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, type: Int, // callback: PermissionDelegate.Callback) { // callback.reject() // } // }) // var success = mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.storage.persist()""") // assertThat("Request should fail", // success as Boolean, equalTo(false)) // // Persistent storage can be granted // mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { // // Ensure the content permission is asked first, before the Android permission. // @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1]) // override fun onContentPermissionRequest( // session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, type: Int, // callback: PermissionDelegate.Callback) { // assertThat("URI should match", uri, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH)) // assertThat("Type should match", type, // equalTo(PermissionDelegate.PERMISSION_PERSISTENT_STORAGE)) // callback.grant() // } // }) // success = mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.storage.persist()""") // assertThat("Request should succeed", // success as Boolean, // equalTo(true)) // // after permission granted further requests will always return true, regardless of response // mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PermissionDelegate { // @AssertCalled(count = 1) // override fun onContentPermissionRequest( // session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, type: Int, // callback: PermissionDelegate.Callback) { // callback.reject() // } // }) // success = mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.storage.persist()""") // assertThat("Request should succeed", // success as Boolean, equalTo(true)) // } }