/* -*- Mode: Groovy; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // The JNI wrapper generation tasks depend on the JAR creation task of the :annotations project. evaluationDependsOn(':annotations') // Whether to include compiled artifacts: `lib/**/*.so` and `assets/omni.ja`. // Multi-locale packaging wants to include compiled artifacts but *not* rebuild // them: see also `rootProject.{machStagePackage,geckoBinariesOnlyIf}`. def hasCompileArtifacts() { return project.mozconfig.substs.COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT // Full builds. || project.mozconfig.substs.MOZ_ARTIFACT_BUILDS // Artifact builds. || System.getenv("MOZ_CHROME_MULTILOCALE") // Multi-locale packaging. } ext.configureVariantWithGeckoBinaries = { variant -> if (hasCompileArtifacts()) { // Local (read, not 'official') builds want to reflect developer changes to // the omnijar sources, and (when compiling) to reflect developer changes to // the native binaries. To do this, the Gradle build calls out to the // moz.build system, which can be re-entrant. Official builds are driven by // the moz.build system and should never be re-entrant in this way. def assetGenTask = tasks.findByName("generate${variant.name.capitalize()}Assets") def jniLibFoldersTask = tasks.findByName("merge${variant.name.capitalize()}JniLibFolders") if (!mozconfig.substs.MOZILLA_OFFICIAL && (variant.productFlavors*.name).contains('withGeckoBinaries')) { assetGenTask.dependsOn rootProject.machStagePackage jniLibFoldersTask.dependsOn rootProject.machStagePackage } } } ext.configureLibraryVariantWithJNIWrappers = { variant, module -> // BundleLibRuntime prepares the library for further processing to be // incorporated in an app. We use this version to create the JNI wrappers. def jarTask = tasks["bundleLibRuntimeToJar${variant.name.capitalize()}"] def bundleJar = jarTask.outputs.files.find({ it.name == 'classes.jar' }) def annotationProcessorsJarTask = project(':annotations').jar def wrapperTask if (System.env.IS_LANGUAGE_REPACK == '1') { // Single-locale l10n repacks set `IS_LANGUAGE_REPACK=1` and don't // really have a build environment. wrapperTask = task("generateJNIWrappersFor${module}${variant.name.capitalize()}") } else { wrapperTask = task("generateJNIWrappersFor${module}${variant.name.capitalize()}", type: JavaExec) { classpath annotationProcessorsJarTask.archiveFile // Configure the classpath at evaluation-time, not at // configuration-time: see above comment. doFirst { classpath variant.javaCompileProvider.get().classpath } mainClass = 'org.mozilla.gecko.annotationProcessors.AnnotationProcessor' args module args bundleJar workingDir "${topobjdir}/widget/android" inputs.file(bundleJar) inputs.file(annotationProcessorsJarTask.archiveFile) inputs.property("module", module) outputs.file("${topobjdir}/widget/android/GeneratedJNINatives.h") outputs.file("${topobjdir}/widget/android/GeneratedJNIWrappers.cpp") outputs.file("${topobjdir}/widget/android/GeneratedJNIWrappers.h") dependsOn jarTask dependsOn annotationProcessorsJarTask } } if (module == 'Generated') { tasks["bundle${variant.name.capitalize()}Aar"].dependsOn wrapperTask } else { tasks["assemble${variant.name.capitalize()}"].dependsOn wrapperTask } }