#filter substitution
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

# Note: This file should only contain locale entries. All
# override and resource entries should go to mobile/android/chrome/jar.mn to avoid
# having to create the same entry for each locale.

# Fluent files
# Note: All rules must be wildcards, as localized files are optional
# If you're including files from a subdirectory, ensure that you're
# putting them into the corresponding subdirectory in the target.
# The wildcard ** does that for us in toolkit.

[localization] @AB_CD@.jar:
  mobile/android                                   (%mobile/android/**/*.ftl)

% locale browser @AB_CD@ %locale/@AB_CD@/browser/

# overrides for toolkit l10n, also for en-US
# keep this file list in sync with l10n.toml and filter.py
relativesrcdir toolkit/locales:
  locale/@AB_CD@/browser/overrides/commonDialogs.properties        (%chrome/global/commonDialogs.properties)
  locale/@AB_CD@/browser/overrides/intl.properties                 (%chrome/global/intl.properties)
  locale/@AB_CD@/browser/overrides/intl.css                        (%chrome/global/intl.css)

# overrides for dom l10n, also for en-US
# keep this file list in sync with filter.py
relativesrcdir dom/locales:
  locale/@AB_CD@/browser/overrides/AccessFu.properties         (%chrome/accessibility/AccessFu.properties)
  locale/@AB_CD@/browser/overrides/dom/dom.properties          (%chrome/dom/dom.properties)

# Only run this if we're not en-US, as en-US is already built
# by toolkit/locales/jar.mn.
#define EN_US en-US
#if AB_CD != EN_US
[localization] @AB_CD@.jar:
relativesrcdir toolkit/locales:
  crashreporter                                    (%crashreporter/**/*.ftl)
  toolkit/about                                    (%toolkit/about/*About.ftl)
  toolkit/about                                    (%toolkit/about/*Mozilla.ftl)
  toolkit/about                                    (%toolkit/about/*Support.ftl)
  toolkit/about                                    (%toolkit/about/*Rights.ftl)
  toolkit/about                                    (%toolkit/about/*Compat.ftl)
  toolkit/about                                    (%toolkit/about/*Webrtc.ftl)
# Do not add files below the endif. Reviewers, expand more context above
# for comments.