/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/BaseProfilerMarkers.h" #include "mozilla/BaseProfilerUtils.h" #include namespace mozilla { namespace base_profiler_markers_detail { // We need an atomic type that can hold a `DeserializerTag`. (Atomic doesn't // work with too-small types.) using DeserializerTagAtomic = unsigned; // The atomic sDeserializerCount still also include bits that act as a "RWLock": // Whoever can set this bit gets exclusive access to the count and the whole // sMarkerTypeFunctions1Based array, guaranteeing that it cannot be modified. static constexpr DeserializerTagAtomic scExclusiveLock = 0x80'00'00'00u; // Code that wants shared access can add this value, then ensure there is no // exclusive lock, after which it's guaranteed that no exclusive lock can be // taken until the shared lock count goes back to zero. static constexpr DeserializerTagAtomic scSharedLockUnit = 0x00'01'00'00u; // This mask isolates the actual count value from the lock bits. static constexpr DeserializerTagAtomic scTagMask = 0x00'00'FF'FFu; // Number of currently-registered deserializers and other marker type functions. // The high bits contain lock bits, see above. static Atomic sDeserializerCount{0}; // This needs to be big enough to handle all possible marker types. If one day // this needs to be higher, the underlying DeserializerTag type will have to be // changed. static constexpr DeserializerTagAtomic DeserializerMax = 250; static_assert(DeserializerMax <= scTagMask, "DeserializerMax doesn't fit in scTagMask"); static_assert( DeserializerMax <= std::numeric_limits::max(), "The maximum number of deserializers must fit in the DeserializerTag type"); // Array of marker type functions. // 1-based, i.e.: [0] -> tag 1, [DeserializerMax - 1] -> tag DeserializerMax. // Elements are added at the next available atomically-incremented // `sDeserializerCount` (minus 1) whenever a new marker type is used in a // Firefox session; the content is kept between profiler runs in that session. // There is theoretically a race between the increment and the time the entry is // fully written, but in practice all new elements are written (during // profiling, using a marker type for the first time) long before they are read // (after profiling is paused). static Streaming::MarkerTypeFunctions sMarkerTypeFunctions1Based[DeserializerMax]; /* static */ Streaming::DeserializerTag Streaming::TagForMarkerTypeFunctions( Streaming::MarkerDataDeserializer aDeserializer, Streaming::MarkerTypeNameFunction aMarkerTypeNameFunction, Streaming::MarkerSchemaFunction aMarkerSchemaFunction) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!aDeserializer); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!aMarkerTypeNameFunction); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!aMarkerSchemaFunction); // Add a shared lock request, which will prevent future exclusive locking. DeserializerTagAtomic tagWithLock = (sDeserializerCount += scSharedLockUnit); // An exclusive locker may have arrived before us, just wait for it to finish. while ((tagWithLock & scExclusiveLock) != 0u) { tagWithLock = sDeserializerCount; } MOZ_ASSERT( // This is equivalent to shifting right to only keep the lock counts. tagWithLock / scSharedLockUnit < // This is effectively half of the permissible shared lock range, // that would mean way too many threads doing this work here! scExclusiveLock / scSharedLockUnit / 2, "The shared lock count is getting unexpectedly high, verify the " "algorithm, and tweak constants if needed"); // Reserve a tag. Even if there are multiple shared-lock holders here, each // one will get a different value, and therefore will access a different part // of the sMarkerTypeFunctions1Based array. const DeserializerTagAtomic tag = ++sDeserializerCount & scTagMask; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( tag <= DeserializerMax, "Too many deserializers, consider increasing DeserializerMax. " "Or is a deserializer stored again and again?"); sMarkerTypeFunctions1Based[tag - 1] = {aDeserializer, aMarkerTypeNameFunction, aMarkerSchemaFunction}; // And release our shared lock, to allow exclusive readers. sDeserializerCount -= scSharedLockUnit; return static_cast(tag); } /* static */ Streaming::MarkerDataDeserializer Streaming::DeserializerForTag( Streaming::DeserializerTag aTag) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( aTag > 0 && static_cast(aTag) <= static_cast(sDeserializerCount), "Out-of-range tag value"); return sMarkerTypeFunctions1Based[aTag - 1].mMarkerDataDeserializer; } Streaming::LockedMarkerTypeFunctionsList::LockedMarkerTypeFunctionsList() { for (;;) { const DeserializerTagAtomic count = sDeserializerCount; if ((count & scTagMask) != count) { // Someone already has a lock, loop around. continue; } // There are currently no locks, try to add our exclusive lock. if (!sDeserializerCount.compareExchange(count, count | scExclusiveLock)) { // Someone else modified sDeserializerCount since our read, loop around. continue; } // We applied our exclusive lock, we can now read the list of functions, // without interference until ~LockedMarkerTypeFunctionsList(). // (Note that sDeserializerCount may receive shared lock requests, but the // count won't change.) mMarkerTypeFunctionsSpan = {sMarkerTypeFunctions1Based, count}; break; } } Streaming::LockedMarkerTypeFunctionsList::~LockedMarkerTypeFunctionsList() { MOZ_ASSERT( (sDeserializerCount & scExclusiveLock) == scExclusiveLock, "sDeserializerCount should still have the the exclusive lock bit set"); MOZ_ASSERT( (sDeserializerCount & scTagMask) == DeserializerTagAtomic(mMarkerTypeFunctionsSpan.size()), "sDeserializerCount should have the same count since construction"); sDeserializerCount &= ~scExclusiveLock; } // Only accessed on the main thread. // Both profilers (Base and Gecko) could be active at the same time, so keep a // ref-count to only allocate at most one buffer at any time. static int sBufferForMainThreadAddMarkerRefCount = 0; static ProfileChunkedBuffer* sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker = nullptr; ProfileChunkedBuffer* GetClearedBufferForMainThreadAddMarker() { if (!mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_is_main_thread()) { return nullptr; } if (sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker) { MOZ_ASSERT(sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker->IsInSession(), "sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker should always be in-session"); sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker->Clear(); MOZ_ASSERT( sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker->IsInSession(), "Cleared sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker should still be in-session"); } return sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker; } MFBT_API void EnsureBufferForMainThreadAddMarker() { if (!mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_is_main_thread()) { return; } if (sBufferForMainThreadAddMarkerRefCount++ == 0) { // First `Ensure`, allocate the buffer. MOZ_ASSERT(!sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker); sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker = new ProfileChunkedBuffer( ProfileChunkedBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithoutMutex, MakeUnique( ProfileBufferChunkManager::scExpectedMaximumStackSize)); MOZ_ASSERT(sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker); MOZ_ASSERT(sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker->IsInSession()); } } MFBT_API void ReleaseBufferForMainThreadAddMarker() { if (!mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_is_main_thread()) { return; } if (sBufferForMainThreadAddMarkerRefCount == 0) { // Unexpected Release! This should not normally happen, but it's harmless in // practice, it means the buffer is not alive anyway. return; } MOZ_ASSERT(sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker); MOZ_ASSERT(sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker->IsInSession()); if (--sBufferForMainThreadAddMarkerRefCount == 0) { // Last `Release`, destroy the buffer. delete sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker; sBufferForMainThreadAddMarker = nullptr; } } } // namespace base_profiler_markers_detail void MarkerSchema::Stream(JSONWriter& aWriter, const Span& aName) && { // The caller should have started a JSON array, in which we can add an object // that defines a marker schema. if (mLocations.empty()) { // SpecialFrontendLocation case, don't output anything for this type. return; } aWriter.StartObjectElement(); { aWriter.StringProperty("name", aName); if (!mChartLabel.empty()) { aWriter.StringProperty("chartLabel", mChartLabel); } if (!mTooltipLabel.empty()) { aWriter.StringProperty("tooltipLabel", mTooltipLabel); } if (!mTableLabel.empty()) { aWriter.StringProperty("tableLabel", mTableLabel); } aWriter.StartArrayProperty("display"); { for (Location location : mLocations) { aWriter.StringElement(LocationToStringSpan(location)); } } aWriter.EndArray(); aWriter.StartArrayProperty("data"); { for (const DataRow& row : mData) { aWriter.StartObjectElement(); { row.match( [&aWriter](const DynamicData& aData) { aWriter.StringProperty("key", aData.mKey); if (aData.mLabel) { aWriter.StringProperty("label", *aData.mLabel); } aWriter.StringProperty("format", FormatToStringSpan(aData.mFormat)); if (aData.mSearchable) { aWriter.BoolProperty( "searchable", *aData.mSearchable == Searchable::Searchable); } }, [&aWriter](const StaticData& aStaticData) { aWriter.StringProperty("label", aStaticData.mLabel); aWriter.StringProperty("value", aStaticData.mValue); }); } aWriter.EndObject(); } } aWriter.EndArray(); if (!mGraphs.empty()) { aWriter.StartArrayProperty("graphs"); { for (const GraphData& graph : mGraphs) { aWriter.StartObjectElement(); { aWriter.StringProperty("key", graph.mKey); aWriter.StringProperty("type", GraphTypeToStringSpan(graph.mType)); if (graph.mColor) { aWriter.StringProperty("color", GraphColorToStringSpan(*graph.mColor)); } } aWriter.EndObject(); } } aWriter.EndArray(); } } aWriter.EndObject(); } /* static */ Span MarkerSchema::LocationToStringSpan( MarkerSchema::Location aLocation) { switch (aLocation) { case Location::MarkerChart: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("marker-chart"); case Location::MarkerTable: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("marker-table"); case Location::TimelineOverview: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("timeline-overview"); case Location::TimelineMemory: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("timeline-memory"); case Location::TimelineIPC: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("timeline-ipc"); case Location::TimelineFileIO: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("timeline-fileio"); case Location::StackChart: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("stack-chart"); default: MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected Location enum"); return {}; } } /* static */ Span MarkerSchema::FormatToStringSpan( MarkerSchema::Format aFormat) { switch (aFormat) { case Format::Url: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("url"); case Format::FilePath: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("file-path"); case Format::String: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("string"); case Format::UniqueString: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("unique-string"); case Format::Duration: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("duration"); case Format::Time: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("time"); case Format::Seconds: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("seconds"); case Format::Milliseconds: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("milliseconds"); case Format::Microseconds: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("microseconds"); case Format::Nanoseconds: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("nanoseconds"); case Format::Bytes: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("bytes"); case Format::Percentage: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("percentage"); case Format::Integer: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("integer"); case Format::Decimal: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("decimal"); default: MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected Format enum"); return {}; } } /* static */ Span MarkerSchema::GraphTypeToStringSpan( MarkerSchema::GraphType aType) { switch (aType) { case GraphType::Line: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("line"); case GraphType::Bar: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("bar"); case GraphType::FilledLine: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("line-filled"); default: MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected GraphType enum"); return {}; } } /* static */ Span MarkerSchema::GraphColorToStringSpan( MarkerSchema::GraphColor aColor) { switch (aColor) { case GraphColor::Blue: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("blue"); case GraphColor::Green: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("green"); case GraphColor::Grey: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("grey"); case GraphColor::Ink: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("ink"); case GraphColor::Magenta: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("magenta"); case GraphColor::Orange: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("orange"); case GraphColor::Purple: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("purple"); case GraphColor::Red: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("red"); case GraphColor::Teal: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("teal"); case GraphColor::Yellow: return mozilla::MakeStringSpan("yellow"); default: MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected GraphColor enum"); return {}; } } } // namespace mozilla namespace mozilla::baseprofiler { template MFBT_API ProfileBufferBlockIndex AddMarker(const ProfilerString8View&, const MarkerCategory&, MarkerOptions&&, markers::TextMarker, const std::string&); template MFBT_API ProfileBufferBlockIndex AddMarkerToBuffer(ProfileChunkedBuffer&, const ProfilerString8View&, const MarkerCategory&, MarkerOptions&&, markers::NoPayload); template MFBT_API ProfileBufferBlockIndex AddMarkerToBuffer( ProfileChunkedBuffer&, const ProfilerString8View&, const MarkerCategory&, MarkerOptions&&, markers::TextMarker, const std::string&); } // namespace mozilla::baseprofiler