/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef ProfileChunkedBufferDetail_h #define ProfileChunkedBufferDetail_h #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "mozilla/Likely.h" #include "mozilla/ProfileBufferChunk.h" #include "mozilla/ProfileBufferEntrySerialization.h" namespace mozilla::profiler::detail { // Internal accessor pointing at a position inside a chunk. // It can handle two groups of chunks (typically the extant chunks stored in // the store manager, and the current chunk). // The main operations are: // - ReadEntrySize() to read an entry size, 0 means failure. // - operator+=(Length) to skip a number of bytes. // - EntryReader() creates an entry reader at the current position for a given // size (it may fail with an empty reader), and skips the entry. // Note that there is no "past-the-end" position -- as soon as InChunkPointer // reaches the end, it becomes effectively null. class InChunkPointer { public: using Byte = ProfileBufferChunk::Byte; using Length = ProfileBufferChunk::Length; // Nullptr-like InChunkPointer, may be used as end iterator. InChunkPointer() : mChunk(nullptr), mNextChunkGroup(nullptr), mOffsetInChunk(0) {} // InChunkPointer over one or two chunk groups, pointing at the given // block index (if still in range). // This constructor should only be used with *trusted* block index values! InChunkPointer(const ProfileBufferChunk* aChunk, const ProfileBufferChunk* aNextChunkGroup, ProfileBufferBlockIndex aBlockIndex) : mChunk(aChunk), mNextChunkGroup(aNextChunkGroup) { if (mChunk) { mOffsetInChunk = mChunk->OffsetFirstBlock(); Adjust(); } else if (mNextChunkGroup) { mChunk = mNextChunkGroup; mNextChunkGroup = nullptr; mOffsetInChunk = mChunk->OffsetFirstBlock(); Adjust(); } else { mOffsetInChunk = 0; } // Try to advance to given position. if (!AdvanceToGlobalRangePosition(aBlockIndex)) { // Block does not exist anymore (or block doesn't look valid), reset the // in-chunk pointer. mChunk = nullptr; mNextChunkGroup = nullptr; } } // InChunkPointer over one or two chunk groups, will start at the first // block (if any). This may be slow, so avoid using it too much. InChunkPointer(const ProfileBufferChunk* aChunk, const ProfileBufferChunk* aNextChunkGroup, ProfileBufferIndex aIndex = ProfileBufferIndex(0)) : mChunk(aChunk), mNextChunkGroup(aNextChunkGroup) { if (mChunk) { mOffsetInChunk = mChunk->OffsetFirstBlock(); Adjust(); } else if (mNextChunkGroup) { mChunk = mNextChunkGroup; mNextChunkGroup = nullptr; mOffsetInChunk = mChunk->OffsetFirstBlock(); Adjust(); } else { mOffsetInChunk = 0; } // Try to advance to given position. if (!AdvanceToGlobalRangePosition(aIndex)) { // Block does not exist anymore, reset the in-chunk pointer. mChunk = nullptr; mNextChunkGroup = nullptr; } } // Compute the current position in the global range. // 0 if null (including if we're reached the end). [[nodiscard]] ProfileBufferIndex GlobalRangePosition() const { if (IsNull()) { return 0; } return mChunk->RangeStart() + mOffsetInChunk; } // Move InChunkPointer forward to the block at the given global block // position, which is assumed to be valid exactly -- but it may be obsolete. // 0 stays where it is (if valid already). // MOZ_ASSERTs if the index is invalid. [[nodiscard]] bool AdvanceToGlobalRangePosition( ProfileBufferBlockIndex aBlockIndex) { if (IsNull()) { // Pointer is null already. (Not asserting because it's acceptable.) return false; } if (!aBlockIndex) { // Special null position, just stay where we are. return ShouldPointAtValidBlock(); } if (aBlockIndex.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() < GlobalRangePosition()) { // Past the requested position, stay where we are (assuming the current // position was valid). return ShouldPointAtValidBlock(); } for (;;) { if (aBlockIndex.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() < mChunk->RangeStart() + mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock()) { // Target position is in this chunk's written space, move to it. mOffsetInChunk = aBlockIndex.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() - mChunk->RangeStart(); return ShouldPointAtValidBlock(); } // Position is after this chunk, try next chunk. GoToNextChunk(); if (IsNull()) { return false; } // Skip whatever block tail there is, we don't allow pointing in the // middle of a block. mOffsetInChunk = mChunk->OffsetFirstBlock(); if (aBlockIndex.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() < GlobalRangePosition()) { // Past the requested position, meaning that the given position was in- // between blocks -> Failure. MOZ_ASSERT(false, "AdvanceToGlobalRangePosition - In-between blocks"); return false; } } } // Move InChunkPointer forward to the block at or after the given global // range position. // 0 stays where it is (if valid already). [[nodiscard]] bool AdvanceToGlobalRangePosition( ProfileBufferIndex aPosition) { if (aPosition == 0) { // Special position '0', just stay where we are. // Success if this position is already valid. return !IsNull(); } for (;;) { ProfileBufferIndex currentPosition = GlobalRangePosition(); if (currentPosition == 0) { // Pointer is null. return false; } if (aPosition <= currentPosition) { // At or past the requested position, stay where we are. return true; } if (aPosition < mChunk->RangeStart() + mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock()) { // Target position is in this chunk's written space, move to it. for (;;) { // Skip the current block. mOffsetInChunk += ReadEntrySize(); if (mOffsetInChunk >= mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock()) { // Reached the end of the chunk, this can happen for the last // block, let's just continue to the next chunk. break; } if (aPosition <= mChunk->RangeStart() + mOffsetInChunk) { // We're at or after the position, return at this block position. return true; } } } // Position is after this chunk, try next chunk. GoToNextChunk(); if (IsNull()) { return false; } // Skip whatever block tail there is, we don't allow pointing in the // middle of a block. mOffsetInChunk = mChunk->OffsetFirstBlock(); } } [[nodiscard]] Byte ReadByte() { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsNull()); MOZ_ASSERT(mOffsetInChunk < mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock()); Byte byte = mChunk->ByteAt(mOffsetInChunk); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(++mOffsetInChunk == mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock())) { Adjust(); } return byte; } // Read and skip a ULEB128-encoded size. // 0 means failure (0-byte entries are not allowed.) // Note that this doesn't guarantee that there are actually that many bytes // available to read! (EntryReader() below may gracefully fail.) [[nodiscard]] Length ReadEntrySize() { ULEB128Reader reader; if (IsNull()) { return 0; } for (;;) { const bool isComplete = reader.FeedByteIsComplete(ReadByte()); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(IsNull())) { // End of chunks, so there's no actual entry after this anyway. return 0; } if (MOZ_LIKELY(isComplete)) { if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(reader.Value() > mChunk->BufferBytes())) { // Don't allow entries larger than a chunk. return 0; } return reader.Value(); } } } InChunkPointer& operator+=(Length aLength) { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsNull()); mOffsetInChunk += aLength; Adjust(); return *this; } [[nodiscard]] ProfileBufferEntryReader EntryReader(Length aLength) { if (IsNull() || aLength == 0) { return ProfileBufferEntryReader(); } MOZ_ASSERT(mOffsetInChunk < mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock()); // We should be pointing at the entry, past the entry size. const ProfileBufferIndex entryIndex = GlobalRangePosition(); // Verify that there's enough space before for the size (starting at index // 1 at least). MOZ_ASSERT(entryIndex >= 1u + ULEB128Size(aLength)); const Length remaining = mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock() - mOffsetInChunk; Span mem0 = mChunk->BufferSpan(); mem0 = mem0.From(mOffsetInChunk); if (aLength <= remaining) { // Move to the end of this block, which could make this null if we have // reached the end of all buffers. *this += aLength; return ProfileBufferEntryReader( mem0.To(aLength), // Block starts before the entry size. ProfileBufferBlockIndex::CreateFromProfileBufferIndex( entryIndex - ULEB128Size(aLength)), // Block ends right after the entry (could be null for last entry). ProfileBufferBlockIndex::CreateFromProfileBufferIndex( GlobalRangePosition())); } // We need to go to the next chunk for the 2nd part of this block. GoToNextChunk(); if (IsNull()) { return ProfileBufferEntryReader(); } Span mem1 = mChunk->BufferSpan(); const Length tail = aLength - remaining; MOZ_ASSERT(tail <= mChunk->BufferBytes()); MOZ_ASSERT(tail == mChunk->OffsetFirstBlock()); // We are in the correct chunk, move the offset to the end of the block. mOffsetInChunk = tail; // And adjust as needed, which could make this null if we have reached the // end of all buffers. Adjust(); return ProfileBufferEntryReader( mem0, mem1.To(tail), // Block starts before the entry size. ProfileBufferBlockIndex::CreateFromProfileBufferIndex( entryIndex - ULEB128Size(aLength)), // Block ends right after the entry (could be null for last entry). ProfileBufferBlockIndex::CreateFromProfileBufferIndex( GlobalRangePosition())); } [[nodiscard]] bool IsNull() const { return !mChunk; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const InChunkPointer& aOther) const { if (IsNull() || aOther.IsNull()) { return IsNull() && aOther.IsNull(); } return mChunk == aOther.mChunk && mOffsetInChunk == aOther.mOffsetInChunk; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const InChunkPointer& aOther) const { return !(*this == aOther); } [[nodiscard]] Byte operator*() const { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsNull()); MOZ_ASSERT(mOffsetInChunk < mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock()); return mChunk->ByteAt(mOffsetInChunk); } InChunkPointer& operator++() { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsNull()); MOZ_ASSERT(mOffsetInChunk < mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock()); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(++mOffsetInChunk == mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock())) { mOffsetInChunk = 0; GoToNextChunk(); Adjust(); } return *this; } private: void GoToNextChunk() { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsNull()); const ProfileBufferIndex expectedNextRangeStart = mChunk->RangeStart() + mChunk->BufferBytes(); mChunk = mChunk->GetNext(); if (!mChunk) { // Reached the end of the current chunk group, try the next one (which // may be null too, especially on the 2nd try). mChunk = mNextChunkGroup; mNextChunkGroup = nullptr; } if (mChunk && mChunk->RangeStart() == 0) { // Reached a chunk without a valid (non-null) range start, assume there // are only unused chunks from here on. mChunk = nullptr; } MOZ_ASSERT(!mChunk || mChunk->RangeStart() == expectedNextRangeStart, "We don't handle discontinuous buffers (yet)"); // Non-DEBUG fallback: Stop reading past discontinuities. // (They should be rare, only happening on temporary OOMs.) // TODO: Handle discontinuities (by skipping over incomplete blocks). if (mChunk && mChunk->RangeStart() != expectedNextRangeStart) { mChunk = nullptr; } } // We want `InChunkPointer` to always point at a valid byte (or be null). // After some operations, `mOffsetInChunk` may point past the end of the // current `mChunk`, in which case we need to adjust our position to be inside // the appropriate chunk. E.g., if we're 10 bytes after the end of the current // chunk, we should end up at offset 10 in the next chunk. // Note that we may "fall off" the last chunk and make this `InChunkPointer` // effectively null. void Adjust() { while (mChunk && mOffsetInChunk >= mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock()) { // TODO: Try to adjust offset between chunks relative to mRangeStart // differences. But we don't handle discontinuities yet. if (mOffsetInChunk < mChunk->BufferBytes()) { mOffsetInChunk -= mChunk->BufferBytes(); } else { mOffsetInChunk -= mChunk->OffsetPastLastBlock(); } GoToNextChunk(); } } // Check if the current position is likely to point at a valid block. // (Size should be reasonable, and block should fully fit inside buffer.) // MOZ_ASSERTs on failure, to catch incorrect uses of block indices (which // should only point at valid blocks if still in range). Non-asserting build // fallback should still be handled. [[nodiscard]] bool ShouldPointAtValidBlock() const { if (IsNull()) { // Pointer is null, no blocks here. MOZ_ASSERT(false, "ShouldPointAtValidBlock - null pointer"); return false; } // Use a copy, so we don't modify `*this`. InChunkPointer pointer = *this; // Try to read the entry size. Length entrySize = pointer.ReadEntrySize(); if (entrySize == 0) { // Entry size of zero means we read 0 or a way-too-big value. MOZ_ASSERT(false, "ShouldPointAtValidBlock - invalid size"); return false; } // See if the last byte of the entry is still inside the buffer. pointer += entrySize - 1; MOZ_ASSERT(!pointer.IsNull(), "ShouldPointAtValidBlock - past end of buffer"); return !pointer.IsNull(); } const ProfileBufferChunk* mChunk; const ProfileBufferChunk* mNextChunkGroup; Length mOffsetInChunk; }; } // namespace mozilla::profiler::detail #endif // ProfileChunkedBufferDetail_h