/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * Imported from: * https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/master/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/Decimal.h * Check UPSTREAM-GIT-SHA for the commit ID of the last update from Blink core. */ #ifndef Decimal_h #define Decimal_h #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include #include "mozilla/Types.h" #include #ifndef ASSERT #define DEFINED_ASSERT_FOR_DECIMAL_H 1 #define ASSERT MOZ_ASSERT #endif #define PLATFORM_EXPORT // To use USING_FAST_MALLOC we'd need: // https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/master/third_party/WebKit/Source/wtf/Allocator.h // Since we don't allocate Decimal objects, no need. #define USING_FAST_MALLOC(type) \ void ignore_this_dummy_method() = delete #define DISALLOW_NEW() \ private: \ void* operator new(size_t) = delete; \ void* operator new(size_t, void*) = delete; \ public: namespace blink { namespace DecimalPrivate { constexpr int ExponentMax = 1023; constexpr int ExponentMin = -1023; constexpr int Precision = 18; static const uint64_t MaxCoefficient = UINT64_C(0xDE0B6B3A763FFFF); // 999999999999999999 == 18 9's class SpecialValueHandler; } struct DecimalLiteral { int32_t value; friend constexpr DecimalLiteral operator*(int32_t lhs, DecimalLiteral rhs) { return {lhs * rhs.value}; } constexpr DecimalLiteral operator-() { return {-value}; } }; constexpr DecimalLiteral operator""_d(unsigned long long value) { return {static_cast(value)}; } // This class represents decimal base floating point number. // // FIXME: Once all C++ compiler support decimal type, we should replace this // class to compiler supported one. See below URI for current status of decimal // type for C++: // http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2006/n1977.html class PLATFORM_EXPORT Decimal { USING_FAST_MALLOC(Decimal); public: enum Sign { Positive, Negative, }; // You should not use EncodedData other than unit testing. class EncodedData { DISALLOW_NEW(); // For accessing FormatClass. friend class Decimal; friend class DecimalPrivate::SpecialValueHandler; public: constexpr EncodedData(Sign sign, int exponent, uint64_t coefficient) : m_coefficient(0), m_exponent(0), m_formatClass(coefficient ? ClassNormal : ClassZero), m_sign(sign) { if (exponent >= DecimalPrivate::ExponentMin && exponent <= DecimalPrivate::ExponentMax) { while (coefficient > DecimalPrivate::MaxCoefficient) { coefficient /= 10; ++exponent; } } if (exponent > DecimalPrivate::ExponentMax) { m_formatClass = ClassInfinity; return; } if (exponent < DecimalPrivate::ExponentMin) { m_formatClass = ClassZero; return; } m_coefficient = coefficient; m_exponent = static_cast(exponent); } bool operator==(const EncodedData&) const; bool operator!=(const EncodedData& another) const { return !operator==(another); } uint64_t coefficient() const { return m_coefficient; } int countDigits() const; int exponent() const { return m_exponent; } bool isFinite() const { return !isSpecial(); } bool isInfinity() const { return m_formatClass == ClassInfinity; } bool isNaN() const { return m_formatClass == ClassNaN; } bool isSpecial() const { return m_formatClass == ClassInfinity || m_formatClass == ClassNaN; } bool isZero() const { return m_formatClass == ClassZero; } Sign sign() const { return m_sign; } void setSign(Sign sign) { m_sign = sign; } private: enum FormatClass { ClassInfinity, ClassNormal, ClassNaN, ClassZero, }; constexpr EncodedData(Sign sign, FormatClass formatClass) : m_coefficient(0), m_exponent(0), m_formatClass(formatClass), m_sign(sign) {} FormatClass formatClass() const { return m_formatClass; } uint64_t m_coefficient; int16_t m_exponent; FormatClass m_formatClass; Sign m_sign; }; constexpr explicit Decimal(DecimalLiteral i32) : m_data(i32.value < 0 ? Negative : Positive, 0, i32.value < 0 ? static_cast(-static_cast(i32.value)) : static_cast(i32.value)) {} MFBT_API explicit Decimal(int32_t i32 = 0); MFBT_API Decimal(Sign sign, int exponent, uint64_t coefficient); MFBT_API Decimal(const Decimal&); MFBT_API Decimal& operator=(const Decimal&); MFBT_API Decimal& operator+=(const Decimal&); MFBT_API Decimal& operator-=(const Decimal&); MFBT_API Decimal& operator*=(const Decimal&); MFBT_API Decimal& operator/=(const Decimal&); MFBT_API Decimal operator-() const; MFBT_API bool operator==(const Decimal&) const; MFBT_API bool operator!=(const Decimal&) const; MFBT_API bool operator<(const Decimal&) const; MFBT_API bool operator<=(const Decimal&) const; MFBT_API bool operator>(const Decimal&) const; MFBT_API bool operator>=(const Decimal&) const; MFBT_API Decimal operator+(const Decimal&) const; MFBT_API Decimal operator-(const Decimal&) const; MFBT_API Decimal operator*(const Decimal&) const; MFBT_API Decimal operator/(const Decimal&) const; int exponent() const { ASSERT(isFinite()); return m_data.exponent(); } bool isFinite() const { return m_data.isFinite(); } bool isInfinity() const { return m_data.isInfinity(); } bool isNaN() const { return m_data.isNaN(); } bool isNegative() const { return sign() == Negative; } bool isPositive() const { return sign() == Positive; } bool isSpecial() const { return m_data.isSpecial(); } bool isZero() const { return m_data.isZero(); } MFBT_API Decimal abs() const; MFBT_API Decimal ceil() const; MFBT_API Decimal floor() const; MFBT_API Decimal remainder(const Decimal&) const; MFBT_API Decimal round() const; MFBT_API double toDouble() const; // Note: toString method supports infinity and nan but fromString not. MFBT_API std::string toString() const; MFBT_API bool toString(char* strBuf, size_t bufLength) const; static MFBT_API Decimal fromDouble(double); // fromString supports following syntax EBNF: // number ::= sign? digit+ ('.' digit*) (exponent-marker sign? digit+)? // | sign? '.' digit+ (exponent-marker sign? digit+)? // sign ::= '+' | '-' // exponent-marker ::= 'e' | 'E' // digit ::= '0' | '1' | ... | '9' // Note: fromString doesn't support "infinity" and "nan". static MFBT_API Decimal fromString(const std::string& aValue); static MFBT_API Decimal infinity(Sign); static MFBT_API Decimal nan(); static MFBT_API Decimal zero(Sign); // You should not use below methods. We expose them for unit testing. MFBT_API explicit Decimal(const EncodedData&); const EncodedData& value() const { return m_data; } private: struct AlignedOperands { uint64_t lhsCoefficient; uint64_t rhsCoefficient; int exponent; }; MFBT_API explicit Decimal(double); MFBT_API Decimal compareTo(const Decimal&) const; static MFBT_API AlignedOperands alignOperands(const Decimal& lhs, const Decimal& rhs); static inline Sign invertSign(Sign sign) { return sign == Negative ? Positive : Negative; } Sign sign() const { return m_data.sign(); } EncodedData m_data; }; } // namespace blink namespace mozilla { typedef blink::Decimal Decimal; using blink::operator""_d; } // namespace mozilla #undef USING_FAST_MALLOC #ifdef DEFINED_ASSERT_FOR_DECIMAL_H #undef DEFINED_ASSERT_FOR_DECIMAL_H #undef ASSERT #endif #endif // Decimal_h