/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef mozilla_LoadInfo_h
#define mozilla_LoadInfo_h

#include "nsIContentSecurityPolicy.h"
#include "nsIInterceptionInfo.h"
#include "nsILoadInfo.h"
#include "nsIPrincipal.h"
#include "nsIWeakReferenceUtils.h"  // for nsWeakPtr
#include "nsIURI.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"

#include "mozilla/BasePrincipal.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ClientInfo.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ServiceWorkerDescriptor.h"

class nsDocShell;
class nsICookieJarSettings;
class nsINode;
class nsPIDOMWindowOuter;

namespace mozilla {

namespace dom {
class PerformanceStorage;
class XMLHttpRequestMainThread;
class CanonicalBrowsingContext;
class WindowGlobalParent;
}  // namespace dom

namespace net {
class EarlyHintPreloader;
class LoadInfoArgs;
class LoadInfo;
}  // namespace net

namespace ipc {
// we have to forward declare that function so we can use it as a friend.
nsresult LoadInfoArgsToLoadInfo(const mozilla::net::LoadInfoArgs& aLoadInfoArgs,
                                const nsACString& aOriginRemoteType,
                                nsINode* aCspToInheritLoadingContext,
                                net::LoadInfo** outLoadInfo);
}  // namespace ipc

namespace net {

using RedirectHistoryArray = nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIRedirectHistoryEntry>>;

 * Class that provides an nsILoadInfo implementation.
class LoadInfo final : public nsILoadInfo {
  template <typename T, typename... Args>
  friend already_AddRefed<T> mozilla::MakeAndAddRef(Args&&... aArgs);


  // Used for TYPE_DOCUMENT load.
  static already_AddRefed<LoadInfo> CreateForDocument(
      dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext, nsIURI* aURI,
      nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
      const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType,
      const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes, nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags,
      uint32_t aSandboxFlags);

  // Used for TYPE_FRAME or TYPE_IFRAME load.
  static already_AddRefed<LoadInfo> CreateForFrame(
      dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext,
      nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
      const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType, nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags,
      uint32_t aSandboxFlags);

  static already_AddRefed<LoadInfo> CreateForNonDocument(
      dom::WindowGlobalParent* aParentWGP, nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
      nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType, nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags,
      uint32_t aSandboxFlags);

  // aLoadingPrincipal MUST NOT BE NULL.
  LoadInfo(nsIPrincipal* aLoadingPrincipal, nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
           nsINode* aLoadingContext, nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags,
           nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType,
           const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo>& aLoadingClientInfo =
           const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerDescriptor>& aController =
           uint32_t aSandboxFlags = 0,
           bool aSkipCheckForBrokenURLOrZeroSized = 0);

  // Constructor used for TYPE_DOCUMENT loads which have a different
  // loadingContext than other loads. This ContextForTopLevelLoad is
  // only used for content policy checks.
  LoadInfo(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aOuterWindow, nsIURI* aURI,
           nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
           nsISupports* aContextForTopLevelLoad, nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags,
           uint32_t aSandboxFlags);

  // Use factory function CreateForDocument
  // Used for TYPE_DOCUMENT load.
  LoadInfo(dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext, nsIURI* aURI,
           nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
           const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType,
           const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
           nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags, uint32_t aSandboxFlags);

  // Use factory function CreateForFrame
  // Used for TYPE_FRAME or TYPE_IFRAME load.
  LoadInfo(dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext,
           nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
           const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType,
           nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags, uint32_t aSandboxFlags);

  // Used for loads initiated by DocumentLoadListener that are not TYPE_DOCUMENT
  LoadInfo(dom::WindowGlobalParent* aParentWGP,
           nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
           const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType,
           nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType,
           nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags, uint32_t aSandboxFlags);

  // Compute a list of ancestor principals and BrowsingContext IDs.
  // See methods AncestorPrincipals and AncestorBrowsingContextIDs
  // in nsILoadInfo.idl for details.
  static void ComputeAncestors(
      dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* aBC,
      nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>>& aAncestorPrincipals,
      nsTArray<uint64_t>& aBrowsingContextIDs);

  // create an exact copy of the loadinfo
  already_AddRefed<nsILoadInfo> Clone() const;

  // hands off!!! don't use CloneWithNewSecFlags unless you know
  // exactly what you are doing - it should only be used within
  // nsBaseChannel::Redirect()
  already_AddRefed<nsILoadInfo> CloneWithNewSecFlags(
      nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags) const;
  // creates a copy of the loadinfo which is appropriate to use for a
  // separate request. I.e. not for a redirect or an inner channel, but
  // when a separate request is made with the same security properties.
  already_AddRefed<nsILoadInfo> CloneForNewRequest() const;

  // The `nsContentPolicyType GetExternalContentPolicyType()` version in the
  // base class is hidden by the implementation of
  // `GetExternalContentPolicyType(nsContentPolicyType* aResult)` in
  // LoadInfo.cpp. Explicit mark it visible.
  using nsILoadInfo::GetExternalContentPolicyType;

  void SetIsPreflight();
  void SetUpgradeInsecureRequests(bool aValue);
  void SetBrowserUpgradeInsecureRequests();
  void SetBrowserWouldUpgradeInsecureRequests();
  void SetIsFromProcessingFrameAttributes();

  // Hands off from the cspToInherit functionality!
  // For navigations, GetCSPToInherit returns what the spec calls the
  // "request's client's global object's CSP list", or more precisely
  // a snapshot of it taken when the navigation starts.  For navigations
  // that need to inherit their CSP, this is the right CSP to use for
  // the new document.  We need a way to transfer the CSP from the
  // docshell (where the navigation starts) to the point where the new
  // document is created and decides whether to inherit its CSP, and
  // this is the mechanism we use for that.
  // For example:
  // A document with a CSP triggers a new top-level data: URI load.
  // We pass the CSP of the document that triggered the load all the
  // way to docshell. Within docshell we call SetCSPToInherit() on the
  // loadinfo. Within Document::InitCSP() we check if the newly created
  // document needs to inherit the CSP. If so, we call GetCSPToInherit()
  // and set the inherited CSP as the CSP for the new document. Please
  // note that any additonal Meta CSP in that document will be merged
  // into that CSP. Any subresource loads within that document
  // subesquently will receive the correct CSP by querying
  // loadinfo->GetCsp() from that point on.
  void SetCSPToInherit(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aCspToInherit) {
    mCspToInherit = aCspToInherit;

  bool HasIsThirdPartyContextToTopWindowSet() {
    return mIsThirdPartyContextToTopWindow.isSome();
  void ClearIsThirdPartyContextToTopWindow() {

#ifdef DEBUG
  void MarkOverriddenFingerprintingSettingsAsSet() {
    mOverriddenFingerprintingSettingsIsSet = true;

  // private constructor that is only allowed to be called from within
  // HttpChannelParent and FTPChannelParent declared as friends undeneath.
  // In e10s we can not serialize nsINode, hence we store the innerWindowID.
  // Please note that aRedirectChain uses swapElements.
      nsIPrincipal* aLoadingPrincipal, nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
      nsIPrincipal* aPrincipalToInherit, nsIPrincipal* aTopLevelPrincipal,
      nsIURI* aResultPrincipalURI, nsICookieJarSettings* aCookieJarSettings,
      nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aCspToInherit,
      const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType,
      const nsID& aSandboxedNullPrincipalID,
      const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo>& aClientInfo,
      const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo>& aReservedClientInfo,
      const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo>& aInitialClientInfo,
      const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerDescriptor>& aController,
      nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags, uint32_t aSandboxFlags,
      uint32_t aTriggeringSandboxFlags, uint64_t aTriggeringWindowId,
      bool aTriggeringStorageAccess, nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType,
      LoadTainting aTainting, bool aBlockAllMixedContent,
      bool aUpgradeInsecureRequests, bool aBrowserUpgradeInsecureRequests,
      bool aBrowserDidUpgradeInsecureRequests,
      bool aBrowserWouldUpgradeInsecureRequests, bool aForceAllowDataURI,
      bool aAllowInsecureRedirectToDataURI,
      bool aSkipContentPolicyCheckForWebRequest, bool aOriginalFrameSrcLoad,
      bool aForceInheritPrincipalDropped, uint64_t aInnerWindowID,
      uint64_t aBrowsingContextID, uint64_t aFrameBrowsingContextID,
      bool aInitialSecurityCheckDone, bool aIsThirdPartyContext,
      const Maybe<bool>& aIsThirdPartyContextToTopWindow,
      bool aIsFormSubmission, bool aSendCSPViolationEvents,
      const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
      RedirectHistoryArray&& aRedirectChainIncludingInternalRedirects,
      RedirectHistoryArray&& aRedirectChain,
      nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>>&& aAncestorPrincipals,
      const nsTArray<uint64_t>& aAncestorBrowsingContextIDs,
      const nsTArray<nsCString>& aCorsUnsafeHeaders, bool aForcePreflight,
      bool aIsPreflight, bool aLoadTriggeredFromExternal,
      bool aServiceWorkerTaintingSynthesized, bool aDocumentHasUserInteracted,
      bool aAllowListFutureDocumentsCreatedFromThisRedirectChain,
      bool aNeedForCheckingAntiTrackingHeuristic, const nsAString& aCspNonce,
      const nsAString& aIntegrityMetadata, bool aSkipContentSniffing,
      uint32_t aHttpsOnlyStatus, bool aHstsStatus,
      bool aHasValidUserGestureActivation, bool aAllowDeprecatedSystemRequests,
      bool aIsInDevToolsContext, bool aParserCreatedScript,
      nsILoadInfo::StoragePermissionState aStoragePermission,
      const Maybe<RFPTarget>& aOverriddenFingerprintingSettings,
      bool aIsMetaRefresh, uint32_t aRequestBlockingReason,
      nsINode* aLoadingContext,
      nsILoadInfo::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy aLoadingEmbedderPolicy,
      bool aIsOriginTrialCoepCredentiallessEnabledForTopLevel,
      nsIURI* aUnstrippedURI, nsIInterceptionInfo* aInterceptionInfo,
      bool aHasInjectedCookieForCookieBannerHandling, bool aWasSchemelessInput);
  LoadInfo(const LoadInfo& rhs);

  NS_IMETHOD GetRedirects(JSContext* aCx,
                          JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRedirects,
                          const RedirectHistoryArray& aArra);

  friend nsresult mozilla::ipc::LoadInfoArgsToLoadInfo(
      const mozilla::net::LoadInfoArgs& aLoadInfoArgs,
      const nsACString& aOriginRemoteType, nsINode* aCspToInheritLoadingContext,
      net::LoadInfo** outLoadInfo);


  void ComputeIsThirdPartyContext(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aOuterWindow);
  void ComputeIsThirdPartyContext(dom::WindowGlobalParent* aGlobal);

  // This function is the *only* function which can change the securityflags
  // of a loadinfo. It only exists because of the XHR code. Don't call it
  // from anywhere else!
  void SetIncludeCookiesSecFlag();
  friend class mozilla::dom::XMLHttpRequestMainThread;

  // nsDocShell::OpenInitializedChannel and EarlyHintPreloader::OpenChannel
  // needs to update the loadInfo with the correct browsingContext.
  friend class ::nsDocShell;
  friend class mozilla::net::EarlyHintPreloader;
  void UpdateBrowsingContextID(uint64_t aBrowsingContextID) {
    mBrowsingContextID = aBrowsingContextID;
  void UpdateFrameBrowsingContextID(uint64_t aFrameBrowsingContextID) {
    mFrameBrowsingContextID = aFrameBrowsingContextID;
  MOZ_NEVER_INLINE void ReleaseMembers();

  // if you add a member, please also update the copy constructor and consider
  // if it should be merged from parent channel through
  // ParentLoadInfoForwarderArgs.
  nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mLoadingPrincipal;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mTriggeringPrincipal;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mPrincipalToInherit;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mTopLevelPrincipal;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mResultPrincipalURI;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mChannelCreationOriginalURI;
  nsCOMPtr<nsICSPEventListener> mCSPEventListener;
  nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> mCookieJarSettings;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIContentSecurityPolicy> mCspToInherit;
  nsCString mTriggeringRemoteType;
  nsID mSandboxedNullPrincipalID;

  Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo> mClientInfo;
  UniquePtr<mozilla::dom::ClientSource> mReservedClientSource;
  Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo> mReservedClientInfo;
  Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo> mInitialClientInfo;
  Maybe<mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerDescriptor> mController;
  RefPtr<mozilla::dom::PerformanceStorage> mPerformanceStorage;

  nsWeakPtr mLoadingContext;
  nsWeakPtr mContextForTopLevelLoad;
  nsSecurityFlags mSecurityFlags;
  uint32_t mSandboxFlags;
  uint32_t mTriggeringSandboxFlags = 0;
  uint64_t mTriggeringWindowId = 0;
  bool mTriggeringStorageAccess = false;
  nsContentPolicyType mInternalContentPolicyType;
  LoadTainting mTainting = LoadTainting::Basic;
  bool mBlockAllMixedContent = false;
  bool mUpgradeInsecureRequests = false;
  bool mBrowserUpgradeInsecureRequests = false;
  bool mBrowserDidUpgradeInsecureRequests = false;
  bool mBrowserWouldUpgradeInsecureRequests = false;
  bool mForceAllowDataURI = false;
  bool mAllowInsecureRedirectToDataURI = false;
  bool mSkipContentPolicyCheckForWebRequest = false;
  bool mOriginalFrameSrcLoad = false;
  bool mForceInheritPrincipalDropped = false;
  uint64_t mInnerWindowID = 0;
  uint64_t mBrowsingContextID = 0;
  uint64_t mWorkerAssociatedBrowsingContextID = 0;
  uint64_t mFrameBrowsingContextID = 0;
  bool mInitialSecurityCheckDone = false;
  // NB: TYPE_DOCUMENT implies !third-party.
  bool mIsThirdPartyContext = false;
  Maybe<bool> mIsThirdPartyContextToTopWindow;
  bool mIsFormSubmission = false;
  bool mSendCSPViolationEvents = true;
  OriginAttributes mOriginAttributes;
  RedirectHistoryArray mRedirectChainIncludingInternalRedirects;
  RedirectHistoryArray mRedirectChain;
  nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>> mAncestorPrincipals;
  nsTArray<uint64_t> mAncestorBrowsingContextIDs;
  nsTArray<nsCString> mCorsUnsafeHeaders;
  uint32_t mRequestBlockingReason = BLOCKING_REASON_NONE;
  bool mForcePreflight = false;
  bool mIsPreflight = false;
  bool mLoadTriggeredFromExternal = false;
  bool mServiceWorkerTaintingSynthesized = false;
  bool mDocumentHasUserInteracted = false;
  bool mAllowListFutureDocumentsCreatedFromThisRedirectChain = false;
  bool mNeedForCheckingAntiTrackingHeuristic = false;
  nsString mCspNonce;
  nsString mIntegrityMetadata;
  bool mSkipContentSniffing = false;
  uint32_t mHttpsOnlyStatus = nsILoadInfo::HTTPS_ONLY_UNINITIALIZED;
  bool mHstsStatus = false;
  bool mHasValidUserGestureActivation = false;
  bool mAllowDeprecatedSystemRequests = false;
  bool mIsUserTriggeredSave = false;
  bool mIsInDevToolsContext = false;
  bool mParserCreatedScript = false;
  nsILoadInfo::StoragePermissionState mStoragePermission =
  Maybe<RFPTarget> mOverriddenFingerprintingSettings;
#ifdef DEBUG
  // A boolean used to ensure the mOverriddenFingerprintingSettings is set
  // before use it.
  bool mOverriddenFingerprintingSettingsIsSet = false;
  bool mIsMetaRefresh = false;

  // Is true if this load was triggered by processing the attributes of the
  // browsing context container.
  // See nsILoadInfo.isFromProcessingFrameAttributes
  bool mIsFromProcessingFrameAttributes = false;

  // See nsILoadInfo.isMediaRequest and nsILoadInfo.isMediaInitialRequest.
  bool mIsMediaRequest = false;
  bool mIsMediaInitialRequest = false;

  // See nsILoadInfo.isFromObjectOrEmbed
  bool mIsFromObjectOrEmbed = false;

  bool mSkipCheckForBrokenURLOrZeroSized = false;

  // The cross origin embedder policy that the loading need to respect.
  // If the value is nsILoadInfo::EMBEDDER_POLICY_REQUIRE_CORP, CORP checking
  // must be performed for the loading.
  // See https://wicg.github.io/cross-origin-embedder-policy/#corp-check.
  nsILoadInfo::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy mLoadingEmbedderPolicy =

  bool mIsOriginTrialCoepCredentiallessEnabledForTopLevel = false;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mUnstrippedURI;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIInterceptionInfo> mInterceptionInfo;

  bool mHasInjectedCookieForCookieBannerHandling = false;
  bool mWasSchemelessInput = false;

// This is exposed solely for testing purposes and should not be used outside of
// LoadInfo
already_AddRefed<nsIPrincipal> CreateTruncatedPrincipal(nsIPrincipal*);

}  // namespace net
}  // namespace mozilla

#endif  // mozilla_LoadInfo_h