"use strict"; add_task(async () => { const HOST = "www.bbc.co.uk"; Assert.equal( Services.eTLD.getBaseDomainFromHost(HOST), "bbc.co.uk", "Sanity check: HOST is an eTLD + 1 with subdomain" ); const tests = [ { // Correct baseDomain: eTLD + 1. baseDomain: "bbc.co.uk", name: "originally_bbc_co_uk", }, { // Incorrect baseDomain: Part of public suffix list. baseDomain: "uk", name: "originally_uk", }, { // Incorrect baseDomain: Part of public suffix list. baseDomain: "co.uk", name: "originally_co_uk", }, { // Incorrect baseDomain: eTLD + 2. baseDomain: "www.bbc.co.uk", name: "originally_www_bbc_co_uk", }, ]; do_get_profile(); let dbFile = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile); dbFile.append("cookies.sqlite"); let conn = Services.storage.openDatabase(dbFile); conn.schemaVersion = 10; conn.executeSimpleSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS moz_cookies"); conn.executeSimpleSQL( "CREATE TABLE moz_cookies (" + "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + "baseDomain TEXT, " + "originAttributes TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', " + "name TEXT, " + "value TEXT, " + "host TEXT, " + "path TEXT, " + "expiry INTEGER, " + "lastAccessed INTEGER, " + "creationTime INTEGER, " + "isSecure INTEGER, " + "isHttpOnly INTEGER, " + "inBrowserElement INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + "sameSite INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + "rawSameSite INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + "CONSTRAINT moz_uniqueid UNIQUE (name, host, path, originAttributes)" + ")" ); function addCookie(baseDomain, host, name) { conn.executeSimpleSQL( "INSERT INTO moz_cookies(" + "baseDomain, host, name, value, path, expiry, " + "lastAccessed, creationTime, isSecure, isHttpOnly) VALUES (" + `'${baseDomain}', '${host}', '${name}', 'thevalue', '/', ` + (Date.now() + 3600000) + "," + Date.now() + "," + Date.now() + ", 1, 1)" ); } // Prepare the database. for (let { baseDomain, name } of tests) { addCookie(baseDomain, HOST, name); } // Domain cookies are not supported for IP addresses. addCookie("", ".", "invalid_host"); conn.close(); let cs = Services.cookies; // Count excludes the invalid_host cookie. Assert.equal(cs.cookies.length, tests.length, "Expected number of cookies"); // Check whether the database has the expected value, // despite the incorrect baseDomain. for (let { name } of tests) { Assert.ok( cs.cookieExists(HOST, "/", name, {}), "Should find cookie with name: " + name ); } Assert.equal( cs.cookieExists("", "/", "invalid_host", {}), false, "Should ignore database row with invalid host name" ); });