/* * Redirect handler specifically for the needs of: * Bug 1194052 - Append Principal to RedirectChain within LoadInfo before the channel is succesfully openend */ function createIframeContent(aQuery) { var content = ` Bug 1194052 - LoadInfo redirect chain subtest `; return content; } function handleRequest(request, response) { response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache", false); var queryString = request.queryString; if ( queryString == "iframe-redir-https-2" || queryString == "iframe-redir-err-2" ) { var query = queryString.replace("iframe-", ""); // send upgrade-insecure-requests CSP header response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html", false); response.setHeader( "Content-Security-Policy", "upgrade-insecure-requests", false ); response.write(createIframeContent(query)); return; } // at the end of the redirectchain we return some text // for sanity checking if (queryString == "redir-0" || queryString == "redir-https-0") { response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html", false); response.write("checking redirectchain"); return; } // special case redir-err-1 and return an error to trigger the fallback if (queryString == "redir-err-1") { response.setStatusLine("1.1", 404, "Bad request"); return; } // must be a redirect var newLocation = ""; switch (queryString) { case "redir-err-2": newLocation = "http://example.com/tests/netwerk/test/mochitests/file_loadinfo_redirectchain.sjs?redir-err-1"; break; case "redir-https-2": newLocation = "http://example.com/tests/netwerk/test/mochitests/file_loadinfo_redirectchain.sjs?redir-https-1"; break; case "redir-https-1": newLocation = "http://example.com/tests/netwerk/test/mochitests/file_loadinfo_redirectchain.sjs?redir-https-0"; break; case "redir-2": newLocation = "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/netwerk/test/mochitests/file_loadinfo_redirectchain.sjs?redir-1"; break; case "redir-1": newLocation = "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/netwerk/test/mochitests/file_loadinfo_redirectchain.sjs?redir-0"; break; } response.setStatusLine("1.1", 302, "Found"); response.setHeader("Location", newLocation, false); }