/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* Debug and Error wrapper functions for dump(). */ function ERR(response, responseCode, responseCodeStr, msg) { // Reset state var. setState("expectedRequestType", ""); // Dump to console log and send to client in response. dump("SERVER ERROR: " + msg + "\n"); response.write("HTTP/1.1 " + responseCode + " " + responseCodeStr + "\r\n"); response.write("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n"); response.write("Content-Length: " + msg.length + "\r\n"); response.write("\r\n"); response.write(msg); } function DBG(msg) { // Dump to console only. dump("SERVER DEBUG: " + msg + "\n"); } /* Delivers content in parts to test partially cached content: requires two * requests for the same resource. * * First call will respond with partial content, but a 200 header and * Content-Length equal to the full content length. No Range or If-Range * headers are allowed in the request. * * Second call will require Range and If-Range in the request headers, and * will respond with the range requested. */ function handleRequest(request, response) { DBG("Trying to seize power"); response.seizePower(); DBG("About to check state vars"); // Get state var to determine if this is the first or second request. var expectedRequestType; var lastModified; if (getState("expectedRequestType") === "") { DBG("First call: Should be requesting full content."); expectedRequestType = "fullRequest"; // Set state var for second request. setState("expectedRequestType", "partialRequest"); // Create lastModified variable for responses. lastModified = new Date().toUTCString(); setState("lastModified", lastModified); } else if (getState("expectedRequestType") === "partialRequest") { DBG("Second call: Should be requesting undelivered content."); expectedRequestType = "partialRequest"; // Reset state var for first request. setState("expectedRequestType", ""); // Get last modified date and reset state var. lastModified = getState("lastModified"); } else { ERR( response, 500, "Internal Server Error", 'Invalid expectedRequestType "' + expectedRequestType + '"in ' + "server state db." ); return; } // Look for Range and If-Range var range = request.hasHeader("Range") ? request.getHeader("Range") : ""; var ifRange = request.hasHeader("If-Range") ? request.getHeader("If-Range") : ""; if (expectedRequestType === "fullRequest") { // Should not have Range or If-Range in first request. if (range && range.length) { ERR( response, 400, "Bad Request", 'Should not receive "Range: ' + range + '" for first, full request.' ); return; } if (ifRange && ifRange.length) { ERR( response, 400, "Bad Request", 'Should not receive "Range: ' + range + '" for first, full request.' ); return; } } else if (expectedRequestType === "partialRequest") { // Range AND If-Range should both be present in second request. if (!range) { ERR( response, 400, "Bad Request", 'Should receive "Range: " for second, partial request.' ); return; } if (!ifRange) { ERR( response, 400, "Bad Request", 'Should receive "If-Range: " for second, partial request.' ); return; } } else { // Somewhat redundant, but a check for errors in this test code. ERR( response, 500, "Internal Server Error", 'expectedRequestType not set correctly: "' + expectedRequestType + '"' ); return; } // Prepare content in two parts for responses. var partialContent = '

First response

'; var remainderContent = '

Second response

'; var totalLength = partialContent.length + remainderContent.length; DBG("totalLength: " + totalLength); // Prepare common headers for the two responses. let date = new Date(); DBG("Date: " + date.toUTCString() + ", Last-Modified: " + lastModified); var commonHeaders = "Date: " + date.toUTCString() + "\r\n" + "Last-Modified: " + lastModified + "\r\n" + "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" + "ETag: abcd0123\r\n" + "Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n"; // Prepare specific headers and content for first and second responses. if (expectedRequestType === "fullRequest") { DBG("First response: Sending partial content with a full header"); response.write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"); response.write(commonHeaders); // Set Content-Length to full length of resource. response.write("Content-Length: " + totalLength + "\r\n"); response.write("\r\n"); response.write(partialContent); } else if (expectedRequestType === "partialRequest") { DBG("Second response: Sending remaining content with a range header"); response.write("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content\r\n"); response.write(commonHeaders); // Set Content-Length to length of bytes transmitted. response.write("Content-Length: " + remainderContent.length + "\r\n"); response.write( "Content-Range: bytes " + partialContent.length + "-" + (totalLength - 1) + "/" + totalLength + "\r\n" ); response.write("\r\n"); response.write(remainderContent); } else { // Somewhat redundant, but a check for errors in this test code. ERR( response, 500, "Internal Server Error", "Something very bad happened here: expectedRequestType is invalid " + 'towards the end of handleRequest! - "' + expectedRequestType + '"' ); return; } response.finish(); }