/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; var tests = [ { data: "", chunks: [], status: Cr.NS_OK, consume: [], dataChunks: [""] }, { data: "TWO-PARTS", chunks: [4, 5], status: Cr.NS_OK, consume: [4, 5], dataChunks: ["TWO-", "PARTS", ""], }, { data: "TWO-PARTS", chunks: [4, 5], status: Cr.NS_OK, consume: [0, 0], dataChunks: ["TWO-", "TWO-PARTS", "TWO-PARTS"], }, { data: "3-PARTS", chunks: [1, 1, 5], status: Cr.NS_OK, consume: [0, 2, 5], dataChunks: ["3", "3-", "PARTS", ""], }, { data: "ALL-AT-ONCE", chunks: [11], status: Cr.NS_OK, consume: [0], dataChunks: ["ALL-AT-ONCE", "ALL-AT-ONCE"], }, { data: "ALL-AT-ONCE", chunks: [11], status: Cr.NS_OK, consume: [11], dataChunks: ["ALL-AT-ONCE", ""], }, { data: "ERROR", chunks: [1], status: Cr.NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, consume: [0], dataChunks: ["E", "E"], }, ]; /** * @typedef TestData * @property {string} data - data for the test. * @property {Array} chunks - lengths of the chunks that are incrementally sent * to the loader. * @property {number} status - final status sent on onStopRequest. * @property {Array} consume - lengths of consumed data that is reported at * the onIncrementalData callback. * @property {Array} dataChunks - data chunks that are reported at the * onIncrementalData and onStreamComplete callbacks. */ function execute_test(test) { let stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIStringInputStream ); stream.data = test.data; let channel = { contentLength: -1, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIChannel"]), }; let chunkIndex = 0; let observer = { onStreamComplete(loader, context, status, length, data) { equal(chunkIndex, test.dataChunks.length - 1); var expectedChunk = test.dataChunks[chunkIndex]; equal(length, expectedChunk.length); equal(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data), expectedChunk); equal(status, test.status); }, onIncrementalData(loader, context, length, data, consumed) { Assert.less(chunkIndex, test.dataChunks.length - 1); var expectedChunk = test.dataChunks[chunkIndex]; equal(length, expectedChunk.length); equal(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data), expectedChunk); consumed.value = test.consume[chunkIndex]; chunkIndex++; }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIIncrementalStreamLoaderObserver", ]), }; let listener = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/incremental-stream-loader;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIIncrementalStreamLoader); listener.init(observer); listener.onStartRequest(channel); var offset = 0; test.chunks.forEach(function (chunkLength) { listener.onDataAvailable(channel, stream, offset, chunkLength); offset += chunkLength; }); listener.onStopRequest(channel, test.status); } function run_test() { tests.forEach(execute_test); }