"use strict"; var ioService = Services.io; var resProt = ioService .getProtocolHandler("resource") .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIResProtocolHandler); function run_test() { // Define a resource:// alias that points to another resource:// URI. let greModulesURI = ioService.newURI("resource://gre/modules/"); resProt.setSubstitution("my-gre-modules", greModulesURI); // When we ask for the alias, we should not get the resource:// // URI that we registered it for but the original file URI. let greFileSpec = ioService.newURI( "modules/", null, resProt.getSubstitution("gre") ).spec; let aliasURI = resProt.getSubstitution("my-gre-modules"); Assert.equal(aliasURI.spec, greFileSpec); // Resolving URIs using the original resource path and the alias // should yield the same result. let greNetUtilURI = ioService.newURI("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); let myNetUtilURI = ioService.newURI("resource://my-gre-modules/NetUtil.jsm"); Assert.equal( resProt.resolveURI(greNetUtilURI), resProt.resolveURI(myNetUtilURI) ); }