/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Test that nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel.isChannelPrivate yields the correct * result for various combinations of .setPrivate() and nsILoadContexts */ "use strict"; var URIs = ["http://example.org", "https://example.org"]; function* getChannels() { for (let u of URIs) { yield NetUtil.newChannel({ uri: u, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true, }); } } function checkPrivate(channel, shouldBePrivate) { Assert.equal( channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel).isChannelPrivate, shouldBePrivate ); } /** * Default configuration * Default is non-private */ add_test(function test_plain() { for (let c of getChannels()) { checkPrivate(c, false); } run_next_test(); }); /** * Explicitly setPrivate(true), no load context */ add_test(function test_setPrivate_private() { for (let c of getChannels()) { c.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel).setPrivate(true); checkPrivate(c, true); } run_next_test(); }); /** * Explicitly setPrivate(false), no load context */ add_test(function test_setPrivate_regular() { for (let c of getChannels()) { c.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel).setPrivate(false); checkPrivate(c, false); } run_next_test(); }); /** * Load context mandates private mode */ add_test(function test_LoadContextPrivate() { let ctx = Cu.createPrivateLoadContext(); for (let c of getChannels()) { c.notificationCallbacks = ctx; checkPrivate(c, true); } run_next_test(); }); /** * Load context mandates regular mode */ add_test(function test_LoadContextRegular() { let ctx = Cu.createLoadContext(); for (let c of getChannels()) { c.notificationCallbacks = ctx; checkPrivate(c, false); } run_next_test(); }); // Do not test simultanous uses of .setPrivate and load context. // There is little merit in doing so, and combining both will assert in // Debug builds anyway.