/* run some tests on the gvfs/gio protocol handler */ "use strict"; function inChildProcess() { return Services.appinfo.processType != Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT; } const PR_RDONLY = 0x1; // see prio.h [ do_test_read_data_dir, do_test_read_recent, test_read_file, do_test_finished, ].forEach(f => add_test(f)); function setup() { // Allowing some protocols to get a channel if (!inChildProcess()) { Services.prefs.setCharPref( "network.gio.supported-protocols", "localtest:,recent:" ); } else { do_send_remote_message("gio-allow-test-protocols"); do_await_remote_message("gio-allow-test-protocols-done"); } } setup(); registerCleanupFunction(() => { // Resetting the protocols to None if (!inChildProcess()) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("network.gio.supported-protocols"); } }); function new_file_input_stream(file, buffered) { var stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIFileInputStream ); stream.init(file, PR_RDONLY, 0, 0); if (!buffered) { return stream; } var buffer = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/buffered-input-stream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIBufferedInputStream); buffer.init(stream, 4096); return buffer; } function new_file_channel(file) { var chan = NetUtil.newChannel({ uri: file, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true, }); return chan; } /* * stream listener * this listener has some additional file-specific tests, so we can't just use * ChannelListener here. */ function FileStreamListener(closure) { this._closure = closure; } FileStreamListener.prototype = { _closure: null, _buffer: "", _got_onstartrequest: false, _got_onstoprequest: false, _contentLen: -1, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIStreamListener", "nsIRequestObserver", ]), onStartRequest() { if (this._got_onstartrequest) { do_throw("Got second onStartRequest event!"); } this._got_onstartrequest = true; }, onDataAvailable(request, stream, offset, count) { if (!this._got_onstartrequest) { do_throw("onDataAvailable without onStartRequest event!"); } if (this._got_onstoprequest) { do_throw("onDataAvailable after onStopRequest event!"); } if (!request.isPending()) { do_throw("request reports itself as not pending from onStartRequest!"); } this._buffer = this._buffer.concat(read_stream(stream, count)); }, onStopRequest(request, status) { if (!this._got_onstartrequest) { do_throw("onStopRequest without onStartRequest event!"); } if (this._got_onstoprequest) { do_throw("Got second onStopRequest event!"); } this._got_onstoprequest = true; if (!Components.isSuccessCode(status)) { do_throw("Failed to load file: " + status.toString(16)); } if (status != request.status) { do_throw("request.status does not match status arg to onStopRequest!"); } if (request.isPending()) { do_throw("request reports itself as pending from onStopRequest!"); } if (this._contentLen != -1 && this._buffer.length != this._contentLen) { do_throw("did not read nsIChannel.contentLength number of bytes!"); } this._closure(this._buffer); }, }; function test_read_file() { dump("*** test_read_file\n"); // Going via parent path, because this is opended from test/unit/ and test/unit_ipc/ var file = do_get_file("../unit/data/test_readline4.txt"); var chan = new_file_channel("localtest://" + file.path); function on_read_complete(data) { dump("*** test_read_file.on_read_complete()\n"); /* read completed successfully. now read data directly from file, and compare the result. */ var stream = new_file_input_stream(file, false); var result = read_stream(stream, stream.available()); if (result != data) { do_throw("Stream contents do not match with direct read!"); } run_next_test(); } chan.asyncOpen(new FileStreamListener(on_read_complete)); } function do_test_read_data_dir() { dump('*** test_read_data_dir("../data/")\n'); var dir = do_get_file("../unit/data/"); var chan = new_file_channel("localtest://" + dir.path); function on_read_complete(data) { dump("*** test_read_data_dir.on_read_complete()\n"); // The data-directory should be listed, containing a header-line and the files therein if ( !( data.includes("200: filename content-length last-modified file-type") && data.includes("201: test_readline1.txt") && data.includes("201: test_readline2.txt") ) ) { do_throw( "test_read_data_dir() - Bad data! Does not contain needles! Is <" + data + ">" ); } run_next_test(); } chan.asyncOpen(new FileStreamListener(on_read_complete)); } function do_test_read_recent() { dump('*** test_read_recent("recent://")\n'); var chan = new_file_channel("recent:///"); function on_read_complete(data) { dump("*** test_read_recent.on_read_complete()\n"); // The data-directory should be listed, containing a header-line and the files therein if ( !data.includes("200: filename content-length last-modified file-type") ) { do_throw( "do_test_read_recent() - Bad data! Does not contain header! Is <" + data + ">" ); } run_next_test(); } chan.asyncOpen(new FileStreamListener(on_read_complete)); }