/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const override = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/native-dns-override;1"].getService( Ci.nsINativeDNSResolverOverride ); function setup() { trr_test_setup(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.trr.temp_blocklist", true); } setup(); // Waits until a predicate returns true or re-tries the predicate calls // |retry| times, we wait for 100ms between each calls. async function waitUntil(predicate, retry = 20) { let count = 0; while (count++ < retry) { if (await predicate()) { return true; } // Wait for 100 milliseconds. await new Promise(resolve => do_timeout(100, resolve)); } // Timed out after trying too many times. return false; } add_task(async function checkBlocklisting() { let trrServer = new TRRServer(); registerCleanupFunction(async () => { await trrServer.stop(); }); await trrServer.start(); info(`port = ${trrServer.port()}\n`); Services.dns.clearCache(true); Services.prefs.setCharPref( "network.trr.uri", `https://foo.example.com:${trrServer.port()}/dns-query` ); Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.trr.mode", Ci.nsIDNSService.MODE_TRRFIRST); await trrServer.registerDoHAnswers("top.test.com", "NS", {}); override.addIPOverride("sub.top.test.com", ""); override.addIPOverride("sub2.top.test.com", ""); await new TRRDNSListener("sub.top.test.com", { expectedAnswer: "", }); equal(await trrServer.requestCount("sub.top.test.com", "A"), 1); // Clear the cache so that we need to consult the blocklist and not simply // return the cached DNS record. Services.dns.clearCache(true); await new TRRDNSListener("sub.top.test.com", { expectedAnswer: "", }); equal( await trrServer.requestCount("sub.top.test.com", "A"), 1, "Request should go directly to native because result is still in blocklist" ); // XXX(valentin): if this ever starts intermittently failing we need to add // a sleep here. But the check for the parent NS should normally complete // before the second subdomain request. equal( await trrServer.requestCount("top.test.com", "NS"), 1, "Should have checked parent domain" ); await new TRRDNSListener("sub2.top.test.com", { expectedAnswer: "", }); equal(await trrServer.requestCount("sub2.top.test.com", "A"), 0); // The blocklist should instantly expire. Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.trr.temp_blocklist_duration_sec", 0); Services.dns.clearCache(true); await new TRRDNSListener("sub.top.test.com", { expectedAnswer: "", }); // blocklist expired. Do another check. equal( await trrServer.requestCount("sub.top.test.com", "A"), 2, "We should do another TRR request because the bloclist expired" ); }); add_task(async function test_blocklist_cname() { let trrServer = new TRRServer(); registerCleanupFunction(async () => { await trrServer.stop(); }); await trrServer.start(); info(`port = ${trrServer.port()}\n`); Services.dns.clearCache(true); Services.prefs.setCharPref( "network.trr.uri", `https://foo.example.com:${trrServer.port()}/dns-query` ); Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.trr.mode", Ci.nsIDNSService.MODE_TRRFIRST); await trrServer.registerDoHAnswers(`top.test.com`, "NS", { answers: [ { name: "top.test.com", ttl: 55, type: "CNAME", flush: false, data: "other.foo", }, ], }); await trrServer.registerDoHAnswers(`other.foo`, "NS", { answers: [ { name: "other.foo", ttl: 55, type: "NS", flush: false, data: "ns.other.foo", }, ], }); override.addIPOverride("sub.top.test.com", ""); await new TRRDNSListener("sub.top.test.com", { expectedAnswer: "", }); await waitUntil(async () => { return (await trrServer.requestCount("top.test.com", "NS")) == 1; }); });