// Windows/FileLink.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "../../C/CpuArch.h" #ifdef SUPPORT_DEVICE_FILE #include "../../C/Alloc.h" #endif #include "FileDir.h" #include "FileFind.h" #include "FileIO.h" #include "FileName.h" #ifndef _UNICODE extern bool g_IsNT; #endif namespace NWindows { namespace NFile { using namespace NName; /* Reparse Points (Junctions and Symbolic Links): struct { UInt32 Tag; UInt16 Size; // not including starting 8 bytes UInt16 Reserved; // = 0 UInt16 SubstituteOffset; // offset in bytes from start of namesChars UInt16 SubstituteLen; // size in bytes, it doesn't include tailed NUL UInt16 PrintOffset; // offset in bytes from start of namesChars UInt16 PrintLen; // size in bytes, it doesn't include tailed NUL [UInt32] Flags; // for Symbolic Links only. UInt16 namesChars[] } MOUNT_POINT (Junction point): 1) there is NUL wchar after path 2) Default Order in table: Substitute Path Print Path 3) pathnames can not contain dot directory names SYMLINK: 1) there is no NUL wchar after path 2) Default Order in table: Print Path Substitute Path */ /* static const UInt32 kReparseFlags_Alias = (1 << 29); static const UInt32 kReparseFlags_HighLatency = (1 << 30); static const UInt32 kReparseFlags_Microsoft = ((UInt32)1 << 31); #define _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_HSM (0xC0000004L) #define _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_HSM2 (0x80000006L) #define _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_SIS (0x80000007L) #define _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_WIM (0x80000008L) #define _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_CSV (0x80000009L) #define _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_DFS (0x8000000AL) #define _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_DFSR (0x80000012L) */ #define Get16(p) GetUi16(p) #define Get32(p) GetUi32(p) #define Set16(p, v) SetUi16(p, v) #define Set32(p, v) SetUi32(p, v) static const wchar_t * const k_LinkPrefix = L"\\??\\"; static const unsigned k_LinkPrefix_Size = 4; static const bool IsLinkPrefix(const wchar_t *s) { return IsString1PrefixedByString2(s, k_LinkPrefix); } /* static const wchar_t * const k_VolumePrefix = L"Volume{"; static const bool IsVolumeName(const wchar_t *s) { return IsString1PrefixedByString2(s, k_VolumePrefix); } */ void WriteString(Byte *dest, const wchar_t *path) { for (;;) { wchar_t c = *path++; if (c == 0) return; Set16(dest, (UInt16)c); dest += 2; } } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) bool FillLinkData(CByteBuffer &dest, const wchar_t *path, bool isSymLink) { bool isAbs = IsAbsolutePath(path); if (!isAbs && !isSymLink) return false; bool needPrintName = true; if (IsSuperPath(path)) { path += kSuperPathPrefixSize; if (!IsDrivePath(path)) needPrintName = false; } const unsigned add_Prefix_Len = isAbs ? k_LinkPrefix_Size : 0; unsigned len2 = MyStringLen(path) * 2; const unsigned len1 = len2 + add_Prefix_Len * 2; if (!needPrintName) len2 = 0; unsigned totalNamesSize = (len1 + len2); /* some WIM imagex software uses old scheme for symbolic links. so we can old scheme for byte to byte compatibility */ bool newOrderScheme = isSymLink; // newOrderScheme = false; if (!newOrderScheme) totalNamesSize += 2 * 2; const size_t size = 8 + 8 + (isSymLink ? 4 : 0) + totalNamesSize; dest.Alloc(size); memset(dest, 0, size); const UInt32 tag = isSymLink ? _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK : _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT; Byte *p = dest; Set32(p, tag); Set16(p + 4, (UInt16)(size - 8)); Set16(p + 6, 0); p += 8; unsigned subOffs = 0; unsigned printOffs = 0; if (newOrderScheme) subOffs = len2; else printOffs = len1 + 2; Set16(p + 0, (UInt16)subOffs); Set16(p + 2, (UInt16)len1); Set16(p + 4, (UInt16)printOffs); Set16(p + 6, (UInt16)len2); p += 8; if (isSymLink) { UInt32 flags = isAbs ? 0 : _my_SYMLINK_FLAG_RELATIVE; Set32(p, flags); p += 4; } if (add_Prefix_Len != 0) WriteString(p + subOffs, k_LinkPrefix); WriteString(p + subOffs + add_Prefix_Len * 2, path); if (needPrintName) WriteString(p + printOffs, path); return true; } #endif static void GetString(const Byte *p, unsigned len, UString &res) { wchar_t *s = res.GetBuf(len); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { wchar_t c = Get16(p + i * 2); if (c == 0) break; s[i] = c; } s[i] = 0; res.ReleaseBuf_SetLen(i); } bool CReparseAttr::Parse(const Byte *p, size_t size, DWORD &errorCode) { errorCode = ERROR_INVALID_REPARSE_DATA; if (size < 8) return false; Tag = Get32(p); UInt32 len = Get16(p + 4); if (len + 8 > size) return false; /* if ((type & kReparseFlags_Alias) == 0 || (type & kReparseFlags_Microsoft) == 0 || (type & 0xFFFF) != 3) */ if (Tag != _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT && Tag != _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK) { errorCode = ERROR_REPARSE_TAG_MISMATCH; // ERROR_REPARSE_TAG_INVALID return false; } if (Get16(p + 6) != 0) // padding return false; p += 8; size -= 8; if (len != size) // do we need that check? return false; if (len < 8) return false; unsigned subOffs = Get16(p); unsigned subLen = Get16(p + 2); unsigned printOffs = Get16(p + 4); unsigned printLen = Get16(p + 6); len -= 8; p += 8; Flags = 0; if (Tag == _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK) { if (len < 4) return false; Flags = Get32(p); len -= 4; p += 4; } if ((subOffs & 1) != 0 || subOffs > len || len - subOffs < subLen) return false; if ((printOffs & 1) != 0 || printOffs > len || len - printOffs < printLen) return false; GetString(p + subOffs, subLen >> 1, SubsName); GetString(p + printOffs, printLen >> 1, PrintName); errorCode = 0; return true; } bool CReparseShortInfo::Parse(const Byte *p, size_t size) { const Byte *start = p; Offset= 0; Size = 0; if (size < 8) return false; UInt32 Tag = Get32(p); UInt32 len = Get16(p + 4); if (len + 8 > size) return false; /* if ((type & kReparseFlags_Alias) == 0 || (type & kReparseFlags_Microsoft) == 0 || (type & 0xFFFF) != 3) */ if (Tag != _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT && Tag != _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK) // return true; return false; if (Get16(p + 6) != 0) // padding return false; p += 8; size -= 8; if (len != size) // do we need that check? return false; if (len < 8) return false; unsigned subOffs = Get16(p); unsigned subLen = Get16(p + 2); unsigned printOffs = Get16(p + 4); unsigned printLen = Get16(p + 6); len -= 8; p += 8; // UInt32 Flags = 0; if (Tag == _my_IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK) { if (len < 4) return false; // Flags = Get32(p); len -= 4; p += 4; } if ((subOffs & 1) != 0 || subOffs > len || len - subOffs < subLen) return false; if ((printOffs & 1) != 0 || printOffs > len || len - printOffs < printLen) return false; Offset = (unsigned)(p - start) + subOffs; Size = subLen; return true; } bool CReparseAttr::IsOkNamePair() const { if (IsLinkPrefix(SubsName)) { if (!IsDrivePath(SubsName.Ptr(k_LinkPrefix_Size))) return PrintName.IsEmpty(); if (wcscmp(SubsName.Ptr(k_LinkPrefix_Size), PrintName) == 0) return true; } return wcscmp(SubsName, PrintName) == 0; } /* bool CReparseAttr::IsVolume() const { if (!IsLinkPrefix(SubsName)) return false; return IsVolumeName(SubsName.Ptr(k_LinkPrefix_Size)); } */ UString CReparseAttr::GetPath() const { UString s (SubsName); if (IsLinkPrefix(s)) { s.ReplaceOneCharAtPos(1, '\\'); if (IsDrivePath(s.Ptr(k_LinkPrefix_Size))) s.DeleteFrontal(k_LinkPrefix_Size); } return s; } #ifdef SUPPORT_DEVICE_FILE namespace NSystem { bool MyGetDiskFreeSpace(CFSTR rootPath, UInt64 &clusterSize, UInt64 &totalSize, UInt64 &freeSize); } #endif #ifndef UNDER_CE namespace NIO { bool GetReparseData(CFSTR path, CByteBuffer &reparseData, BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION *fileInfo) { reparseData.Free(); CInFile file; if (!file.OpenReparse(path)) return false; if (fileInfo) file.GetFileInformation(fileInfo); const unsigned kBufSize = MAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE; CByteArr buf(kBufSize); DWORD returnedSize; if (!file.DeviceIoControlOut(my_FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT, buf, kBufSize, &returnedSize)) return false; reparseData.CopyFrom(buf, returnedSize); return true; } static bool CreatePrefixDirOfFile(CFSTR path) { FString path2 (path); int pos = path2.ReverseFind_PathSepar(); if (pos < 0) return true; #ifdef _WIN32 if (pos == 2 && path2[1] == L':') return true; // we don't create Disk folder; #endif path2.DeleteFrom(pos); return NDir::CreateComplexDir(path2); } // If there is Reprase data already, it still writes new Reparse data bool SetReparseData(CFSTR path, bool isDir, const void *data, DWORD size) { NFile::NFind::CFileInfo fi; if (fi.Find(path)) { if (fi.IsDir() != isDir) { ::SetLastError(ERROR_DIRECTORY); return false; } } else { if (isDir) { if (!NDir::CreateComplexDir(path)) return false; } else { CreatePrefixDirOfFile(path); COutFile file; if (!file.Create(path, CREATE_NEW)) return false; } } COutFile file; if (!file.Open(path, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT | FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS)) return false; DWORD returnedSize; if (!file.DeviceIoControl(my_FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT, (void *)data, size, NULL, 0, &returnedSize)) return false; return true; } } #endif }}