# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import json import attr import mozpack.path as mozpath import mozunit import pytest from mozlint import formatters from mozlint.result import Issue, ResultSummary NORMALISED_PATHS = { "abc": mozpath.normpath("a/b/c.txt"), "def": mozpath.normpath("d/e/f.txt"), "root": mozpath.abspath("/fake/root"), } EXPECTED = { "compact": { "kwargs": {}, "format": """ /fake/root/a/b/c.txt: line 1, Error - oh no foo (foo) /fake/root/a/b/c.txt: line 4, col 10, Error - oh no baz (baz) /fake/root/a/b/c.txt: line 5, Error - oh no foo-diff (foo-diff) /fake/root/d/e/f.txt: line 4, col 2, Warning - oh no bar (bar-not-allowed) 4 problems """.strip(), }, "stylish": { "kwargs": {"disable_colors": True}, "format": """ /fake/root/a/b/c.txt 1 error oh no foo (foo) 4:10 error oh no baz (baz) 5 error oh no foo-diff (foo-diff) diff 1 - hello + hello2 /fake/root/d/e/f.txt 4:2 warning oh no bar bar-not-allowed (bar) \u2716 4 problems (3 errors, 1 warning, 0 fixed) """.strip(), }, "treeherder": { "kwargs": {}, "format": """ TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | /fake/root/a/b/c.txt:1 | oh no foo (foo) TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | /fake/root/a/b/c.txt:4:10 | oh no baz (baz) TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | /fake/root/a/b/c.txt:5 | oh no foo-diff (foo-diff) TEST-UNEXPECTED-WARNING | /fake/root/d/e/f.txt:4:2 | oh no bar (bar-not-allowed) """.strip(), }, "unix": { "kwargs": {}, "format": """ {abc}:1: foo error: oh no foo {abc}:4:10: baz error: oh no baz {abc}:5: foo-diff error: oh no foo-diff {def}:4:2: bar-not-allowed warning: oh no bar """.format( **NORMALISED_PATHS ).strip(), }, "summary": { "kwargs": {}, "format": """ {root}/a: 3 errors {root}/d: 0 errors, 1 warning """.format( **NORMALISED_PATHS ).strip(), }, } @pytest.fixture def result(scope="module"): result = ResultSummary("/fake/root") containers = ( Issue(linter="foo", path="a/b/c.txt", message="oh no foo", lineno=1), Issue( linter="bar", path="d/e/f.txt", message="oh no bar", hint="try baz instead", level="warning", lineno="4", column="2", rule="bar-not-allowed", ), Issue( linter="baz", path="a/b/c.txt", message="oh no baz", lineno=4, column=10, source="if baz:", ), Issue( linter="foo-diff", path="a/b/c.txt", message="oh no foo-diff", lineno=5, source="if baz:", diff="diff 1\n- hello\n+ hello2", ), ) result = ResultSummary("/fake/root") for c in containers: result.issues[c.path].append(c) return result @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", EXPECTED.keys()) def test_formatters(result, name): opts = EXPECTED[name] fmt = formatters.get(name, **opts["kwargs"]) # encoding to str bypasses a UnicodeEncodeError in pytest assert fmt(result) == opts["format"] def test_json_formatter(result): fmt = formatters.get("json") formatted = json.loads(fmt(result)) assert set(formatted.keys()) == set(result.issues.keys()) attrs = attr.fields(Issue) for errors in formatted.values(): for err in errors: assert all(a.name in err for a in attrs) if __name__ == "__main__": mozunit.main()