/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { generateUUID: "chrome://remote/content/shared/UUID.sys.mjs", }); const TYPED_ARRAY_CLASSES = [ "Uint8Array", "Uint8ClampedArray", "Uint16Array", "Uint32Array", "Int8Array", "Int16Array", "Int32Array", "Float32Array", "Float64Array", ]; // Bug 1786299: Puppeteer expects specific error messages. const ERROR_CYCLIC_REFERENCE = "Object reference chain is too long"; const ERROR_CANNOT_RETURN_BY_VALUE = "Object couldn't be returned by value"; function randomInt() { return crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0]; } /** * This class represent a debuggable context onto which we can evaluate Javascript. * This is typically a document, but it could also be a worker, an add-on, ... or * any kind of context involving JS scripts. * * @param {Debugger} dbg * A Debugger instance that we can use to inspect the given global. * @param {GlobalObject} debuggee * The debuggable context's global object. This is typically the document window * object. But it can also be any global object, like a worker global scope object. */ export class ExecutionContext { constructor(dbg, debuggee, id, isDefault) { this._debugger = dbg; this._debuggee = this._debugger.addDebuggee(debuggee); // Here, we assume that debuggee is a window object and we will propably have // to adapt that once we cover workers or contexts that aren't a document. this.window = debuggee; this.windowId = this.window.windowGlobalChild.innerWindowId; this.id = id; this.frameId = this.window.browsingContext.id.toString(); this.isDefault = isDefault; // objectId => Debugger.Object this._remoteObjects = new Map(); } destructor() { this._debugger.removeDebuggee(this._debuggee); } get browsingContext() { return this.window.browsingContext; } hasRemoteObject(objectId) { return this._remoteObjects.has(objectId); } getRemoteObject(objectId) { return this._remoteObjects.get(objectId); } getRemoteObjectByNodeId(nodeId) { for (const value of this._remoteObjects.values()) { if (value.nodeId == nodeId) { return value; } } return null; } releaseObject(objectId) { return this._remoteObjects.delete(objectId); } /** * Add a new debuggerObj to the object cache. * * Whenever an object is returned as reference, a new entry is added * to the internal object cache. It means the same underlying object or node * can be represented via multiple references. */ setRemoteObject(debuggerObj) { const objectId = lazy.generateUUID(); // TODO: Wrap Symbol into an object, // which would allow us to set the objectId. if (typeof debuggerObj == "object") { debuggerObj.objectId = objectId; } // For node objects add an unique identifier. if ( debuggerObj instanceof Debugger.Object && Node.isInstance(debuggerObj.unsafeDereference()) ) { debuggerObj.nodeId = randomInt(); // We do not differentiate between backendNodeId and nodeId (yet) debuggerObj.backendNodeId = debuggerObj.nodeId; } this._remoteObjects.set(objectId, debuggerObj); return objectId; } /** * Evaluate a Javascript expression. * * @param {string} expression * The JS expression to evaluate against the JS context. * @param {boolean} awaitPromise * Whether execution should `await` for resulting value * and return once awaited promise is resolved. * @param {boolean} returnByValue * Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object * that should be sent by value. * * @returns {object} A multi-form object depending if the execution * succeed or failed. If the expression failed to evaluate, * it will return an object with an `exceptionDetails` attribute * matching the `ExceptionDetails` CDP type. Otherwise it will * return an object with `result` attribute whose type is * `RemoteObject` CDP type. */ async evaluate(expression, awaitPromise, returnByValue) { let rv = this._debuggee.executeInGlobal(expression); if (!rv) { return { exceptionDetails: { text: "Evaluation terminated!", }, }; } if (rv.throw) { return this._returnError(rv.throw); } let result = rv.return; if (result && result.isPromise && awaitPromise) { if (result.promiseState === "fulfilled") { result = result.promiseValue; } else if (result.promiseState === "rejected") { return this._returnError(result.promiseReason); } else { try { const promiseResult = await result.unsafeDereference(); result = this._debuggee.makeDebuggeeValue(promiseResult); } catch (e) { // The promise has been rejected return this._returnError(this._debuggee.makeDebuggeeValue(e)); } } } if (returnByValue) { result = this._toRemoteObjectByValue(result); } else { result = this._toRemoteObject(result); } return { result }; } /** * Given a Debugger.Object reference for an Exception, return a JSON object * describing the exception by following CDP ExceptionDetails specification. */ _returnError(exception) { if ( this._debuggee.executeInGlobalWithBindings("exception instanceof Error", { exception, }).return ) { const text = this._debuggee.executeInGlobalWithBindings( "exception.message", { exception } ).return; return { exceptionDetails: { text, }, }; } // If that isn't an Error, consider the exception as a JS value return { exceptionDetails: { exception: this._toRemoteObject(exception), }, }; } async callFunctionOn( functionDeclaration, callArguments = [], returnByValue = false, awaitPromise = false, objectId = null ) { // Map the given objectId to a JS reference. let thisArg = null; if (objectId) { thisArg = this.getRemoteObject(objectId); if (!thisArg) { throw new Error(`Unable to get target object with id: ${objectId}`); } } // First evaluate the function const fun = this._debuggee.executeInGlobal("(" + functionDeclaration + ")"); if (!fun) { return { exceptionDetails: { text: "Evaluation terminated!", }, }; } if (fun.throw) { return this._returnError(fun.throw); } // Then map all input arguments, which are matching CDP's CallArguments type, // into JS values const args = callArguments.map(arg => this._fromCallArgument(arg)); // Finally, call the function with these arguments const rv = fun.return.apply(thisArg, args); if (rv.throw) { return this._returnError(rv.throw); } let result = rv.return; if (result && result.isPromise && awaitPromise) { if (result.promiseState === "fulfilled") { result = result.promiseValue; } else if (result.promiseState === "rejected") { return this._returnError(result.promiseReason); } else { try { const promiseResult = await result.unsafeDereference(); result = this._debuggee.makeDebuggeeValue(promiseResult); } catch (e) { // The promise has been rejected return this._returnError(this._debuggee.makeDebuggeeValue(e)); } } } if (returnByValue) { result = this._toRemoteObjectByValue(result); } else { result = this._toRemoteObject(result); } return { result }; } getProperties({ objectId, ownProperties }) { let debuggerObj = this.getRemoteObject(objectId); if (!debuggerObj) { throw new Error("Could not find object with given id"); } const result = []; const serializeObject = (debuggerObj, isOwn) => { for (const propertyName of debuggerObj.getOwnPropertyNames()) { const descriptor = debuggerObj.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(propertyName); result.push({ name: propertyName, configurable: descriptor.configurable, enumerable: descriptor.enumerable, writable: descriptor.writable, value: this._toRemoteObject(descriptor.value), get: descriptor.get ? this._toRemoteObject(descriptor.get) : undefined, set: descriptor.set ? this._toRemoteObject(descriptor.set) : undefined, isOwn, }); } }; // When `ownProperties` is set to true, we only iterate over own properties. // Otherwise, we also iterate over propreties inherited from the prototype chain. serializeObject(debuggerObj, true); if (!ownProperties) { while (true) { debuggerObj = debuggerObj.proto; if (!debuggerObj) { break; } serializeObject(debuggerObj, false); } } return { result, }; } /** * Given a CDP `CallArgument`, return a JS value that represent this argument. * Note that `CallArgument` is actually very similar to `RemoteObject` */ _fromCallArgument(arg) { if (arg.objectId) { if (!this.hasRemoteObject(arg.objectId)) { throw new Error("Could not find object with given id"); } return this.getRemoteObject(arg.objectId); } if (arg.unserializableValue) { switch (arg.unserializableValue) { case "-0": return -0; case "Infinity": return Infinity; case "-Infinity": return -Infinity; case "NaN": return NaN; default: if (/^\d+n$/.test(arg.unserializableValue)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef return BigInt(arg.unserializableValue.slice(0, -1)); } throw new Error("Couldn't parse value object in call argument"); } } return this._deserialize(arg.value); } /** * Given a JS value, create a copy of it within the debugee compartment. */ _deserialize(obj) { if (typeof obj !== "object") { return obj; } const result = this._debuggee.executeInGlobalWithBindings( "JSON.parse(obj)", { obj: JSON.stringify(obj) } ); if (result.throw) { throw new Error("Unable to deserialize object"); } return result.return; } /** * Given a `Debugger.Object` object, return a JSON-serializable description of it * matching `RemoteObject` CDP type. * * @param {Debugger.Object} debuggerObj * The object to serialize * @returns {RemoteObject} * The serialized description of the given object */ _toRemoteObject(debuggerObj) { const result = {}; // First handle all non-primitive values which are going to be wrapped by the // Debugger API into Debugger.Object instances if (debuggerObj instanceof Debugger.Object) { const rawObj = debuggerObj.unsafeDereference(); result.objectId = this.setRemoteObject(debuggerObj); result.type = typeof rawObj; // Map the Debugger API `class` attribute to CDP `subtype` const cls = debuggerObj.class; if (debuggerObj.isProxy) { result.subtype = "proxy"; } else if (cls == "Array") { result.subtype = "array"; } else if (cls == "RegExp") { result.subtype = "regexp"; } else if (cls == "Date") { result.subtype = "date"; } else if (cls == "Map") { result.subtype = "map"; } else if (cls == "Set") { result.subtype = "set"; } else if (cls == "WeakMap") { result.subtype = "weakmap"; } else if (cls == "WeakSet") { result.subtype = "weakset"; } else if (cls == "Error") { result.subtype = "error"; } else if (cls == "Promise") { result.subtype = "promise"; } else if (TYPED_ARRAY_CLASSES.includes(cls)) { result.subtype = "typedarray"; } else if (Node.isInstance(rawObj)) { result.subtype = "node"; result.className = ChromeUtils.getClassName(rawObj); result.description = rawObj.localName || rawObj.nodeName; if (rawObj.id) { result.description += `#${rawObj.id}`; } } return result; } // Now, handle all values that Debugger API isn't wrapping into Debugger.API. // This is all the primitive JS types. result.type = typeof debuggerObj; // Symbol and BigInt are primitive values but aren't serializable. // CDP expects them to be considered as objects, with an objectId to later inspect // them. if (result.type == "symbol") { result.description = debuggerObj.toString(); result.objectId = this.setRemoteObject(debuggerObj); return result; } // A few primitive type can't be serialized and CDP has special case for them if (Object.is(debuggerObj, NaN)) { result.unserializableValue = "NaN"; } else if (Object.is(debuggerObj, -0)) { result.unserializableValue = "-0"; } else if (Object.is(debuggerObj, Infinity)) { result.unserializableValue = "Infinity"; } else if (Object.is(debuggerObj, -Infinity)) { result.unserializableValue = "-Infinity"; } else if (result.type == "bigint") { result.unserializableValue = `${debuggerObj}n`; } if (result.unserializableValue) { result.description = result.unserializableValue; return result; } // Otherwise, we serialize the primitive values as-is via `value` attribute result.value = debuggerObj; // null is special as it has a dedicated subtype if (debuggerObj === null) { result.subtype = "null"; } return result; } /** * Given a `Debugger.Object` object, return a JSON-serializable description of it * matching `RemoteObject` CDP type. * * @param {Debugger.Object} debuggerObj * The object to serialize * @returns {RemoteObject} * The serialized description of the given object */ _toRemoteObjectByValue(debuggerObj) { const type = typeof debuggerObj; if (type == "undefined") { return { type }; } let unserializableValue; if (Object.is(debuggerObj, -0)) { unserializableValue = "-0"; } else if (Object.is(debuggerObj, NaN)) { unserializableValue = "NaN"; } else if (Object.is(debuggerObj, Infinity)) { unserializableValue = "Infinity"; } else if (Object.is(debuggerObj, -Infinity)) { unserializableValue = "-Infinity"; } else if (typeof debuggerObj == "bigint") { unserializableValue = `${debuggerObj}n`; } if (unserializableValue) { return { type, unserializableValue, description: unserializableValue, }; } const value = this._serialize(debuggerObj); return { type: typeof value, value, description: value != null ? value.toString() : value, }; } /** * Convert a given `Debugger.Object` to an object. * * @param {Debugger.Object} debuggerObj * The object to convert * * @returns {object} * The converted object */ _serialize(debuggerObj) { const result = this._debuggee.executeInGlobalWithBindings( ` JSON.stringify(e, (key, value) => { if (typeof value === "symbol") { // CDP cannot return Symbols throw new Error(); } return value; }); `, { e: debuggerObj } ); if (result.throw) { const exception = this._toRawObject(result.throw); if (exception.message === "cyclic object value") { throw new Error(ERROR_CYCLIC_REFERENCE); } throw new Error(ERROR_CANNOT_RETURN_BY_VALUE); } return JSON.parse(result.return); } _toRawObject(maybeDebuggerObject) { if (maybeDebuggerObject instanceof Debugger.Object) { // Retrieve the referent for the provided Debugger.object. // See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/devtools-user/debugger-api/debugger.object/index.html const rawObject = maybeDebuggerObject.unsafeDereference(); return Cu.waiveXrays(rawObject); } // If maybeDebuggerObject was not a Debugger.Object, it is a primitive value // which can be used as is. return maybeDebuggerObject; } }