/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const DOC = toDataURL("



"); const DOC_FRAME = toDataURL(``); add_task(async function objectIdInvalidTypes({ client }) { const { DOM } = client; for (const objectId of [null, true, 1, [], {}]) { await Assert.rejects( DOM.describeNode({ objectId }), /objectId: string value expected/, `Fails with invalid type: ${objectId}` ); } }); add_task(async function objectIdUnknownValue({ client }) { const { DOM } = client; await Assert.rejects( DOM.describeNode({ objectId: "foo" }), /Could not find object with given id/, `Fails with unknown objectId` ); }); add_task(async function objectIdIsNotANode({ client }) { const { DOM, Runtime } = client; await Runtime.enable(); const { result } = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: "[42]", }); await Assert.rejects( DOM.describeNode({ objectId: result.objectId }), /Object id doesn't reference a Node/, `Fails if objectId doesn't reference a DOM node` ); }); add_task(async function objectIdAllProperties({ client }) { const { DOM, Page, Runtime } = client; await Page.enable(); const { frameId } = await Page.navigate({ url: DOC }); await Page.loadEventFired(); await Runtime.enable(); const { result } = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `document.getElementById('content')`, }); const { node } = await DOM.describeNode({ objectId: result.objectId, }); ok(!!node.nodeId, "The node has a node id"); ok(!!node.backendNodeId, "The node has a backend node id"); is(node.nodeName, "DIV", "Found expected node name"); is(node.localName, "div", "Found expected local name"); is(node.nodeType, 1, "Found expected node type"); is(node.nodeValue, "", "Found expected node value"); is(node.childNodeCount, 2, "Expected number of child nodes found"); is(node.attributes.length, 2, "Found expected attribute's name and value"); is(node.attributes[0], "id", "Found expected attribute name"); is(node.attributes[1], "content", "Found expected attribute value"); is(node.frameId, frameId, "Found expected frame id"); }); add_task(async function objectIdNoAttributes({ client }) { const { DOM, Runtime } = client; await Runtime.enable(); const { result } = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: "document", }); const { node } = await DOM.describeNode({ objectId: result.objectId, }); is(node.attributes, undefined, "No attributes returned"); }); add_task(async function objectIdDiffersForDifferentNodes({ client }) { const { DOM, Runtime } = client; await loadURL(DOC); await Runtime.enable(); const { result: doc } = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: "document", }); const { node: node1 } = await DOM.describeNode({ objectId: doc.objectId, }); const { result: body } = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `document.getElementById('content')`, }); const { node: node2 } = await DOM.describeNode({ objectId: body.objectId, }); for (const prop in node1) { if (["nodeValue", "frameId"].includes(prop)) { is(node1[prop], node2[prop], `Values of ${prop} are equal`); } else { isnot(node1[prop], node2[prop], `Values of ${prop} are different`); } } }); add_task(async function objectIdDoesNotChangeForTheSameNode({ client }) { const { DOM, Runtime } = client; await Runtime.enable(); const { result } = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: "document", }); const { node: node1 } = await DOM.describeNode({ objectId: result.objectId, }); const { node: node2 } = await DOM.describeNode({ objectId: result.objectId, }); for (const prop in node1) { is(node1[prop], node2[prop], `Values of ${prop} are equal`); } }); add_task(async function frameIdForFrameElement({ client }) { const { DOM, Page, Runtime } = client; await Page.enable(); const frameAttached = Page.frameAttached(); await loadURL(DOC_FRAME); const { frameId, parentFrameId } = await frameAttached; await Runtime.enable(); const { result: frameObj } = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: "document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0]", }); const { node: frame } = await DOM.describeNode({ objectId: frameObj.objectId, }); is(frame.frameId, frameId, "Reported frameId is from the frame itself"); isnot( frame.frameId, parentFrameId, "Reported frameId is not the parentFrameId" ); });