/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test Page.createIsolatedWorld const WORLD_NAME_1 = "testWorld1"; const WORLD_NAME_2 = "testWorld2"; const DESTROYED = "Runtime.executionContextDestroyed"; const CREATED = "Runtime.executionContextCreated"; const CLEARED = "Runtime.executionContextsCleared"; add_task(async function frameIdMissing({ client }) { const { Page } = client; await Assert.rejects( Page.createIsolatedWorld({ worldName: WORLD_NAME_1, grantUniversalAccess: true, }), /frameId: string value expected/, `Fails with missing frameId` ); }); add_task(async function frameIdInvalidTypes({ client }) { const { Page } = client; for (const frameId of [null, true, 1, [], {}]) { await Assert.rejects( Page.createIsolatedWorld({ frameId, }), /frameId: string value expected/, `Fails with invalid type: ${frameId}` ); } }); add_task(async function worldNameInvalidTypes({ client }) { const { Page } = client; await Page.enable(); info("Page notifications are enabled"); const loadEvent = Page.loadEventFired(); const { frameId } = await Page.navigate({ url: PAGE_URL }); await loadEvent; for (const worldName of [null, true, 1, [], {}]) { await Assert.rejects( Page.createIsolatedWorld({ frameId, worldName, }), /worldName: string value expected/, `Fails with invalid type: ${worldName}` ); } }); add_task(async function noEventsWhenRuntimeDomainDisabled({ client }) { const { Page, Runtime } = client; await Page.enable(); info("Page notifications are enabled"); const history = recordEvents(Runtime, 0); const loadEvent = Page.loadEventFired(); const { frameId } = await Page.navigate({ url: PAGE_URL }); await loadEvent; let errorThrown = ""; try { await Page.createIsolatedWorld({ frameId, worldName: WORLD_NAME_1, grantUniversalAccess: true, }); await assertEvents({ history, expectedEvents: [] }); } catch (e) { errorThrown = e.message; } todo( errorThrown === "", "No contexts tracked internally without Runtime enabled (Bug 1623482)" ); }); add_task(async function noEventsAfterRuntimeDomainDisabled({ client }) { const { Page, Runtime } = client; await Page.enable(); info("Page notifications are enabled"); await enableRuntime(client); await Runtime.disable(); info("Runtime notifications are disabled"); const history = recordEvents(Runtime, 0); const loadEvent = Page.loadEventFired(); const { frameId } = await Page.navigate({ url: PAGE_URL }); await loadEvent; await Page.createIsolatedWorld({ frameId, worldName: WORLD_NAME_2, grantUniversalAccess: true, }); await assertEvents({ history, expectedEvents: [] }); }); add_task(async function contextCreatedAfterNavigation({ client }) { const { Page, Runtime } = client; await Page.enable(); info("Page notifications are enabled"); await enableRuntime(client); const history = recordEvents(Runtime, 3); const loadEvent = Page.loadEventFired(); const { frameId } = await Page.navigate({ url: PAGE_URL }); await loadEvent; const { executionContextId: isolatedId } = await Page.createIsolatedWorld({ frameId, worldName: WORLD_NAME_1, grantUniversalAccess: true, }); await assertEvents({ history, expectedEvents: [ DESTROYED, // default, about:blank CREATED, // default, PAGE_URL CREATED, // isolated, PAGE_URL ], }); const contexts = history .findEvents(CREATED) .map(event => event.payload.context); const defaultContext = contexts[0]; const isolatedContext = contexts[1]; is(defaultContext.auxData.isDefault, true, "Default context is default"); is( defaultContext.auxData.type, "default", "Default context has type 'default'" ); is(defaultContext.origin, BASE_ORIGIN, "Default context has expected origin"); checkIsolated(isolatedContext, isolatedId, WORLD_NAME_1, frameId); compareContexts(isolatedContext, defaultContext); }); add_task(async function contextDestroyedForNavigation({ client }) { const { Page, Runtime } = client; const defaultContext = await enableRuntime(client); const isolatedContext = await createIsolatedContext(client, defaultContext); await Page.enable(); const history = recordEvents(Runtime, 4, true); const frameNavigated = Page.frameNavigated(); await Page.navigate({ url: PAGE_URL }); await frameNavigated; await assertEvents({ history, expectedEvents: [ DESTROYED, // default, about:blank DESTROYED, // isolated, about:blank CLEARED, CREATED, // default, PAGE_URL ], }); const destroyed = history .findEvents(DESTROYED) .map(event => event.payload.executionContextId); ok(destroyed.includes(isolatedContext.id), "Isolated context destroyed"); ok(destroyed.includes(defaultContext.id), "Default context destroyed"); const { context: newContext } = history.findEvent(CREATED).payload; is(newContext.auxData.isDefault, true, "The new context is a default one"); ok(!!newContext.id, "The new context has an id"); ok( ![defaultContext.id, isolatedContext.id].includes(newContext.id), "The new context has a new id" ); }); add_task(async function contextsForFramesetNavigation({ client }) { const { Page, Runtime } = client; await Page.enable(); info("Page notifications are enabled"); await enableRuntime(client); // check creation when navigating to a frameset const historyTo = recordEvents(Runtime, 5); const loadEventTo = Page.loadEventFired(); const { frameId: frameIdTo } = await Page.navigate({ url: FRAMESET_SINGLE_URL, }); await loadEventTo; const { frameTree } = await Page.getFrameTree(); const subFrame = frameTree.childFrames[0].frame; const { executionContextId: contextIdParent } = await Page.createIsolatedWorld({ frameId: frameIdTo, worldName: WORLD_NAME_1, grantUniversalAccess: true, }); const { executionContextId: contextIdSubFrame } = await Page.createIsolatedWorld({ frameId: subFrame.id, worldName: WORLD_NAME_2, grantUniversalAccess: true, }); await assertEvents({ history: historyTo, expectedEvents: [ DESTROYED, // default, about:blank CREATED, // default, FRAMESET_SINGLE_URL CREATED, // default, PAGE_URL CREATED, // isolated, FRAMESET_SINGLE_URL CREATED, // isolated, PAGE_URL ], }); const contextsCreated = historyTo .findEvents(CREATED) .map(event => event.payload.context); const parentDefaultContextCreated = contextsCreated[0]; const frameDefaultContextCreated = contextsCreated[1]; const parentIsolatedContextCreated = contextsCreated[2]; const frameIsolatedContextCreated = contextsCreated[3]; checkIsolated( parentIsolatedContextCreated, contextIdParent, WORLD_NAME_1, frameIdTo ); compareContexts(parentIsolatedContextCreated, parentDefaultContextCreated); checkIsolated( frameIsolatedContextCreated, contextIdSubFrame, WORLD_NAME_2, subFrame.id ); compareContexts(frameIsolatedContextCreated, frameDefaultContextCreated); // check destroying when navigating away from a frameset const historyFrom = recordEvents(Runtime, 6); const loadEventFrom = Page.loadEventFired(); await Page.navigate({ url: PAGE_URL }); await loadEventFrom; await assertEvents({ history: historyFrom, expectedEvents: [ DESTROYED, // default, PAGE_URL DESTROYED, // isolated, PAGE_URL DESTROYED, // default, FRAMESET_SINGLE_URL DESTROYED, // isolated, FRAMESET_SINGLE_URL CREATED, // default, PAGE_URL ], }); const contextsDestroyed = historyFrom .findEvents(DESTROYED) .map(event => event.payload.executionContextId); contextsCreated.forEach(context => { ok( contextsDestroyed.includes(context.id), `Context with id ${context.id} destroyed` ); }); const { context: newContext } = historyFrom.findEvent(CREATED).payload; is(newContext.auxData.isDefault, true, "The new context is a default one"); ok(!!newContext.id, "The new context has an id"); ok( ![parentDefaultContextCreated.id, frameDefaultContextCreated.id].includes( newContext.id ), "The new context has a new id" ); }); add_task(async function evaluateInIsolatedAndDefault({ client }) { const { Runtime } = client; const defaultContext = await enableRuntime(client); const isolatedContext = await createIsolatedContext(client, defaultContext); const { result: objDefault } = await Runtime.evaluate({ contextId: defaultContext.id, expression: "({ foo: 1 })", }); const { result: objIsolated } = await Runtime.evaluate({ contextId: isolatedContext.id, expression: "({ foo: 10 })", }); const { result: result1 } = await Runtime.callFunctionOn({ executionContextId: isolatedContext.id, functionDeclaration: "arg => ++arg.foo", arguments: [{ objectId: objIsolated.objectId }], }); is(result1.value, 11, "Isolated context incremented the expected value"); await Assert.rejects( Runtime.callFunctionOn({ executionContextId: isolatedContext.id, functionDeclaration: "arg => ++arg.foo", arguments: [{ objectId: objDefault.objectId }], }), /Could not find object with given id/, "Contexts do not share objects" ); }); add_task(async function contextEvaluationIsIsolated({ client }) { const { Runtime } = client; // If a document makes changes to standard global object, an isolated // world should not be affected await loadURL(toDataURL("")); const defaultContext = await enableRuntime(client); const isolatedContext = await createIsolatedContext(client, defaultContext); const { result: result1 } = await Runtime.callFunctionOn({ executionContextId: defaultContext.id, functionDeclaration: "arg => window.Node", }); const { result: result2 } = await Runtime.callFunctionOn({ executionContextId: isolatedContext.id, functionDeclaration: "arg => window.Node", }); is(result1.value, null, "Default context sees content changes to global"); todo_isnot( result2.value, null, "Isolated context is not affected by changes to global, Bug 1601421" ); }); function checkIsolated(context, expectedId, expectedName, expectedFrameId) { is( expectedId, context.id, "createIsolatedWorld returns id of isolated context" ); is( context.auxData.frameId, expectedFrameId, "Isolated context has expected frameId" ); is(context.auxData.isDefault, false, "Isolated context is not default"); is(context.auxData.type, "isolated", "Isolated context has type 'isolated'"); is(context.name, expectedName, "Isolated context is named as requested"); ok(!!context.origin, "Isolated context has an origin"); } function compareContexts(isolatedContext, defaultContext) { isnot( defaultContext.name, isolatedContext.name, "The contexts have different names" ); isnot( defaultContext.id, isolatedContext.id, "The contexts have different ids" ); is( defaultContext.origin, isolatedContext.origin, "The contexts have same origin" ); is( defaultContext.auxData.frameId, isolatedContext.auxData.frameId, "The contexts have same frameId" ); } async function createIsolatedContext( client, defaultContext, worldName = WORLD_NAME_1 ) { const { Page, Runtime } = client; const frameId = defaultContext.auxData.frameId; const isolatedContextCreated = Runtime.executionContextCreated(); const { executionContextId: isolatedId } = await Page.createIsolatedWorld({ frameId, worldName, grantUniversalAccess: true, }); const { context: isolatedContext } = await isolatedContextCreated; info("Isolated world created"); checkIsolated(isolatedContext, isolatedId, worldName, frameId); compareContexts(isolatedContext, defaultContext); return isolatedContext; } function recordEvents(Runtime, total, cleared = false) { const history = new RecordEvents(total); history.addRecorder({ event: Runtime.executionContextDestroyed, eventName: DESTROYED, messageFn: payload => { return `Received ${DESTROYED} for id ${payload.executionContextId}`; }, }); history.addRecorder({ event: Runtime.executionContextCreated, eventName: CREATED, messageFn: payload => { return ( `Received ${CREATED} for id ${payload.context.id}` + ` type: ${payload.context.auxData.type}` + ` name: ${payload.context.name}` + ` origin: ${payload.context.origin}` ); }, }); if (cleared) { history.addRecorder({ event: Runtime.executionContextsCleared, eventName: CLEARED, }); } return history; } async function assertEvents(options = {}) { const { history, expectedEvents, timeout = 1000 } = options; const events = await history.record(timeout); const eventNames = events.map(item => item.eventName); info(`Expected events: ${expectedEvents}`); info(`Received events: ${eventNames}`); is( events.length, expectedEvents.length, "Received expected number of Runtime context events" ); Assert.deepEqual( eventNames.sort(), expectedEvents.sort(), "Received expected Runtime context events" ); }