/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const PAGE_CONSOLE_EVENTS = "https://example.com/browser/remote/cdp/test/browser/runtime/doc_console_events.html"; add_task(async function noEventsWhenRuntimeDomainDisabled({ client }) { await runExceptionThrownTest(client, 0, async () => { await throwScriptError({ text: "foo" }); }); }); add_task(async function noEventsAfterRuntimeDomainDisabled({ client }) { const { Runtime } = client; await Runtime.enable(); await Runtime.disable(); await runExceptionThrownTest(client, 0, async () => { await throwScriptError({ text: "foo" }); }); }); add_task(async function noEventsForScriptErrorWithoutException({ client }) { const { Runtime } = client; await Runtime.enable(); await runExceptionThrownTest(client, 0, async () => { await throwScriptError({ text: "foo" }); }); }); add_task(async function eventsForScriptErrorWithException({ client }) { await loadURL(PAGE_CONSOLE_EVENTS); const context = await enableRuntime(client); const events = await runExceptionThrownTest(client, 1, async () => { evaluate(client, context.id, () => { document.getElementById("js-error").click(); }); }); is( typeof events[0].exceptionId, "number", "Got expected type for exception id" ); is( events[0].text, "TypeError: foo.click is not a function", "Got expected text" ); is(events[0].lineNumber, 8, "Got expected line number"); is(events[0].columnNumber, 10, "Got expected column number"); is(events[0].url, PAGE_CONSOLE_EVENTS, "Got expected url"); is( events[0].executionContextId, context.id, "Got event from current execution context" ); const callFrames = events[0].stackTrace.callFrames; is(callFrames.length, 2, "Got expected amount of call frames"); is(callFrames[0].functionName, "throwError", "Got expected function name"); is(typeof callFrames[0].scriptId, "string", "Got scriptId as string"); is(callFrames[0].url, PAGE_CONSOLE_EVENTS, "Got expected url"); is(callFrames[0].lineNumber, 8, "Got expected line number"); is(callFrames[0].columnNumber, 10, "Got expected column number"); is(callFrames[1].functionName, "onclick", "Got expected function name"); is(callFrames[1].url, PAGE_CONSOLE_EVENTS, "Got expected url"); }); async function runExceptionThrownTest(client, eventCount, callback) { const { Runtime } = client; const EVENT_EXCEPTION_THROWN = "Runtime.exceptionThrown"; const history = new RecordEvents(eventCount); history.addRecorder({ event: Runtime.exceptionThrown, eventName: EVENT_EXCEPTION_THROWN, messageFn: payload => `Received "${payload.name}"`, }); const timeBefore = Date.now(); await callback(); const exceptionThrownEvents = await history.record(); is(exceptionThrownEvents.length, eventCount, "Got expected amount of events"); if (eventCount == 0) { return []; } const timeAfter = Date.now(); // Check basic details for entryAdded events exceptionThrownEvents.forEach(event => { const details = event.payload.exceptionDetails; const timestamp = event.payload.timestamp; is(typeof details, "object", "Got expected 'exceptionDetails' property"); ok( timestamp >= timeBefore && timestamp <= timeAfter, `Timestamp ${timestamp} in expected range [${timeBefore} - ${timeAfter}]` ); }); return exceptionThrownEvents.map(event => event.payload.exceptionDetails); }