/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test the Runtime remote object add_task(async function ({ client }) { const firstContext = await testRuntimeEnable(client); const contextId = firstContext.id; await testObjectRelease(client, contextId); }); async function testRuntimeEnable({ Runtime }) { // Enable watching for new execution context await Runtime.enable(); info("Runtime domain has been enabled"); // Calling Runtime.enable will emit executionContextCreated for the existing contexts const { context } = await Runtime.executionContextCreated(); ok(!!context.id, "The execution context has an id"); ok(context.auxData.isDefault, "The execution context is the default one"); ok(!!context.auxData.frameId, "The execution context has a frame id set"); return context; } async function testObjectRelease({ Runtime }, contextId) { const { result } = await Runtime.evaluate({ contextId, expression: "({ foo: 42 })", }); is(result.subtype, undefined, "JS Object has no subtype"); is(result.type, "object", "The type is correct"); ok(!!result.objectId, "Got an object id"); const { result: result2 } = await Runtime.callFunctionOn({ executionContextId: contextId, functionDeclaration: "obj => JSON.stringify(obj)", arguments: [{ objectId: result.objectId }], }); is(result2.type, "string", "The type is correct"); is(result2.value, JSON.stringify({ foo: 42 }), "Got the object's JSON"); const { result: result3 } = await Runtime.callFunctionOn({ objectId: result.objectId, functionDeclaration: "function () { return this.foo; }", }); is(result3.type, "number", "The type is correct"); is(result3.value, 42, "Got the object's foo attribute"); await Runtime.releaseObject({ objectId: result.objectId, }); info("Object is released"); await Assert.rejects( Runtime.callFunctionOn({ executionContextId: contextId, functionDeclaration: "() => {}", arguments: [{ objectId: result.objectId }], }), err => err.message.includes("Could not find object with given id"), "callFunctionOn throws on released argument" ); await Assert.rejects( Runtime.callFunctionOn({ objectId: result.objectId, functionDeclaration: "() => {}", }), err => err.message.includes("Cannot find context with specified id"), "callFunctionOn throws on released target" ); }