/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; add_task( async function getProcessInfoDetails({ client }) { const { SystemInfo } = client; const processInfo = await SystemInfo.getProcessInfo(); assertProcesses(processInfo); }, { createTab: false } ); add_task( async function getProcessInfoMultipleTabs({ client }) { const { SystemInfo, Target } = client; const { newTab: newTab1 } = await openTab(Target); const { newTab: newTab2 } = await openTab(Target); const { newTab: newTab3 } = await openTab(Target); const { newTab: newTab4 } = await openTab(Target); const processInfo = await SystemInfo.getProcessInfo(); assertProcesses(processInfo, [newTab1, newTab2, newTab3, newTab4]); }, { createTab: false } ); add_task( async function getProcessInfoMultipleWindows({ client }) { const { SystemInfo, Target } = client; const { newWindow: newWindow1 } = await openWindow(Target); const { newWindow: newWindow2 } = await openWindow(Target); const processInfo = await SystemInfo.getProcessInfo(); assertProcesses(processInfo, [ ...newWindow1.gBrowser.tabs, ...newWindow2.gBrowser.tabs, ]); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWindow1); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWindow2); }, { createTab: false } ); function assertProcesses(processInfo, tabs) { ok(Array.isArray(processInfo), "Process info is an array"); for (const info of processInfo) { ok(typeof info.id === "number", "Info has a numeric id"); ok(typeof info.type === "string", "Info has a string type"); ok(typeof info.cpuTime === "number", "Info has a numeric cpuTime"); } const getByType = type => processInfo.filter(info => info.type === type); is( getByType("browser").length, 1, "Got expected amount of browser processes" ); ok(!!getByType("renderer").length, "Got at least one renderer process"); if (tabs) { const rendererPids = new Set( processInfo.filter(info => info.type === "renderer").map(info => info.id) ); for (const tab of tabs) { const pid = tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.osPid; ok(rendererPids.has(pid), `Found process info for pid (${pid})`); } } }