# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import argparse import json import os import platform import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile from collections import OrderedDict import mozlog import mozprofile from mach.decorators import Command, CommandArgument, SubCommand from mozbuild import nodeutil from mozbuild.base import BinaryNotFoundException, MozbuildObject EX_CONFIG = 78 EX_SOFTWARE = 70 EX_USAGE = 64 def setup(): # add node and npm from mozbuild to front of system path npm, _ = nodeutil.find_npm_executable() if not npm: exit(EX_CONFIG, "could not find npm executable") path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(npm, os.pardir)) os.environ["PATH"] = "{}{}{}".format(path, os.pathsep, os.environ["PATH"]) def remotedir(command_context): return os.path.join(command_context.topsrcdir, "remote") @Command("remote", category="misc", description="Remote protocol related operations.") def remote(command_context): """The remote subcommands all relate to the remote protocol.""" command_context._sub_mach(["help", "remote"]) return 1 @SubCommand( "remote", "vendor-puppeteer", "Pull in latest changes of the Puppeteer client." ) @CommandArgument( "--repository", metavar="REPO", default="https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer.git", help="The (possibly local) repository to clone from.", ) @CommandArgument( "--commitish", metavar="COMMITISH", required=True, help="The commit or tag object name to check out.", ) @CommandArgument( "--no-install", dest="install", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not install the just-pulled Puppeteer package,", ) def vendor_puppeteer(command_context, repository, commitish, install): puppeteer_dir = os.path.join(remotedir(command_context), "test", "puppeteer") # Preserve our custom mocha reporter shutil.move( os.path.join(puppeteer_dir, "json-mocha-reporter.js"), os.path.join(remotedir(command_context), "json-mocha-reporter.js"), ) shutil.rmtree(puppeteer_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(puppeteer_dir) with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: git("clone", "-q", repository, tmpdir) git("checkout", commitish, worktree=tmpdir) git( "checkout-index", "-a", "-f", "--prefix", "{}/".format(puppeteer_dir), worktree=tmpdir, ) # remove files which may interfere with git checkout of central try: os.remove(os.path.join(puppeteer_dir, ".gitattributes")) os.remove(os.path.join(puppeteer_dir, ".gitignore")) except OSError: pass unwanted_dirs = ["experimental", "docs"] for dir in unwanted_dirs: dir_path = os.path.join(puppeteer_dir, dir) if os.path.isdir(dir_path): shutil.rmtree(dir_path) shutil.move( os.path.join(remotedir(command_context), "json-mocha-reporter.js"), puppeteer_dir, ) import yaml annotation = { "schema": 1, "bugzilla": { "product": "Remote Protocol", "component": "Agent", }, "origin": { "name": "puppeteer", "description": "Headless Chrome Node API", "url": repository, "license": "Apache-2.0", "release": commitish, }, } with open(os.path.join(puppeteer_dir, "moz.yaml"), "w") as fh: yaml.safe_dump( annotation, fh, default_flow_style=False, encoding="utf-8", allow_unicode=True, ) if install: env = { "CI": "1", # Force the quiet logger of wireit "HUSKY": "0", # Disable any hook checks "PUPPETEER_SKIP_DOWNLOAD": "1", # Don't download any build } run_npm( "install", cwd=os.path.join(command_context.topsrcdir, puppeteer_dir), env=env, ) def git(*args, **kwargs): cmd = ("git",) if kwargs.get("worktree"): cmd += ("-C", kwargs["worktree"]) cmd += args pipe = kwargs.get("pipe") git_p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, env={"GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM": "1"}, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) pipe_p = None if pipe: pipe_p = subprocess.Popen(pipe, stdin=git_p.stdout, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if pipe: _, pipe_err = pipe_p.communicate() out, git_err = git_p.communicate() # use error from first program that failed if git_p.returncode > 0: exit(EX_SOFTWARE, git_err) if pipe and pipe_p.returncode > 0: exit(EX_SOFTWARE, pipe_err) return out def run_npm(*args, **kwargs): from mozprocess import run_and_wait def output_timeout_handler(proc): # In some cases, we wait longer for a mocha timeout print( "Timed out after {} seconds of no output".format(kwargs["output_timeout"]) ) env = os.environ.copy() npm, _ = nodeutil.find_npm_executable() if kwargs.get("env"): env.update(kwargs["env"]) proc_kwargs = {"output_timeout_handler": output_timeout_handler} for kw in ["output_line_handler", "output_timeout"]: if kw in kwargs: proc_kwargs[kw] = kwargs[kw] cmd = [npm] cmd.extend(list(args)) p = run_and_wait( args=cmd, cwd=kwargs.get("cwd"), env=env, text=True, **proc_kwargs, ) post_wait_proc(p, cmd=npm, exit_on_fail=kwargs.get("exit_on_fail", True)) return p.returncode def post_wait_proc(p, cmd=None, exit_on_fail=True): if p.poll() is None: p.kill() if exit_on_fail and p.returncode > 0: msg = ( "%s: exit code %s" % (cmd, p.returncode) if cmd else "exit code %s" % p.returncode ) exit(p.returncode, msg) class MochaOutputHandler(object): def __init__(self, logger, expected): self.hook_re = re.compile('"before\b?.*" hook|"after\b?.*" hook') self.logger = logger self.proc = None self.test_results = OrderedDict() self.expected = expected self.unexpected_skips = set() self.has_unexpected = False self.logger.suite_start([], name="puppeteer-tests") self.status_map = { "CRASHED": "CRASH", "OK": "PASS", "TERMINATED": "CRASH", "pass": "PASS", "fail": "FAIL", "pending": "SKIP", } @property def pid(self): return self.proc and self.proc.pid def __call__(self, proc, line): self.proc = proc line = line.rstrip("\r\n") event = None try: if line.startswith("[") and line.endswith("]"): event = json.loads(line) self.process_event(event) except ValueError: pass finally: self.logger.process_output(self.pid, line, command="npm") def testExpectation(self, testIdPattern, expected_name): if testIdPattern.find("*") == -1: return expected_name == testIdPattern else: return re.compile(re.escape(testIdPattern).replace(r"\*", ".*")).search( expected_name ) def process_event(self, event): if isinstance(event, list) and len(event) > 1: status = self.status_map.get(event[0]) test_start = event[0] == "test-start" if not status and not test_start: return test_info = event[1] test_full_title = test_info.get("fullTitle", "") test_name = test_full_title test_path = test_info.get("file", "") test_file_name = os.path.basename(test_path).replace(".js", "") test_err = test_info.get("err") if status == "FAIL" and test_err: if "timeout" in test_err.lower(): status = "TIMEOUT" if test_name and test_path: test_name = "{} ({})".format(test_name, os.path.basename(test_path)) # mocha hook failures are not tracked in metadata if status != "PASS" and self.hook_re.search(test_name): self.logger.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR %s" % (test_name,)) return if test_start: self.logger.test_start(test_name) return expected_name = "[{}] {}".format(test_file_name, test_full_title) expected_item = next( ( expectation for expectation in reversed(list(self.expected)) if self.testExpectation(expectation["testIdPattern"], expected_name) ), None, ) if expected_item is None: expected = ["PASS"] else: expected = expected_item["expectations"] # mozlog doesn't really allow unexpected skip, # so if a test is disabled just expect that and note the unexpected skip # Also, mocha doesn't log test-start for skipped tests if status == "SKIP": self.logger.test_start(test_name) if self.expected and status not in expected: self.unexpected_skips.add(test_name) expected = ["SKIP"] known_intermittent = expected[1:] expected_status = expected[0] # check if we've seen a result for this test before this log line result_recorded = self.test_results.get(test_name) if result_recorded: self.logger.warning( "Received a second status for {}: " "first {}, now {}".format(test_name, result_recorded, status) ) # mocha intermittently logs an additional test result after the # test has already timed out. Avoid recording this second status. if result_recorded != "TIMEOUT": self.test_results[test_name] = status if status not in expected: self.has_unexpected = True self.logger.test_end( test_name, status=status, expected=expected_status, known_intermittent=known_intermittent, ) def after_end(self): if self.unexpected_skips: self.has_unexpected = True for test_name in self.unexpected_skips: self.logger.error( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-MISSING Unexpected skipped %s" % (test_name,) ) self.logger.suite_end() # tempfile.TemporaryDirectory missing from Python 2.7 class TemporaryDirectory(object): def __init__(self): self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp() self._closed = False def __repr__(self): return "<{} {!r}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.path) def __enter__(self): return self.path def __exit__(self, exc, value, tb): self.clean() def __del__(self): self.clean() def clean(self): if self.path and not self._closed: shutil.rmtree(self.path) self._closed = True class PuppeteerRunner(MozbuildObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PuppeteerRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.remotedir = os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, "remote") self.puppeteer_dir = os.path.join(self.remotedir, "test", "puppeteer") def run_test(self, logger, *tests, **params): """ Runs Puppeteer unit tests with npm. Possible optional test parameters: `binary`: Path for the browser binary to use. Defaults to the local build. `cdp`: Boolean to indicate whether to test Firefox with CDP protocol. `headless`: Boolean to indicate whether to activate Firefox' headless mode. `extra_prefs`: Dictionary of extra preferences to write to the profile, before invoking npm. Overrides default preferences. `enable_webrender`: Boolean to indicate whether to enable WebRender compositor in Gecko. """ setup() binary = params.get("binary") or self.get_binary_path() headless = params.get("headless", False) product = params.get("product", "firefox") with_cdp = params.get("cdp", False) extra_options = {} for k, v in params.get("extra_launcher_options", {}).items(): extra_options[k] = json.loads(v) # Override upstream defaults: no retries, shorter timeout mocha_options = [ "--reporter", "./json-mocha-reporter.js", "--retries", "0", "--fullTrace", "--timeout", "20000", "--no-parallel", "--no-coverage", ] env = { # Checked by Puppeteer's custom mocha config "CI": "1", # Print browser process ouptut "DUMPIO": "1", # Run in headless mode if trueish, otherwise use headful "HEADLESS": str(headless), # Causes some tests to be skipped due to assumptions about install "PUPPETEER_ALT_INSTALL": "1", } if product == "firefox": env["BINARY"] = binary env["PUPPETEER_PRODUCT"] = "firefox" env["MOZ_WEBRENDER"] = "%d" % params.get("enable_webrender", False) else: env["PUPPETEER_CACHE_DIR"] = os.path.join( self.topobjdir, "_tests", "remote", "test", "puppeteer", ".cache", ) test_command = "test:" + product if with_cdp: if headless: test_command = test_command + ":headless" else: test_command = test_command + ":headful" else: if headless: test_command = test_command + ":bidi" else: if product == "chrome": raise Exception( "Chrome doesn't support headful mode with the WebDriver BiDi protocol" ) test_command = test_command + ":bidi:headful" command = ["run", test_command, "--"] + mocha_options prefs = {} for k, v in params.get("extra_prefs", {}).items(): print("Using extra preference: {}={}".format(k, v)) prefs[k] = mozprofile.Preferences.cast(v) if prefs: extra_options["extraPrefsFirefox"] = prefs if extra_options: env["EXTRA_LAUNCH_OPTIONS"] = json.dumps(extra_options) expected_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "test", "puppeteer", "test", "TestExpectations.json", ) if os.path.exists(expected_path): with open(expected_path) as f: expected_data = json.load(f) else: expected_data = [] expected_platform = platform.uname().system.lower() if expected_platform == "windows": expected_platform = "win32" # Filter expectation data for the selected browser, # headless or headful mode, the operating system, # run in BiDi mode or not. expectations = [ expectation for expectation in expected_data if is_relevant_expectation( expectation, product, with_cdp, env["HEADLESS"], expected_platform ) ] output_handler = MochaOutputHandler(logger, expectations) run_npm( *command, cwd=self.puppeteer_dir, env=env, output_line_handler=output_handler, # Puppeteer unit tests don't always clean-up child processes in case of # failure, so use an output_timeout as a fallback output_timeout=60, exit_on_fail=True, ) output_handler.after_end() if output_handler.has_unexpected: logger.error("Got unexpected results") exit(1) def create_parser_puppeteer(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument( "--product", type=str, default="firefox", choices=["chrome", "firefox"] ) p.add_argument( "--binary", type=str, help="Path to browser binary. Defaults to local Firefox build.", ) p.add_argument( "--cdp", action="store_true", help="Flag that indicates whether to test Firefox with the CDP protocol.", ) p.add_argument( "--ci", action="store_true", help="Flag that indicates that tests run in a CI environment.", ) p.add_argument( "--disable-fission", action="store_true", default=False, dest="disable_fission", help="Disable Fission (site isolation) in Gecko.", ) p.add_argument( "--enable-webrender", action="store_true", help="Enable the WebRender compositor in Gecko.", ) p.add_argument( "-z", "--headless", action="store_true", help="Run browser in headless mode." ) p.add_argument( "--setpref", action="append", dest="extra_prefs", metavar="=", help="Defines additional user preferences.", ) p.add_argument( "--setopt", action="append", dest="extra_options", metavar="