/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { accessibility: "chrome://remote/content/marionette/accessibility.sys.mjs", action: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Actions.sys.mjs", atom: "chrome://remote/content/marionette/atom.sys.mjs", dom: "chrome://remote/content/shared/DOM.sys.mjs", error: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs", evaluate: "chrome://remote/content/marionette/evaluate.sys.mjs", interaction: "chrome://remote/content/marionette/interaction.sys.mjs", json: "chrome://remote/content/marionette/json.sys.mjs", Log: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Log.sys.mjs", sandbox: "chrome://remote/content/marionette/evaluate.sys.mjs", Sandboxes: "chrome://remote/content/marionette/evaluate.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "logger", () => lazy.Log.get(lazy.Log.TYPES.MARIONETTE) ); export class MarionetteCommandsChild extends JSWindowActorChild { #processActor; constructor() { super(); this.#processActor = ChromeUtils.domProcessChild.getActor( "WebDriverProcessData" ); // sandbox storage and name of the current sandbox this.sandboxes = new lazy.Sandboxes(() => this.document.defaultView); // State of the input actions. This is specific to contexts and sessions this.actionState = null; } get innerWindowId() { return this.manager.innerWindowId; } actorCreated() { lazy.logger.trace( `[${this.browsingContext.id}] MarionetteCommands actor created ` + `for window id ${this.innerWindowId}` ); } didDestroy() { lazy.logger.trace( `[${this.browsingContext.id}] MarionetteCommands actor destroyed ` + `for window id ${this.innerWindowId}` ); } async receiveMessage(msg) { if (!this.contentWindow) { throw new DOMException("Actor is no longer active", "InactiveActor"); } try { let result; let waitForNextTick = false; const { name, data: serializedData } = msg; const data = lazy.json.deserialize( serializedData, this.#processActor.getNodeCache(), this.contentWindow.browsingContext ); switch (name) { case "MarionetteCommandsParent:clearElement": this.clearElement(data); waitForNextTick = true; break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:clickElement": result = await this.clickElement(data); waitForNextTick = true; break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:executeScript": result = await this.executeScript(data); waitForNextTick = true; break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:findElement": result = await this.findElement(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:findElements": result = await this.findElements(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getActiveElement": result = await this.getActiveElement(); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getComputedLabel": result = await this.getComputedLabel(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getComputedRole": result = await this.getComputedRole(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getElementAttribute": result = await this.getElementAttribute(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getElementProperty": result = await this.getElementProperty(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getElementRect": result = await this.getElementRect(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getElementTagName": result = await this.getElementTagName(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getElementText": result = await this.getElementText(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getElementValueOfCssProperty": result = await this.getElementValueOfCssProperty(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getPageSource": result = await this.getPageSource(); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getScreenshotRect": result = await this.getScreenshotRect(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:getShadowRoot": result = await this.getShadowRoot(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:isElementDisplayed": result = await this.isElementDisplayed(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:isElementEnabled": result = await this.isElementEnabled(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:isElementSelected": result = await this.isElementSelected(data); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:performActions": result = await this.performActions(data); waitForNextTick = true; break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:releaseActions": result = await this.releaseActions(); break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:sendKeysToElement": result = await this.sendKeysToElement(data); waitForNextTick = true; break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:switchToFrame": result = await this.switchToFrame(data); waitForNextTick = true; break; case "MarionetteCommandsParent:switchToParentFrame": result = await this.switchToParentFrame(); waitForNextTick = true; break; } // Inform the content process that the command has completed. It allows // it to process async follow-up tasks before the reply is sent. if (waitForNextTick) { await new Promise(resolve => Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(resolve)); } const { seenNodeIds, serializedValue, hasSerializedWindows } = lazy.json.clone(result, this.#processActor.getNodeCache()); // Because in WebDriver classic nodes can only be returned from the same // browsing context, we only need the seen unique ids as flat array. return { seenNodeIds: [...seenNodeIds.values()].flat(), serializedValue, hasSerializedWindows, }; } catch (e) { // Always wrap errors as WebDriverError return { error: lazy.error.wrap(e).toJSON() }; } } // Implementation of WebDriver commands /** Clear the text of an element. * * @param {object} options * @param {Element} options.elem */ clearElement(options = {}) { const { elem } = options; lazy.interaction.clearElement(elem); } /** * Click an element. */ async clickElement(options = {}) { const { capabilities, elem } = options; return lazy.interaction.clickElement( elem, capabilities["moz:accessibilityChecks"], capabilities["moz:webdriverClick"] ); } /** * Executes a JavaScript function. */ async executeScript(options = {}) { const { args, opts = {}, script } = options; let sb; if (opts.sandboxName) { sb = this.sandboxes.get(opts.sandboxName, opts.newSandbox); } else { sb = lazy.sandbox.createMutable(this.document.defaultView); } return lazy.evaluate.sandbox(sb, script, args, opts); } /** * Find an element in the current browsing context's document using the * given search strategy. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.strategy * @param {string} options.selector * @param {object} options.opts * @param {Element} options.opts.startNode * */ async findElement(options = {}) { const { strategy, selector, opts } = options; opts.all = false; const container = { frame: this.document.defaultView }; return lazy.dom.find(container, strategy, selector, opts); } /** * Find elements in the current browsing context's document using the * given search strategy. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.strategy * @param {string} options.selector * @param {object} options.opts * @param {Element} options.opts.startNode * */ async findElements(options = {}) { const { strategy, selector, opts } = options; opts.all = true; const container = { frame: this.document.defaultView }; return lazy.dom.find(container, strategy, selector, opts); } /** * Return the active element in the document. */ async getActiveElement() { let elem = this.document.activeElement; if (!elem) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchElementError(); } return elem; } /** * Return the accessible label for a given element. */ async getComputedLabel(options = {}) { const { elem } = options; const accessible = await lazy.accessibility.getAccessible(elem); if (!accessible) { return ""; } // If name is null (absent), expose the empty string. if (accessible.name === null) { return ""; } return accessible.name; } /** * Return the accessible role for a given element. */ async getComputedRole(options = {}) { const { elem } = options; const accessible = await lazy.accessibility.getAccessible(elem); if (!accessible) { // If it's not in the a11y tree, it's probably presentational. return "none"; } return accessible.computedARIARole; } /** * Get the value of an attribute for the given element. */ async getElementAttribute(options = {}) { const { name, elem } = options; if (lazy.dom.isBooleanAttribute(elem, name)) { if (elem.hasAttribute(name)) { return "true"; } return null; } return elem.getAttribute(name); } /** * Get the value of a property for the given element. */ async getElementProperty(options = {}) { const { name, elem } = options; // Waive Xrays to get unfiltered access to the untrusted element. const el = Cu.waiveXrays(elem); return typeof el[name] != "undefined" ? el[name] : null; } /** * Get the position and dimensions of the element. */ async getElementRect(options = {}) { const { elem } = options; const rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: rect.x + this.document.defaultView.pageXOffset, y: rect.y + this.document.defaultView.pageYOffset, width: rect.width, height: rect.height, }; } /** * Get the tagName for the given element. */ async getElementTagName(options = {}) { const { elem } = options; return elem.tagName.toLowerCase(); } /** * Get the text content for the given element. */ async getElementText(options = {}) { const { elem } = options; try { return await lazy.atom.getVisibleText(elem, this.document.defaultView); } catch (e) { lazy.logger.warn(`Atom getVisibleText failed: "${e.message}"`); // Fallback in case the atom implementation is broken. // As known so far this only happens for XML documents (bug 1794099). return elem.textContent; } } /** * Get the value of a css property for the given element. */ async getElementValueOfCssProperty(options = {}) { const { name, elem } = options; const style = this.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem); return style.getPropertyValue(name); } /** * Get the source of the current browsing context's document. */ async getPageSource() { return this.document.documentElement.outerHTML; } /** * Returns the rect of the element to screenshot. * * Because the screen capture takes place in the parent process the dimensions * for the screenshot have to be determined in the appropriate child process. * * Also it takes care of scrolling an element into view if requested. * * @param {object} options * @param {Element} options.elem * Optional element to take a screenshot of. * @param {boolean=} options.full * True to take a screenshot of the entire document element. * Defaults to true. * @param {boolean=} options.scroll * When elem is given, scroll it into view. * Defaults to true. * * @returns {DOMRect} * The area to take a snapshot from. */ async getScreenshotRect(options = {}) { const { elem, full = true, scroll = true } = options; const win = elem ? this.document.defaultView : this.browsingContext.top.window; let rect; if (elem) { if (scroll) { lazy.dom.scrollIntoView(elem); } rect = this.getElementRect({ elem }); } else if (full) { const docEl = win.document.documentElement; rect = new DOMRect(0, 0, docEl.scrollWidth, docEl.scrollHeight); } else { // viewport rect = new DOMRect( win.pageXOffset, win.pageYOffset, win.innerWidth, win.innerHeight ); } return rect; } /** * Return the shadowRoot attached to an element */ async getShadowRoot(options = {}) { const { elem } = options; return lazy.dom.getShadowRoot(elem); } /** * Determine the element displayedness of the given web element. */ async isElementDisplayed(options = {}) { const { capabilities, elem } = options; return lazy.interaction.isElementDisplayed( elem, capabilities["moz:accessibilityChecks"] ); } /** * Check if element is enabled. */ async isElementEnabled(options = {}) { const { capabilities, elem } = options; return lazy.interaction.isElementEnabled( elem, capabilities["moz:accessibilityChecks"] ); } /** * Determine whether the referenced element is selected or not. */ async isElementSelected(options = {}) { const { capabilities, elem } = options; return lazy.interaction.isElementSelected( elem, capabilities["moz:accessibilityChecks"] ); } /** * Perform a series of grouped actions at the specified points in time. * * @param {object} options * @param {object} options.actions * Array of objects with each representing an action sequence. * @param {object} options.capabilities * Object with a list of WebDriver session capabilities. */ async performActions(options = {}) { const { actions } = options; if (this.actionState === null) { this.actionState = new lazy.action.State(); } let actionChain = lazy.action.Chain.fromJSON(this.actionState, actions); await actionChain.dispatch(this.actionState, this.document.defaultView); // Terminate the current wheel transaction if there is one. Wheel // transactions should not live longer than a single action chain. ChromeUtils.endWheelTransaction(); } /** * The release actions command is used to release all the keys and pointer * buttons that are currently depressed. This causes events to be fired * as if the state was released by an explicit series of actions. It also * clears all the internal state of the virtual devices. */ async releaseActions() { if (this.actionState === null) { return; } await this.actionState.release(this.document.defaultView); this.actionState = null; } /* * Send key presses to element after focusing on it. */ async sendKeysToElement(options = {}) { const { capabilities, elem, text } = options; const opts = { strictFileInteractability: capabilities.strictFileInteractability, accessibilityChecks: capabilities["moz:accessibilityChecks"], webdriverClick: capabilities["moz:webdriverClick"], }; return lazy.interaction.sendKeysToElement(elem, text, opts); } /** * Switch to the specified frame. * * @param {object=} options * @param {(number|Element)=} options.id * If it's a number treat it as the index for all the existing frames. * If it's an Element switch to this specific frame. * If not specified or `null` switch to the top-level browsing context. */ async switchToFrame(options = {}) { const { id } = options; const childContexts = this.browsingContext.children; let browsingContext; if (id == null) { browsingContext = this.browsingContext.top; } else if (typeof id == "number") { if (id < 0 || id >= childContexts.length) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchFrameError( `Unable to locate frame with index: ${id}` ); } browsingContext = childContexts[id]; } else { const context = childContexts.find(context => { return context.embedderElement === id; }); if (!context) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchFrameError( `Unable to locate frame for element: ${id}` ); } browsingContext = context; } // For in-process iframes the window global is lazy-loaded for optimization // reasons. As such force the currentWindowGlobal to be created so we always // have a window (bug 1691348). browsingContext.window; return { browsingContextId: browsingContext.id }; } /** * Switch to the parent frame. */ async switchToParentFrame() { const browsingContext = this.browsingContext.parent || this.browsingContext; return { browsingContextId: browsingContext.id }; } }