/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * Add a new tab in a given browser, pointing to a given URL and automatically * register the cleanup function to remove it at the end of the test. * * @param {Browser} browser * The browser element where the tab should be added. * @param {string} url * The URL for the tab. * @param {object=} options * Options object to forward to BrowserTestUtils.addTab. * @returns {Tab} * The created tab. */ function addTab(browser, url, options) { const tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(browser, url, options); registerCleanupFunction(() => browser.removeTab(tab)); return tab; } /** * Check if a given navigation is valid and has the expected url. * * @param {object} navigation * The navigation to validate. * @param {string} expectedUrl * The expected url for the navigation. */ function assertNavigation(navigation, expectedUrl) { ok(!!navigation, "Retrieved a navigation"); is(navigation.url, expectedUrl, "Navigation has the expected URL"); is( typeof navigation.navigationId, "string", "Navigation has a string navigationId" ); } /** * Check a pair of navigation events have the expected URL, navigation id and * navigable id. The pair is expected to be ordered as follows: navigation-started * and then navigation-stopped. * * @param {Array} events * The pair of events to validate. * @param {string} url * The expected url for the navigation. * @param {string} navigationId * The expected navigation id. * @param {string} navigableId * The expected navigable id. * @param {boolean} isSameDocument * If the navigation should be a same document navigation. */ function assertNavigationEvents( events, url, navigationId, navigableId, isSameDocument ) { const expectedEvents = isSameDocument ? 1 : 2; const navigationEvents = events.filter( e => e.data.navigationId == navigationId ); is( navigationEvents.length, expectedEvents, `Found ${expectedEvents} events for navigationId ${navigationId}` ); if (isSameDocument) { // Check there are no navigation-started/stopped events. ok(!navigationEvents.some(e => e.name === "navigation-started")); ok(!navigationEvents.some(e => e.name === "navigation-stopped")); const locationChanged = navigationEvents.find( e => e.name === "location-changed" ); is(locationChanged.name, "location-changed", "event has the expected name"); is(locationChanged.data.url, url, "event has the expected url"); is( locationChanged.data.navigableId, navigableId, "event has the expected navigable" ); } else { // Check there is no location-changed event. ok(!navigationEvents.some(e => e.name === "location-changed")); const started = navigationEvents.find(e => e.name === "navigation-started"); const stopped = navigationEvents.find(e => e.name === "navigation-stopped"); // Check navigation-started is(started.name, "navigation-started", "event has the expected name"); is(started.data.url, url, "event has the expected url"); is( started.data.navigableId, navigableId, "event has the expected navigable" ); // Check navigation-stopped is(stopped.name, "navigation-stopped", "event has the expected name"); is(stopped.data.url, url, "event has the expected url"); is( stopped.data.navigableId, navigableId, "event has the expected navigable" ); } } /** * Assert that the given navigations all have unique/different ids. * * @param {Array} navigations * The navigations to validate. */ function assertUniqueNavigationIds(...navigations) { const ids = navigations.map(navigation => navigation.navigationId); is(new Set(ids).size, ids.length, "Navigation ids are all different"); } /** * Create a document-builder based page with an iframe served by a given domain. * * @param {string} domain * The domain which should serve the page. * @returns {string} * The URI for the page. */ function createFrame(domain) { return createFrameForUri( `https://${domain}/document-builder.sjs?html=frame-${domain}` ); } /** * Create the markup for an iframe pointing to a given URI. * * @param {string} uri * The uri for the iframe. * @returns {string} * The iframe markup. */ function createFrameForUri(uri) { return ``; } /** * Create the URL for a test page containing nested iframes * * @returns {string} * The test page url. */ function createTestPageWithFrames() { // Create the markup for an example.net frame nested in an example.com frame. const NESTED_FRAME_MARKUP = createFrameForUri( `https://example.org/document-builder.sjs?html=${createFrame( "example.net" )}` ); // Combine the nested frame markup created above with an example.com frame. const TEST_URI_MARKUP = `${NESTED_FRAME_MARKUP}${createFrame("example.com")}`; // Create the test page URI on example.org. return `https://example.org/document-builder.sjs?html=${encodeURI( TEST_URI_MARKUP )}`; } /** * Load the provided url in an existing browser. * * @param {Browser} browser * The browser element where the URL should be loaded. * @param {string} url * The URL to load. * @param {object=} options * @param {boolean} options.includeSubFrames * Whether we should monitor load of sub frames. Defaults to false. * @param {boolean} options.maybeErrorPage * Whether we might reach an error page or not. Defaults to false. * @returns {Promise} * Promise which will resolve when the page is loaded with the expected url. */ async function loadURL(browser, url, options = {}) { const { includeSubFrames = false, maybeErrorPage = false } = options; const loaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded( browser, includeSubFrames, url, maybeErrorPage ); BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(browser, url); return loaded; }