/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AppInfo: "chrome://remote/content/shared/AppInfo.sys.mjs", assert: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Assert.sys.mjs", error: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs", pprint: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Format.sys.mjs", RemoteAgent: "chrome://remote/content/components/RemoteAgent.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "remoteAgent", () => { return Cc["@mozilla.org/remote/agent;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIRemoteAgent); }); // List of capabilities which are only relevant for Webdriver Classic. export const WEBDRIVER_CLASSIC_CAPABILITIES = [ "pageLoadStrategy", "timeouts", "strictFileInteractability", "unhandledPromptBehavior", "webSocketUrl", "moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin", "moz:webdriverClick", "moz:debuggerAddress", "moz:firefoxOptions", ]; /** Representation of WebDriver session timeouts. */ export class Timeouts { constructor() { // disabled this.implicit = 0; // five minutes this.pageLoad = 300000; // 30 seconds this.script = 30000; } toString() { return "[object Timeouts]"; } /** Marshals timeout durations to a JSON Object. */ toJSON() { return { implicit: this.implicit, pageLoad: this.pageLoad, script: this.script, }; } static fromJSON(json) { lazy.assert.object( json, lazy.pprint`Expected "timeouts" to be an object, got ${json}` ); let t = new Timeouts(); for (let [type, ms] of Object.entries(json)) { switch (type) { case "implicit": t.implicit = lazy.assert.positiveInteger( ms, lazy.pprint`Expected ${type} to be a positive integer, got ${ms}` ); break; case "script": if (ms !== null) { lazy.assert.positiveInteger( ms, lazy.pprint`Expected ${type} to be a positive integer, got ${ms}` ); } t.script = ms; break; case "pageLoad": t.pageLoad = lazy.assert.positiveInteger( ms, lazy.pprint`Expected ${type} to be a positive integer, got ${ms}` ); break; default: throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( "Unrecognised timeout: " + type ); } } return t; } } /** * Enum of page loading strategies. * * @enum */ export const PageLoadStrategy = { /** No page load strategy. Navigation will return immediately. */ None: "none", /** * Eager, causing navigation to complete when the document reaches * the <code>interactive</code> ready state. */ Eager: "eager", /** * Normal, causing navigation to return when the document reaches the * <code>complete</code> ready state. */ Normal: "normal", }; /** Proxy configuration object representation. */ export class Proxy { /** @class */ constructor() { this.proxyType = null; this.httpProxy = null; this.httpProxyPort = null; this.noProxy = null; this.sslProxy = null; this.sslProxyPort = null; this.socksProxy = null; this.socksProxyPort = null; this.socksVersion = null; this.proxyAutoconfigUrl = null; } /** * Sets Firefox proxy settings. * * @returns {boolean} * True if proxy settings were updated as a result of calling this * function, or false indicating that this function acted as * a no-op. */ init() { switch (this.proxyType) { case "autodetect": Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.proxy.type", 4); return true; case "direct": Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.proxy.type", 0); return true; case "manual": Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.proxy.type", 1); if (this.httpProxy) { Services.prefs.setStringPref("network.proxy.http", this.httpProxy); if (Number.isInteger(this.httpProxyPort)) { Services.prefs.setIntPref( "network.proxy.http_port", this.httpProxyPort ); } } if (this.sslProxy) { Services.prefs.setStringPref("network.proxy.ssl", this.sslProxy); if (Number.isInteger(this.sslProxyPort)) { Services.prefs.setIntPref( "network.proxy.ssl_port", this.sslProxyPort ); } } if (this.socksProxy) { Services.prefs.setStringPref("network.proxy.socks", this.socksProxy); if (Number.isInteger(this.socksProxyPort)) { Services.prefs.setIntPref( "network.proxy.socks_port", this.socksProxyPort ); } if (this.socksVersion) { Services.prefs.setIntPref( "network.proxy.socks_version", this.socksVersion ); } } if (this.noProxy) { Services.prefs.setStringPref( "network.proxy.no_proxies_on", this.noProxy.join(", ") ); } return true; case "pac": Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.proxy.type", 2); Services.prefs.setStringPref( "network.proxy.autoconfig_url", this.proxyAutoconfigUrl ); return true; case "system": Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.proxy.type", 5); return true; default: return false; } } /** * @param {Object<string, ?>} json * JSON Object to unmarshal. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * When proxy configuration is invalid. */ static fromJSON(json) { function stripBracketsFromIpv6Hostname(hostname) { return hostname.includes(":") ? hostname.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "") : hostname; } // Parse hostname and optional port from host function fromHost(scheme, host) { lazy.assert.string( host, lazy.pprint`Expected proxy "host" to be a string, got ${host}` ); if (host.includes("://")) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError(`${host} contains a scheme`); } let url; try { // To parse the host a scheme has to be added temporarily. // If the returned value for the port is an empty string it // could mean no port or the default port for this scheme was // specified. In such a case parse again with a different // scheme to ensure we filter out the default port. url = new URL("http://" + host); if (url.port == "") { url = new URL("https://" + host); } } catch (e) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError(e.message); } let hostname = stripBracketsFromIpv6Hostname(url.hostname); // If the port hasn't been set, use the default port of // the selected scheme (except for socks which doesn't have one). let port = parseInt(url.port); if (!Number.isInteger(port)) { if (scheme === "socks") { port = null; } else { port = Services.io.getDefaultPort(scheme); } } if ( url.username != "" || url.password != "" || url.pathname != "/" || url.search != "" || url.hash != "" ) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `${host} was not of the form host[:port]` ); } return [hostname, port]; } let p = new Proxy(); if (typeof json == "undefined" || json === null) { return p; } lazy.assert.object( json, lazy.pprint`Expected "proxy" to be an object, got ${json}` ); lazy.assert.in( "proxyType", json, lazy.pprint`Expected "proxyType" in "proxy" object, got ${json}` ); p.proxyType = lazy.assert.string( json.proxyType, lazy.pprint`Expected "proxyType" to be a string, got ${json.proxyType}` ); switch (p.proxyType) { case "autodetect": case "direct": case "system": break; case "pac": p.proxyAutoconfigUrl = lazy.assert.string( json.proxyAutoconfigUrl, `Expected "proxyAutoconfigUrl" to be a string, ` + lazy.pprint`got ${json.proxyAutoconfigUrl}` ); break; case "manual": if (typeof json.ftpProxy != "undefined") { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( "Since Firefox 90 'ftpProxy' is no longer supported" ); } if (typeof json.httpProxy != "undefined") { [p.httpProxy, p.httpProxyPort] = fromHost("http", json.httpProxy); } if (typeof json.sslProxy != "undefined") { [p.sslProxy, p.sslProxyPort] = fromHost("https", json.sslProxy); } if (typeof json.socksProxy != "undefined") { [p.socksProxy, p.socksProxyPort] = fromHost("socks", json.socksProxy); p.socksVersion = lazy.assert.positiveInteger( json.socksVersion, lazy.pprint`Expected "socksVersion" to be a positive integer, got ${json.socksVersion}` ); } if (typeof json.noProxy != "undefined") { let entries = lazy.assert.array( json.noProxy, lazy.pprint`Expected "noProxy" to be an array, got ${json.noProxy}` ); p.noProxy = entries.map(entry => { lazy.assert.string( entry, lazy.pprint`Expected "noProxy" entry to be a string, got ${entry}` ); return stripBracketsFromIpv6Hostname(entry); }); } break; default: throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Invalid type of proxy: ${p.proxyType}` ); } return p; } /** * @returns {Object<string, (number | string)>} * JSON serialisation of proxy object. */ toJSON() { function addBracketsToIpv6Hostname(hostname) { return hostname.includes(":") ? `[${hostname}]` : hostname; } function toHost(hostname, port) { if (!hostname) { return null; } // Add brackets around IPv6 addresses hostname = addBracketsToIpv6Hostname(hostname); if (port != null) { return `${hostname}:${port}`; } return hostname; } let excludes = this.noProxy; if (excludes) { excludes = excludes.map(addBracketsToIpv6Hostname); } return marshal({ proxyType: this.proxyType, httpProxy: toHost(this.httpProxy, this.httpProxyPort), noProxy: excludes, sslProxy: toHost(this.sslProxy, this.sslProxyPort), socksProxy: toHost(this.socksProxy, this.socksProxyPort), socksVersion: this.socksVersion, proxyAutoconfigUrl: this.proxyAutoconfigUrl, }); } toString() { return "[object Proxy]"; } } /** * Enum of unhandled prompt behavior. * * @enum */ export const UnhandledPromptBehavior = { /** All simple dialogs encountered should be accepted. */ Accept: "accept", /** * All simple dialogs encountered should be accepted, and an error * returned that the dialog was handled. */ AcceptAndNotify: "accept and notify", /** All simple dialogs encountered should be dismissed. */ Dismiss: "dismiss", /** * All simple dialogs encountered should be dismissed, and an error * returned that the dialog was handled. */ DismissAndNotify: "dismiss and notify", /** All simple dialogs encountered should be left to the user to handle. */ Ignore: "ignore", }; /** WebDriver session capabilities representation. */ export class Capabilities extends Map { /** @class */ constructor() { super([ // webdriver ["browserName", getWebDriverBrowserName()], ["browserVersion", lazy.AppInfo.version], ["platformName", getWebDriverPlatformName()], ["acceptInsecureCerts", false], ["pageLoadStrategy", PageLoadStrategy.Normal], ["proxy", new Proxy()], ["setWindowRect", !lazy.AppInfo.isAndroid], ["timeouts", new Timeouts()], ["strictFileInteractability", false], ["unhandledPromptBehavior", UnhandledPromptBehavior.DismissAndNotify], [ "userAgent", Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=http"].getService( Ci.nsIHttpProtocolHandler ).userAgent, ], ["webSocketUrl", null], // proprietary ["moz:accessibilityChecks", false], ["moz:buildID", lazy.AppInfo.appBuildID], [ "moz:debuggerAddress", // With bug 1715481 fixed always use the Remote Agent instance lazy.RemoteAgent.running && lazy.RemoteAgent.cdp ? lazy.remoteAgent.debuggerAddress : null, ], [ "moz:headless", Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIGfxInfo).isHeadless, ], ["moz:platformVersion", Services.sysinfo.getProperty("version")], ["moz:processID", lazy.AppInfo.processID], ["moz:profile", maybeProfile()], [ "moz:shutdownTimeout", Services.prefs.getIntPref("toolkit.asyncshutdown.crash_timeout"), ], ["moz:webdriverClick", true], ["moz:windowless", false], ]); } /** * @param {string} key * Capability key. * @param {(string|number|boolean)} value * JSON-safe capability value. */ set(key, value) { if (key === "timeouts" && !(value instanceof Timeouts)) { throw new TypeError(); } else if (key === "proxy" && !(value instanceof Proxy)) { throw new TypeError(); } return super.set(key, value); } toString() { return "[object Capabilities]"; } /** * JSON serialisation of capabilities object. * * @returns {Object<string, ?>} */ toJSON() { let marshalled = marshal(this); // Always return the proxy capability even if it's empty if (!("proxy" in marshalled)) { marshalled.proxy = {}; } marshalled.timeouts = super.get("timeouts"); return marshalled; } /** * Unmarshal a JSON object representation of WebDriver capabilities. * * @param {Object<string, *>=} json * WebDriver capabilities. * * @returns {Capabilities} * Internal representation of WebDriver capabilities. */ static fromJSON(json) { if (typeof json == "undefined" || json === null) { json = {}; } lazy.assert.object( json, lazy.pprint`Expected "capabilities" to be an object, got ${json}"` ); const capabilities = new Capabilities(); // TODO: Bug 1823907. We can start using here spec compliant method `validate`, // as soon as `desiredCapabilities` and `requiredCapabilities` are not supported. for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(json)) { switch (k) { case "acceptInsecureCerts": lazy.assert.boolean( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be a boolean, got ${v}` ); break; case "pageLoadStrategy": lazy.assert.string( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be a string, got ${v}` ); if (!Object.values(PageLoadStrategy).includes(v)) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( "Unknown page load strategy: " + v ); } break; case "proxy": v = Proxy.fromJSON(v); break; case "setWindowRect": lazy.assert.boolean( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be boolean, got ${v}` ); if (!lazy.AppInfo.isAndroid && !v) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( "setWindowRect cannot be disabled" ); } else if (lazy.AppInfo.isAndroid && v) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( "setWindowRect is only supported on desktop" ); } break; case "timeouts": v = Timeouts.fromJSON(v); break; case "strictFileInteractability": v = lazy.assert.boolean(v); break; case "unhandledPromptBehavior": lazy.assert.string( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be a string, got ${v}` ); if (!Object.values(UnhandledPromptBehavior).includes(v)) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Unknown unhandled prompt behavior: ${v}` ); } break; case "webSocketUrl": lazy.assert.boolean( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be boolean, got ${v}` ); if (!v) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be true, got ${v}` ); } break; case "webauthn:virtualAuthenticators": lazy.assert.boolean( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be a boolean, got ${v}` ); break; case "webauthn:extension:uvm": lazy.assert.boolean( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be a boolean, got ${v}` ); break; case "webauthn:extension:prf": lazy.assert.boolean( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be a boolean, got ${v}` ); break; case "webauthn:extension:largeBlob": lazy.assert.boolean( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be a boolean, got ${v}` ); break; case "webauthn:extension:credBlob": lazy.assert.boolean( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be a boolean, got ${v}` ); break; case "moz:accessibilityChecks": lazy.assert.boolean( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be boolean, got ${v}` ); break; // Don't set the value because it's only used to return the address // of the Remote Agent's debugger (HTTP server). case "moz:debuggerAddress": continue; case "moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin": if (v !== undefined) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Since Firefox 116 the capability ${k} is no longer supported` ); } break; case "moz:webdriverClick": lazy.assert.boolean( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be boolean, got ${v}` ); break; case "moz:windowless": lazy.assert.boolean( v, lazy.pprint`Expected ${k} to be boolean, got ${v}` ); // Only supported on MacOS if (v && !lazy.AppInfo.isMac) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( "moz:windowless only supported on MacOS" ); } break; } capabilities.set(k, v); } return capabilities; } /** * Validate WebDriver capability. * * @param {string} name * The name of capability. * @param {string} value * The value of capability. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * If <var>value</var> doesn't pass validation, * which depends on <var>name</var>. * * @returns {string} * The validated capability value. */ static validate(name, value) { if (value === null) { return value; } switch (name) { case "acceptInsecureCerts": lazy.assert.boolean( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a boolean, got ${value}` ); return value; case "browserName": case "browserVersion": case "platformName": return lazy.assert.string( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a string, got ${value}` ); case "pageLoadStrategy": lazy.assert.string( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a string, got ${value}` ); if (!Object.values(PageLoadStrategy).includes(value)) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( "Unknown page load strategy: " + value ); } return value; case "proxy": return Proxy.fromJSON(value); case "strictFileInteractability": return lazy.assert.boolean(value); case "timeouts": return Timeouts.fromJSON(value); case "unhandledPromptBehavior": lazy.assert.string( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a string, got ${value}` ); if (!Object.values(UnhandledPromptBehavior).includes(value)) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Unknown unhandled prompt behavior: ${value}` ); } return value; case "webSocketUrl": lazy.assert.boolean( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a boolean, got ${value}` ); if (!value) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be true, got ${value}` ); } return value; case "webauthn:virtualAuthenticators": lazy.assert.boolean( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a boolean, got ${value}` ); return value; case "webauthn:extension:uvm": lazy.assert.boolean( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a boolean, got ${value}` ); return value; case "webauthn:extension:largeBlob": lazy.assert.boolean( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a boolean, got ${value}` ); return value; case "moz:firefoxOptions": return lazy.assert.object( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be an object, got ${value}` ); case "moz:accessibilityChecks": return lazy.assert.boolean( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a boolean, got ${value}` ); case "moz:webdriverClick": return lazy.assert.boolean( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a boolean, got ${value}` ); case "moz:windowless": lazy.assert.boolean( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a boolean, got ${value}` ); // Only supported on MacOS if (value && !lazy.AppInfo.isMac) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( "moz:windowless only supported on MacOS" ); } return value; case "moz:debuggerAddress": return lazy.assert.boolean( value, lazy.pprint`Expected ${name} to be a boolean, got ${value}` ); default: lazy.assert.string( name, lazy.pprint`Expected capability name to be a string, got ${name}` ); if (name.includes(":")) { const [prefix] = name.split(":"); if (prefix !== "moz") { return value; } } throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `${name} is not the name of a known capability or extension capability` ); } } } function getWebDriverBrowserName() { // Similar to chromedriver which reports "chrome" as browser name for all // WebView apps, we will report "firefox" for all GeckoView apps. if (lazy.AppInfo.isAndroid) { return "firefox"; } return lazy.AppInfo.name?.toLowerCase(); } function getWebDriverPlatformName() { let name = Services.sysinfo.getProperty("name"); if (lazy.AppInfo.isAndroid) { return "android"; } switch (name) { case "Windows_NT": return "windows"; case "Darwin": return "mac"; default: return name.toLowerCase(); } } // Specialisation of |JSON.stringify| that produces JSON-safe object // literals, dropping empty objects and entries which values are undefined // or null. Objects are allowed to produce their own JSON representations // by implementing a |toJSON| function. function marshal(obj) { let rv = Object.create(null); function* iter(mapOrObject) { if (mapOrObject instanceof Map) { for (const [k, v] of mapOrObject) { yield [k, v]; } } else { for (const k of Object.keys(mapOrObject)) { yield [k, mapOrObject[k]]; } } } for (let [k, v] of iter(obj)) { // Skip empty values when serialising to JSON. if (typeof v == "undefined" || v === null) { continue; } // Recursively marshal objects that are able to produce their own // JSON representation. if (typeof v.toJSON == "function") { v = marshal(v.toJSON()); // Or do the same for object literals. } else if (isObject(v)) { v = marshal(v); } // And finally drop (possibly marshaled) objects which have no // entries. if (!isObjectEmpty(v)) { rv[k] = v; } } return rv; } function isObject(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) == "[object Object]"; } function isObjectEmpty(obj) { return isObject(obj) && Object.keys(obj).length === 0; } // Services.dirsvc is not accessible from JSWindowActor child, // but we should not panic about that. function maybeProfile() { try { return Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path; } catch (e) { return "<protected>"; } } /** * Merge WebDriver capabilities. * * @see https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-merging-capabilities * * @param {object} primary * Required capabilities which need to be merged with <var>secondary</var>. * @param {object=} secondary * Secondary capabilities. * * @returns {object} Merged capabilities. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * If <var>primary</var> and <var>secondary</var> have the same keys. */ export function mergeCapabilities(primary, secondary) { const result = { ...primary }; if (secondary === undefined) { return result; } Object.entries(secondary).forEach(([name, value]) => { if (primary[name] !== undefined) { // Since at the moment we always pass as `primary` `alwaysMatch` object // and as `secondary` an item from `firstMatch` array from `capabilities`, // we can make this error message more specific. throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `firstMatch key ${name} shadowed a value in alwaysMatch` ); } result[name] = value; }); return result; } /** * Validate WebDriver capabilities. * * @see https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-validate-capabilities * * @param {object} capabilities * Capabilities which need to be validated. * * @returns {object} Validated capabilities. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * If <var>capabilities</var> is not an object. */ export function validateCapabilities(capabilities) { lazy.assert.object(capabilities); const result = {}; Object.entries(capabilities).forEach(([name, value]) => { const deserialized = Capabilities.validate(name, value); if (deserialized !== null) { if (name === "proxy" || name === "timeouts") { // Return pure value, the Proxy and Timeouts objects will be setup // during session creation. result[name] = value; } else { result[name] = deserialized; } } }); return result; } /** * Process WebDriver capabilities. * * @see https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#processing-capabilities * * @param {object} params * @param {object} params.capabilities * Capabilities which need to be processed. * * @returns {object} Processed capabilities. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * If <var>capabilities</var> do not satisfy the criteria. */ export function processCapabilities(params) { const { capabilities } = params; lazy.assert.object(capabilities); let { alwaysMatch: requiredCapabilities = {}, firstMatch: allFirstMatchCapabilities = [{}], } = capabilities; requiredCapabilities = validateCapabilities(requiredCapabilities); lazy.assert.array(allFirstMatchCapabilities); lazy.assert.that( firstMatch => firstMatch.length >= 1, lazy.pprint`Expected firstMatch ${allFirstMatchCapabilities} to have at least 1 entry` )(allFirstMatchCapabilities); const validatedFirstMatchCapabilities = allFirstMatchCapabilities.map(validateCapabilities); const mergedCapabilities = []; validatedFirstMatchCapabilities.forEach(firstMatchCapabilities => { const merged = mergeCapabilities( requiredCapabilities, firstMatchCapabilities ); mergedCapabilities.push(merged); }); // TODO: Bug 1836288. Implement the capability matching logic // for "browserName", "browserVersion" and "platformName" features, // for now we can just pick the first merged capability. const matchedCapabilities = mergedCapabilities[0]; return matchedCapabilities; }