/** * @license * Copyright 2023 Google Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ import assert from 'assert'; import fs from 'fs'; import http from 'http'; import https from 'https'; import os from 'os'; import path from 'path'; import { install, canDownload, Browser, BrowserPlatform, Cache, computeExecutablePath, } from '../../../lib/cjs/main.js'; import {getServerUrl, setupTestServer} from '../utils.js'; import {testChromeBuildId} from '../versions.js'; /** * Tests in this spec use real download URLs and unpack live browser archives * so it requires the network access. */ describe('Chrome install', () => { setupTestServer(); let tmpDir = '/tmp/puppeteer-browsers-test'; beforeEach(() => { tmpDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'puppeteer-browsers-test')); }); afterEach(() => { new Cache(tmpDir).clear(); }); it('should check if a buildId can be downloaded', async () => { assert.ok( await canDownload({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: testChromeBuildId, baseUrl: getServerUrl(), }) ); }); it('should report if a buildId is not downloadable', async () => { assert.strictEqual( await canDownload({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: 'unknown', baseUrl: getServerUrl(), }), false ); }); it('can detect missing executables', async function () { this.timeout(60000); const expectedOutputPath = path.join( tmpDir, 'chrome', `${BrowserPlatform.LINUX}-${testChromeBuildId}` ); fs.mkdirSync(expectedOutputPath, {recursive: true}); assert.strictEqual(fs.existsSync(expectedOutputPath), true); async function installThatThrows(): Promise { try { await install({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: testChromeBuildId, }); return undefined; } catch (err) { return err as Error; } } assert.strictEqual( (await installThatThrows())?.message, `The browser folder (${expectedOutputPath}) exists but the executable (${computeExecutablePath( { cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: testChromeBuildId, } )}) is missing` ); assert.strictEqual(fs.existsSync(expectedOutputPath), true); }); it('should download a buildId that is a zip archive', async function () { this.timeout(60000); const expectedOutputPath = path.join( tmpDir, 'chrome', `${BrowserPlatform.LINUX}-${testChromeBuildId}` ); assert.strictEqual(fs.existsSync(expectedOutputPath), false); let browser = await install({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: testChromeBuildId, baseUrl: getServerUrl(), }); assert.strictEqual(browser.path, expectedOutputPath); assert.ok(fs.existsSync(expectedOutputPath)); // Second iteration should be no-op. browser = await install({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: testChromeBuildId, baseUrl: getServerUrl(), }); assert.strictEqual(browser.path, expectedOutputPath); assert.ok(fs.existsSync(expectedOutputPath)); // Should discover installed browsers. const cache = new Cache(tmpDir); const installed = cache.getInstalledBrowsers(); assert.deepStrictEqual(browser, installed[0]); assert.deepStrictEqual( browser!.executablePath, installed[0]?.executablePath ); }); it('falls back to the chrome-for-testing dashboard URLs if URL is not available', async function () { const expectedOutputPath = path.join( tmpDir, 'chrome', `${BrowserPlatform.LINUX}-${testChromeBuildId}` ); assert.strictEqual(fs.existsSync(expectedOutputPath), false); await install({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: testChromeBuildId, baseUrl: '', }); assert.strictEqual(fs.existsSync(expectedOutputPath), true); }); describe('with proxy', () => { const proxyUrl = new URL(`http://localhost:54321`); let proxyServer: http.Server; let proxiedRequestUrls: string[] = []; let proxiedRequestHosts: string[] = []; beforeEach(() => { proxiedRequestUrls = []; proxiedRequestHosts = []; proxyServer = http .createServer( ( originalRequest: http.IncomingMessage, originalResponse: http.ServerResponse ) => { const url = originalRequest.url as string; const proxyRequest = ( url.startsWith('http:') ? http : https ).request( url, { method: originalRequest.method, rejectUnauthorized: false, }, proxyResponse => { originalResponse.writeHead( proxyResponse.statusCode as number, proxyResponse.headers ); proxyResponse.pipe(originalResponse, {end: true}); } ); originalRequest.pipe(proxyRequest, {end: true}); proxiedRequestUrls.push(url); proxiedRequestHosts.push(originalRequest.headers?.host || ''); } ) .listen({ port: proxyUrl.port, hostname: proxyUrl.hostname, }); process.env['HTTPS_PROXY'] = proxyUrl.toString(); process.env['HTTP_PROXY'] = proxyUrl.toString(); }); afterEach(async () => { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { proxyServer.close(error => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(undefined); } }); }); delete process.env['HTTP_PROXY']; delete process.env['HTTPS_PROXY']; }); it('can send canDownload requests via a proxy', async () => { assert.strictEqual( await canDownload({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: testChromeBuildId, baseUrl: getServerUrl(), }), true ); assert.deepStrictEqual(proxiedRequestUrls, [ getServerUrl() + `/${testChromeBuildId}/linux64/chrome-linux64.zip`, ]); assert.deepStrictEqual(proxiedRequestHosts, [ getServerUrl().replace('http://', ''), ]); }); it('can download via a proxy', async function () { this.timeout(120000); const expectedOutputPath = path.join( tmpDir, 'chrome', `${BrowserPlatform.LINUX}-${testChromeBuildId}` ); assert.strictEqual(fs.existsSync(expectedOutputPath), false); const browser = await install({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: testChromeBuildId, baseUrl: getServerUrl(), }); assert.strictEqual(browser.path, expectedOutputPath); assert.ok(fs.existsSync(expectedOutputPath)); assert.deepStrictEqual(proxiedRequestUrls, [ getServerUrl() + `/${testChromeBuildId}/linux64/chrome-linux64.zip`, ]); assert.deepStrictEqual(proxiedRequestHosts, [ getServerUrl().replace('http://', ''), ]); }); }); });