import {spawn} from 'child_process'; import {normalize, join} from 'path'; import { createBuilder, type BuilderContext, type BuilderOutput, targetFromTargetString, type BuilderRun, } from '@angular-devkit/architect'; import type {JsonObject} from '@angular-devkit/core'; import {TestRunner} from '../../schematics/utils/types.js'; import type {PuppeteerBuilderOptions} from './types.js'; const terminalStyles = { cyan: '\u001b[36;1m', green: '\u001b[32m', red: '\u001b[31m', bold: '\u001b[1m', reverse: '\u001b[7m', clear: '\u001b[0m', }; export function getCommandForRunner(runner: TestRunner): [string, ...string[]] { switch (runner) { case TestRunner.Jasmine: return [`jasmine`, '--config=./e2e/jasmine.json']; case TestRunner.Jest: return [`jest`, '-c', 'e2e/jest.config.js']; case TestRunner.Mocha: return [`mocha`, '--config=./e2e/.mocharc.js']; case TestRunner.Node: return ['node', '--test', '--test-reporter', 'spec', 'e2e/build/']; } throw new Error(`Unknown test runner ${runner}!`); } function getExecutable(command: string[]) { const executable = command.shift()!; const debugError = `Error running '${executable}' with arguments '${command.join( ' ' )}'.`; return { executable, args: command, debugError, error: 'Please look at the output above to determine the issue!', }; } function updateExecutablePath(command: string, root?: string) { if (command === TestRunner.Node) { return command; } let path = 'node_modules/.bin/'; if (root && root !== '') { const nested = root .split('/') .map(() => { return '../'; }) .join(''); path = `${nested}${path}${command}`; } else { path = `./${path}${command}`; } return normalize(path); } async function executeCommand( context: BuilderContext, command: string[], env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv = {} ) { let project: JsonObject; if ( { project = await context.getProjectMetadata(; command[0] = updateExecutablePath(command[0]!, String(project['root'])); } await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { context.logger.debug(`Trying to execute command - ${command.join(' ')}.`); const {executable, args, debugError, error} = getExecutable(command); let path = context.workspaceRoot; if ( { path = join(path, (project['root'] as string | undefined) ?? ''); } const child = spawn(executable, args, { cwd: path, stdio: 'inherit', shell: true, env: { ...process.env, ...env, }, }); child.on('error', message => { context.logger.debug(debugError); console.log(message); reject(error); }); child.on('exit', code => { if (code === 0) { resolve(true); } else { reject(error); } }); }); } function message( message: string, context: BuilderContext, type: 'info' | 'success' | 'error' = 'info' ): void { let style: string; switch (type) { case 'info': style = terminalStyles.reverse + terminalStyles.cyan; break; case 'success': style = terminalStyles.reverse +; break; case 'error': style =; break; } `${terminalStyles.bold}${style}${message}${terminalStyles.clear}` ); } async function startServer( options: PuppeteerBuilderOptions, context: BuilderContext ): Promise { context.logger.debug('Trying to start server.'); const target = targetFromTargetString(options.devServerTarget); const defaultServerOptions = await context.getTargetOptions(target); const overrides = { watch: false, host: defaultServerOptions['host'], port: options.port ?? defaultServerOptions['port'], } as JsonObject; message(' Spawning test server โš™๏ธ ... \n', context); const server = await context.scheduleTarget(target, overrides); const result = await server.result; if (!result.success) { throw new Error('Failed to spawn server! Stopping tests...'); } return server; } async function executeE2ETest( options: PuppeteerBuilderOptions, context: BuilderContext ): Promise { let server: BuilderRun | null = null; try { message('\n Building tests ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ ... \n', context); await executeCommand(context, [`tsc`, '-p', 'e2e/tsconfig.json']); server = await startServer(options, context); const result = await server.result; message('\n Running tests ๐Ÿงช ... \n', context); const testRunnerCommand = getCommandForRunner(options.testRunner); await executeCommand(context, testRunnerCommand, { baseUrl: result['baseUrl'], }); message('\n ๐Ÿš€ Test ran successfully! ๐Ÿš€ ', context, 'success'); return {success: true}; } catch (error) { message('\n ๐Ÿ›‘ Test failed! ๐Ÿ›‘ ', context, 'error'); if (error instanceof Error) { return {success: false, error: error.message}; } return {success: false, error: error as string}; } finally { if (server) { await server.stop(); } } } export default createBuilder(executeE2ETest);