/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { Module } from "chrome://remote/content/shared/messagehandler/Module.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AppInfo: "chrome://remote/content/shared/AppInfo.sys.mjs", assert: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Assert.sys.mjs", BrowsingContextListener: "chrome://remote/content/shared/listeners/BrowsingContextListener.sys.mjs", capture: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Capture.sys.mjs", ContextDescriptorType: "chrome://remote/content/shared/messagehandler/MessageHandler.sys.mjs", error: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs", EventPromise: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Sync.sys.mjs", getTimeoutMultiplier: "chrome://remote/content/shared/AppInfo.sys.mjs", modal: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Prompt.sys.mjs", registerNavigationId: "chrome://remote/content/shared/NavigationManager.sys.mjs", NavigationListener: "chrome://remote/content/shared/listeners/NavigationListener.sys.mjs", PollPromise: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Sync.sys.mjs", pprint: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Format.sys.mjs", print: "chrome://remote/content/shared/PDF.sys.mjs", ProgressListener: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Navigate.sys.mjs", PromptListener: "chrome://remote/content/shared/listeners/PromptListener.sys.mjs", setDefaultAndAssertSerializationOptions: "chrome://remote/content/webdriver-bidi/RemoteValue.sys.mjs", TabManager: "chrome://remote/content/shared/TabManager.sys.mjs", UserContextManager: "chrome://remote/content/shared/UserContextManager.sys.mjs", waitForInitialNavigationCompleted: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Navigate.sys.mjs", WindowGlobalMessageHandler: "chrome://remote/content/shared/messagehandler/WindowGlobalMessageHandler.sys.mjs", windowManager: "chrome://remote/content/shared/WindowManager.sys.mjs", }); // Maximal window dimension allowed when emulating a viewport. const MAX_WINDOW_SIZE = 10000000; /** * @typedef {string} ClipRectangleType */ /** * Enum of possible clip rectangle types supported by the * browsingContext.captureScreenshot command. * * @readonly * @enum {ClipRectangleType} */ export const ClipRectangleType = { Box: "box", Element: "element", }; /** * @typedef {object} CreateType */ /** * Enum of types supported by the browsingContext.create command. * * @readonly * @enum {CreateType} */ const CreateType = { tab: "tab", window: "window", }; /** * @typedef {string} LocatorType */ /** * Enum of types supported by the browsingContext.locateNodes command. * * @readonly * @enum {LocatorType} */ export const LocatorType = { css: "css", innerText: "innerText", xpath: "xpath", }; /** * @typedef {string} OriginType */ /** * Enum of origin type supported by the * browsingContext.captureScreenshot command. * * @readonly * @enum {OriginType} */ export const OriginType = { document: "document", viewport: "viewport", }; const TIMEOUT_SET_HISTORY_INDEX = 1000; /** * Enum of user prompt types supported by the browsingContext.handleUserPrompt * command, these types can be retrieved from `dialog.args.promptType`. * * @readonly * @enum {UserPromptType} */ const UserPromptType = { alert: "alert", confirm: "confirm", prompt: "prompt", beforeunload: "beforeunload", }; /** * An object that contains details of a viewport. * * @typedef {object} Viewport * * @property {number} height * The height of the viewport. * @property {number} width * The width of the viewport. */ /** * @typedef {string} WaitCondition */ /** * Wait conditions supported by WebDriver BiDi for navigation. * * @enum {WaitCondition} */ const WaitCondition = { None: "none", Interactive: "interactive", Complete: "complete", }; class BrowsingContextModule extends Module { #contextListener; #navigationListener; #promptListener; #subscribedEvents; /** * Create a new module instance. * * @param {MessageHandler} messageHandler * The MessageHandler instance which owns this Module instance. */ constructor(messageHandler) { super(messageHandler); this.#contextListener = new lazy.BrowsingContextListener(); this.#contextListener.on("attached", this.#onContextAttached); this.#contextListener.on("discarded", this.#onContextDiscarded); // Create the navigation listener and listen to "navigation-started" and // "location-changed" events. this.#navigationListener = new lazy.NavigationListener( this.messageHandler.navigationManager ); this.#navigationListener.on("location-changed", this.#onLocationChanged); this.#navigationListener.on( "navigation-started", this.#onNavigationStarted ); // Create the prompt listener and listen to "closed" and "opened" events. this.#promptListener = new lazy.PromptListener(); this.#promptListener.on("closed", this.#onPromptClosed); this.#promptListener.on("opened", this.#onPromptOpened); // Set of event names which have active subscriptions. this.#subscribedEvents = new Set(); // Treat the event of moving a page to BFCache as context discarded event for iframes. this.messageHandler.on("windowglobal-pagehide", this.#onPageHideEvent); } destroy() { this.#contextListener.off("attached", this.#onContextAttached); this.#contextListener.off("discarded", this.#onContextDiscarded); this.#contextListener.destroy(); this.#promptListener.off("closed", this.#onPromptClosed); this.#promptListener.off("opened", this.#onPromptOpened); this.#promptListener.destroy(); this.#subscribedEvents = null; this.messageHandler.off("windowglobal-pagehide", this.#onPageHideEvent); } /** * Activates and focuses the given top-level browsing context. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.context * Id of the browsing context. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context cannot be found. */ async activate(options = {}) { const { context: contextId } = options; lazy.assert.string( contextId, `Expected "context" to be a string, got ${contextId}` ); const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(contextId); if (context.parent) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Browsing Context with id ${contextId} is not top-level` ); } const targetTab = lazy.TabManager.getTabForBrowsingContext(context); const targetWindow = lazy.TabManager.getWindowForTab(targetTab); const selectedTab = lazy.TabManager.getTabBrowser(targetWindow).selectedTab; const activated = [ lazy.windowManager.focusWindow(targetWindow), lazy.TabManager.selectTab(targetTab), ]; if (targetTab !== selectedTab && !lazy.AppInfo.isAndroid) { // We need to wait until the "document.visibilityState" of the currently // selected tab in the target window is marked as "hidden". // // Bug 1884142: It's not supported on Android for the TestRunner package. const selectedBrowser = lazy.TabManager.getBrowserForTab(selectedTab); activated.push( this.#waitForVisibilityChange(selectedBrowser.browsingContext) ); } await Promise.all(activated); } /** * Used as an argument for browsingContext.captureScreenshot command, as one of the available variants * {BoxClipRectangle} or {ElementClipRectangle}, to represent a target of the command. * * @typedef ClipRectangle */ /** * Used as an argument for browsingContext.captureScreenshot command * to represent a box which is going to be a target of the command. * * @typedef BoxClipRectangle * * @property {ClipRectangleType} [type=ClipRectangleType.Box] * @property {number} x * @property {number} y * @property {number} width * @property {number} height */ /** * Used as an argument for browsingContext.captureScreenshot command * to represent an element which is going to be a target of the command. * * @typedef ElementClipRectangle * * @property {ClipRectangleType} [type=ClipRectangleType.Element] * @property {SharedReference} element */ /** * Capture a base64-encoded screenshot of the provided browsing context. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.context * Id of the browsing context to screenshot. * @param {ClipRectangle=} options.clip * A box or an element of which a screenshot should be taken. * If not present, take a screenshot of the whole viewport. * @param {OriginType=} options.origin * * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context cannot be found. */ async captureScreenshot(options = {}) { const { clip = null, context: contextId, origin = OriginType.viewport, } = options; lazy.assert.string( contextId, `Expected "context" to be a string, got ${contextId}` ); const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(contextId); const originTypeValues = Object.values(OriginType); lazy.assert.that( value => originTypeValues.includes(value), `Expected "origin" to be one of ${originTypeValues}, got ${origin}` )(origin); if (clip !== null) { lazy.assert.object(clip, `Expected "clip" to be a object, got ${clip}`); const { type } = clip; switch (type) { case ClipRectangleType.Box: { const { x, y, width, height } = clip; lazy.assert.number(x, `Expected "x" to be a number, got ${x}`); lazy.assert.number(y, `Expected "y" to be a number, got ${y}`); lazy.assert.number( width, `Expected "width" to be a number, got ${width}` ); lazy.assert.number( height, `Expected "height" to be a number, got ${height}` ); break; } case ClipRectangleType.Element: { const { element } = clip; lazy.assert.object( element, `Expected "element" to be an object, got ${element}` ); break; } default: throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected "type" to be one of ${Object.values( ClipRectangleType )}, got ${type}` ); } } const rect = await this.messageHandler.handleCommand({ moduleName: "browsingContext", commandName: "_getScreenshotRect", destination: { type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, id: context.id, }, params: { clip, origin, }, retryOnAbort: true, }); if (rect.width === 0 || rect.height === 0) { throw new lazy.error.UnableToCaptureScreen( `The dimensions of requested screenshot are incorrect, got width: ${rect.width} and height: ${rect.height}.` ); } const canvas = await lazy.capture.canvas( context.topChromeWindow, context, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height ); return { data: lazy.capture.toBase64(canvas), }; } /** * Close the provided browsing context. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.context * Id of the browsing context to close. * * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context cannot be found. * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * If the browsing context is not a top-level one. */ async close(options = {}) { const { context: contextId } = options; lazy.assert.string( contextId, `Expected "context" to be a string, got ${contextId}` ); const context = lazy.TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(contextId); if (!context) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchFrameError( `Browsing Context with id ${contextId} not found` ); } if (context.parent) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Browsing Context with id ${contextId} is not top-level` ); } if (lazy.TabManager.getTabCount() === 1) { // The behavior when closing the very last tab is currently unspecified. // As such behave like Marionette and don't allow closing it. // See: https://github.com/w3c/webdriver-bidi/issues/187 return; } const tab = lazy.TabManager.getTabForBrowsingContext(context); await lazy.TabManager.removeTab(tab); } /** * Create a new browsing context using the provided type "tab" or "window". * * @param {object=} options * @param {boolean=} options.background * Whether the tab/window should be open in the background. Defaults to false, * which means that the tab/window will be open in the foreground. * @param {string=} options.referenceContext * Id of the top-level browsing context to use as reference. * If options.type is "tab", the new tab will open in the same window as * the reference context, and will be added next to the reference context. * If options.type is "window", the reference context is ignored. * @param {CreateType} options.type * Type of browsing context to create. * @param {string=} options.userContext * The id of the user context which should own the browsing context. * Defaults to the default user context. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * If the browsing context is not a top-level one. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context cannot be found. */ async create(options = {}) { const { background = false, referenceContext: referenceContextId = null, type: typeHint, userContext: userContextId = null, } = options; if (![CreateType.tab, CreateType.window].includes(typeHint)) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected "type" to be one of ${Object.values( CreateType )}, got ${typeHint}` ); } lazy.assert.boolean( background, lazy.pprint`Expected "background" to be a boolean, got ${background}` ); let referenceContext = null; if (referenceContextId !== null) { lazy.assert.string( referenceContextId, lazy.pprint`Expected "referenceContext" to be a string, got ${referenceContextId}` ); referenceContext = lazy.TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(referenceContextId); if (!referenceContext) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchFrameError( `Browsing Context with id ${referenceContextId} not found` ); } if (referenceContext.parent) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `referenceContext with id ${referenceContextId} is not a top-level browsing context` ); } } let userContext = lazy.UserContextManager.defaultUserContextId; if (referenceContext !== null) { userContext = lazy.UserContextManager.getIdByBrowsingContext(referenceContext); } if (userContextId !== null) { lazy.assert.string( userContextId, lazy.pprint`Expected "userContext" to be a string, got ${userContextId}` ); if (!lazy.UserContextManager.hasUserContextId(userContextId)) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchUserContextError( `User Context with id ${userContextId} was not found` ); } userContext = userContextId; if ( lazy.AppInfo.isAndroid && userContext != lazy.UserContextManager.defaultUserContextId ) { throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `browsingContext.create with non-default "userContext" not supported for ${lazy.AppInfo.name}` ); } } let browser; // Since each tab in GeckoView has its own Gecko instance running, // which means also its own window object, for Android we will need to focus // a previously focused window in case of opening the tab in the background. const previousWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); const previousTab = lazy.TabManager.getTabBrowser(previousWindow).selectedTab; // On Android there is only a single window allowed. As such fallback to // open a new tab instead. const type = lazy.AppInfo.isAndroid ? "tab" : typeHint; switch (type) { case "window": { const newWindow = await lazy.windowManager.openBrowserWindow({ focus: !background, userContextId: userContext, }); browser = lazy.TabManager.getTabBrowser(newWindow).selectedBrowser; break; } case "tab": { if (!lazy.TabManager.supportsTabs()) { throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `browsingContext.create with type "tab" not supported in ${lazy.AppInfo.name}` ); } // The window to open the new tab in. let window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(null); let referenceTab; if (referenceContext !== null) { referenceTab = lazy.TabManager.getTabForBrowsingContext(referenceContext); window = lazy.TabManager.getWindowForTab(referenceTab); } const promises = []; if (!background && !lazy.AppInfo.isAndroid) { // When opening a new foreground tab we need to wait until the // "document.visibilityState" of the currently selected tab in this // window is marked as "hidden". // // Bug 1884142: It's not supported on Android for the TestRunner package. const selectedTab = lazy.TabManager.getTabBrowser(window).selectedTab; promises.push( this.#waitForVisibilityChange( lazy.TabManager.getBrowserForTab(selectedTab).browsingContext ) ); } promises.unshift( lazy.TabManager.addTab({ focus: !background, referenceTab, userContextId: userContext, }) ); const [tab] = await Promise.all(promises); browser = lazy.TabManager.getBrowserForTab(tab); } } await lazy.waitForInitialNavigationCompleted( browser.browsingContext.webProgress, { unloadTimeout: 5000, } ); // The tab on Android is always opened in the foreground, // so we need to select the previous tab, // and we have to wait until is fully loaded. // TODO: Bug 1845559. This workaround can be removed, // when the API to create a tab for Android supports the background option. if (lazy.AppInfo.isAndroid && background) { await lazy.windowManager.focusWindow(previousWindow); await lazy.TabManager.selectTab(previousTab); } // Force a reflow by accessing `clientHeight` (see Bug 1847044). browser.parentElement.clientHeight; return { context: lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowser(browser), }; } /** * An object that holds the WebDriver Bidi browsing context information. * * @typedef BrowsingContextInfo * * @property {string} context * The id of the browsing context. * @property {string=} parent * The parent of the browsing context if it's the root browsing context * of the to be processed browsing context tree. * @property {string} url * The current documents location. * @property {string} userContext * The id of the user context owning this browsing context. * @property {Array=} children * List of child browsing contexts. Only set if maxDepth hasn't been * reached yet. */ /** * An object that holds the WebDriver Bidi browsing context tree information. * * @typedef BrowsingContextGetTreeResult * * @property {Array} contexts * List of child browsing contexts. */ /** * Returns a tree of all browsing contexts that are descendents of the * given context, or all top-level contexts when no root is provided. * * @param {object=} options * @param {number=} options.maxDepth * Depth of the browsing context tree to traverse. If not specified * the whole tree is returned. * @param {string=} options.root * Id of the root browsing context. * * @returns {BrowsingContextGetTreeResult} * Tree of browsing context information. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context cannot be found. */ getTree(options = {}) { const { maxDepth = null, root: rootId = null } = options; if (maxDepth !== null) { lazy.assert.positiveInteger( maxDepth, `Expected "maxDepth" to be a positive integer, got ${maxDepth}` ); } let contexts; if (rootId !== null) { // With a root id specified return the context info for itself // and the full tree. lazy.assert.string( rootId, `Expected "root" to be a string, got ${rootId}` ); contexts = [this.#getBrowsingContext(rootId)]; } else { // Return all top-level browsing contexts. contexts = lazy.TabManager.browsers.map( browser => browser.browsingContext ); } const contextsInfo = contexts.map(context => { return this.#getBrowsingContextInfo(context, { maxDepth }); }); return { contexts: contextsInfo }; } /** * Closes an open prompt. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.context * Id of the browsing context. * @param {boolean=} options.accept * Whether user prompt should be accepted or dismissed. * Defaults to true. * @param {string=} options.userText * Input to the user prompt's value field. * Defaults to an empty string. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchAlertError} * If there is no current user prompt. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context cannot be found. * @throws {UnsupportedOperationError} * Raised when the command is called for "beforeunload" prompt. */ async handleUserPrompt(options = {}) { const { accept = true, context: contextId, userText = "" } = options; lazy.assert.string( contextId, `Expected "context" to be a string, got ${contextId}` ); const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(contextId); lazy.assert.boolean( accept, `Expected "accept" to be a boolean, got ${accept}` ); lazy.assert.string( userText, `Expected "userText" to be a string, got ${userText}` ); const tab = lazy.TabManager.getTabForBrowsingContext(context); const browser = lazy.TabManager.getBrowserForTab(tab); const window = lazy.TabManager.getWindowForTab(tab); const dialog = lazy.modal.findPrompt({ window, contentBrowser: browser, }); const closePrompt = async callback => { const dialogClosed = new lazy.EventPromise( window, "DOMModalDialogClosed" ); callback(); await dialogClosed; }; if (dialog && dialog.isOpen) { switch (dialog.promptType) { case UserPromptType.alert: { await closePrompt(() => dialog.accept()); return; } case UserPromptType.confirm: { await closePrompt(() => { if (accept) { dialog.accept(); } else { dialog.dismiss(); } }); return; } case UserPromptType.prompt: { await closePrompt(() => { if (accept) { dialog.text = userText; dialog.accept(); } else { dialog.dismiss(); } }); return; } case UserPromptType.beforeunload: { // TODO: Bug 1824220. Implement support for "beforeunload" prompts. throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( '"beforeunload" prompts are not supported yet.' ); } } } throw new lazy.error.NoSuchAlertError(); } /** * Used as an argument for browsingContext.locateNodes command, as one of the available variants * {CssLocator}, {InnerTextLocator} or {XPathLocator}, to represent a way of how lookup of nodes * is going to be performed. * * @typedef Locator */ /** * Used as an argument for browsingContext.locateNodes command * to represent a lookup by css selector. * * @typedef CssLocator * * @property {LocatorType} [type=LocatorType.css] * @property {string} value */ /** * Used as an argument for browsingContext.locateNodes command * to represent a lookup by inner text. * * @typedef InnerTextLocator * * @property {LocatorType} [type=LocatorType.innerText] * @property {string} value * @property {boolean=} ignoreCase * @property {("full"|"partial")=} matchType * @property {number=} maxDepth */ /** * Used as an argument for browsingContext.locateNodes command * to represent a lookup by xpath. * * @typedef XPathLocator * * @property {LocatorType} [type=LocatorType.xpath] * @property {string} value */ /** * Returns a list of all nodes matching * the specified locator. * * @param {object} options * @param {string} options.context * Id of the browsing context. * @param {Locator} options.locator * The type of lookup which is going to be used. * @param {number=} options.maxNodeCount * The maximum amount of nodes which is going to be returned. * Defaults to return all the found nodes. * @property {SerializationOptions=} serializationOptions * An object which holds the information of how the DOM nodes * should be serialized. * @property {Array=} startNodes * A list of references to nodes, which are used as * starting points for lookup. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {InvalidSelectorError} * Raised if a locator value is invalid. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context cannot be found. * @throws {UnsupportedOperationError} * Raised when unsupported lookup types are used. */ async locateNodes(options = {}) { const { context: contextId, locator, maxNodeCount = null, serializationOptions, startNodes = null, } = options; lazy.assert.string( contextId, `Expected "context" to be a string, got ${contextId}` ); const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(contextId); lazy.assert.object( locator, `Expected "locator" to be an object, got ${locator}` ); const locatorTypes = Object.values(LocatorType); lazy.assert.that( locatorType => locatorTypes.includes(locatorType), `Expected "locator.type" to be one of ${locatorTypes}, got ${locator.type}` )(locator.type); if (![LocatorType.css, LocatorType.xpath].includes(locator.type)) { throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"locator.type" argument with value: ${locator.type} is not supported yet.` ); } if (maxNodeCount != null) { const maxNodeCountErrorMsg = `Expected "maxNodeCount" to be an integer and greater than 0, got ${maxNodeCount}`; lazy.assert.that(maxNodeCount => { lazy.assert.integer(maxNodeCount, maxNodeCountErrorMsg); return maxNodeCount > 0; }, maxNodeCountErrorMsg)(maxNodeCount); } const serializationOptionsWithDefaults = lazy.setDefaultAndAssertSerializationOptions(serializationOptions); if (startNodes != null) { lazy.assert.that(startNodes => { lazy.assert.array( startNodes, `Expected "startNodes" to be an array, got ${startNodes}` ); return !!startNodes.length; }, `Expected "startNodes" to have at least one element, got ${startNodes}`)( startNodes ); } const result = await this.messageHandler.forwardCommand({ moduleName: "browsingContext", commandName: "_locateNodes", destination: { type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, id: context.id, }, params: { locator, maxNodeCount, serializationOptions: serializationOptionsWithDefaults, startNodes, }, }); return { nodes: result.serializedNodes, }; } /** * An object that holds the WebDriver Bidi navigation information. * * @typedef BrowsingContextNavigateResult * * @property {string} navigation * Unique id for this navigation. * @property {string} url * The requested or reached URL. */ /** * Navigate the given context to the provided url, with the provided wait condition. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.context * Id of the browsing context to navigate. * @param {string} options.url * Url for the navigation. * @param {WaitCondition=} options.wait * Wait condition for the navigation, one of "none", "interactive", "complete". * * @returns {BrowsingContextNavigateResult} * Navigation result. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context for context cannot be found. */ async navigate(options = {}) { const { context: contextId, url, wait = WaitCondition.None } = options; lazy.assert.string( contextId, `Expected "context" to be a string, got ${contextId}` ); lazy.assert.string(url, `Expected "url" to be string, got ${url}`); const waitConditions = Object.values(WaitCondition); if (!waitConditions.includes(wait)) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected "wait" to be one of ${waitConditions}, got ${wait}` ); } const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(contextId); // webProgress will be stable even if the context navigates, retrieve it // immediately before doing any asynchronous call. const webProgress = context.webProgress; const base = await this.messageHandler.handleCommand({ moduleName: "browsingContext", commandName: "_getBaseURL", destination: { type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, id: context.id, }, retryOnAbort: true, }); let targetURI; try { const baseURI = Services.io.newURI(base); targetURI = Services.io.newURI(url, null, baseURI); } catch (e) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected "url" to be a valid URL (${e.message})` ); } return this.#awaitNavigation( webProgress, () => { context.loadURI(targetURI, { loadFlags: Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_IS_LINK, triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), hasValidUserGestureActivation: true, }); }, { wait, } ); } /** * An object that holds the information about margins * for Webdriver BiDi browsingContext.print command. * * @typedef BrowsingContextPrintMarginParameters * * @property {number=} bottom * Bottom margin in cm. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). * @property {number=} left * Left margin in cm. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). * @property {number=} right * Right margin in cm. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). * @property {number=} top * Top margin in cm. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). */ /** * An object that holds the information about paper size * for Webdriver BiDi browsingContext.print command. * * @typedef BrowsingContextPrintPageParameters * * @property {number=} height * Paper height in cm. Defaults to US letter height (27.94cm / 11 inches). * @property {number=} width * Paper width in cm. Defaults to US letter width (21.59cm / 8.5 inches). */ /** * Used as return value for Webdriver BiDi browsingContext.print command. * * @typedef BrowsingContextPrintResult * * @property {string} data * Base64 encoded PDF representing printed document. */ /** * Creates a paginated PDF representation of a document * of the provided browsing context, and returns it * as a Base64-encoded string. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.context * Id of the browsing context. * @param {boolean=} options.background * Whether or not to print background colors and images. * Defaults to false, which prints without background graphics. * @param {BrowsingContextPrintMarginParameters=} options.margin * Paper margins. * @param {('landscape'|'portrait')=} options.orientation * Paper orientation. Defaults to 'portrait'. * @param {BrowsingContextPrintPageParameters=} options.page * Paper size. * @param {Array=} options.pageRanges * Paper ranges to print, e.g., ['1-5', 8, '11-13']. * Defaults to the empty array, which means print all pages. * @param {number=} options.scale * Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1.0. * @param {boolean=} options.shrinkToFit * Whether or not to override page size as defined by CSS. * Defaults to true, in which case the content will be scaled * to fit the paper size. * * @returns {BrowsingContextPrintResult} * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context cannot be found. */ async print(options = {}) { const { context: contextId, background, margin, orientation, page, pageRanges, scale, shrinkToFit, } = options; lazy.assert.string( contextId, `Expected "context" to be a string, got ${contextId}` ); const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(contextId); const settings = lazy.print.addDefaultSettings({ background, margin, orientation, page, pageRanges, scale, shrinkToFit, }); for (const prop of ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]) { lazy.assert.positiveNumber( settings.margin[prop], lazy.pprint`margin.${prop} is not a positive number` ); } for (const prop of ["width", "height"]) { lazy.assert.positiveNumber( settings.page[prop], lazy.pprint`page.${prop} is not a positive number` ); } lazy.assert.positiveNumber( settings.scale, `scale ${settings.scale} is not a positive number` ); lazy.assert.that( scale => scale >= lazy.print.minScaleValue && scale <= lazy.print.maxScaleValue, `scale ${settings.scale} is outside the range ${lazy.print.minScaleValue}-${lazy.print.maxScaleValue}` )(settings.scale); lazy.assert.boolean(settings.shrinkToFit); lazy.assert.that( orientation => lazy.print.defaults.orientationValue.includes(orientation), `orientation ${ settings.orientation } doesn't match allowed values "${lazy.print.defaults.orientationValue.join( "/" )}"` )(settings.orientation); lazy.assert.boolean( settings.background, `background ${settings.background} is not boolean` ); lazy.assert.array(settings.pageRanges); const printSettings = await lazy.print.getPrintSettings(settings); const binaryString = await lazy.print.printToBinaryString( context, printSettings ); return { data: btoa(binaryString), }; } /** * Reload the given context's document, with the provided wait condition. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.context * Id of the browsing context to navigate. * @param {bool=} options.ignoreCache * If true ignore the browser cache. [Not yet supported] * @param {WaitCondition=} options.wait * Wait condition for the navigation, one of "none", "interactive", "complete". * * @returns {BrowsingContextNavigateResult} * Navigation result. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context for context cannot be found. */ async reload(options = {}) { const { context: contextId, ignoreCache, wait = WaitCondition.None, } = options; lazy.assert.string( contextId, `Expected "context" to be a string, got ${contextId}` ); if (typeof ignoreCache != "undefined") { throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `Argument "ignoreCache" is not supported yet.` ); } const waitConditions = Object.values(WaitCondition); if (!waitConditions.includes(wait)) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected "wait" to be one of ${waitConditions}, got ${wait}` ); } const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(contextId); // webProgress will be stable even if the context navigates, retrieve it // immediately before doing any asynchronous call. const webProgress = context.webProgress; return this.#awaitNavigation( webProgress, () => { context.reload(Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE); }, { wait } ); } /** * Set the top-level browsing context's viewport to a given dimension. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.context * Id of the browsing context. * @param {Viewport|null} options.viewport * Dimensions to set the viewport to, or `null` to reset it * to the original dimensions. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {UnsupportedOperationError} * Raised when the command is called on Android. */ async setViewport(options = {}) { const { context: contextId, viewport } = options; if (lazy.AppInfo.isAndroid) { // Bug 1840084: Add Android support for modifying the viewport. throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `Command not yet supported for ${lazy.AppInfo.name}` ); } lazy.assert.string( contextId, `Expected "context" to be a string, got ${contextId}` ); const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(contextId); if (context.parent) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Browsing Context with id ${contextId} is not top-level` ); } const browser = context.embedderElement; const currentHeight = browser.clientHeight; const currentWidth = browser.clientWidth; let targetHeight, targetWidth; if (viewport === undefined) { // Don't modify the viewport's size. targetHeight = currentHeight; targetWidth = currentWidth; } else if (viewport === null) { // Reset viewport to the original dimensions. targetHeight = browser.parentElement.clientHeight; targetWidth = browser.parentElement.clientWidth; browser.style.removeProperty("height"); browser.style.removeProperty("width"); } else { lazy.assert.object( viewport, `Expected "viewport" to be an object, got ${viewport}` ); const { height, width } = viewport; targetHeight = lazy.assert.positiveInteger( height, `Expected viewport's "height" to be a positive integer, got ${height}` ); targetWidth = lazy.assert.positiveInteger( width, `Expected viewport's "width" to be a positive integer, got ${width}` ); if (targetHeight > MAX_WINDOW_SIZE || targetWidth > MAX_WINDOW_SIZE) { throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"width" or "height" cannot be larger than ${MAX_WINDOW_SIZE} px` ); } browser.style.setProperty("height", targetHeight + "px"); browser.style.setProperty("width", targetWidth + "px"); } if (targetHeight !== currentHeight || targetWidth !== currentWidth) { // Wait until the viewport has been resized await this.messageHandler.forwardCommand({ moduleName: "browsingContext", commandName: "_awaitViewportDimensions", destination: { type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, id: context.id, }, params: { height: targetHeight, width: targetWidth, }, }); } } /** * Traverses the history of a given context by a given delta. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.context * Id of the browsing context. * @param {number} options.delta * The number of steps we have to traverse. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchFrameException} * When a context is not available. * @throws {NoSuchHistoryEntryError} * When a requested history entry does not exist. */ async traverseHistory(options = {}) { const { context: contextId, delta } = options; lazy.assert.string( contextId, `Expected "context" to be a string, got ${contextId}` ); const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(contextId); lazy.assert.integer( delta, `Expected "delta" to be an integer, got ${delta}` ); const sessionHistory = context.sessionHistory; const allSteps = sessionHistory.count; const currentIndex = sessionHistory.index; const targetIndex = currentIndex + delta; const validEntry = targetIndex >= 0 && targetIndex < allSteps; if (!validEntry) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchHistoryEntryError( `History entry with delta ${delta} not found` ); } context.goToIndex(targetIndex); // On some platforms the requested index isn't set immediately. await lazy.PollPromise( (resolve, reject) => { if (sessionHistory.index == targetIndex) { resolve(); } else { reject(); } }, { errorMessage: `History was not updated for index "${targetIndex}"`, timeout: TIMEOUT_SET_HISTORY_INDEX * lazy.getTimeoutMultiplier(), } ); } /** * Start and await a navigation on the provided BrowsingContext. Returns a * promise which resolves when the navigation is done according to the provided * navigation strategy. * * @param {WebProgress} webProgress * The WebProgress instance to observe for this navigation. * @param {Function} startNavigationFn * A callback that starts a navigation. * @param {object} options * @param {WaitCondition} options.wait * The WaitCondition to use to wait for the navigation. * * @returns {Promise} * A Promise that resolves to navigate results when the navigation is done. */ async #awaitNavigation(webProgress, startNavigationFn, options) { const { wait } = options; const context = webProgress.browsingContext; const browserId = context.browserId; const resolveWhenStarted = wait === WaitCondition.None; const listener = new lazy.ProgressListener(webProgress, { expectNavigation: true, resolveWhenStarted, // In case the webprogress is already navigating, always wait for an // explicit start flag. waitForExplicitStart: true, }); const onDocumentInteractive = (evtName, wrappedEvt) => { if (webProgress.browsingContext.id !== wrappedEvt.contextId) { // Ignore load events for unrelated browsing contexts. return; } if (wrappedEvt.readyState === "interactive") { listener.stopIfStarted(); } }; const contextDescriptor = { type: lazy.ContextDescriptorType.TopBrowsingContext, id: browserId, }; // For the Interactive wait condition, resolve as soon as // the document becomes interactive. if (wait === WaitCondition.Interactive) { await this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.on( "browsingContext._documentInteractive", contextDescriptor, onDocumentInteractive ); } // If WaitCondition is Complete, we should try to wait for the corresponding // responseCompleted event to be received. let onNavigationRequestCompleted; // However, a navigation will not necessarily have network events. // For instance: same document navigation, or when using file or data // protocols (for which we don't have network events yet). // Therefore we will not unconditionally wait for a navigation request and // this flag should only be set when a responseCompleted event should be // expected. let shouldWaitForNavigationRequest = false; // Cleaning up the listeners will be done at the end of this method. let unsubscribeNavigationListeners; if (wait === WaitCondition.Complete) { let resolveOnNetworkEvent; onNavigationRequestCompleted = new Promise( r => (resolveOnNetworkEvent = r) ); const onBeforeRequestSent = (name, data) => { if (data.navigation) { shouldWaitForNavigationRequest = true; } }; const onNetworkRequestCompleted = (name, data) => { if (data.navigation) { resolveOnNetworkEvent(); } }; // The network request can either end with _responseCompleted or _fetchError await this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.on( "network._beforeRequestSent", contextDescriptor, onBeforeRequestSent ); await this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.on( "network._responseCompleted", contextDescriptor, onNetworkRequestCompleted ); await this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.on( "network._fetchError", contextDescriptor, onNetworkRequestCompleted ); unsubscribeNavigationListeners = async () => { await this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.off( "network._beforeRequestSent", contextDescriptor, onBeforeRequestSent ); await this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.off( "network._responseCompleted", contextDescriptor, onNetworkRequestCompleted ); await this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.off( "network._fetchError", contextDescriptor, onNetworkRequestCompleted ); }; } const navigated = listener.start(); try { const navigationId = lazy.registerNavigationId({ contextDetails: { context: webProgress.browsingContext }, }); await startNavigationFn(); await navigated; if (shouldWaitForNavigationRequest) { await onNavigationRequestCompleted; } let url; if (wait === WaitCondition.None) { // If wait condition is None, the navigation resolved before the current // context has navigated. url = listener.targetURI.spec; } else { url = listener.currentURI.spec; } return { navigation: navigationId, url, }; } finally { if (listener.isStarted) { listener.stop(); } if (wait === WaitCondition.Interactive) { await this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.off( "browsingContext._documentInteractive", contextDescriptor, onDocumentInteractive ); } else if ( wait === WaitCondition.Complete && shouldWaitForNavigationRequest ) { await unsubscribeNavigationListeners(); } } } /** * Retrieves a browsing context based on its id. * * @param {number} contextId * Id of the browsing context. * @returns {BrowsingContext=} * The browsing context or null if contextId is null. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context cannot be found. */ #getBrowsingContext(contextId) { // The WebDriver BiDi specification expects null to be // returned if no browsing context id has been specified. if (contextId === null) { return null; } const context = lazy.TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(contextId); if (context === null) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchFrameError( `Browsing Context with id ${contextId} not found` ); } return context; } /** * Get the WebDriver BiDi browsing context information. * * @param {BrowsingContext} context * The browsing context to get the information from. * @param {object=} options * @param {boolean=} options.isRoot * Flag that indicates if this browsing context is the root of all the * browsing contexts to be returned. Defaults to true. * @param {number=} options.maxDepth * Depth of the browsing context tree to traverse. If not specified * the whole tree is returned. * @returns {BrowsingContextInfo} * The information about the browsing context. */ #getBrowsingContextInfo(context, options = {}) { const { isRoot = true, maxDepth = null } = options; let children = null; if (maxDepth === null || maxDepth > 0) { children = context.children.map(context => this.#getBrowsingContextInfo(context, { maxDepth: maxDepth === null ? maxDepth : maxDepth - 1, isRoot: false, }) ); } const userContext = lazy.UserContextManager.getIdByBrowsingContext(context); const contextInfo = { children, context: lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowsingContext(context), url: context.currentURI.spec, userContext, }; if (isRoot) { // Only emit the parent id for the top-most browsing context. const parentId = lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowsingContext(context.parent); contextInfo.parent = parentId; } return contextInfo; } #onContextAttached = async (eventName, data = {}) => { if (this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.contextCreated")) { const { browsingContext, why } = data; // Filter out top-level browsing contexts that are created because of a // cross-group navigation. if (why === "replace") { return; } // TODO: Bug 1852941. We should also filter out events which are emitted // for DevTools frames. // Filter out notifications for chrome context until support gets // added (bug 1722679). if (!browsingContext.webProgress) { return; } const browsingContextInfo = this.#getBrowsingContextInfo( browsingContext, { maxDepth: 0, } ); // This event is emitted from the parent process but for a given browsing // context. Set the event's contextInfo to the message handler corresponding // to this browsing context. const contextInfo = { contextId: browsingContext.id, type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, }; this.emitEvent( "browsingContext.contextCreated", browsingContextInfo, contextInfo ); } }; #onContextDiscarded = async (eventName, data = {}) => { if (this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.contextDestroyed")) { const { browsingContext, why } = data; // Filter out top-level browsing contexts that are destroyed because of a // cross-group navigation. if (why === "replace") { return; } // TODO: Bug 1852941. We should also filter out events which are emitted // for DevTools frames. // Filter out notifications for chrome context until support gets // added (bug 1722679). if (!browsingContext.webProgress) { return; } // If this event is for a child context whose top or parent context is also destroyed, // we don't need to send it, in this case the event for the top/parent context is enough. if ( browsingContext.parent && (browsingContext.top.isDiscarded || browsingContext.parent.isDiscarded) ) { return; } const browsingContextInfo = this.#getBrowsingContextInfo( browsingContext, { maxDepth: 0, } ); // This event is emitted from the parent process but for a given browsing // context. Set the event's contextInfo to the message handler corresponding // to this browsing context. const contextInfo = { contextId: browsingContext.id, type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, }; this.emitEvent( "browsingContext.contextDestroyed", browsingContextInfo, contextInfo ); } }; #onLocationChanged = async (eventName, data) => { const { navigationId, navigableId, url } = data; const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(navigableId); if (this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.fragmentNavigated")) { const contextInfo = { contextId: context.id, type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, }; this.emitEvent( "browsingContext.fragmentNavigated", { context: navigableId, navigation: navigationId, timestamp: Date.now(), url, }, contextInfo ); } }; #onPromptClosed = async (eventName, data) => { if (this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.userPromptClosed")) { const { contentBrowser, detail } = data; const contextId = lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowser(contentBrowser); if (contextId === null) { return; } // This event is emitted from the parent process but for a given browsing // context. Set the event's contextInfo to the message handler corresponding // to this browsing context. const contextInfo = { contextId, type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, }; const params = { context: contextId, ...detail, }; this.emitEvent("browsingContext.userPromptClosed", params, contextInfo); } }; #onPromptOpened = async (eventName, data) => { if (this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.userPromptOpened")) { const { contentBrowser, prompt } = data; // Do not send opened event for unsupported prompt types. if (!(prompt.promptType in UserPromptType)) { return; } const contextId = lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowser(contentBrowser); // This event is emitted from the parent process but for a given browsing // context. Set the event's contextInfo to the message handler corresponding // to this browsing context. const contextInfo = { contextId, type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, }; const eventPayload = { context: contextId, type: prompt.promptType, message: await prompt.getText(), }; // Bug 1859814: Since the platform doesn't provide the access to the `defaultValue` of the prompt, // we use prompt the `value` instead. The `value` is set to `defaultValue` when `defaultValue` is provided. // This approach doesn't allow us to distinguish between the `defaultValue` being set to an empty string and // `defaultValue` not set, because `value` is always defaulted to an empty string. // We should switch to using the actual `defaultValue` when it's available and check for the `null` here. const defaultValue = await prompt.getInputText(); if (defaultValue) { eventPayload.defaultValue = defaultValue; } this.emitEvent( "browsingContext.userPromptOpened", eventPayload, contextInfo ); } }; #onNavigationStarted = async (eventName, data) => { const { navigableId, navigationId, url } = data; const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(navigableId); if (this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.navigationStarted")) { const contextInfo = { contextId: context.id, type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, }; this.emitEvent( "browsingContext.navigationStarted", { context: navigableId, navigation: navigationId, timestamp: Date.now(), url, }, contextInfo ); } }; #onPageHideEvent = (name, eventPayload) => { const { context } = eventPayload; if (context.parent) { this.#onContextDiscarded("windowglobal-pagehide", { browsingContext: context, }); } }; #stopListeningToContextEvent(event) { this.#subscribedEvents.delete(event); const hasContextEvent = this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.contextCreated") || this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.contextDestroyed"); if (!hasContextEvent) { this.#contextListener.stopListening(); } } #stopListeningToNavigationEvent(event) { this.#subscribedEvents.delete(event); const hasNavigationEvent = this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.fragmentNavigated") || this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.navigationStarted"); if (!hasNavigationEvent) { this.#navigationListener.stopListening(); } } #stopListeningToPromptEvent(event) { this.#subscribedEvents.delete(event); const hasPromptEvent = this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.userPromptClosed") || this.#subscribedEvents.has("browsingContext.userPromptOpened"); if (!hasPromptEvent) { this.#promptListener.stopListening(); } } #subscribeEvent(event) { switch (event) { case "browsingContext.contextCreated": case "browsingContext.contextDestroyed": { this.#contextListener.startListening(); this.#subscribedEvents.add(event); break; } case "browsingContext.fragmentNavigated": case "browsingContext.navigationStarted": { this.#navigationListener.startListening(); this.#subscribedEvents.add(event); break; } case "browsingContext.userPromptClosed": case "browsingContext.userPromptOpened": { this.#promptListener.startListening(); this.#subscribedEvents.add(event); break; } } } #unsubscribeEvent(event) { switch (event) { case "browsingContext.contextCreated": case "browsingContext.contextDestroyed": { this.#stopListeningToContextEvent(event); break; } case "browsingContext.fragmentNavigated": case "browsingContext.navigationStarted": { this.#stopListeningToNavigationEvent(event); break; } case "browsingContext.userPromptClosed": case "browsingContext.userPromptOpened": { this.#stopListeningToPromptEvent(event); break; } } } #waitForVisibilityChange(browsingContext) { return this.messageHandler.forwardCommand({ moduleName: "browsingContext", commandName: "_awaitVisibilityState", destination: { type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, id: browsingContext.id, }, params: { value: "hidden", }, retryOnAbort: true, }); } /** * Internal commands */ _applySessionData(params) { // TODO: Bug 1775231. Move this logic to a shared module or an abstract // class. const { category } = params; if (category === "event") { const filteredSessionData = params.sessionData.filter(item => this.messageHandler.matchesContext(item.contextDescriptor) ); for (const event of this.#subscribedEvents.values()) { const hasSessionItem = filteredSessionData.some( item => item.value === event ); // If there are no session items for this context, we should unsubscribe from the event. if (!hasSessionItem) { this.#unsubscribeEvent(event); } } // Subscribe to all events, which have an item in SessionData. for (const { value } of filteredSessionData) { this.#subscribeEvent(value); } } } static get supportedEvents() { return [ "browsingContext.contextCreated", "browsingContext.contextDestroyed", "browsingContext.domContentLoaded", "browsingContext.fragmentNavigated", "browsingContext.load", "browsingContext.navigationStarted", "browsingContext.userPromptClosed", "browsingContext.userPromptOpened", ]; } } export const browsingContext = BrowsingContextModule;