/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { Module } from "chrome://remote/content/shared/messagehandler/Module.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { assert: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Assert.sys.mjs", error: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs", generateUUID: "chrome://remote/content/shared/UUID.sys.mjs", matchURLPattern: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/URLPattern.sys.mjs", notifyNavigationStarted: "chrome://remote/content/shared/NavigationManager.sys.mjs", NetworkListener: "chrome://remote/content/shared/listeners/NetworkListener.sys.mjs", parseChallengeHeader: "chrome://remote/content/shared/ChallengeHeaderParser.sys.mjs", parseURLPattern: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/URLPattern.sys.mjs", TabManager: "chrome://remote/content/shared/TabManager.sys.mjs", WindowGlobalMessageHandler: "chrome://remote/content/shared/messagehandler/WindowGlobalMessageHandler.sys.mjs", }); /** * @typedef {object} AuthChallenge * @property {string} scheme * @property {string} realm */ /** * @typedef {object} AuthCredentials * @property {'password'} type * @property {string} username * @property {string} password */ /** * @typedef {object} BaseParameters * @property {string=} context * @property {Array?} intercepts * @property {boolean} isBlocked * @property {Navigation=} navigation * @property {number} redirectCount * @property {RequestData} request * @property {number} timestamp */ /** * @typedef {object} BlockedRequest * @property {NetworkEventRecord} networkEventRecord * @property {InterceptPhase} phase */ /** * Enum of possible BytesValue types. * * @readonly * @enum {BytesValueType} */ export const BytesValueType = { Base64: "base64", String: "string", }; /** * @typedef {object} BytesValue * @property {BytesValueType} type * @property {string} value */ /** * Enum of possible continueWithAuth actions. * * @readonly * @enum {ContinueWithAuthAction} */ const ContinueWithAuthAction = { Cancel: "cancel", Default: "default", ProvideCredentials: "provideCredentials", }; /** * @typedef {object} Cookie * @property {string} domain * @property {number=} expires * @property {boolean} httpOnly * @property {string} name * @property {string} path * @property {SameSite} sameSite * @property {boolean} secure * @property {number} size * @property {BytesValue} value */ /** * @typedef {object} CookieHeader * @property {string} name * @property {BytesValue} value */ /** * @typedef {object} FetchTimingInfo * @property {number} timeOrigin * @property {number} requestTime * @property {number} redirectStart * @property {number} redirectEnd * @property {number} fetchStart * @property {number} dnsStart * @property {number} dnsEnd * @property {number} connectStart * @property {number} connectEnd * @property {number} tlsStart * @property {number} requestStart * @property {number} responseStart * @property {number} responseEnd */ /** * @typedef {object} Header * @property {string} name * @property {BytesValue} value */ /** * @typedef {string} InitiatorType */ /** * Enum of possible initiator types. * * @readonly * @enum {InitiatorType} */ const InitiatorType = { Other: "other", Parser: "parser", Preflight: "preflight", Script: "script", }; /** * @typedef {object} Initiator * @property {InitiatorType} type * @property {number=} columnNumber * @property {number=} lineNumber * @property {string=} request * @property {StackTrace=} stackTrace */ /** * Enum of intercept phases. * * @readonly * @enum {InterceptPhase} */ const InterceptPhase = { AuthRequired: "authRequired", BeforeRequestSent: "beforeRequestSent", ResponseStarted: "responseStarted", }; /** * @typedef {object} InterceptProperties * @property {Array} phases * @property {Array} urlPatterns */ /** * @typedef {object} RequestData * @property {number|null} bodySize * Defaults to null. * @property {Array} cookies * @property {Array
} headers * @property {number} headersSize * @property {string} method * @property {string} request * @property {FetchTimingInfo} timings * @property {string} url */ /** * @typedef {object} BeforeRequestSentParametersProperties * @property {Initiator} initiator */ /* eslint-disable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * Parameters for the BeforeRequestSent event * * @typedef {BaseParameters & BeforeRequestSentParametersProperties} BeforeRequestSentParameters */ /* eslint-enable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * @typedef {object} ResponseContent * @property {number|null} size * Defaults to null. */ /** * @typedef {object} ResponseData * @property {string} url * @property {string} protocol * @property {number} status * @property {string} statusText * @property {boolean} fromCache * @property {Array
} headers * @property {string} mimeType * @property {number} bytesReceived * @property {number|null} headersSize * Defaults to null. * @property {number|null} bodySize * Defaults to null. * @property {ResponseContent} content * @property {Array=} authChallenges */ /** * @typedef {object} ResponseStartedParametersProperties * @property {ResponseData} response */ /* eslint-disable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * Parameters for the ResponseStarted event * * @typedef {BaseParameters & ResponseStartedParametersProperties} ResponseStartedParameters */ /* eslint-enable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * @typedef {object} ResponseCompletedParametersProperties * @property {ResponseData} response */ /** * Enum of possible sameSite values. * * @readonly * @enum {SameSite} */ const SameSite = { Lax: "lax", None: "none", Script: "script", }; /** * @typedef {object} SetCookieHeader * @property {string} name * @property {BytesValue} value * @property {string=} domain * @property {boolean=} httpOnly * @property {string=} expiry * @property {number=} maxAge * @property {string=} path * @property {SameSite=} sameSite * @property {boolean=} secure */ /** * @typedef {object} URLPatternPattern * @property {'pattern'} type * @property {string=} protocol * @property {string=} hostname * @property {string=} port * @property {string=} pathname * @property {string=} search */ /** * @typedef {object} URLPatternString * @property {'string'} type * @property {string} pattern */ /** * @typedef {(URLPatternPattern|URLPatternString)} URLPattern */ /* eslint-disable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * Parameters for the ResponseCompleted event * * @typedef {BaseParameters & ResponseCompletedParametersProperties} ResponseCompletedParameters */ /* eslint-enable jsdoc/valid-types */ class NetworkModule extends Module { #blockedRequests; #interceptMap; #networkListener; #subscribedEvents; constructor(messageHandler) { super(messageHandler); // Map of request id to BlockedRequest this.#blockedRequests = new Map(); // Map of intercept id to InterceptProperties this.#interceptMap = new Map(); // Set of event names which have active subscriptions this.#subscribedEvents = new Set(); this.#networkListener = new lazy.NetworkListener(); this.#networkListener.on("auth-required", this.#onAuthRequired); this.#networkListener.on("before-request-sent", this.#onBeforeRequestSent); this.#networkListener.on("fetch-error", this.#onFetchError); this.#networkListener.on("response-completed", this.#onResponseEvent); this.#networkListener.on("response-started", this.#onResponseEvent); } destroy() { this.#networkListener.off("auth-required", this.#onAuthRequired); this.#networkListener.off("before-request-sent", this.#onBeforeRequestSent); this.#networkListener.off("fetch-error", this.#onFetchError); this.#networkListener.off("response-completed", this.#onResponseEvent); this.#networkListener.off("response-started", this.#onResponseEvent); this.#networkListener.destroy(); this.#blockedRequests = null; this.#interceptMap = null; this.#subscribedEvents = null; } /** * Adds a network intercept, which allows to intercept and modify network * requests and responses. * * The network intercept will be created for the provided phases * (InterceptPhase) and for specific url patterns. When a network event * corresponding to an intercept phase has a URL which matches any url pattern * of any intercept, the request will be suspended. * * @param {object=} options * @param {Array=} options.contexts * The list of browsing context ids where this intercept should be used. * Optional, defaults to null. * @param {Array} options.phases * The phases where this intercept should be checked. * @param {Array=} options.urlPatterns * The URL patterns for this intercept. Optional, defaults to empty array. * * @returns {object} * An object with the following property: * - intercept {string} The unique id of the network intercept. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. */ addIntercept(options = {}) { const { contexts = null, phases, urlPatterns = [] } = options; if (contexts !== null) { lazy.assert.array( contexts, `Expected "contexts" to be an array, got ${contexts}` ); if (!options.contexts.length) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected "contexts" to contain at least one item, got an empty array` ); } for (const contextId of contexts) { lazy.assert.string( contextId, `Expected elements of "contexts" to be a string, got ${contextId}` ); const context = this.#getBrowsingContext(contextId); if (context.parent) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Context with id ${contextId} is not a top-level browsing context` ); } } } lazy.assert.array( phases, `Expected "phases" to be an array, got ${phases}` ); if (!options.phases.length) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected "phases" to contain at least one phase, got an empty array` ); } const supportedInterceptPhases = Object.values(InterceptPhase); for (const phase of phases) { if (!supportedInterceptPhases.includes(phase)) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected "phases" values to be one of ${supportedInterceptPhases}, got ${phase}` ); } } lazy.assert.array( urlPatterns, `Expected "urlPatterns" to be an array, got ${urlPatterns}` ); const parsedPatterns = urlPatterns.map(urlPattern => lazy.parseURLPattern(urlPattern) ); const interceptId = lazy.generateUUID(); this.#interceptMap.set(interceptId, { contexts, phases, urlPatterns: parsedPatterns, }); return { intercept: interceptId, }; } /** * Continues a request that is blocked by a network intercept at the * beforeRequestSent phase. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.request * The id of the blocked request that should be continued. * @param {BytesValue=} options.body [unsupported] * Optional BytesValue to replace the body of the request. * @param {Array=} options.cookies [unsupported] * Optional array of cookie header values to replace the cookie header of * the request. * @param {Array
=} options.headers [unsupported] * Optional array of headers to replace the headers of the request. * request. * @param {string=} options.method [unsupported] * Optional string to replace the method of the request. * @param {string=} options.url [unsupported] * Optional string to replace the url of the request. If the provided url * is not a valid URL, an InvalidArgumentError will be thrown. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchRequestError} * Raised if the request id does not match any request in the blocked * requests map. */ async continueRequest(options = {}) { const { body = null, cookies = null, headers = null, method = null, url = null, request: requestId, } = options; lazy.assert.string( requestId, `Expected "request" to be a string, got ${requestId}` ); if (body !== null) { this.#assertBytesValue( body, `Expected "body" to be a network.BytesValue, got ${body}` ); throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"body" not supported yet in network.continueRequest` ); } if (cookies !== null) { lazy.assert.array( cookies, `Expected "cookies" to be an array got ${cookies}` ); for (const cookie of cookies) { this.#assertHeader( cookie, `Expected values in "cookies" to be network.CookieHeader, got ${cookie}` ); } throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"cookies" not supported yet in network.continueRequest` ); } if (headers !== null) { lazy.assert.array( headers, `Expected "headers" to be an array got ${headers}` ); for (const header of headers) { this.#assertHeader( header, `Expected values in "headers" to be network.Header, got ${header}` ); } throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"headers" not supported yet in network.continueRequest` ); } if (method !== null) { lazy.assert.string( method, `Expected "method" to be a string, got ${method}` ); throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"method" not supported yet in network.continueRequest` ); } if (url !== null) { lazy.assert.string(url, `Expected "url" to be a string, got ${url}`); throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"url" not supported yet in network.continueRequest` ); } if (!this.#blockedRequests.has(requestId)) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchRequestError( `Blocked request with id ${requestId} not found` ); } const { phase, request, resolveBlockedEvent } = this.#blockedRequests.get(requestId); if (phase !== InterceptPhase.BeforeRequestSent) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected blocked request to be in "beforeRequestSent" phase, got ${phase}` ); } const wrapper = ChannelWrapper.get(request); wrapper.resume(); resolveBlockedEvent(); } /** * Continues a response that is blocked by a network intercept at the * responseStarted or authRequired phase. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.request * The id of the blocked request that should be continued. * @param {Array=} options.cookies [unsupported] * Optional array of set-cookie header values to replace the set-cookie * headers of the response. * @param {AuthCredentials=} options.credentials * Optional AuthCredentials to use. * @param {Array
=} options.headers [unsupported] * Optional array of header values to replace the headers of the response. * @param {string=} options.reasonPhrase [unsupported] * Optional string to replace the status message of the response. * @param {number=} options.statusCode [unsupported] * Optional number to replace the status code of the response. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchRequestError} * Raised if the request id does not match any request in the blocked * requests map. */ async continueResponse(options = {}) { const { cookies = null, credentials = null, headers = null, reasonPhrase = null, request: requestId, statusCode = null, } = options; lazy.assert.string( requestId, `Expected "request" to be a string, got ${requestId}` ); if (cookies !== null) { lazy.assert.array( cookies, `Expected "cookies" to be an array got ${cookies}` ); for (const cookie of cookies) { this.#assertSetCookieHeader(cookie); } throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"cookies" not supported yet in network.continueResponse` ); } if (credentials !== null) { this.#assertAuthCredentials(credentials); } if (headers !== null) { lazy.assert.array( headers, `Expected "headers" to be an array got ${headers}` ); for (const header of headers) { this.#assertHeader( header, `Expected values in "headers" to be network.Header, got ${header}` ); } throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"headers" not supported yet in network.continueResponse` ); } if (reasonPhrase !== null) { lazy.assert.string( reasonPhrase, `Expected "reasonPhrase" to be a string, got ${reasonPhrase}` ); throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"reasonPhrase" not supported yet in network.continueResponse` ); } if (statusCode !== null) { lazy.assert.positiveInteger( statusCode, `Expected "statusCode" to be a positive integer, got ${statusCode}` ); throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"statusCode" not supported yet in network.continueResponse` ); } if (!this.#blockedRequests.has(requestId)) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchRequestError( `Blocked request with id ${requestId} not found` ); } const { authCallbacks, phase, request, resolveBlockedEvent } = this.#blockedRequests.get(requestId); if ( phase !== InterceptPhase.ResponseStarted && phase !== InterceptPhase.AuthRequired ) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected blocked request to be in "responseStarted" or "authRequired" phase, got ${phase}` ); } if (phase === InterceptPhase.AuthRequired) { // Requests blocked in the AuthRequired phase should be resumed using // authCallbacks. if (credentials !== null) { await authCallbacks.provideAuthCredentials( credentials.username, credentials.password ); } else { await authCallbacks.provideAuthCredentials(); } } else { const wrapper = ChannelWrapper.get(request); wrapper.resume(); } resolveBlockedEvent(); } /** * Continues a response that is blocked by a network intercept at the * authRequired phase. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.request * The id of the blocked request that should be continued. * @param {string} options.action * The continueWithAuth action, one of ContinueWithAuthAction. * @param {AuthCredentials=} options.credentials * The credentials to use for the ContinueWithAuthAction.ProvideCredentials * action. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchRequestError} * Raised if the request id does not match any request in the blocked * requests map. */ async continueWithAuth(options = {}) { const { action, credentials, request: requestId } = options; lazy.assert.string( requestId, `Expected "request" to be a string, got ${requestId}` ); if (!Object.values(ContinueWithAuthAction).includes(action)) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected "action" to be one of ${Object.values( ContinueWithAuthAction )} got ${action}` ); } if (action == ContinueWithAuthAction.ProvideCredentials) { this.#assertAuthCredentials(credentials); } if (!this.#blockedRequests.has(requestId)) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchRequestError( `Blocked request with id ${requestId} not found` ); } const { authCallbacks, phase, resolveBlockedEvent } = this.#blockedRequests.get(requestId); if (phase !== InterceptPhase.AuthRequired) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected blocked request to be in "authRequired" phase, got ${phase}` ); } switch (action) { case ContinueWithAuthAction.Cancel: { authCallbacks.cancelAuthPrompt(); break; } case ContinueWithAuthAction.Default: { authCallbacks.forwardAuthPrompt(); break; } case ContinueWithAuthAction.ProvideCredentials: { await authCallbacks.provideAuthCredentials( credentials.username, credentials.password ); break; } } resolveBlockedEvent(); } /** * Fails a request that is blocked by a network intercept. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.request * The id of the blocked request that should be continued. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchRequestError} * Raised if the request id does not match any request in the blocked * requests map. */ async failRequest(options = {}) { const { request: requestId } = options; lazy.assert.string( requestId, `Expected "request" to be a string, got ${requestId}` ); if (!this.#blockedRequests.has(requestId)) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchRequestError( `Blocked request with id ${requestId} not found` ); } const { phase, request, resolveBlockedEvent } = this.#blockedRequests.get(requestId); if (phase === InterceptPhase.AuthRequired) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected blocked request not to be in "authRequired" phase` ); } const wrapper = ChannelWrapper.get(request); wrapper.resume(); wrapper.cancel( Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT, Ci.nsILoadInfo.BLOCKING_REASON_WEBDRIVER_BIDI ); resolveBlockedEvent(); } /** * Continues a request that’s blocked by a network intercept, by providing a * complete response. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.request * The id of the blocked request for which the response should be * provided. * @param {BytesValue=} options.body [unsupported] * Optional BytesValue to replace the body of the response. * @param {Array=} options.cookies [unsupported] * Optional array of set-cookie header values to use for the provided * response. * @param {Array
=} options.headers [unsupported] * Optional array of header values to use for the provided * response. * @param {string=} options.reasonPhrase [unsupported] * Optional string to use as the status message for the provided response. * @param {number=} options.statusCode [unsupported] * Optional number to use as the status code for the provided response. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchRequestError} * Raised if the request id does not match any request in the blocked * requests map. */ async provideResponse(options = {}) { const { body = null, cookies = null, headers = null, reasonPhrase = null, request: requestId, statusCode = null, } = options; lazy.assert.string( requestId, `Expected "request" to be a string, got ${requestId}` ); if (body !== null) { this.#assertBytesValue( body, `Expected "body" to be a network.BytesValue, got ${body}` ); throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"body" not supported yet in network.provideResponse` ); } if (cookies !== null) { lazy.assert.array( cookies, `Expected "cookies" to be an array got ${cookies}` ); for (const cookie of cookies) { this.#assertSetCookieHeader(cookie); } throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"cookies" not supported yet in network.provideResponse` ); } if (headers !== null) { lazy.assert.array( headers, `Expected "headers" to be an array got ${headers}` ); for (const header of headers) { this.#assertHeader( header, `Expected values in "headers" to be network.Header, got ${header}` ); } throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"headers" not supported yet in network.provideResponse` ); } if (reasonPhrase !== null) { lazy.assert.string( reasonPhrase, `Expected "reasonPhrase" to be a string, got ${reasonPhrase}` ); throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"reasonPhrase" not supported yet in network.provideResponse` ); } if (statusCode !== null) { lazy.assert.positiveInteger( statusCode, `Expected "statusCode" to be a positive integer, got ${statusCode}` ); throw new lazy.error.UnsupportedOperationError( `"statusCode" not supported yet in network.provideResponse` ); } if (!this.#blockedRequests.has(requestId)) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchRequestError( `Blocked request with id ${requestId} not found` ); } const { authCallbacks, phase, request, resolveBlockedEvent } = this.#blockedRequests.get(requestId); if (phase === InterceptPhase.AuthRequired) { await authCallbacks.provideAuthCredentials(); } else { const wrapper = ChannelWrapper.get(request); wrapper.resume(); } resolveBlockedEvent(); } /** * Removes an existing network intercept. * * @param {object=} options * @param {string} options.intercept * The id of the intercept to remove. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value. * @throws {NoSuchInterceptError} * Raised if the intercept id could not be found in the internal intercept * map. */ removeIntercept(options = {}) { const { intercept } = options; lazy.assert.string( intercept, `Expected "intercept" to be a string, got ${intercept}` ); if (!this.#interceptMap.has(intercept)) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchInterceptError( `Network intercept with id ${intercept} not found` ); } this.#interceptMap.delete(intercept); } /** * Add a new request in the blockedRequests map. * * @param {string} requestId * The request id. * @param {InterceptPhase} phase * The phase where the request is blocked. * @param {object=} options * @param {object=} options.authCallbacks * Only defined for requests blocked in the authRequired phase. * Provides callbacks to handle the authentication. * @param {nsIChannel=} options.requestChannel * The request channel. * @param {nsIChannel=} options.responseChannel * The response channel. */ #addBlockedRequest(requestId, phase, options = {}) { const { authCallbacks, requestChannel: request, responseChannel: response, } = options; const { promise: blockedEventPromise, resolve: resolveBlockedEvent } = Promise.withResolvers(); this.#blockedRequests.set(requestId, { authCallbacks, request, response, resolveBlockedEvent, phase, }); blockedEventPromise.finally(() => { this.#blockedRequests.delete(requestId); }); } #assertAuthCredentials(credentials) { lazy.assert.object( credentials, `Expected "credentials" to be an object, got ${credentials}` ); if (credentials.type !== "password") { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected credentials "type" to be "password" got ${credentials.type}` ); } lazy.assert.string( credentials.username, `Expected credentials "username" to be a string, got ${credentials.username}` ); lazy.assert.string( credentials.password, `Expected credentials "password" to be a string, got ${credentials.password}` ); } #assertBytesValue(obj, msg) { lazy.assert.object(obj, msg); lazy.assert.string(obj.value, msg); lazy.assert.in(obj.type, Object.values(BytesValueType), msg); } #assertHeader(value, msg) { lazy.assert.object(value, msg); lazy.assert.string(value.name, msg); this.#assertBytesValue(value.value, msg); } #assertSetCookieHeader(setCookieHeader) { lazy.assert.object( setCookieHeader, `Expected set-cookie header to be an object, got ${setCookieHeader}` ); const { name, value, domain = null, httpOnly = null, expiry = null, maxAge = null, path = null, sameSite = null, secure = null, } = setCookieHeader; lazy.assert.string( name, `Expected set-cookie header "name" to be a string, got ${name}` ); this.#assertBytesValue( value, `Expected set-cookie header "value" to be a BytesValue, got ${name}` ); if (domain !== null) { lazy.assert.string( domain, `Expected set-cookie header "domain" to be a string, got ${domain}` ); } if (httpOnly !== null) { lazy.assert.boolean( httpOnly, `Expected set-cookie header "httpOnly" to be a boolean, got ${httpOnly}` ); } if (expiry !== null) { lazy.assert.string( expiry, `Expected set-cookie header "expiry" to be a string, got ${expiry}` ); } if (maxAge !== null) { lazy.assert.integer( maxAge, `Expected set-cookie header "maxAge" to be an integer, got ${maxAge}` ); } if (path !== null) { lazy.assert.string( path, `Expected set-cookie header "path" to be a string, got ${path}` ); } if (sameSite !== null) { lazy.assert.in( sameSite, Object.values(SameSite), `Expected set-cookie header "sameSite" to be one of ${Object.values( SameSite )}, got ${sameSite}` ); } if (secure !== null) { lazy.assert.boolean( secure, `Expected set-cookie header "secure" to be a boolean, got ${secure}` ); } } #extractChallenges(responseData) { let headerName; // Using case-insensitive match for header names, so we use the lowercase // version of the "WWW-Authenticate" / "Proxy-Authenticate" strings. if (responseData.status === 401) { headerName = "www-authenticate"; } else if (responseData.status === 407) { headerName = "proxy-authenticate"; } else { return null; } const challenges = []; for (const header of responseData.headers) { if (header.name.toLowerCase() === headerName) { // A single header can contain several challenges. const headerChallenges = lazy.parseChallengeHeader(header.value); for (const headerChallenge of headerChallenges) { const realmParam = headerChallenge.params.find( param => param.name == "realm" ); const realm = realmParam ? realmParam.value : undefined; const challenge = { scheme: headerChallenge.scheme, realm, }; challenges.push(challenge); } } } return challenges; } #getBrowsingContext(contextId) { const context = lazy.TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(contextId); if (context === null) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchFrameError( `Browsing Context with id ${contextId} not found` ); } if (!context.currentWindowGlobal) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchFrameError( `No window found for BrowsingContext with id ${contextId}` ); } return context; } #getContextInfo(browsingContext) { return { contextId: browsingContext.id, type: lazy.WindowGlobalMessageHandler.type, }; } #getNetworkIntercepts(event, requestData, contextId) { const intercepts = []; let phase; switch (event) { case "network.beforeRequestSent": phase = InterceptPhase.BeforeRequestSent; break; case "network.responseStarted": phase = InterceptPhase.ResponseStarted; break; case "network.authRequired": phase = InterceptPhase.AuthRequired; break; case "network.responseCompleted": // The network.responseCompleted event does not match any interception // phase. Return immediately. return intercepts; } // Retrieve the top browsing context id for this network event. const browsingContext = lazy.TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(contextId); const topLevelContextId = lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowsingContext( browsingContext.top ); const url = requestData.url; for (const [interceptId, intercept] of this.#interceptMap) { if ( intercept.contexts !== null && !intercept.contexts.includes(topLevelContextId) ) { // Skip this intercept if the event's context does not match the list // of contexts for this intercept. continue; } if (intercept.phases.includes(phase)) { const urlPatterns = intercept.urlPatterns; if ( !urlPatterns.length || urlPatterns.some(pattern => lazy.matchURLPattern(pattern, url)) ) { intercepts.push(interceptId); } } } return intercepts; } #getNavigationId(eventName, isNavigationRequest, browsingContext, url) { if (!isNavigationRequest) { // Not a navigation request return null. return null; } let navigation = this.messageHandler.navigationManager.getNavigationForBrowsingContext( browsingContext ); // `onBeforeRequestSent` might be too early for the NavigationManager. // If there is no ongoing navigation, create one ourselves. // TODO: Bug 1835704 to detect navigations earlier and avoid this. if ( eventName === "network.beforeRequestSent" && (!navigation || navigation.finished) ) { navigation = lazy.notifyNavigationStarted({ contextDetails: { context: browsingContext }, url, }); } return navigation ? navigation.navigationId : null; } #getSuspendMarkerText(requestData, phase) { return `Request (id: ${requestData.request}) suspended by WebDriver BiDi in ${phase} phase`; } #onAuthRequired = (name, data) => { const { authCallbacks, contextId, isNavigationRequest, redirectCount, requestChannel, requestData, responseChannel, responseData, timestamp, } = data; let isBlocked = false; try { const browsingContext = lazy.TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(contextId); if (!browsingContext) { // Do not emit events if the context id does not match any existing // browsing context. return; } const protocolEventName = "network.authRequired"; // Process the navigation to create potentially missing navigation ids // before the early return below. const navigation = this.#getNavigationId( protocolEventName, isNavigationRequest, browsingContext, requestData.url ); const isListening = this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.hasListener( protocolEventName, { contextId } ); if (!isListening) { // If there are no listeners subscribed to this event and this context, // bail out. return; } const baseParameters = this.#processNetworkEvent(protocolEventName, { contextId, navigation, redirectCount, requestData, timestamp, }); const authRequiredEvent = this.#serializeNetworkEvent({ ...baseParameters, response: responseData, }); const authChallenges = this.#extractChallenges(responseData); // authChallenges should never be null for a request which triggered an // authRequired event. authRequiredEvent.response.authChallenges = authChallenges; this.emitEvent( protocolEventName, authRequiredEvent, this.#getContextInfo(browsingContext) ); if (authRequiredEvent.isBlocked) { isBlocked = true; // requestChannel.suspend() is not needed here because the request is // already blocked on the authentication prompt notification until // one of the authCallbacks is called. this.#addBlockedRequest( authRequiredEvent.request.request, InterceptPhase.AuthRequired, { authCallbacks, requestChannel, responseChannel, } ); } } finally { if (!isBlocked) { // If the request was not blocked, forward the auth prompt notification // to the next consumer. authCallbacks.forwardAuthPrompt(); } } }; #onBeforeRequestSent = (name, data) => { const { contextId, isNavigationRequest, redirectCount, requestChannel, requestData, timestamp, } = data; const browsingContext = lazy.TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(contextId); if (!browsingContext) { // Do not emit events if the context id does not match any existing // browsing context. return; } const internalEventName = "network._beforeRequestSent"; const protocolEventName = "network.beforeRequestSent"; // Process the navigation to create potentially missing navigation ids // before the early return below. const navigation = this.#getNavigationId( protocolEventName, isNavigationRequest, browsingContext, requestData.url ); // Always emit internal events, they are used to support the browsingContext // navigate command. // Bug 1861922: Replace internal events with a Network listener helper // directly using the NetworkObserver. this.emitEvent( internalEventName, { navigation, url: requestData.url, }, this.#getContextInfo(browsingContext) ); const isListening = this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.hasListener( protocolEventName, { contextId } ); if (!isListening) { // If there are no listeners subscribed to this event and this context, // bail out. return; } const baseParameters = this.#processNetworkEvent(protocolEventName, { contextId, navigation, redirectCount, requestData, timestamp, }); // Bug 1805479: Handle the initiator, including stacktrace details. const initiator = { type: InitiatorType.Other, }; const beforeRequestSentEvent = this.#serializeNetworkEvent({ ...baseParameters, initiator, }); this.emitEvent( protocolEventName, beforeRequestSentEvent, this.#getContextInfo(browsingContext) ); if (beforeRequestSentEvent.isBlocked) { // TODO: Requests suspended in beforeRequestSent still reach the server at // the moment. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1849686 const wrapper = ChannelWrapper.get(requestChannel); wrapper.suspend( this.#getSuspendMarkerText(requestData, "beforeRequestSent") ); this.#addBlockedRequest( beforeRequestSentEvent.request.request, InterceptPhase.BeforeRequestSent, { requestChannel, } ); } }; #onFetchError = (name, data) => { const { contextId, errorText, isNavigationRequest, redirectCount, requestData, timestamp, } = data; const browsingContext = lazy.TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(contextId); if (!browsingContext) { // Do not emit events if the context id does not match any existing // browsing context. return; } const internalEventName = "network._fetchError"; const protocolEventName = "network.fetchError"; // Process the navigation to create potentially missing navigation ids // before the early return below. const navigation = this.#getNavigationId( protocolEventName, isNavigationRequest, browsingContext, requestData.url ); // Always emit internal events, they are used to support the browsingContext // navigate command. // Bug 1861922: Replace internal events with a Network listener helper // directly using the NetworkObserver. this.emitEvent( internalEventName, { navigation, url: requestData.url, }, this.#getContextInfo(browsingContext) ); const isListening = this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.hasListener( protocolEventName, { contextId } ); if (!isListening) { // If there are no listeners subscribed to this event and this context, // bail out. return; } const baseParameters = this.#processNetworkEvent(protocolEventName, { contextId, navigation, redirectCount, requestData, timestamp, }); const fetchErrorEvent = this.#serializeNetworkEvent({ ...baseParameters, errorText, }); this.emitEvent( protocolEventName, fetchErrorEvent, this.#getContextInfo(browsingContext) ); }; #onResponseEvent = (name, data) => { const { contextId, isNavigationRequest, redirectCount, requestChannel, requestData, responseChannel, responseData, timestamp, } = data; const browsingContext = lazy.TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(contextId); if (!browsingContext) { // Do not emit events if the context id does not match any existing // browsing context. return; } const protocolEventName = name === "response-started" ? "network.responseStarted" : "network.responseCompleted"; const internalEventName = name === "response-started" ? "network._responseStarted" : "network._responseCompleted"; // Process the navigation to create potentially missing navigation ids // before the early return below. const navigation = this.#getNavigationId( protocolEventName, isNavigationRequest, browsingContext, requestData.url ); // Always emit internal events, they are used to support the browsingContext // navigate command. // Bug 1861922: Replace internal events with a Network listener helper // directly using the NetworkObserver. this.emitEvent( internalEventName, { navigation, url: requestData.url, }, this.#getContextInfo(browsingContext) ); const isListening = this.messageHandler.eventsDispatcher.hasListener( protocolEventName, { contextId } ); if (!isListening) { // If there are no listeners subscribed to this event and this context, // bail out. return; } const baseParameters = this.#processNetworkEvent(protocolEventName, { contextId, navigation, redirectCount, requestData, timestamp, }); const responseEvent = this.#serializeNetworkEvent({ ...baseParameters, response: responseData, }); const authChallenges = this.#extractChallenges(responseData); if (authChallenges !== null) { responseEvent.response.authChallenges = authChallenges; } this.emitEvent( protocolEventName, responseEvent, this.#getContextInfo(browsingContext) ); if ( protocolEventName === "network.responseStarted" && responseEvent.isBlocked ) { const wrapper = ChannelWrapper.get(requestChannel); wrapper.suspend( this.#getSuspendMarkerText(requestData, "responseStarted") ); this.#addBlockedRequest( responseEvent.request.request, InterceptPhase.ResponseStarted, { requestChannel, responseChannel, } ); } }; /** * Process the network event data for a given network event name and create * the corresponding base parameters. * * @param {string} eventName * One of the supported network event names. * @param {object} data * @param {string} data.contextId * The browsing context id for the network event. * @param {string|null} data.navigation * The navigation id if this is a network event for a navigation request. * @param {number} data.redirectCount * The redirect count for the network event. * @param {RequestData} data.requestData * The network.RequestData information for the network event. * @param {number} data.timestamp * The timestamp when the network event was created. */ #processNetworkEvent(eventName, data) { const { contextId, navigation, redirectCount, requestData, timestamp } = data; const intercepts = this.#getNetworkIntercepts( eventName, requestData, contextId ); const isBlocked = !!intercepts.length; const baseParameters = { context: contextId, isBlocked, navigation, redirectCount, request: requestData, timestamp, }; if (isBlocked) { baseParameters.intercepts = intercepts; } return baseParameters; } #serializeHeadersOrCookies(headersOrCookies) { return headersOrCookies.map(item => ({ name: item.name, value: this.#serializeStringAsBytesValue(item.value), })); } /** * Serialize in-place all cookies and headers arrays found in a given network * event payload. * * @param {object} networkEvent * The network event parameters object to serialize. * @returns {object} * The serialized network event parameters. */ #serializeNetworkEvent(networkEvent) { // Make a shallow copy of networkEvent before serializing the headers and // cookies arrays in request/response. const serialized = { ...networkEvent }; // Make a shallow copy of the request data. serialized.request = { ...networkEvent.request }; serialized.request.cookies = this.#serializeHeadersOrCookies( networkEvent.request.cookies ); serialized.request.headers = this.#serializeHeadersOrCookies( networkEvent.request.headers ); if (networkEvent.response?.headers) { // Make a shallow copy of the response data. serialized.response = { ...networkEvent.response }; serialized.response.headers = this.#serializeHeadersOrCookies( networkEvent.response.headers ); } return serialized; } /** * Serialize a string value as BytesValue. * * Note: This does not attempt to fully implement serialize protocol bytes * (https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#serialize-protocol-bytes) as the * header values read from the Channel are already serialized as strings at * the moment. * * @param {string} value * The value to serialize. */ #serializeStringAsBytesValue(value) { // TODO: For now, we handle all headers and cookies with the "string" type. // See Bug 1835216 to add support for "base64" type and handle non-utf8 // values. return { type: BytesValueType.String, value, }; } #startListening(event) { if (this.#subscribedEvents.size == 0) { this.#networkListener.startListening(); } this.#subscribedEvents.add(event); } #stopListening(event) { this.#subscribedEvents.delete(event); if (this.#subscribedEvents.size == 0) { this.#networkListener.stopListening(); } } #subscribeEvent(event) { if (this.constructor.supportedEvents.includes(event)) { this.#startListening(event); } } #unsubscribeEvent(event) { if (this.constructor.supportedEvents.includes(event)) { this.#stopListening(event); } } /** * Internal commands */ _applySessionData(params) { // TODO: Bug 1775231. Move this logic to a shared module or an abstract // class. const { category } = params; if (category === "event") { const filteredSessionData = params.sessionData.filter(item => this.messageHandler.matchesContext(item.contextDescriptor) ); for (const event of this.#subscribedEvents.values()) { const hasSessionItem = filteredSessionData.some( item => item.value === event ); // If there are no session items for this context, we should unsubscribe from the event. if (!hasSessionItem) { this.#unsubscribeEvent(event); } } // Subscribe to all events, which have an item in SessionData. for (const { value } of filteredSessionData) { this.#subscribeEvent(value); } } } static get supportedEvents() { return [ "network.authRequired", "network.beforeRequestSent", "network.fetchError", "network.responseCompleted", "network.responseStarted", ]; } } export const network = NetworkModule;