/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { Module } from "chrome://remote/content/shared/messagehandler/Module.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { assert: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Assert.sys.mjs", BytesValueType: "chrome://remote/content/webdriver-bidi/modules/root/network.sys.mjs", error: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs", TabManager: "chrome://remote/content/shared/TabManager.sys.mjs", UserContextManager: "chrome://remote/content/shared/UserContextManager.sys.mjs", }); const CookieFieldsMapping = { domain: "host", expiry: "expiry", httpOnly: "isHttpOnly", name: "name", path: "path", sameSite: "sameSite", secure: "isSecure", size: "size", value: "value", }; const MAX_COOKIE_EXPIRY = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; /** * Enum of possible partition types supported by the * storage.getCookies command. * * @readonly * @enum {PartitionType} */ const PartitionType = { Context: "context", StorageKey: "storageKey", }; const PartitionKeyAttributes = ["sourceOrigin", "userContext"]; /** * Enum of possible SameSite types supported by the * storage.getCookies command. * * @readonly * @enum {SameSiteType} */ const SameSiteType = { [Ci.nsICookie.SAMESITE_NONE]: "none", [Ci.nsICookie.SAMESITE_LAX]: "lax", [Ci.nsICookie.SAMESITE_STRICT]: "strict", }; class StorageModule extends Module { destroy() {} /** * Used as an argument for storage.getCookies command * to represent fields which should be used to filter the output * of the command. * * @typedef CookieFilter * * @property {string=} domain * @property {number=} expiry * @property {boolean=} httpOnly * @property {string=} name * @property {string=} path * @property {SameSiteType=} sameSite * @property {boolean=} secure * @property {number=} size * @property {Network.BytesValueType=} value */ /** * Used as an argument for storage.getCookies command as one of the available variants * {BrowsingContextPartitionDescriptor} or {StorageKeyPartitionDescriptor}, to represent * fields should be used to build a partition key. * * @typedef PartitionDescriptor */ /** * @typedef BrowsingContextPartitionDescriptor * * @property {PartitionType} [type=PartitionType.context] * @property {string} context */ /** * @typedef StorageKeyPartitionDescriptor * * @property {PartitionType} [type=PartitionType.storageKey] * @property {string=} sourceOrigin * @property {string=} userContext */ /** * @typedef PartitionKey * * @property {string=} sourceOrigin * @property {string=} userContext */ /** * An object that holds the result of storage.getCookies command. * * @typedef GetCookiesResult * * @property {Array} cookies * List of cookies. * @property {PartitionKey} partitionKey * An object which represent the partition key which was used * to retrieve the cookies. */ /** * Remove zero or more cookies which match a set of provided parameters. * * @param {object=} options * @param {CookieFilter=} options.filter * An object which holds field names and values, which * should be used to filter the output of the command. * @param {PartitionDescriptor=} options.partition * An object which holds the information which * should be used to build a partition key. * * @returns {PartitionKey} * An object with the partition key which was used to * retrieve cookies which had to be removed. * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * If the provided arguments are not valid. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the provided browsing context cannot be found. */ async deleteCookies(options = {}) { let { filter = {} } = options; const { partition: partitionSpec = null } = options; this.#assertPartition(partitionSpec); filter = this.#assertCookieFilter(filter); const partitionKey = this.#expandStoragePartitionSpec(partitionSpec); const store = this.#getTheCookieStore(partitionKey); const cookies = this.#getMatchingCookies(store, filter); for (const cookie of cookies) { Services.cookies.remove( cookie.host, cookie.name, cookie.path, cookie.originAttributes ); } return { partitionKey: this.#formatPartitionKey(partitionKey) }; } /** * Retrieve zero or more cookies which match a set of provided parameters. * * @param {object=} options * @param {CookieFilter=} options.filter * An object which holds field names and values, which * should be used to filter the output of the command. * @param {PartitionDescriptor=} options.partition * An object which holds the information which * should be used to build a partition key. * * @returns {GetCookiesResult} * An object which holds a list of retrieved cookies and * the partition key which was used. * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * If the provided arguments are not valid. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the provided browsing context cannot be found. */ async getCookies(options = {}) { let { filter = {} } = options; const { partition: partitionSpec = null } = options; this.#assertPartition(partitionSpec); filter = this.#assertCookieFilter(filter); const partitionKey = this.#expandStoragePartitionSpec(partitionSpec); const store = this.#getTheCookieStore(partitionKey); const cookies = this.#getMatchingCookies(store, filter); const serializedCookies = []; for (const cookie of cookies) { serializedCookies.push(this.#serializeCookie(cookie)); } return { cookies: serializedCookies, partitionKey: this.#formatPartitionKey(partitionKey), }; } /** * An object representation of the cookie which should be set. * * @typedef PartialCookie * * @property {string} domain * @property {number=} expiry * @property {boolean=} httpOnly * @property {string} name * @property {string=} path * @property {SameSiteType=} sameSite * @property {boolean=} secure * @property {number=} size * @property {Network.BytesValueType} value */ /** * Create a new cookie in a cookie store. * * @param {object=} options * @param {PartialCookie} options.cookie * An object representation of the cookie which * should be set. * @param {PartitionDescriptor=} options.partition * An object which holds the information which * should be used to build a partition key. * * @returns {PartitionKey} * An object with the partition key which was used to * add the cookie. * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * If the provided arguments are not valid. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the provided browsing context cannot be found. * @throws {UnableToSetCookieError} * If the cookie was not added. */ async setCookie(options = {}) { const { cookie: cookieSpec, partition: partitionSpec = null } = options; lazy.assert.object( cookieSpec, `Expected "cookie" to be an object, got ${cookieSpec}` ); const { domain, expiry = null, httpOnly = null, name, path = null, sameSite = null, secure = null, value, } = cookieSpec; this.#assertCookie({ domain, expiry, httpOnly, name, path, sameSite, secure, value, }); this.#assertPartition(partitionSpec); const partitionKey = this.#expandStoragePartitionSpec(partitionSpec); // The cookie store is defined by originAttributes. const originAttributes = this.#getOriginAttributes(partitionKey); const deserializedValue = this.#deserializeProtocolBytes(value); // The XPCOM interface requires to be specified if a cookie is session. const isSession = expiry === null; let schemeType; if (secure) { schemeType = Ci.nsICookie.SCHEME_HTTPS; } else { schemeType = Ci.nsICookie.SCHEME_HTTP; } try { Services.cookies.add( domain, path === null ? "/" : path, name, deserializedValue, secure === null ? false : secure, httpOnly === null ? false : httpOnly, isSession, // The XPCOM interface requires the expiry field even for session cookies. expiry === null ? MAX_COOKIE_EXPIRY : expiry, originAttributes, this.#getSameSitePlatformProperty(sameSite), schemeType ); } catch (e) { throw new lazy.error.UnableToSetCookieError(e); } return { partitionKey: this.#formatPartitionKey(partitionKey) }; } #assertCookie(cookie) { lazy.assert.object( cookie, `Expected "cookie" to be an object, got ${cookie}` ); const { domain, expiry, httpOnly, name, path, sameSite, secure, value } = cookie; lazy.assert.string( domain, `Expected "domain" to be a string, got ${domain}` ); lazy.assert.string(name, `Expected "name" to be a string, got ${name}`); this.#assertValue(value); if (expiry !== null) { lazy.assert.positiveInteger( expiry, `Expected "expiry" to be a positive number, got ${expiry}` ); } if (httpOnly !== null) { lazy.assert.boolean( httpOnly, `Expected "httpOnly" to be a boolean, got ${httpOnly}` ); } if (path !== null) { lazy.assert.string(path, `Expected "path" to be a string, got ${path}`); } this.#assertSameSite(sameSite); if (secure !== null) { lazy.assert.boolean( secure, `Expected "secure" to be a boolean, got ${secure}` ); } } #assertCookieFilter(filter) { lazy.assert.object( filter, `Expected "filter" to be an object, got ${filter}` ); const { domain = null, expiry = null, httpOnly = null, name = null, path = null, sameSite = null, secure = null, size = null, value = null, } = filter; if (domain !== null) { lazy.assert.string( domain, `Expected "filter.domain" to be a string, got ${domain}` ); } if (expiry !== null) { lazy.assert.positiveInteger( expiry, `Expected "filter.expiry" to be a positive number, got ${expiry}` ); } if (httpOnly !== null) { lazy.assert.boolean( httpOnly, `Expected "filter.httpOnly" to be a boolean, got ${httpOnly}` ); } if (name !== null) { lazy.assert.string( name, `Expected "filter.name" to be a string, got ${name}` ); } if (path !== null) { lazy.assert.string( path, `Expected "filter.path" to be a string, got ${path}` ); } this.#assertSameSite(sameSite, "filter.sameSite"); if (secure !== null) { lazy.assert.boolean( secure, `Expected "filter.secure" to be a boolean, got ${secure}` ); } if (size !== null) { lazy.assert.positiveInteger( size, `Expected "filter.size" to be a positive number, got ${size}` ); } if (value !== null) { this.#assertValue(value, "filter.value"); } return { domain, expiry, httpOnly, name, path, sameSite, secure, size, value, }; } #assertPartition(partitionSpec) { if (partitionSpec === null) { return; } lazy.assert.object( partitionSpec, `Expected "partition" to be an object, got ${partitionSpec}` ); const { type } = partitionSpec; lazy.assert.string( type, `Expected "partition.type" to be a string, got ${type}` ); switch (type) { case PartitionType.Context: { const { context } = partitionSpec; lazy.assert.string( context, `Expected "partition.context" to be a string, got ${context}` ); break; } case PartitionType.StorageKey: { const { sourceOrigin = null, userContext = null } = partitionSpec; if (sourceOrigin !== null) { lazy.assert.string( sourceOrigin, `Expected "partition.sourceOrigin" to be a string, got ${sourceOrigin}` ); lazy.assert.that( sourceOrigin => URL.canParse(sourceOrigin), `Expected "partition.sourceOrigin" to be a valid URL, got ${sourceOrigin}` )(sourceOrigin); const url = new URL(sourceOrigin); lazy.assert.that( url => url.pathname === "/" && url.hash === "" && url.search === "", `Expected "partition.sourceOrigin" to contain only origin, got ${sourceOrigin}` )(url); } if (userContext !== null) { lazy.assert.string( userContext, `Expected "partition.userContext" to be a string, got ${userContext}` ); if (!lazy.UserContextManager.hasUserContextId(userContext)) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchUserContextError( `User Context with id ${userContext} was not found` ); } } break; } default: { throw new lazy.error.InvalidArgumentError( `Expected "partition.type" to be one of ${Object.values( PartitionType )}, got ${type}` ); } } } #assertSameSite(sameSite, fieldName = "sameSite") { if (sameSite !== null) { const sameSiteTypeValue = Object.values(SameSiteType); lazy.assert.in( sameSite, sameSiteTypeValue, `Expected "${fieldName}" to be one of ${sameSiteTypeValue}, got ${sameSite}` ); } } #assertValue(value, fieldName = "value") { lazy.assert.object( value, `Expected "${fieldName}" to be an object, got ${value}` ); const { type, value: protocolBytesValue } = value; const bytesValueTypeValue = Object.values(lazy.BytesValueType); lazy.assert.in( type, bytesValueTypeValue, `Expected "${fieldName}.type" to be one of ${bytesValueTypeValue}, got ${type}` ); lazy.assert.string( protocolBytesValue, `Expected "${fieldName}.value" to be string, got ${protocolBytesValue}` ); } /** * Deserialize filter. * * @see https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#deserialize-filter */ #deserializeFilter(filter) { const deserializedFilter = {}; for (const [fieldName, value] of Object.entries(filter)) { if (value === null) { continue; } const deserializedName = CookieFieldsMapping[fieldName]; let deserializedValue; switch (deserializedName) { case "sameSite": deserializedValue = this.#getSameSitePlatformProperty(value); break; case "value": deserializedValue = this.#deserializeProtocolBytes(value); break; default: deserializedValue = value; } deserializedFilter[deserializedName] = deserializedValue; } return deserializedFilter; } /** * Deserialize the value to string, since platform API * returns cookie's value as a string. */ #deserializeProtocolBytes(cookieValue) { const { type, value } = cookieValue; if (type === lazy.BytesValueType.String) { return value; } // For type === BytesValueType.Base64. return atob(value); } /** * Build a partition key. * * @see https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#expand-a-storage-partition-spec */ #expandStoragePartitionSpec(partitionSpec) { if (partitionSpec === null) { partitionSpec = {}; } if (partitionSpec.type === PartitionType.Context) { const { context: contextId } = partitionSpec; const browsingContext = this.#getBrowsingContext(contextId); // Define browsing context’s associated storage partition as combination of user context id // and the origin of the document in this browsing context. return { sourceOrigin: browsingContext.currentURI.prePath, userContext: browsingContext.originAttributes.userContextId, }; } const partitionKey = {}; for (const keyName of PartitionKeyAttributes) { if (keyName in partitionSpec) { // Retrieve a platform user context id. if (keyName === "userContext") { partitionKey[keyName] = lazy.UserContextManager.getInternalIdById( partitionSpec.userContext ); } else { partitionKey[keyName] = partitionSpec[keyName]; } } } return partitionKey; } /** * Prepare the partition key in the right format for returning to a client. */ #formatPartitionKey(partitionKey) { if ("userContext" in partitionKey) { // Exchange platform id for Webdriver BiDi id for the user context to return it to the client. partitionKey.userContext = lazy.UserContextManager.getIdByInternalId( partitionKey.userContext ); } return partitionKey; } /** * Retrieves a browsing context based on its id. * * @param {number} contextId * Id of the browsing context. * @returns {BrowsingContext} * The browsing context. * @throws {NoSuchFrameError} * If the browsing context cannot be found. */ #getBrowsingContext(contextId) { const context = lazy.TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(contextId); if (context === null) { throw new lazy.error.NoSuchFrameError( `Browsing Context with id ${contextId} not found` ); } return context; } /** * Since cookies retrieved from the platform API * always contain expiry even for session cookies, * we should check ourselves if it's a session cookie * and do not return expiry in case it is. */ #getCookieExpiry(cookie) { const { expiry, isSession } = cookie; return isSession ? null : expiry; } #getCookieSize(cookie) { const { name, value } = cookie; return name.length + value.length; } /** * Filter and serialize given cookies with provided filter. * * @see https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#get-matching-cookies */ #getMatchingCookies(cookieStore, filter) { const cookies = []; const deserializedFilter = this.#deserializeFilter(filter); for (const storedCookie of cookieStore) { if (this.#matchCookie(storedCookie, deserializedFilter)) { cookies.push(storedCookie); } } return cookies; } /** * Prepare the data in the required for platform API format. */ #getOriginAttributes(partitionKey) { const originAttributes = {}; if (partitionKey.sourceOrigin) { originAttributes.partitionKey = ChromeUtils.getPartitionKeyFromURL( partitionKey.sourceOrigin ); } if ("userContext" in partitionKey) { originAttributes.userContextId = partitionKey.userContext; } return originAttributes; } #getSameSitePlatformProperty(sameSite) { switch (sameSite) { case "lax": { return Ci.nsICookie.SAMESITE_LAX; } case "strict": { return Ci.nsICookie.SAMESITE_STRICT; } } return Ci.nsICookie.SAMESITE_NONE; } /** * Return a cookie store of the storage partition for a given storage partition key. * * The implementation differs here from the spec, since in gecko there is no * direct way to get all the cookies for a given partition key. * * @see https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#get-the-cookie-store */ #getTheCookieStore(storagePartitionKey) { let store = []; // Prepare the data in the format required for the platform API. const originAttributes = this.#getOriginAttributes(storagePartitionKey); // In case we want to get the cookies for a certain `sourceOrigin`, // we have to separately retrieve cookies for a hostname built from `sourceOrigin`, // and with `partitionKey` equal an empty string to retrieve the cookies that which were set // by this hostname but without `partitionKey`, e.g. with `document.cookie`. if (storagePartitionKey.sourceOrigin) { const url = new URL(storagePartitionKey.sourceOrigin); const hostname = url.hostname; const principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal( Services.io.newURI(url), {} ); const isSecureProtocol = principal.isOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy; // We want to keep `userContext` id here, if it's present, // but set the `partitionKey` to an empty string. const cookiesMatchingHostname = Services.cookies.getCookiesWithOriginAttributes( JSON.stringify({ ...originAttributes, partitionKey: "" }), hostname ); for (const cookie of cookiesMatchingHostname) { // Ignore secure cookies for non-secure protocols. if (cookie.isSecure && !isSecureProtocol) { continue; } store.push(cookie); } } // Add the cookies which exactly match a built partition attributes. store = store.concat( Services.cookies.getCookiesWithOriginAttributes( JSON.stringify(originAttributes) ) ); return store; } /** * Match a provided cookie with provided filter. * * @see https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#match-cookie */ #matchCookie(storedCookie, filter) { for (const [fieldName, value] of Object.entries(filter)) { // Since we set `null` to not specified values, we have to check for `null` here // and not match on these values. if (value === null) { continue; } let storedCookieValue = storedCookie[fieldName]; // The platform represantation of cookie doesn't contain a size field, // so we have to calculate it to match. if (fieldName === "size") { storedCookieValue = this.#getCookieSize(storedCookie); } if (storedCookieValue !== value) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Serialize a cookie. * * @see https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#serialize-cookie */ #serializeCookie(storedCookie) { const cookie = {}; for (const [serializedName, cookieName] of Object.entries( CookieFieldsMapping )) { switch (serializedName) { case "expiry": { const expiry = this.#getCookieExpiry(storedCookie); if (expiry !== null) { cookie.expiry = expiry; } break; } case "sameSite": cookie.sameSite = SameSiteType[storedCookie.sameSite]; break; case "size": cookie.size = this.#getCookieSize(storedCookie); break; case "value": // Bug 1879309. Add support for non-UTF8 cookies, // when a byte representation of value is available. // For now, use a value field, which is returned as a string. cookie.value = { type: lazy.BytesValueType.String, value: storedCookie.value, }; break; default: cookie[serializedName] = storedCookie[cookieName]; } } return cookie; } } export const storage = StorageModule;