// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- // Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. // http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ "use strict"; // Tests various aspects of the cert delete confirmation dialog. // Among other things, tests that for each type of cert that can be deleted: // 1. The various lines of explanation text are correctly set. // 2. The implementation correctly falls back through multiple cert attributes // to determine what to display to represent a cert. /** * An array of tree items corresponding to TEST_CASES. * * @type {nsICertTreeItem[]} */ var gCertArray = []; const FAKE_HOST_PORT = "Fake host and port"; /** * @typedef TestCase * @type {object} * @property {string} certFilename * Filename of the cert, or null if we don't want to import a cert for * this test case (i.e. we expect the hostPort attribute of * nsICertTreeItem to be used). * @property {string} expectedDisplayString * The string we expect the UI to display to represent the given cert. * @property {string} expectedSerialNumber * The serial number we expect the UI to display if it exists. */ /** * A list of test cases representing certs that get "deleted". * * @type {TestCase[]} */ const TEST_CASES = [ { certFilename: null, expectedDisplayString: FAKE_HOST_PORT, expectedSerialNumber: null, }, { certFilename: "has-cn.pem", expectedDisplayString: "Foo", expectedSerialNumber: null, }, { certFilename: "has-ou.pem", expectedDisplayString: "Bar", expectedSerialNumber: null, }, { certFilename: "has-o.pem", expectedDisplayString: "Baz", expectedSerialNumber: null, }, { certFilename: "has-non-empty-subject.pem", expectedDisplayString: "C=US", expectedSerialNumber: null, }, { certFilename: "has-empty-subject.pem", expectedDisplayString: "Certificate with serial number: 0A", expectedSerialNumber: "0A", }, ]; /** * Opens the cert delete confirmation dialog. * * @param {string} tabID * The ID of the cert category tab the certs to delete belong to. * @returns {Promise} * A promise that resolves when the dialog has finished loading, with * an array consisting of: * 1. The window of the opened dialog. * 2. The return value object passed to the dialog. */ function openDeleteCertConfirmDialog(tabID) { let retVals = { deleteConfirmed: false, }; let win = window.openDialog( "chrome://pippki/content/deletecert.xhtml", "", "", tabID, gCertArray, retVals ); return new Promise(resolve => { win.addEventListener( "load", function () { executeSoon(() => resolve([win, retVals])); }, { once: true } ); }); } add_setup(async function () { for (let testCase of TEST_CASES) { let cert = null; if (testCase.certFilename) { cert = await readCertificate(testCase.certFilename, ",,"); } let certTreeItem = { hostPort: FAKE_HOST_PORT, cert, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsICertTreeItem"]), }; gCertArray.push(certTreeItem); } }); /** * Test helper for the below test cases. * * @param {string} tabID * ID of the cert category tab the certs to delete belong to. * @param {string} expectedTitleL10nId * The L10nId of title the dialog is expected to have. * @param {string} expectedConfirmL10nId * The l10n id of confirmation message the dialog expected to show. * @param {string} expectedImpactL10nId * The l10n id of impact the dialog expected to show. */ async function testHelper( tabID, expectedTitleL10nId, expectedConfirmL10nId, expectedImpactL10nId ) { let [win] = await openDeleteCertConfirmDialog(tabID); let certList = win.document.getElementById("certlist"); Assert.deepEqual( win.document.l10n.getAttributes(win.document.documentElement), expectedTitleL10nId, `Actual and expected titles should match for ${tabID}` ); let confirm = win.document.getElementById("confirm"); Assert.deepEqual( win.document.l10n.getAttributes(confirm), expectedConfirmL10nId, `Actual and expected confirm message should match for ${tabID}` ); let impact = win.document.getElementById("impact"); Assert.deepEqual( win.document.l10n.getAttributes(impact), expectedImpactL10nId, `Actual and expected impact should match for ${tabID}` ); Assert.equal( certList.itemCount, TEST_CASES.length, `No. of certs displayed should match for ${tabID}` ); for (let i = 0; i < certList.itemCount; i++) { let item = certList.getItemAtIndex(i); if (TEST_CASES[i].expectedSerialNumber == null) { Assert.equal( item.label, TEST_CASES[i].expectedDisplayString, "Actual and expected display string should match for " + `index ${i} for ${tabID}` ); } else { Assert.deepEqual( win.document.l10n.getAttributes(item.children[0]), { id: "cert-with-serial", args: { serialNumber: TEST_CASES[i].expectedSerialNumber }, }, "Actual and expected display string should match for " + `index ${i} for ${tabID}` ); } } await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win); } // Test deleting certs from the "Your Certificates" tab. add_task(async function testDeletePersonalCerts() { const expectedTitleL10nId = { id: "delete-user-cert-title", args: null }; const expectedConfirmL10nId = { id: "delete-user-cert-confirm", args: null }; const expectedImpactL10nId = { id: "delete-user-cert-impact", args: null }; await testHelper( "mine_tab", expectedTitleL10nId, expectedConfirmL10nId, expectedImpactL10nId ); }); // Test deleting certs from the "People" tab. add_task(async function testDeleteOtherPeopleCerts() { const expectedTitleL10nId = { id: "delete-email-cert-title", args: null }; // ’ doesn't seem to work when embedded in the following literals, which is // why escape codes are used instead. const expectedConfirmL10nId = { id: "delete-email-cert-confirm", args: null }; const expectedImpactL10nId = { id: "delete-email-cert-impact", args: null }; await testHelper( "others_tab", expectedTitleL10nId, expectedConfirmL10nId, expectedImpactL10nId ); }); // Test deleting certs from the "Authorities" tab. add_task(async function testDeleteCACerts() { const expectedTitleL10nId = { id: "delete-ca-cert-title", args: null }; const expectedConfirmL10nId = { id: "delete-ca-cert-confirm", args: null }; const expectedImpactL10nId = { id: "delete-ca-cert-impact", args: null }; await testHelper( "ca_tab", expectedTitleL10nId, expectedConfirmL10nId, expectedImpactL10nId ); }); // Test that the right values are returned when the dialog is accepted. add_task(async function testAcceptDialogReturnValues() { let [win, retVals] = await openDeleteCertConfirmDialog( "ca_tab" /* arbitrary */ ); info("Accepting dialog"); win.document.getElementById("deleteCertificate").acceptDialog(); await BrowserTestUtils.windowClosed(win); Assert.ok( retVals.deleteConfirmed, "Return value should signal user accepted" ); }); // Test that the right values are returned when the dialog is canceled. add_task(async function testCancelDialogReturnValues() { let [win, retVals] = await openDeleteCertConfirmDialog( "ca_tab" /* arbitrary */ ); info("Canceling dialog"); win.document.getElementById("deleteCertificate").cancelDialog(); await BrowserTestUtils.windowClosed(win); Assert.ok( !retVals.deleteConfirmed, "Return value should signal user did not accept" ); });