"use strict"; var gSSService = Cc["@mozilla.org/ssservice;1"].getService( Ci.nsISiteSecurityService ); function Observer() {} Observer.prototype = { observe(subject, topic) { if (topic == "last-pb-context-exited") { run_next_test(); } }, }; var gObserver = new Observer(); function cleanup() { Services.obs.removeObserver(gObserver, "last-pb-context-exited"); gSSService.clearAll(); } function run_test() { do_get_profile(); registerCleanupFunction(cleanup); Services.obs.addObserver(gObserver, "last-pb-context-exited"); add_test(test_part1); add_test(test_private_browsing1); add_test(test_private_browsing2); run_next_test(); } function test_part1() { // check that a host not in the list is not identified as an sts host ok( !gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://nonexistent.example.com") ) ); // check that an ancestor domain is not identified as an sts host ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(Services.io.newURI("https://com"))); // check that the pref to toggle using the preload list works Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "network.stricttransportsecurity.preloadlist", false ); ok( !gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://includesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "network.stricttransportsecurity.preloadlist", true ); ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://includesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); // check that a subdomain is an sts host (includeSubdomains is set) ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); // check that another subdomain is an sts host (includeSubdomains is set) ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://a.b.c.def.includesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); // check that a subdomain is not an sts host (includeSubdomains is not set) ok( !gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://subdomain.noincludesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); // check that a host with a dot on the end won't break anything ok( !gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://notsts.nonexistent.example.com.") ) ); // check that processing a header with max-age: 0 will remove a preloaded // site from the list let uri = Services.io.newURI("https://includesubdomains.preloaded.test"); let subDomainUri = Services.io.newURI( "https://subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test" ); gSSService.processHeader(uri, "max-age=0"); ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(uri)); ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(subDomainUri)); // check that processing another header (with max-age non-zero) will // re-enable a site's sts status gSSService.processHeader(uri, "max-age=1000"); ok(gSSService.isSecureURI(uri)); // but this time include subdomains was not set, so test for that ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(subDomainUri)); gSSService.clearAll(); // check that processing a header with max-age: 0 from a subdomain of a site // will not remove that (ancestor) site from the list uri = Services.io.newURI( "https://subdomain.noincludesubdomains.preloaded.test" ); gSSService.processHeader(uri, "max-age=0"); ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://noincludesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(uri)); uri = Services.io.newURI( "https://subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test" ); gSSService.processHeader(uri, "max-age=0"); // we received a header with "max-age=0", so we have "no information" // regarding the sts state of subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test specifically, // but it is actually still an STS host, because of the preloaded // includesubdomains.preloaded.test including subdomains. // Here's a drawing: // |-- includesubdomains.preloaded.test (in preload list, includes subdomains) IS sts host // |-- subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test IS sts host // | `-- another.subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test IS sts host // `-- sibling.includesubdomains.preloaded.test IS sts host ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://includesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://sibling.includesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI( "https://another.subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test" ) ) ); gSSService.processHeader(uri, "max-age=1000"); // Here's what we have now: // |-- includesubdomains.preloaded.test (in preload list, includes subdomains) IS sts host // |-- subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test (include subdomains is false) IS sts host // | `-- another.subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test IS sts host // `-- sibling.includesubdomains.preloaded.test IS sts host // Note that another.subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test IS still an sts host, because // there exists a superdomain that is sts and asserts includeSubdomains (namely, // includesubdomains.preloaded.test) ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://sibling.includesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI( "https://another.subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test" ) ) ); // Test that an expired non-private browsing entry results in correctly // identifying a host that is on the preload list as no longer sts. // (This happens when we're in regular browsing mode, we get a header from // a site on the preload list, and that header later expires. We need to // then treat that host as no longer an sts host.) // (sanity check first - this should be in the preload list) uri = Services.io.newURI("https://includesubdomains2.preloaded.test"); ok(gSSService.isSecureURI(uri)); gSSService.processHeader(uri, "max-age=1"); do_timeout(1250, function () { ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(uri)); run_next_test(); }); } const PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES = { privateBrowsingId: 1 }; function test_private_browsing1() { gSSService.clearAll(); let uri = Services.io.newURI("https://includesubdomains.preloaded.test"); let subDomainUri = Services.io.newURI( "https://a.b.c.subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test" ); // sanity - includesubdomains.preloaded.test is preloaded, includeSubdomains set ok(gSSService.isSecureURI(uri, PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES)); ok(gSSService.isSecureURI(subDomainUri, PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES)); gSSService.processHeader(uri, "max-age=0", PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES); ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(uri, PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES)); ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(subDomainUri, PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES)); // check adding it back in gSSService.processHeader(uri, "max-age=1000", PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES); ok(gSSService.isSecureURI(uri, PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES)); // but no includeSubdomains this time ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(subDomainUri, PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES)); // do the hokey-pokey... gSSService.processHeader(uri, "max-age=0", PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES); ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(uri, PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES)); ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(subDomainUri, PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES)); // Test that an expired private browsing entry results in correctly // identifying a host that is on the preload list as no longer sts. // (This happens when we're in private browsing mode, we get a header from // a site on the preload list, and that header later expires. We need to // then treat that host as no longer an sts host.) // (sanity check first - this should be in the preload list) uri = Services.io.newURI("https://includesubdomains2.preloaded.test"); ok(gSSService.isSecureURI(uri, PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES)); gSSService.processHeader(uri, "max-age=1", PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES); do_timeout(1250, function () { ok(!gSSService.isSecureURI(uri, PRIVATE_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTES)); // Simulate leaving private browsing mode Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "last-pb-context-exited"); }); } function test_private_browsing2() { // if this test gets this far, it means there's a private browsing service ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://includesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); // the includesubdomains.preloaded.test entry has includeSubdomains set ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://subdomain.includesubdomains.preloaded.test") ) ); // Now that we're out of private browsing mode, we need to make sure // we've "forgotten" that we "forgot" this site's sts status. ok( gSSService.isSecureURI( Services.io.newURI("https://includesubdomains2.preloaded.test") ) ); run_next_test(); }