#!/usr/bin/env python # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ Reads a specification from stdin or a file and outputs a PKCS12 file with the desired properties. The input format currently consists of a pycert certificate specification (see pycert.py). Currently, keys other than the default key are not supported. The password that is used to encrypt and authenticate the file is "password". """ import base64 import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import mozinfo import pycert import pykey import six from mozfile import NamedTemporaryFile class Error(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in this module.""" pass class OpenSSLError(Error): """Class for handling errors when calling OpenSSL.""" def __init__(self, status): super(OpenSSLError, self).__init__() self.status = status def __str__(self): return "Error running openssl: %s " % self.status def runUtil(util, args): env = os.environ.copy() if mozinfo.os == "linux": pathvar = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" app_path = os.path.dirname(util) if pathvar in env: env[pathvar] = "%s%s%s" % (app_path, os.pathsep, env[pathvar]) else: env[pathvar] = app_path proc = subprocess.run( [util] + args, env=env, universal_newlines=True, ) return proc.returncode class PKCS12(object): """Utility class for reading a specification and generating a PKCS12 file""" def __init__(self, paramStream): self.cert = pycert.Certificate(paramStream) self.key = pykey.keyFromSpecification("default") def toDER(self): with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wt+") as certTmp, NamedTemporaryFile( mode="wt+" ) as keyTmp, NamedTemporaryFile(mode="rb+") as pkcs12Tmp: certTmp.write(self.cert.toPEM()) certTmp.flush() keyTmp.write(self.key.toPEM()) keyTmp.flush() openssl = shutil.which("openssl") status = runUtil( openssl, [ "pkcs12", "-export", "-inkey", keyTmp.name, "-in", certTmp.name, "-out", pkcs12Tmp.name, "-passout", "pass:password", ], ) if status != 0: raise OpenSSLError(status) return pkcs12Tmp.read() def toPEM(self): output = "-----BEGIN PKCS12-----" der = self.toDER() b64 = six.ensure_text(base64.b64encode(der)) while b64: output += "\n" + b64[:64] b64 = b64[64:] output += "\n-----END PKCS12-----" return output # The build harness will call this function with an output # file-like object and a path to a file containing a # specification. This will read the specification and output # the PKCS12 file. def main(output, inputPath): with open(inputPath) as configStream: output.write(PKCS12(configStream).toDER()) # When run as a standalone program, this will read a specification from # stdin and output the PKCS12 file as PEM to stdout. if __name__ == "__main__": print(PKCS12(sys.stdin).toPEM())