.. _mozilla_projects_nss_nss_3_16_1_release_notes: NSS 3.16.1 release notes ======================== `Introduction <#introduction>`__ -------------------------------- .. container:: Network Security Services (NSS) 3.16.1 is a patch release for NSS 3.16. The bug fixes in NSS 3.16.1 are described in the "Bugs Fixed" section below. `Distribution Information <#distribution_information>`__ -------------------------------------------------------- .. container:: The HG tag is NSS_3_16_1_RTM. NSS 3.16.1 requires NSPR 4.10.5 or newer. NSS 3.16.1 source distributions are available on ftp.mozilla.org for secure HTTPS download: - Source tarballs: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/security/nss/releases/NSS_3_16_1_RTM/src/ .. _new_in_nss_3.16.1: `New in NSS 3.16.1 <#new_in_nss_3.16.1>`__ ------------------------------------------ .. _new_functionality: `New Functionality <#new_functionality>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: - Added the "ECC" flag for modutil to select the module used for elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) operations. .. rubric:: New Functions :name: new_functions - *in pk11pub.h* - **PK11_ExportDERPrivateKeyInfo and PK11_ExportPrivKeyInfo** - exports a private key in a DER-encoded ASN.1 PrivateKeyInfo type or a SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo structure. Only RSA private keys are supported now. - *in secmod.h* - **SECMOD_InternalToPubMechFlags** - converts from NSS-internal to public representation of mechanism flags. .. rubric:: New Types :name: new_types - *in sslt.h* - **ssl_padding_xtn** - the value of this enum constant changed from the experimental value 35655 to the IANA-assigned value 21. . .. rubric:: New Macros :name: new_macros - *in secmod.h* - **PUBLIC_MECH_ECC_FLAG** - a public mechanism flag for elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) operations. - *in utilmodt.h* - **SECMOD_ECC_FLAG** - an NSS-internal mechanism flag for elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) operations. This macro has the same numeric value as **PUBLIC_MECH_ECC_FLAG.** .. _notable_changes_in_nss_3.16.1: `Notable Changes in NSS 3.16.1 <#notable_changes_in_nss_3.16.1>`__ ------------------------------------------------------------------ .. container:: - Imposed `name constraints `__ on the French government root CA ANSSI (DCISS). .. _bugs_fixed_in_nss_3.16.1: `Bugs fixed in NSS 3.16.1 <#bugs_fixed_in_nss_3.16.1>`__ -------------------------------------------------------- .. container:: This Bugzilla query returns all the bugs fixed in NSS 3.16.1: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?resolution=FIXED&classification=Components&query_format=advanced&product=NSS&target_milestone=3.16.1