.. _mozilla_projects_nss_reference_fc_getsessioninfo: FC_GetSessionInfo ================= `Name <#name>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: FC_GetSessionInfo - obtain information about a session. `Syntax <#syntax>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: .. code:: CK_RV FC_GetSessionInfo( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_SESSION_INFO_PTR pInfo ); `Parameters <#parameters>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: ``hSession`` [in] the open session handle. ``pInfo`` [out] pointer to the `CK_SESSION_INFO `__ structure to be returned. `Description <#description>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: ``FC_GetSessionInfo`` obtains information about a session. A user may call ``FC_GetSessionInfo`` without logging into the token (to assume the NSS User role). If the NSS cryptographic module is in the error state, ``FC_GetSessionInfo`` returns ``CKR_DEVICE_ERROR``. Otherwise, it fills in the ``CK_SESSION_INFO`` structure with the following information: - ``state``: the state of the session, i.e., no role is assumed, the User role is assumed, or the Crypto Officer role is assumed - ``flags``: bit flags that define the type of session - ``CKF_RW_SESSION (0x00000002)``: true if the session is read/write; false if the session is read-only. - ``CKF_SERIAL_SESSION (0x00000004)``: this flag is provided for backward compatibility and is always set to true. .. _return_value: `Return value <#return_value>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: `Examples <#examples>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: .. _see_also: `See also <#see_also>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: - :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_reference_fc_closesession`, `NSC_OpenSession `__