/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "ckcapi.h" /* * ckcapi/csession.c * * This file implements the NSSCKMDSession object for the * "nss to capi" cryptoki module. */ static NSSCKMDFindObjects * ckcapi_mdSession_FindObjectsInit( NSSCKMDSession *mdSession, NSSCKFWSession *fwSession, NSSCKMDToken *mdToken, NSSCKFWToken *fwToken, NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance, NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount, CK_RV *pError) { return nss_ckcapi_FindObjectsInit(fwSession, pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, pError); } static NSSCKMDObject * ckcapi_mdSession_CreateObject( NSSCKMDSession *mdSession, NSSCKFWSession *fwSession, NSSCKMDToken *mdToken, NSSCKFWToken *fwToken, NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance, NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance, NSSArena *arena, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount, CK_RV *pError) { return nss_ckcapi_CreateObject(fwSession, pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, pError); } NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCKMDSession * nss_ckcapi_CreateSession( NSSCKFWSession *fwSession, CK_RV *pError) { NSSArena *arena; NSSCKMDSession *rv; arena = NSSCKFWSession_GetArena(fwSession, pError); if ((NSSArena *)NULL == arena) { return (NSSCKMDSession *)NULL; } rv = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCKMDSession); if ((NSSCKMDSession *)NULL == rv) { *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY; return (NSSCKMDSession *)NULL; } /* * rv was zeroed when allocated, so we only * need to set the non-zero members. */ rv->etc = (void *)fwSession; /* rv->Close */ /* rv->GetDeviceError */ /* rv->Login */ /* rv->Logout */ /* rv->InitPIN */ /* rv->SetPIN */ /* rv->GetOperationStateLen */ /* rv->GetOperationState */ /* rv->SetOperationState */ rv->CreateObject = ckcapi_mdSession_CreateObject; /* rv->CopyObject */ rv->FindObjectsInit = ckcapi_mdSession_FindObjectsInit; /* rv->SeedRandom */ /* rv->GetRandom */ /* rv->null */ return rv; }