Modular Reduction Usually, modular reduction is accomplished by long division, using the mp_div() or mp_mod() functions. However, when performing modular exponentiation, you spend a lot of time reducing by the same modulus again and again. For this purpose, doing a full division for each multiplication is quite inefficient. For this reason, the mp_exptmod() function does not perform modular reductions in the usual way, but instead takes advantage of an algorithm due to Barrett, as described by Menezes, Oorschot and VanStone in their book _Handbook of Applied Cryptography_, published by the CRC Press (see Chapter 14 for details). This method reduces most of the computation of reduction to efficient shifting and masking operations, and avoids the multiple-precision division entirely. Here is a brief synopsis of Barrett reduction, as it is implemented in this library. Let b denote the radix of the computation (one more than the maximum value that can be denoted by an mp_digit). Let m be the modulus, and let k be the number of significant digits of m. Let x be the value to be reduced modulo m. By the Division Theorem, there exist unique integers Q and R such that: x = Qm + R, 0 <= R < m Barrett reduction takes advantage of the fact that you can easily approximate Q to within two, given a value M such that: 2k b M = floor( ----- ) m Computation of M requires a full-precision division step, so if you are only doing a single reduction by m, you gain no advantage. However, when multiple reductions by the same m are required, this division need only be done once, beforehand. Using this, we can use the following equation to compute Q', an approximation of Q: x floor( ------ ) M k-1 b Q' = floor( ----------------- ) k+1 b The divisions by b^(k-1) and b^(k+1) and the floor() functions can be efficiently implemented with shifts and masks, leaving only a single multiplication to be performed to get this approximation. It can be shown that Q - 2 <= Q' <= Q, so in the worst case, we can get out with two additional subtractions to bring the value into line with the actual value of Q. Once we've got Q', we basically multiply that by m and subtract from x, yielding: x - Q'm = Qm + R - Q'm Since we know the constraint on Q', this is one of: R m + R 2m + R Since R < m by the Division Theorem, we can simply subtract off m until we get a value in the correct range, which will happen with no more than 2 subtractions: v = x - Q'm while(v >= m) v = v - m endwhile In random performance trials, modular exponentiation using this method of reduction gave around a 40% speedup over using the division for reduction. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at