/* MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 INRIA, CMU and Microsoft Corporation * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 HACL* Contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "Hacl_P521.h" #include "internal/Hacl_Krmllib.h" #include "internal/Hacl_Bignum_Base.h" static inline uint64_t bn_is_eq_mask(uint64_t *x, uint64_t *y) { uint64_t mask = (uint64_t)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU; KRML_MAYBE_FOR9(i, (uint32_t)0U, (uint32_t)9U, (uint32_t)1U, uint64_t uu____0 = FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(x[i], y[i]); mask = uu____0 & mask;); uint64_t mask1 = mask; return mask1; } static inline uint64_t bn_sub(uint64_t *a, uint64_t *b, uint64_t *c) { uint64_t c1 = (uint64_t)0U; KRML_MAYBE_FOR2(i, (uint32_t)0U, (uint32_t)2U, (uint32_t)1U, uint64_t t1 = b[(uint32_t)4U * i]; uint64_t t20 = c[(uint32_t)4U * i]; uint64_t *res_i0 = a + (uint32_t)4U * i; c1 = Lib_IntTypes_Intrinsics_sub_borrow_u64(c1, t1, t20, res_i0); uint64_t t10 = b[(uint32_t)4U * i + (uint32_t)1U]; uint64_t t21 = c[(uint32_t)4U * i + (uint32_t)1U]; uint64_t *res_i1 = a + (uint32_t)4U * i + (uint32_t)1U; c1 = Lib_IntTypes_Intrinsics_sub_borrow_u64(c1, t10, t21, res_i1); uint64_t t11 = b[(uint32_t)4U * i + (uint32_t)2U]; uint64_t t22 = c[(uint32_t)4U * i + (uint32_t)2U]; uint64_t *res_i2 = a + (uint32_t)4U * i + (uint32_t)2U; c1 = Lib_IntTypes_Intrinsics_sub_borrow_u64(c1, t11, t22, res_i2); uint64_t t12 = b[(uint32_t)4U * i + (uint32_t)3U]; uint64_t t2 = c[(uint32_t)4U * i + (uint32_t)3U]; uint64_t *res_i = a + (uint32_t)4U * i + (uint32_t)3U; c1 = Lib_IntTypes_Intrinsics_sub_borrow_u64(c1, t12, t2, res_i);); { uint64_t t1 = b[8U]; uint64_t t2 = c[8U]; uint64_t *res_i = a + (uint32_t)8U; c1 = Lib_IntTypes_Intrinsics_sub_borrow_u64(c1, t1, t2, res_i); } uint64_t c10 = c1; return c10; } static inline void bn_from_bytes_be(uint64_t *a, uint8_t *b) { uint8_t tmp[72U] = { 0U }; memcpy(tmp + (uint32_t)6U, b, (uint32_t)66U * sizeof(uint8_t)); KRML_MAYBE_FOR9(i, (uint32_t)0U, (uint32_t)9U, (uint32_t)1U, uint64_t *os = a; uint64_t u = load64_be(tmp + ((uint32_t)9U - i - (uint32_t)1U) * (uint32_t)8U); uint64_t x = u; os[i] = x;); } static inline void p521_make_order(uint64_t *n) { n[0U] = (uint64_t)0xbb6fb71e91386409U; n[1U] = (uint64_t)0x3bb5c9b8899c47aeU; n[2U] = (uint64_t)0x7fcc0148f709a5d0U; n[3U] = (uint64_t)0x51868783bf2f966bU; n[4U] = (uint64_t)0xfffffffffffffffaU; n[5U] = (uint64_t)0xffffffffffffffffU; n[6U] = (uint64_t)0xffffffffffffffffU; n[7U] = (uint64_t)0xffffffffffffffffU; n[8U] = (uint64_t)0x1ffU; } /** Private key validation. The function returns `true` if a private key is valid and `false` otherwise. The argument `private_key` points to 66 bytes of valid memory, i.e., uint8_t[66]. The private key is valid: • 0 < `private_key` < the order of the curve */ bool Hacl_P521_validate_private_key(uint8_t *private_key) { uint64_t bn_sk[9U] = { 0U }; bn_from_bytes_be(bn_sk, private_key); uint64_t tmp[9U] = { 0U }; p521_make_order(tmp); uint64_t c = bn_sub(tmp, bn_sk, tmp); uint64_t is_lt_order = (uint64_t)0U - c; uint64_t bn_zero[9U] = { 0U }; uint64_t res = bn_is_eq_mask(bn_sk, bn_zero); uint64_t is_eq_zero = res; uint64_t res0 = is_lt_order & ~is_eq_zero; return res0 == (uint64_t)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU; }