/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

const Timer = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/timer;1", "nsITimer");

 * Helpers for various async operations.
export var Async = {
   * Execute an arbitrary number of asynchronous functions one after the
   * other, passing the callback arguments on to the next one.  All functions
   * must take a callback function as their last argument.  The 'this' object
   * will be whatever chain()'s is.
   * @usage this._chain = Async.chain;
   *        this._chain(this.foo, this.bar, this.baz)(args, for, foo)
   * This is equivalent to:
   *   let self = this;
   *   self.foo(args, for, foo, function (bars, args) {
   *     self.bar(bars, args, function (baz, params) {
   *       self.baz(baz, params);
   *     });
   *   });
  chain: function chain(...funcs) {
    let thisObj = this;
    return function callback() {
      if (funcs.length) {
        let args = [...arguments, callback];
        let f = funcs.shift();
        f.apply(thisObj, args);

   * Check if the app is still ready (not quitting). Returns true, or throws an
   * exception if not ready.
  checkAppReady: function checkAppReady() {
    // Watch for app-quit notification to stop any sync calls
    Services.obs.addObserver(function onQuitApplication() {
      Services.obs.removeObserver(onQuitApplication, "quit-application");
      Async.checkAppReady = Async.promiseYield = function () {
        let exception = Components.Exception(
          "App. Quitting",
        exception.appIsShuttingDown = true;
        throw exception;
    }, "quit-application");
    // In the common case, checkAppReady just returns true
    return (Async.checkAppReady = function () {
      return true;

   * Check if the app is still ready (not quitting). Returns true if the app
   * is ready, or false if it is being shut down.
  isAppReady() {
    try {
      return Async.checkAppReady();
    } catch (ex) {
      if (!Async.isShutdownException(ex)) {
        throw ex;
    return false;

   * Check if the passed exception is one raised by checkAppReady. Typically
   * this will be used in exception handlers to allow such exceptions to
   * make their way to the top frame and allow the app to actually terminate.
  isShutdownException(exception) {
    return exception && exception.appIsShuttingDown === true;

   * A "tight loop" of promises can still lock up the browser for some time.
   * Periodically waiting for a promise returned by this function will solve
   * that.
   * You should probably not use this method directly and instead use jankYielder
   * below.
   * Some reference here:
   * - https://gist.github.com/jesstelford/bbb30b983bddaa6e5fef2eb867d37678
   * - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1094248
  promiseYield() {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      Services.tm.currentThread.dispatch(resolve, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);

   * Shared state for yielding every N calls.
   * Can be passed to multiple Async.yieldingForEach to have them overall yield
   * every N iterations.
  yieldState(yieldEvery = 50) {
    let iterations = 0;

    return {
      shouldYield() {
        return iterations % yieldEvery === 0;

   * Apply the given function to each element of the iterable, yielding the
   * event loop every yieldEvery iterations.
   * @param iterable {Iterable}
   *        The iterable or iterator to iterate through.
   * @param fn {(*) -> void|boolean}
   *        The function to be called on each element of the iterable.
   *        Returning true from the function will stop the iteration.
   * @param [yieldEvery = 50] {number|object}
   *        The number of iterations to complete before yielding back to the event
   *        loop.
   * @return {boolean}
   *         Whether or not the function returned early.
  async yieldingForEach(iterable, fn, yieldEvery = 50) {
    const yieldState =
      typeof yieldEvery === "number"
        ? Async.yieldState(yieldEvery)
        : yieldEvery;
    let iteration = 0;

    for (const item of iterable) {
      let result = fn(item, iteration++);
      if (typeof result !== "undefined" && typeof result.then !== "undefined") {
        // If we await result when it is not a Promise, we create an
        // automatically resolved promise, which is exactly the case that we
        // are trying to avoid.
        result = await result;

      if (result === true) {
        return true;

      if (yieldState.shouldYield()) {
        await Async.promiseYield();

    return false;

  asyncQueueCaller(log) {
    return new AsyncQueueCaller(log);

  asyncObserver(log, obj) {
    return new AsyncObserver(log, obj);

  watchdog() {
    return new Watchdog();

 * Allows consumers to enqueue asynchronous callbacks to be called in order.
 * Typically this is used when providing a callback to a caller that doesn't
 * await on promises.
class AsyncQueueCaller {
  constructor(log) {
    this._log = log;
    this._queue = Promise.resolve();
    this.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI([

   * /!\ Never await on another function that calls enqueueCall /!\
   *     on the same queue or we will deadlock.
  enqueueCall(func) {
    this._queue = (async () => {
      await this._queue;
      try {
        return await func();
      } catch (e) {
        return false;

  promiseCallsComplete() {
    return this._queue;

 * Subclass of AsyncQueueCaller that can be used with Services.obs directly.
 * When this observe() is called, it will enqueue a call to the consumers's
 * observe().
class AsyncObserver extends AsyncQueueCaller {
  constructor(obj, log) {
    this.obj = obj;

  observe(subject, topic, data) {
    this.enqueueCall(() => this.obj.observe(subject, topic, data));

  promiseObserversComplete() {
    return this.promiseCallsComplete();

 * Woof! Signals an operation to abort, either at shutdown or after a timeout.
 * The buffered engine uses this to abort long-running merges, so that they
 * don't prevent Firefox from quitting, or block future syncs.
class Watchdog {
  constructor() {
    this.controller = new AbortController();
    this.timer = new Timer();

     * The reason for signaling an abort. `null` if not signaled,
     * `"timeout"` if the watchdog timer fired, or `"shutdown"` if the app is
     * is quitting.
     * @type {String?}
    this.abortReason = null;

   * Returns the abort signal for this watchdog. This can be passed to APIs
   * that take a signal for cancellation, like `SyncedBookmarksMirror::apply`
   * or `fetch`.
   * @type {AbortSignal}
  get signal() {
    return this.controller.signal;

   * Starts the watchdog timer, and listens for the app quitting.
   * @param {Number} delay
   *                 The time to wait before signaling the operation to abort.
  start(delay) {
    if (!this.signal.aborted) {
      Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application");
      this.timer.init(this, delay, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);

   * Stops the watchdog timer and removes any listeners. This should be called
   * after the operation finishes.
  stop() {
    if (!this.signal.aborted) {
      Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "quit-application");

  observe(subject, topic) {
    if (topic == "timer-callback") {
      this.abortReason = "timeout";
    } else if (topic == "quit-application") {
      this.abortReason = "shutdown";