/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This module implements client-side key stretching for use in Firefox * Accounts account creation and login. * * See https://github.com/mozilla/fxa-auth-server/wiki/onepw-protocol */ import { Log } from "resource://gre/modules/Log.sys.mjs"; import { CryptoUtils } from "resource://services-crypto/utils.sys.mjs"; import { CommonUtils } from "resource://services-common/utils.sys.mjs"; const PROTOCOL_VERSION = "identity.mozilla.com/picl/v1/"; const PBKDF2_ROUNDS = 1000; const STRETCHED_PW_LENGTH_BYTES = 32; const HKDF_SALT = CommonUtils.hexToBytes("00"); const HKDF_LENGTH = 32; // loglevel preference should be one of: "FATAL", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", // "CONFIG", "DEBUG", "TRACE" or "ALL". We will be logging error messages by // default. const PREF_LOG_LEVEL = "identity.fxaccounts.loglevel"; let LOG_LEVEL = Log.Level.Error; try { LOG_LEVEL = Services.prefs.getPrefType(PREF_LOG_LEVEL) == Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING && Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_LOG_LEVEL); } catch (e) {} var log = Log.repository.getLogger("Identity.FxAccounts"); log.level = LOG_LEVEL; log.addAppender(new Log.ConsoleAppender(new Log.BasicFormatter())); export var Credentials = Object.freeze({ /** * Make constants accessible to tests */ constants: { PROTOCOL_VERSION, PBKDF2_ROUNDS, STRETCHED_PW_LENGTH_BYTES, HKDF_SALT, HKDF_LENGTH, }, /** * KW function from https://github.com/mozilla/fxa-auth-server/wiki/onepw-protocol * * keyWord derivation for use as a salt. * * * @param {String} context String for use in generating salt * * @return {bitArray} the salt * * Note that PROTOCOL_VERSION does not refer in any way to the version of the * Firefox Accounts API. */ keyWord(context) { return CommonUtils.stringToBytes(PROTOCOL_VERSION + context); }, /** * KWE function from https://github.com/mozilla/fxa-auth-server/wiki/onepw-protocol * * keyWord extended with a name and an email. * * @param {String} name The name of the salt * @param {String} email The email of the user. * * @return {bitArray} the salt combination with the namespace * * Note that PROTOCOL_VERSION does not refer in any way to the version of the * Firefox Accounts API. */ keyWordExtended(name, email) { return CommonUtils.stringToBytes(PROTOCOL_VERSION + name + ":" + email); }, setup(emailInput, passwordInput, options = {}) { return new Promise(resolve => { log.debug("setup credentials for " + emailInput); let hkdfSalt = options.hkdfSalt || HKDF_SALT; let hkdfLength = options.hkdfLength || HKDF_LENGTH; let stretchedPWLength = options.stretchedPassLength || STRETCHED_PW_LENGTH_BYTES; let pbkdf2Rounds = options.pbkdf2Rounds || PBKDF2_ROUNDS; let result = {}; let password = CommonUtils.encodeUTF8(passwordInput); let salt = this.keyWordExtended("quickStretch", emailInput); let runnable = async () => { let start = Date.now(); let quickStretchedPW = await CryptoUtils.pbkdf2Generate( password, salt, pbkdf2Rounds, stretchedPWLength ); result.quickStretchedPW = quickStretchedPW; result.authPW = await CryptoUtils.hkdfLegacy( quickStretchedPW, hkdfSalt, this.keyWord("authPW"), hkdfLength ); result.unwrapBKey = await CryptoUtils.hkdfLegacy( quickStretchedPW, hkdfSalt, this.keyWord("unwrapBkey"), hkdfLength ); log.debug("Credentials set up after " + (Date.now() - start) + " ms"); resolve(result); }; Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(runnable); log.debug("Dispatched thread for credentials setup crypto work"); }); }, });