/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { COMMAND_SENDTAB, COMMAND_SENDTAB_TAIL, COMMAND_CLOSETAB, COMMAND_CLOSETAB_TAIL, SCOPE_OLD_SYNC, log, } from "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsCommon.sys.mjs"; import { clearTimeout, setTimeout } from "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs"; import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; import { Observers } from "resource://services-common/observers.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { BulkKeyBundle: "resource://services-sync/keys.sys.mjs", CryptoWrapper: "resource://services-sync/record.sys.mjs", PushCrypto: "resource://gre/modules/PushCrypto.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "INVALID_SHAREABLE_SCHEMES", "services.sync.engine.tabs.filteredSchemes", "", null, val => { return new Set(val.split("|")); } ); export class FxAccountsCommands { constructor(fxAccountsInternal) { this._fxai = fxAccountsInternal; this.sendTab = new SendTab(this, fxAccountsInternal); this.closeTab = new CloseRemoteTab(this, fxAccountsInternal); this._invokeRateLimitExpiry = 0; } async availableCommands() { // Invalid keys usually means the account is not verified yet. const encryptedSendTabKeys = await this.sendTab.getEncryptedSendTabKeys(); let commands = {}; if (encryptedSendTabKeys) { commands[COMMAND_SENDTAB] = encryptedSendTabKeys; } // Close Tab is still a worked-on feature, so we should not broadcast it widely yet let closeTabEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "identity.fxaccounts.commands.remoteTabManagement.enabled", false ); if (closeTabEnabled) { const encryptedCloseTabKeys = await this.closeTab.getEncryptedCloseTabKeys(); if (encryptedCloseTabKeys) { commands[COMMAND_CLOSETAB] = encryptedCloseTabKeys; } } return commands; } async invoke(command, device, payload) { const { sessionToken } = await this._fxai.getUserAccountData([ "sessionToken", ]); const client = this._fxai.fxAccountsClient; const now = Date.now(); if (now < this._invokeRateLimitExpiry) { const remaining = (this._invokeRateLimitExpiry - now) / 1000; throw new Error( `Invoke for ${command} is rate-limited for ${remaining} seconds.` ); } try { let info = await client.invokeCommand( sessionToken, command, device.id, payload ); if (!info.enqueued || !info.notified) { // We want an error log here to help diagnose users who report failure. log.error("Sending was only partially successful", info); } else { log.info("Successfully sent", info); } } catch (err) { if (err.code && err.code === 429 && err.retryAfter) { this._invokeRateLimitExpiry = Date.now() + err.retryAfter * 1000; } throw err; } log.info(`Payload sent to device ${device.id}.`); } /** * Poll and handle device commands for the current device. * This method can be called either in response to a Push message, * or by itself as a "commands recovery" mechanism. * * @param {Number} notifiedIndex "Command received" push messages include * the index of the command that triggered the message. We use it as a * hint when we have no "last command index" stored. */ async pollDeviceCommands(notifiedIndex = 0) { // Whether the call to `pollDeviceCommands` was initiated by a Push message from the FxA // servers in response to a message being received or simply scheduled in order // to fetch missed messages. log.info(`Polling device commands.`); await this._fxai.withCurrentAccountState(async state => { const { device } = await state.getUserAccountData(["device"]); if (!device) { throw new Error("No device registration."); } // We increment lastCommandIndex by 1 because the server response includes the current index. // If we don't have a `lastCommandIndex` stored, we fall back on the index from the push message we just got. const lastCommandIndex = device.lastCommandIndex + 1 || notifiedIndex; // We have already received this message before. if (notifiedIndex > 0 && notifiedIndex < lastCommandIndex) { return; } const { index, messages } = await this._fetchDeviceCommands( lastCommandIndex ); if (messages.length) { await state.updateUserAccountData({ device: { ...device, lastCommandIndex: index }, }); log.info(`Handling ${messages.length} messages`); await this._handleCommands(messages, notifiedIndex); } }); return true; } async _fetchDeviceCommands(index, limit = null) { const userData = await this._fxai.getUserAccountData(); if (!userData) { throw new Error("No user."); } const { sessionToken } = userData; if (!sessionToken) { throw new Error("No session token."); } const client = this._fxai.fxAccountsClient; const opts = { index }; if (limit != null) { opts.limit = limit; } return client.getCommands(sessionToken, opts); } _getReason(notifiedIndex, messageIndex) { // The returned reason value represents an explanation for why the command associated with the // message of the given `messageIndex` is being handled. If `notifiedIndex` is zero the command // is a part of a fallback polling process initiated by "Sync Now" ["poll"]. If `notifiedIndex` is // greater than `messageIndex` this is a push command that was previously missed ["push-missed"], // otherwise we assume this is a push command with no missed messages ["push"]. if (notifiedIndex == 0) { return "poll"; } else if (notifiedIndex > messageIndex) { return "push-missed"; } // Note: The returned reason might be "push" in the case where a user sends multiple tabs // in quick succession. We are not attempting to distinguish this from other push cases at // present. return "push"; } async _handleCommands(messages, notifiedIndex) { try { await this._fxai.device.refreshDeviceList(); } catch (e) { log.warn("Error refreshing device list", e); } // We debounce multiple incoming tabs so we show a single notification. const tabsReceived = []; const tabsToClose = []; for (const { index, data } of messages) { const { command, payload, sender: senderId } = data; const reason = this._getReason(notifiedIndex, index); const sender = senderId && this._fxai.device.recentDeviceList ? this._fxai.device.recentDeviceList.find(d => d.id == senderId) : null; if (!sender) { log.warn( "Incoming command is from an unknown device (maybe disconnected?)" ); } switch (command) { case COMMAND_CLOSETAB: try { const { urls } = await this.closeTab.handleTabClose( senderId, payload, reason ); log.info( `Close Tab received with FxA commands: "${urls.length} tabs" from ${sender ? sender.name : "Unknown device"}.` ); // URLs are PII, so only logged at trace. log.trace(`Close Remote Tabs received URLs: ${urls}`); tabsToClose.push({ urls, sender }); } catch (e) { log.error(`Error while handling incoming Close Tab payload.`, e); } break; case COMMAND_SENDTAB: try { const { title, uri } = await this.sendTab.handle( senderId, payload, reason ); log.info( `Tab received with FxA commands: "${ title || "" }" from ${sender ? sender.name : "Unknown device"}.` ); // URLs are PII, so only logged at trace. log.trace(`Tab received URL: ${uri}`); // This should eventually be rare to hit as all platforms will be using the same // scheme filter list, but we have this here in the case other platforms // haven't caught up and/or trying to send invalid uris using older versions const scheme = Services.io.newURI(uri).scheme; if (lazy.INVALID_SHAREABLE_SCHEMES.has(scheme)) { throw new Error("Invalid scheme found for received URI."); } tabsReceived.push({ title, uri, sender }); } catch (e) { log.error(`Error while handling incoming Send Tab payload.`, e); } break; default: log.info(`Unknown command: ${command}.`); } } if (tabsReceived.length) { this._notifyFxATabsReceived(tabsReceived); } if (tabsToClose.length) { this._notifyFxATabsClosed(tabsToClose); } } _notifyFxATabsReceived(tabsReceived) { Observers.notify("fxaccounts:commands:open-uri", tabsReceived); } _notifyFxATabsClosed(tabsToClose) { Observers.notify("fxaccounts:commands:close-uri", tabsToClose); } } /** * Send Tab is built on top of FxA commands. * * Devices exchange keys wrapped in the oldsync key between themselves (getEncryptedSendTabKeys) * during the device registration flow. The FxA server can theoretically never * retrieve the send tab keys since it doesn't know the oldsync key. * * Note about the keys: * The server has the `pushPublicKey`. The FxA server encrypt the send-tab payload again using the * push keys - after the client has encrypted the payload using the send-tab keys. * The push keys are different from the send-tab keys. The FxA server uses * the push keys to deliver the tabs using same mechanism we use for web-push. * However, clients use the send-tab keys for end-to-end encryption. */ export class SendTab { constructor(commands, fxAccountsInternal) { this._commands = commands; this._fxai = fxAccountsInternal; } /** * @param {Device[]} to - Device objects (typically returned by fxAccounts.getDevicesList()). * @param {Object} tab * @param {string} tab.url * @param {string} tab.title * @returns A report object, in the shape of * {succeded: [Device], error: [{device: Device, error: Exception}]} */ async send(to, tab) { log.info(`Sending a tab to ${to.length} devices.`); const flowID = this._fxai.telemetry.generateFlowID(); const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const data = { entries: [{ title: tab.title, url: tab.url }] }; const report = { succeeded: [], failed: [], }; for (let device of to) { try { const streamID = this._fxai.telemetry.generateFlowID(); const targetData = Object.assign({ flowID, streamID }, data); const bytes = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(targetData)); const encrypted = await this._encrypt(bytes, device); // FxA expects an object as the payload, but we only have a single encrypted string; wrap it. // If you add any plaintext items to this payload, please carefully consider the privacy implications // of revealing that data to the FxA server. const payload = { encrypted }; await this._commands.invoke(COMMAND_SENDTAB, device, payload); this._fxai.telemetry.recordEvent( "command-sent", COMMAND_SENDTAB_TAIL, this._fxai.telemetry.sanitizeDeviceId(device.id), { flowID, streamID } ); report.succeeded.push(device); } catch (error) { log.error("Error while invoking a send tab command.", error); report.failed.push({ device, error }); } } return report; } // Returns true if the target device is compatible with FxA Commands Send tab. isDeviceCompatible(device) { return ( device.availableCommands && device.availableCommands[COMMAND_SENDTAB] ); } // Handle incoming send tab payload, called by FxAccountsCommands. async handle(senderID, { encrypted }, reason) { const bytes = await this._decrypt(encrypted); const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf8"); const data = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(bytes)); const { flowID, streamID, entries } = data; const current = data.hasOwnProperty("current") ? data.current : entries.length - 1; const { title, url: uri } = entries[current]; // `flowID` and `streamID` are in the top-level of the JSON, `entries` is // an array of "tabs" with `current` being what index is the one we care // about, or the last one if not specified. this._fxai.telemetry.recordEvent( "command-received", COMMAND_SENDTAB_TAIL, this._fxai.telemetry.sanitizeDeviceId(senderID), { flowID, streamID, reason } ); return { title, uri, }; } async _encrypt(bytes, device) { let bundle = device.availableCommands[COMMAND_SENDTAB]; if (!bundle) { throw new Error(`Device ${device.id} does not have send tab keys.`); } const oldsyncKey = await this._fxai.keys.getKeyForScope(SCOPE_OLD_SYNC); // Older clients expect this to be hex, due to pre-JWK sync key ids :-( const ourKid = this._fxai.keys.kidAsHex(oldsyncKey); const { kid: theirKid } = JSON.parse( device.availableCommands[COMMAND_SENDTAB] ); if (theirKid != ourKid) { throw new Error("Target Send Tab key ID is different from ours"); } const json = JSON.parse(bundle); const wrapper = new lazy.CryptoWrapper(); wrapper.deserialize({ payload: json }); const syncKeyBundle = lazy.BulkKeyBundle.fromJWK(oldsyncKey); let { publicKey, authSecret } = await wrapper.decrypt(syncKeyBundle); authSecret = urlsafeBase64Decode(authSecret); publicKey = urlsafeBase64Decode(publicKey); const { ciphertext: encrypted } = await lazy.PushCrypto.encrypt( bytes, publicKey, authSecret ); return urlsafeBase64Encode(encrypted); } async _getPersistedSendTabKeys() { const { device } = await this._fxai.getUserAccountData(["device"]); return device && device.sendTabKeys; } async _decrypt(ciphertext) { let { privateKey, publicKey, authSecret } = await this._getPersistedSendTabKeys(); publicKey = urlsafeBase64Decode(publicKey); authSecret = urlsafeBase64Decode(authSecret); ciphertext = new Uint8Array(urlsafeBase64Decode(ciphertext)); return lazy.PushCrypto.decrypt( privateKey, publicKey, authSecret, // The only Push encoding we support. { encoding: "aes128gcm" }, ciphertext ); } async _generateAndPersistSendTabKeys() { let [publicKey, privateKey] = await lazy.PushCrypto.generateKeys(); publicKey = urlsafeBase64Encode(publicKey); let authSecret = lazy.PushCrypto.generateAuthenticationSecret(); authSecret = urlsafeBase64Encode(authSecret); const sendTabKeys = { publicKey, privateKey, authSecret, }; await this._fxai.withCurrentAccountState(async state => { const { device } = await state.getUserAccountData(["device"]); await state.updateUserAccountData({ device: { ...device, sendTabKeys, }, }); }); return sendTabKeys; } async _getPersistedEncryptedSendTabKey() { const { encryptedSendTabKeys } = await this._fxai.getUserAccountData([ "encryptedSendTabKeys", ]); return encryptedSendTabKeys; } async _generateAndPersistEncryptedSendTabKey() { let sendTabKeys = await this._getPersistedSendTabKeys(); if (!sendTabKeys) { log.info("Could not find sendtab keys, generating them"); sendTabKeys = await this._generateAndPersistSendTabKeys(); } // Strip the private key from the bundle to encrypt. const keyToEncrypt = { publicKey: sendTabKeys.publicKey, authSecret: sendTabKeys.authSecret, }; if (!(await this._fxai.keys.canGetKeyForScope(SCOPE_OLD_SYNC))) { log.info("Can't fetch keys, so unable to determine sendtab keys"); return null; } let oldsyncKey; try { oldsyncKey = await this._fxai.keys.getKeyForScope(SCOPE_OLD_SYNC); } catch (ex) { log.warn("Failed to fetch keys, so unable to determine sendtab keys", ex); return null; } const wrapper = new lazy.CryptoWrapper(); wrapper.cleartext = keyToEncrypt; const keyBundle = lazy.BulkKeyBundle.fromJWK(oldsyncKey); await wrapper.encrypt(keyBundle); const encryptedSendTabKeys = JSON.stringify({ // This is expected in hex, due to pre-JWK sync key ids :-( kid: this._fxai.keys.kidAsHex(oldsyncKey), IV: wrapper.IV, hmac: wrapper.hmac, ciphertext: wrapper.ciphertext, }); await this._fxai.withCurrentAccountState(async state => { await state.updateUserAccountData({ encryptedSendTabKeys, }); }); return encryptedSendTabKeys; } async getEncryptedSendTabKeys() { let encryptedSendTabKeys = await this._getPersistedEncryptedSendTabKey(); const sendTabKeys = await this._getPersistedSendTabKeys(); if (!encryptedSendTabKeys || !sendTabKeys) { log.info("Generating and persisting encrypted sendtab keys"); // `_generateAndPersistEncryptedKeys` requires the sync key // which cannot be accessed if the login manager is locked // (i.e when the primary password is locked) or if the sync keys // aren't accessible (account isn't verified) // so this function could fail to retrieve the keys // however, device registration will trigger when the account // is verified, so it's OK // Note that it's okay to persist those keys, because they are // already persisted in plaintext and the encrypted bundle // does not include the sync-key (the sync key is used to encrypt // it though) encryptedSendTabKeys = await this._generateAndPersistEncryptedSendTabKey(); } return encryptedSendTabKeys; } } /** * Close Tabs is built on-top of device commands and handles * actions a client wants to perform on tabs found on other devices * This class is very similar to the Send Tab component in FxAccountsCommands * * Devices exchange keys wrapped in the oldsync key between themselves (getEncryptedCloseTabKeys) * during the device registration flow. The FxA server can theoretically never * retrieve the close tab keys since it doesn't know the oldsync key. * * Note: Close Tabs does things slightly different from SendTab * The sender encrypts the close-tab command using the receiver's public key, * and the FxA server stores it (without re-encrypting). * A web-push notifies the receiver that a new command is available. * The receiver decrypts the payload using its private key. */ export class CloseRemoteTab { constructor(commands, fxAccountsInternal) { this._commands = commands; this._fxai = fxAccountsInternal; this.pendingClosedTabs = new Map(); // pushes happen per device, making a timer per device makes sending // the pushes a little more sane this.pushTimers = new Map(); } /** * Sending a push everytime the user wants to close a tab on a remote device * could lead to excessive notifications to the users device, push throttling, etc * so we add the tabs to a queue and have a timer that sends the push after a certain * amount of "inactivity" */ /** * @param {Device} targetDevice - Device object (typically returned by fxAccounts.getDevicesList()). * @param {String} tab - url for the tab to close * @param {Integer} how far to delay, in miliseconds, the push for this timer */ enqueueTabToClose(targetDevice, tab, pushDelay = 6000) { if (this.pendingClosedTabs.has(targetDevice.id)) { this.pendingClosedTabs.get(targetDevice.id).tabs.push(tab); } else { this.pendingClosedTabs.set(targetDevice.id, { device: targetDevice, tabs: [tab], }); } // extend the timer this._refreshPushTimer(targetDevice.id, pushDelay); } async _refreshPushTimer(deviceId, pushDelay) { // If the user is still performing "actions" for this device // reset the timer to send the push if (this.pushTimers.has(deviceId)) { clearTimeout(this.pushTimers.get(deviceId)); } // There is a possibility that the browser closes before this actually executes // we should catch the browser as it's closing and immediately fire these // See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1888299 const timerId = setTimeout(async () => { let { device, tabs } = this.pendingClosedTabs.get(deviceId); // send a push notification for this specific device await this._sendCloseTabPush(device, tabs); // Clear the timer this.pushTimers.delete(deviceId); // We also need to locally store the tabs we sent so the user doesn't // see these anymore this.pendingClosedTabs.delete(deviceId); // This is used for tests only, to get around timer woes Observers.notify("test:fxaccounts:commands:close-uri:sent"); }, pushDelay); // Store the new timer with the device this.pushTimers.set(deviceId, timerId); } /** * @param {Device} target - Device object (typically returned by fxAccounts.getDevicesList()). * @param {String[]} urls - array of urls that should be closed on the remote device */ async _sendCloseTabPush(target, urls) { log.info(`Sending tab closures to ${target.id} device.`); const flowID = this._fxai.telemetry.generateFlowID(); const encoder = new TextEncoder(); try { const streamID = this._fxai.telemetry.generateFlowID(); const targetData = { flowID, streamID, urls }; const bytes = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(targetData)); const encrypted = await this._encrypt(bytes, target); // FxA expects an object as the payload, but we only have a single encrypted string; wrap it. // If you add any plaintext items to this payload, please carefully consider the privacy implications // of revealing that data to the FxA server. const payload = { encrypted }; await this._commands.invoke(COMMAND_CLOSETAB, target, payload); this._fxai.telemetry.recordEvent( "command-sent", COMMAND_CLOSETAB_TAIL, this._fxai.telemetry.sanitizeDeviceId(target.id), { flowID, streamID } ); } catch (error) { // We should also show the user there was some kind've error log.error("Error while invoking a send tab command.", error); } } // Returns true if the target device is compatible with FxA Commands Send tab. isDeviceCompatible(device) { let pref = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "identity.fxaccounts.commands.remoteTabManagement.enabled", false ); return ( pref && device.availableCommands && device.availableCommands[COMMAND_CLOSETAB] ); } // Handle incoming remote tab payload, called by FxAccountsCommands. async handleTabClose(senderID, { encrypted }, reason) { const bytes = await this._decrypt(encrypted); const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf8"); const data = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(bytes)); // urls is an array of strings const { flowID, streamID, urls } = data; this._fxai.telemetry.recordEvent( "command-received", COMMAND_CLOSETAB_TAIL, this._fxai.telemetry.sanitizeDeviceId(senderID), { flowID, streamID, reason } ); return { urls, }; } async _encrypt(bytes, device) { let bundle = device.availableCommands[COMMAND_CLOSETAB]; if (!bundle) { throw new Error(`Device ${device.id} does not have close tab keys.`); } const oldsyncKey = await this._fxai.keys.getKeyForScope(SCOPE_OLD_SYNC); const json = JSON.parse(bundle); const wrapper = new lazy.CryptoWrapper(); wrapper.deserialize({ payload: json }); const syncKeyBundle = lazy.BulkKeyBundle.fromJWK(oldsyncKey); let { publicKey, authSecret } = await wrapper.decrypt(syncKeyBundle); authSecret = urlsafeBase64Decode(authSecret); publicKey = urlsafeBase64Decode(publicKey); const { ciphertext: encrypted } = await lazy.PushCrypto.encrypt( bytes, publicKey, authSecret ); return urlsafeBase64Encode(encrypted); } async _getPersistedCloseTabKeys() { const { device } = await this._fxai.getUserAccountData(["device"]); return device && device.closeTabKeys; } async _decrypt(ciphertext) { let { privateKey, publicKey, authSecret } = await this._getPersistedCloseTabKeys(); publicKey = urlsafeBase64Decode(publicKey); authSecret = urlsafeBase64Decode(authSecret); ciphertext = new Uint8Array(urlsafeBase64Decode(ciphertext)); return lazy.PushCrypto.decrypt( privateKey, publicKey, authSecret, // The only Push encoding we support. { encoding: "aes128gcm" }, ciphertext ); } async _generateAndPersistCloseTabKeys() { let [publicKey, privateKey] = await lazy.PushCrypto.generateKeys(); publicKey = urlsafeBase64Encode(publicKey); let authSecret = lazy.PushCrypto.generateAuthenticationSecret(); authSecret = urlsafeBase64Encode(authSecret); const closeTabKeys = { publicKey, privateKey, authSecret, }; await this._fxai.withCurrentAccountState(async state => { const { device } = await state.getUserAccountData(["device"]); await state.updateUserAccountData({ device: { ...device, closeTabKeys, }, }); }); return closeTabKeys; } async _getPersistedEncryptedCloseTabKey() { const { encryptedCloseTabKeys } = await this._fxai.getUserAccountData([ "encryptedCloseTabKeys", ]); return encryptedCloseTabKeys; } async _generateAndPersistEncryptedCloseTabKeys() { let closeTabKeys = await this._getPersistedCloseTabKeys(); if (!closeTabKeys) { log.info("Could not find closeTab keys, generating them"); closeTabKeys = await this._generateAndPersistCloseTabKeys(); } // Strip the private key from the bundle to encrypt. const keyToEncrypt = { publicKey: closeTabKeys.publicKey, authSecret: closeTabKeys.authSecret, }; if (!(await this._fxai.keys.canGetKeyForScope(SCOPE_OLD_SYNC))) { log.info("Can't fetch keys, so unable to determine closeTab keys"); return null; } let oldsyncKey; try { oldsyncKey = await this._fxai.keys.getKeyForScope(SCOPE_OLD_SYNC); } catch (ex) { log.warn( "Failed to fetch keys, so unable to determine closeTab keys", ex ); return null; } const wrapper = new lazy.CryptoWrapper(); wrapper.cleartext = keyToEncrypt; const keyBundle = lazy.BulkKeyBundle.fromJWK(oldsyncKey); await wrapper.encrypt(keyBundle); const encryptedCloseTabKeys = JSON.stringify({ // This is expected in hex, due to pre-JWK sync key ids :-( kid: this._fxai.keys.kidAsHex(oldsyncKey), IV: wrapper.IV, hmac: wrapper.hmac, ciphertext: wrapper.ciphertext, }); await this._fxai.withCurrentAccountState(async state => { await state.updateUserAccountData({ encryptedCloseTabKeys, }); }); return encryptedCloseTabKeys; } async getEncryptedCloseTabKeys() { let encryptedCloseTabKeys = await this._getPersistedEncryptedCloseTabKey(); const closeTabKeys = await this._getPersistedCloseTabKeys(); if (!encryptedCloseTabKeys || !closeTabKeys) { log.info("Generating and persisting encrypted closeTab keys"); // `_generateAndPersistEncryptedCloseTabKeys` requires the sync key // which cannot be accessed if the login manager is locked // (i.e when the primary password is locked) or if the sync keys // aren't accessible (account isn't verified) // so this function could fail to retrieve the keys // however, device registration will trigger when the account // is verified, so it's OK // Note that it's okay to persist those keys, because they are // already persisted in plaintext and the encrypted bundle // does not include the sync-key (the sync key is used to encrypt // it though) encryptedCloseTabKeys = await this._generateAndPersistEncryptedCloseTabKeys(); } return encryptedCloseTabKeys; } } function urlsafeBase64Encode(buffer) { return ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(new Uint8Array(buffer), { pad: false }); } function urlsafeBase64Decode(str) { return ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(str, { padding: "reject" }); }