/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { jwcrypto: "resource://services-crypto/jwcrypto.sys.mjs", }); import { FX_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, SCOPE_PROFILE, SCOPE_PROFILE_WRITE, SCOPE_OLD_SYNC, } from "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsCommon.sys.mjs"; const VALID_SCOPES = [SCOPE_PROFILE, SCOPE_PROFILE_WRITE, SCOPE_OLD_SYNC]; export const ERROR_INVALID_SCOPES = "INVALID_SCOPES"; export const ERROR_INVALID_STATE = "INVALID_STATE"; export const ERROR_SYNC_SCOPE_NOT_GRANTED = "ERROR_SYNC_SCOPE_NOT_GRANTED"; export const ERROR_NO_KEYS_JWE = "ERROR_NO_KEYS_JWE"; export const ERROR_OAUTH_FLOW_ABANDONED = "ERROR_OAUTH_FLOW_ABANDONED"; /** * Handles all logic and state related to initializing, and completing OAuth flows * with FxA * It's possible to start multiple OAuth flow, but only one can be completed, and once one flow is completed * all the other in-flight flows will be concluded, and attempting to complete those flows will result in errors. */ export class FxAccountsOAuth { #flow; #fxaClient; /** * Creates a new FxAccountsOAuth * * @param { Object } fxaClient: The fxa client used to send http request to the oauth server */ constructor(fxaClient) { this.#flow = {}; this.#fxaClient = fxaClient; } /** * Stores a flow in-memory * @param { string } state: A base-64 URL-safe string represnting a random value created at the start of the flow * @param { Object } value: The data needed to complete a flow, once the oauth code is available. * in practice, `value` is: * - `verifier`: A base=64 URL-safe string representing the PKCE code verifier * - `key`: The private key need to decrypt the JWE we recieve from the auth server * - `requestedScopes`: The scopes the caller requested, meant to be compared against the scopes the server authorized */ addFlow(state, value) { this.#flow[state] = value; } /** * Clears all started flows */ clearAllFlows() { this.#flow = {}; } /* * Gets a stored flow * @param { string } state: The base-64 URL-safe state string that was created at the start of the flow * @returns { Object }: The values initially stored when startign th eoauth flow * in practice, the return value is: * - `verifier`: A base=64 URL-safe string representing the PKCE code verifier * - `key`: The private key need to decrypt the JWE we recieve from the auth server * - ``requestedScopes`: The scopes the caller requested, meant to be compared against the scopes the server authorized */ getFlow(state) { return this.#flow[state]; } /* Returns the number of flows, used by tests * */ numOfFlows() { return Object.keys(this.#flow).length; } /** * Begins an OAuth flow, to be completed with a an OAuth code and state. * * This function stores needed information to complete the flow. You must call `completeOAuthFlow` * on the same instance of `FxAccountsOAuth`, otherwise the completing of the oauth flow will fail. * * @param { string[] } scopes: The OAuth scopes the client should request from FxA * * @returns { Object }: Returns an object representing the query parameters that should be * added to the FxA authorization URL to initialize an oAuth flow. * In practice, the query parameters are: * - `client_id`: The OAuth client ID for Firefox Desktop * - `scope`: The scopes given by the caller, space seperated * - `action`: This will always be `email` * - `response_type`: This will always be `code` * - `access_type`: This will always be `offline` * - `state`: A URL-safe base-64 string randomly generated * - `code_challenge`: A URL-safe base-64 string representing the PKCE challenge * - `code_challenge_method`: This will always be `S256` * For more informatio about PKCE, read https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636 * - `keys_jwk`: A URL-safe base-64 representing a JWK to be used as a public key by the server * to generate a JWE */ async beginOAuthFlow(scopes) { if ( !Array.isArray(scopes) || scopes.some(scope => !VALID_SCOPES.includes(scope)) ) { throw new Error(ERROR_INVALID_SCOPES); } const queryParams = { client_id: FX_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, action: "email", response_type: "code", access_type: "offline", scope: scopes.join(" "), }; // Generate a random, 16 byte value to represent a state that we verify // once we complete the oauth flow, to ensure that we only conclude // an oauth flow that we started const state = new Uint8Array(16); crypto.getRandomValues(state); const stateB64 = ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(state, { pad: false }); queryParams.state = stateB64; // Generate a 43 byte code verifier for PKCE, in accordance with // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636#section-7.1 which recommends a // 43-octet URL safe string const codeVerifier = new Uint8Array(43); crypto.getRandomValues(codeVerifier); const codeVerifierB64 = ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(codeVerifier, { pad: false, }); const challenge = await crypto.subtle.digest( "SHA-256", new TextEncoder().encode(codeVerifierB64) ); const challengeB64 = ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(challenge, { pad: false }); queryParams.code_challenge = challengeB64; queryParams.code_challenge_method = "S256"; // Generate a public, private key pair to be used during the oauth flow // to encrypt scoped-keys as they roundtrip through the auth server const ECDH_KEY = { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: "P-256" }; const key = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(ECDH_KEY, true, ["deriveKey"]); const publicKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", key.publicKey); const privateKey = key.privateKey; // We encode the public key as URL-safe base64 to be included in the query parameters const encodedPublicKey = ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode( new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(publicKey)), { pad: false } ); queryParams.keys_jwk = encodedPublicKey; // We store the state in-memory, to verify once the oauth flow is completed this.addFlow(stateB64, { key: privateKey, verifier: codeVerifierB64, requestedScopes: scopes.join(" "), }); return queryParams; } /** Completes an OAuth flow and invalidates any other ongoing flows * @param { string } sessionTokenHex: The session token encoded in hexadecimal * @param { string } code: OAuth authorization code provided by running an OAuth flow * @param { string } state: The state first provided by `beginOAuthFlow`, then roundtripped through the server * * @returns { Object }: Returns an object representing the result of completing the oauth flow. * The object includes the following: * - 'scopedKeys': The encryption keys provided by the server, already decrypted * - 'refreshToken': The refresh token provided by the server * - 'accessToken': The access token provided by the server * */ async completeOAuthFlow(sessionTokenHex, code, state) { const flow = this.getFlow(state); if (!flow) { throw new Error(ERROR_INVALID_STATE); } const { key, verifier, requestedScopes } = flow; const { keys_jwe, refresh_token, access_token, scope } = await this.#fxaClient.oauthToken( sessionTokenHex, code, verifier, FX_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID ); if ( requestedScopes.includes(SCOPE_OLD_SYNC) && !scope.includes(SCOPE_OLD_SYNC) ) { throw new Error(ERROR_SYNC_SCOPE_NOT_GRANTED); } if (scope.includes(SCOPE_OLD_SYNC) && !keys_jwe) { throw new Error(ERROR_NO_KEYS_JWE); } let scopedKeys; if (keys_jwe) { scopedKeys = JSON.parse( new TextDecoder().decode(await lazy.jwcrypto.decryptJWE(keys_jwe, key)) ); } // We make sure no other flow snuck in, and completed before we did if (!this.getFlow(state)) { throw new Error(ERROR_OAUTH_FLOW_ABANDONED); } // Clear all flows, so any in-flight or future flows trigger an error as the browser // would have been signed in this.clearAllFlows(); return { scopedKeys, refreshToken: refresh_token, accessToken: access_token, }; } }