/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { FxAccounts } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/FxAccounts.sys.mjs" ); const { FxAccountsClient } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsClient.sys.mjs" ); var { AccountState } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/FxAccounts.sys.mjs" ); function promiseNotification(topic) { return new Promise(resolve => { let observe = () => { Services.obs.removeObserver(observe, topic); resolve(); }; Services.obs.addObserver(observe, topic); }); } // Just enough mocks so we can avoid hawk and storage. function MockStorageManager() {} MockStorageManager.prototype = { promiseInitialized: Promise.resolve(), initialize(accountData) { this.accountData = accountData; }, finalize() { return Promise.resolve(); }, getAccountData() { return Promise.resolve(this.accountData); }, updateAccountData(updatedFields) { for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(updatedFields)) { if (value == null) { delete this.accountData[name]; } else { this.accountData[name] = value; } } return Promise.resolve(); }, deleteAccountData() { this.accountData = null; return Promise.resolve(); }, }; function MockFxAccountsClient(activeTokens) { this._email = "nobody@example.com"; this._verified = false; this.accountStatus = function (uid) { return Promise.resolve(!!uid && !this._deletedOnServer); }; this.signOut = function () { return Promise.resolve(); }; this.registerDevice = function () { return Promise.resolve(); }; this.updateDevice = function () { return Promise.resolve(); }; this.signOutAndDestroyDevice = function () { return Promise.resolve(); }; this.getDeviceList = function () { return Promise.resolve(); }; this.accessTokenWithSessionToken = function ( sessionTokenHex, clientId, scope, ttl ) { let token = `token${this.numTokenFetches}`; if (ttl) { token += `-ttl-${ttl}`; } this.numTokenFetches += 1; this.activeTokens.add(token); print("accessTokenWithSessionToken returning token", token); return Promise.resolve({ access_token: token, ttl }); }; this.oauthDestroy = sinon.stub().callsFake((_clientId, token) => { this.activeTokens.delete(token); return Promise.resolve(); }); // Test only stuff. this.activeTokens = activeTokens; this.numTokenFetches = 0; FxAccountsClient.apply(this); } MockFxAccountsClient.prototype = {}; Object.setPrototypeOf( MockFxAccountsClient.prototype, FxAccountsClient.prototype ); function MockFxAccounts() { // The FxA "auth" and "oauth" servers both share the same db of tokens, // so we need to simulate the same here in the tests. const activeTokens = new Set(); return new FxAccounts({ fxAccountsClient: new MockFxAccountsClient(activeTokens), newAccountState(credentials) { // we use a real accountState but mocked storage. let storage = new MockStorageManager(); storage.initialize(credentials); return new AccountState(storage); }, _getDeviceName() { return "mock device name"; }, fxaPushService: { registerPushEndpoint() { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ endpoint: "http://mochi.test:8888", }); }); }, }, }); } async function createMockFxA() { let fxa = new MockFxAccounts(); let credentials = { email: "foo@example.com", uid: "1234@lcip.org", sessionToken: "dead", scopedKeys: { [SCOPE_OLD_SYNC]: { kid: "key id for sync key", k: "key material for sync key", kty: "oct", }, }, verified: true, }; await fxa._internal.setSignedInUser(credentials); return fxa; } // The tests. add_task(async function testRevoke() { let tokenOptions = { scope: "test-scope" }; let fxa = await createMockFxA(); let client = fxa._internal.fxAccountsClient; // get our first token and check we hit the mock. let token1 = await fxa.getOAuthToken(tokenOptions); equal(client.numTokenFetches, 1); equal(client.activeTokens.size, 1); ok(token1, "got a token"); equal(token1, "token0"); // drop the new token from our cache. await fxa.removeCachedOAuthToken({ token: token1 }); ok(client.oauthDestroy.calledOnce); // the revoke should have been successful. equal(client.activeTokens.size, 0); // fetching it again hits the server. let token2 = await fxa.getOAuthToken(tokenOptions); equal(client.numTokenFetches, 2); equal(client.activeTokens.size, 1); ok(token2, "got a token"); notEqual(token1, token2, "got a different token"); }); add_task(async function testSignOutDestroysTokens() { let fxa = await createMockFxA(); let client = fxa._internal.fxAccountsClient; // get our first token and check we hit the mock. let token1 = await fxa.getOAuthToken({ scope: "test-scope" }); equal(client.numTokenFetches, 1); equal(client.activeTokens.size, 1); ok(token1, "got a token"); // get another let token2 = await fxa.getOAuthToken({ scope: "test-scope-2" }); equal(client.numTokenFetches, 2); equal(client.activeTokens.size, 2); ok(token2, "got a token"); notEqual(token1, token2, "got a different token"); // FxA fires an observer when the "background" signout is complete. let signoutComplete = promiseNotification("testhelper-fxa-signout-complete"); // now sign out - they should be removed. await fxa.signOut(); await signoutComplete; ok(client.oauthDestroy.calledTwice); // No active tokens left. equal(client.activeTokens.size, 0); }); add_task(async function testTokenRaces() { // Here we do 2 concurrent fetches each for 2 different token scopes (ie, // 4 token fetches in total). // This should provoke a potential race in the token fetching but we use // a map of in-flight token fetches, so we should still only perform 2 // fetches, but each of the 4 calls should resolve with the correct values. let fxa = await createMockFxA(); let client = fxa._internal.fxAccountsClient; let results = await Promise.all([ fxa.getOAuthToken({ scope: "test-scope" }), fxa.getOAuthToken({ scope: "test-scope" }), fxa.getOAuthToken({ scope: "test-scope-2" }), fxa.getOAuthToken({ scope: "test-scope-2" }), ]); equal(client.numTokenFetches, 2, "should have fetched 2 tokens."); // Should have 2 unique tokens results.sort(); equal(results[0], results[1]); equal(results[2], results[3]); // should be 2 active. equal(client.activeTokens.size, 2); await fxa.removeCachedOAuthToken({ token: results[0] }); equal(client.activeTokens.size, 1); await fxa.removeCachedOAuthToken({ token: results[2] }); equal(client.activeTokens.size, 0); ok(client.oauthDestroy.calledTwice); }); add_task(async function testTokenTTL() { // This tests the TTL option passed into the method let fxa = await createMockFxA(); let token = await fxa.getOAuthToken({ scope: "test-ttl", ttl: 1000 }); equal(token, "token0-ttl-1000"); });