/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; import { JSONFile } from "resource://gre/modules/JSONFile.sys.mjs"; import { Log } from "resource://gre/modules/Log.sys.mjs"; import { Async } from "resource://services-common/async.sys.mjs"; import { Observers } from "resource://services-common/observers.sys.mjs"; import { DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_BATCH_SIZE, DEFAULT_GUID_FETCH_BATCH_SIZE, ENGINE_BATCH_INTERRUPTED, ENGINE_DOWNLOAD_FAIL, ENGINE_UPLOAD_FAIL, VERSION_OUT_OF_DATE, PREFS_BRANCH, } from "resource://services-sync/constants.sys.mjs"; import { Collection, CryptoWrapper, } from "resource://services-sync/record.sys.mjs"; import { Resource } from "resource://services-sync/resource.sys.mjs"; import { SerializableSet, Svc, Utils, } from "resource://services-sync/util.sys.mjs"; import { SyncedRecordsTelemetry } from "resource://services-sync/telemetry.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs", }); function ensureDirectory(path) { return IOUtils.makeDirectory(PathUtils.parent(path), { createAncestors: true, }); } /** * Trackers are associated with a single engine and deal with * listening for changes to their particular data type. * * The base `Tracker` only supports listening for changes, and bumping the score * to indicate how urgently the engine wants to sync. It does not persist any * data. Engines that track changes directly in the storage layer (like * bookmarks, bridged engines, addresses, and credit cards) or only upload a * single record (tabs and preferences) should subclass `Tracker`. */ export function Tracker(name, engine) { if (!engine) { throw new Error("Tracker must be associated with an Engine instance."); } name = name || "Unnamed"; this.name = name.toLowerCase(); this.engine = engine; this._log = Log.repository.getLogger(`Sync.Engine.${name}.Tracker`); this._score = 0; this.asyncObserver = Async.asyncObserver(this, this._log); } Tracker.prototype = { // New-style trackers use change sources to filter out changes made by Sync in // observer notifications, so we don't want to let the engine ignore all // changes during a sync. get ignoreAll() { return false; }, // Define an empty setter so that the engine doesn't throw a `TypeError` // setting a read-only property. set ignoreAll(value) {}, /* * Score can be called as often as desired to decide which engines to sync * * Valid values for score: * -1: Do not sync unless the user specifically requests it (almost disabled) * 0: Nothing has changed * 100: Please sync me ASAP! * * Setting it to other values should (but doesn't currently) throw an exception */ get score() { return this._score; }, set score(value) { this._score = value; Observers.notify("weave:engine:score:updated", this.name); }, // Should be called by service everytime a sync has been done for an engine resetScore() { this._score = 0; }, // Unsupported, and throws a more descriptive error to ensure callers aren't // accidentally using persistence. async getChangedIDs() { throw new TypeError("This tracker doesn't store changed IDs"); }, // Also unsupported. async addChangedID(id, when) { throw new TypeError("Can't add changed ID to this tracker"); }, // Ditto. async removeChangedID(...ids) { throw new TypeError("Can't remove changed IDs from this tracker"); }, // This method is called at various times, so we override with a no-op // instead of throwing. clearChangedIDs() {}, _now() { return Date.now() / 1000; }, _isTracking: false, start() { if (!this.engineIsEnabled()) { return; } this._log.trace("start()."); if (!this._isTracking) { this.onStart(); this._isTracking = true; } }, async stop() { this._log.trace("stop()."); if (this._isTracking) { await this.asyncObserver.promiseObserversComplete(); this.onStop(); this._isTracking = false; } }, // Override these in your subclasses. onStart() {}, onStop() {}, async observe(subject, topic, data) {}, engineIsEnabled() { if (!this.engine) { // Can't tell -- we must be running in a test! return true; } return this.engine.enabled; }, /** * Starts or stops listening for changes depending on the associated engine's * enabled state. * * @param {Boolean} engineEnabled Whether the engine was enabled. */ async onEngineEnabledChanged(engineEnabled) { if (engineEnabled == this._isTracking) { return; } if (engineEnabled) { this.start(); } else { await this.stop(); this.clearChangedIDs(); } }, async finalize() { await this.stop(); }, }; /* * A tracker that persists a list of IDs for all changed items that need to be * synced. This is 🚨 _extremely deprecated_ 🚨 and only kept around for current * engines. ⚠️ Please **don't use it** for new engines! ⚠️ * * Why is this kind of external change tracking deprecated? Because it causes * consistency issues due to missed notifications, interrupted syncs, and the * tracker's view of what changed diverging from the data store's. */ export function LegacyTracker(name, engine) { Tracker.call(this, name, engine); this._ignored = []; this.file = this.name; this._storage = new JSONFile({ path: Utils.jsonFilePath("changes", this.file), dataPostProcessor: json => this._dataPostProcessor(json), beforeSave: () => this._beforeSave(), }); this._ignoreAll = false; } LegacyTracker.prototype = { get ignoreAll() { return this._ignoreAll; }, set ignoreAll(value) { this._ignoreAll = value; }, // Default to an empty object if the file doesn't exist. _dataPostProcessor(json) { return (typeof json == "object" && json) || {}; }, // Ensure the Weave storage directory exists before writing the file. _beforeSave() { return ensureDirectory(this._storage.path); }, async getChangedIDs() { await this._storage.load(); return this._storage.data; }, _saveChangedIDs() { this._storage.saveSoon(); }, // ignore/unignore specific IDs. Useful for ignoring items that are // being processed, or that shouldn't be synced. // But note: not persisted to disk ignoreID(id) { this.unignoreID(id); this._ignored.push(id); }, unignoreID(id) { let index = this._ignored.indexOf(id); if (index != -1) { this._ignored.splice(index, 1); } }, async _saveChangedID(id, when) { this._log.trace(`Adding changed ID: ${id}, ${JSON.stringify(when)}`); const changedIDs = await this.getChangedIDs(); changedIDs[id] = when; this._saveChangedIDs(); }, async addChangedID(id, when) { if (!id) { this._log.warn("Attempted to add undefined ID to tracker"); return false; } if (this.ignoreAll || this._ignored.includes(id)) { return false; } // Default to the current time in seconds if no time is provided. if (when == null) { when = this._now(); } const changedIDs = await this.getChangedIDs(); // Add/update the entry if we have a newer time. if ((changedIDs[id] || -Infinity) < when) { await this._saveChangedID(id, when); } return true; }, async removeChangedID(...ids) { if (!ids.length || this.ignoreAll) { return false; } for (let id of ids) { if (!id) { this._log.warn("Attempted to remove undefined ID from tracker"); continue; } if (this._ignored.includes(id)) { this._log.debug(`Not removing ignored ID ${id} from tracker`); continue; } const changedIDs = await this.getChangedIDs(); if (changedIDs[id] != null) { this._log.trace("Removing changed ID " + id); delete changedIDs[id]; } } this._saveChangedIDs(); return true; }, clearChangedIDs() { this._log.trace("Clearing changed ID list"); this._storage.data = {}; this._saveChangedIDs(); }, async finalize() { // Persist all pending tracked changes to disk, and wait for the final write // to finish. await super.finalize(); this._saveChangedIDs(); await this._storage.finalize(); }, }; Object.setPrototypeOf(LegacyTracker.prototype, Tracker.prototype); /** * The Store serves as the interface between Sync and stored data. * * The name "store" is slightly a misnomer because it doesn't actually "store" * anything. Instead, it serves as a gateway to something that actually does * the "storing." * * The store is responsible for record management inside an engine. It tells * Sync what items are available for Sync, converts items to and from Sync's * record format, and applies records from Sync into changes on the underlying * store. * * Store implementations require a number of functions to be implemented. These * are all documented below. * * For stores that deal with many records or which have expensive store access * routines, it is highly recommended to implement a custom applyIncomingBatch * and/or applyIncoming function on top of the basic APIs. */ export function Store(name, engine) { if (!engine) { throw new Error("Store must be associated with an Engine instance."); } name = name || "Unnamed"; this.name = name.toLowerCase(); this.engine = engine; this._log = Log.repository.getLogger(`Sync.Engine.${name}.Store`); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "_timer", function () { return Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); }); } Store.prototype = { /** * Apply multiple incoming records against the store. * * This is called with a set of incoming records to process. The function * should look at each record, reconcile with the current local state, and * make the local changes required to bring its state in alignment with the * record. * * The default implementation simply iterates over all records and calls * applyIncoming(). Store implementations may overwrite this function * if desired. * * @param records Array of records to apply * @param a SyncedRecordsTelemetry obj that will keep track of failed reasons * @return Array of record IDs which did not apply cleanly */ async applyIncomingBatch(records, countTelemetry) { let failed = []; await Async.yieldingForEach(records, async record => { try { await this.applyIncoming(record); } catch (ex) { if (ex.code == SyncEngine.prototype.eEngineAbortApplyIncoming) { // This kind of exception should have a 'cause' attribute, which is an // originating exception. // ex.cause will carry its stack with it when rethrown. throw ex.cause; } if (Async.isShutdownException(ex)) { throw ex; } this._log.warn("Failed to apply incoming record " + record.id, ex); failed.push(record.id); countTelemetry.addIncomingFailedReason(ex.message); } }); return failed; }, /** * Apply a single record against the store. * * This takes a single record and makes the local changes required so the * local state matches what's in the record. * * The default implementation calls one of remove(), create(), or update() * depending on the state obtained from the store itself. Store * implementations may overwrite this function if desired. * * @param record * Record to apply */ async applyIncoming(record) { if (record.deleted) { await this.remove(record); } else if (!(await this.itemExists(record.id))) { await this.create(record); } else { await this.update(record); } }, // override these in derived objects /** * Create an item in the store from a record. * * This is called by the default implementation of applyIncoming(). If using * applyIncomingBatch(), this won't be called unless your store calls it. * * @param record * The store record to create an item from */ async create(record) { throw new Error("override create in a subclass"); }, /** * Remove an item in the store from a record. * * This is called by the default implementation of applyIncoming(). If using * applyIncomingBatch(), this won't be called unless your store calls it. * * @param record * The store record to delete an item from */ async remove(record) { throw new Error("override remove in a subclass"); }, /** * Update an item from a record. * * This is called by the default implementation of applyIncoming(). If using * applyIncomingBatch(), this won't be called unless your store calls it. * * @param record * The record to use to update an item from */ async update(record) { throw new Error("override update in a subclass"); }, /** * Determine whether a record with the specified ID exists. * * Takes a string record ID and returns a booleans saying whether the record * exists. * * @param id * string record ID * @return boolean indicating whether record exists locally */ async itemExists(id) { throw new Error("override itemExists in a subclass"); }, /** * Create a record from the specified ID. * * If the ID is known, the record should be populated with metadata from * the store. If the ID is not known, the record should be created with the * delete field set to true. * * @param id * string record ID * @param collection * Collection to add record to. This is typically passed into the * constructor for the newly-created record. * @return record type for this engine */ async createRecord(id, collection) { throw new Error("override createRecord in a subclass"); }, /** * Change the ID of a record. * * @param oldID * string old/current record ID * @param newID * string new record ID */ async changeItemID(oldID, newID) { throw new Error("override changeItemID in a subclass"); }, /** * Obtain the set of all known record IDs. * * @return Object with ID strings as keys and values of true. The values * are ignored. */ async getAllIDs() { throw new Error("override getAllIDs in a subclass"); }, /** * Wipe all data in the store. * * This function is called during remote wipes or when replacing local data * with remote data. * * This function should delete all local data that the store is managing. It * can be thought of as clearing out all state and restoring the "new * browser" state. */ async wipe() { throw new Error("override wipe in a subclass"); }, }; export function EngineManager(service) { this.service = service; this._engines = {}; this._altEngineInfo = {}; // This will be populated by Service on startup. this._declined = new Set(); this._log = Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.EngineManager"); this._log.manageLevelFromPref("services.sync.log.logger.service.engines"); // define the default level for all engine logs here (although each engine // allows its level to be controlled via a specific, non-default pref) Log.repository .getLogger(`Sync.Engine`) .manageLevelFromPref("services.sync.log.logger.engine"); } EngineManager.prototype = { get(name) { // Return an array of engines if we have an array of names if (Array.isArray(name)) { let engines = []; name.forEach(function (name) { let engine = this.get(name); if (engine) { engines.push(engine); } }, this); return engines; } return this._engines[name]; // Silently returns undefined for unknown names. }, getAll() { let engines = []; for (let [, engine] of Object.entries(this._engines)) { engines.push(engine); } return engines; }, /** * If a user has changed a pref that controls which variant of a sync engine * for a given collection we use, unregister the old engine and register the * new one. * * This is called by EngineSynchronizer before every sync. */ async switchAlternatives() { for (let [name, info] of Object.entries(this._altEngineInfo)) { let prefValue = info.prefValue; if (prefValue === info.lastValue) { this._log.trace( `No change for engine ${name} (${info.pref} is still ${prefValue})` ); continue; } // Unregister the old engine, register the new one. this._log.info( `Switching ${name} engine ("${info.pref}" went from ${info.lastValue} => ${prefValue})` ); try { await this._removeAndFinalize(name); } catch (e) { this._log.warn(`Failed to remove previous ${name} engine...`, e); } let engineType = prefValue ? info.whenTrue : info.whenFalse; try { // If register throws, we'll try again next sync, but until then there // won't be an engine registered for this collection. await this.register(engineType); info.lastValue = prefValue; // Note: engineType.name is using Function.prototype.name. this._log.info(`Switched the ${name} engine to use ${engineType.name}`); } catch (e) { this._log.warn( `Switching the ${name} engine to use ${engineType.name} failed (couldn't register)`, e ); } } }, async registerAlternatives(name, pref, whenTrue, whenFalse) { let info = { name, pref, whenTrue, whenFalse }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(info, "prefValue", pref, false); let chosen = info.prefValue ? info.whenTrue : info.whenFalse; info.lastValue = info.prefValue; this._altEngineInfo[name] = info; await this.register(chosen); }, /** * N.B., does not pay attention to the declined list. */ getEnabled() { return this.getAll() .filter(engine => engine.enabled) .sort((a, b) => a.syncPriority - b.syncPriority); }, get enabledEngineNames() { return this.getEnabled().map(e => e.name); }, persistDeclined() { Svc.PrefBranch.setStringPref( "declinedEngines", [...this._declined].join(",") ); }, /** * Returns an array. */ getDeclined() { return [...this._declined]; }, setDeclined(engines) { this._declined = new Set(engines); this.persistDeclined(); }, isDeclined(engineName) { return this._declined.has(engineName); }, /** * Accepts a Set or an array. */ decline(engines) { for (let e of engines) { this._declined.add(e); } this.persistDeclined(); }, undecline(engines) { for (let e of engines) { this._declined.delete(e); } this.persistDeclined(); }, /** * Register an Engine to the service. Alternatively, give an array of engine * objects to register. * * @param engineObject * Engine object used to get an instance of the engine * @return The engine object if anything failed */ async register(engineObject) { if (Array.isArray(engineObject)) { for (const e of engineObject) { await this.register(e); } return; } try { let engine = new engineObject(this.service); let name = engine.name; if (name in this._engines) { this._log.error("Engine '" + name + "' is already registered!"); } else { if (engine.initialize) { await engine.initialize(); } this._engines[name] = engine; } } catch (ex) { let name = engineObject || ""; name = name.prototype || ""; name = name.name || ""; this._log.error(`Could not initialize engine ${name}`, ex); } }, async unregister(val) { let name = val; if (val instanceof SyncEngine) { name = val.name; } await this._removeAndFinalize(name); delete this._altEngineInfo[name]; }, // Common code for disabling an engine by name, that doesn't complain if the // engine doesn't exist. Doesn't touch the engine's alternative info (if any // exists). async _removeAndFinalize(name) { if (name in this._engines) { let engine = this._engines[name]; delete this._engines[name]; await engine.finalize(); } }, async clear() { for (let name in this._engines) { let engine = this._engines[name]; delete this._engines[name]; await engine.finalize(); } this._altEngineInfo = {}; }, }; export function SyncEngine(name, service) { if (!service) { throw new Error("SyncEngine must be associated with a Service instance."); } this.Name = name || "Unnamed"; this.name = name.toLowerCase(); this.service = service; this._notify = Utils.notify("weave:engine:"); this._log = Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.Engine." + this.Name); this._log.manageLevelFromPref(`services.sync.log.logger.engine.${this.name}`); this._modified = this.emptyChangeset(); this._tracker; // initialize tracker to load previously changed IDs this._log.debug("Engine constructed"); this._toFetchStorage = new JSONFile({ path: Utils.jsonFilePath("toFetch", this.name), dataPostProcessor: json => this._metadataPostProcessor(json), beforeSave: () => this._beforeSaveMetadata(), }); this._previousFailedStorage = new JSONFile({ path: Utils.jsonFilePath("failed", this.name), dataPostProcessor: json => this._metadataPostProcessor(json), beforeSave: () => this._beforeSaveMetadata(), }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "_enabled", `services.sync.engine.${this.prefName}`, false ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "_syncID", `services.sync.${this.name}.syncID`, "" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "_lastSync", `services.sync.${this.name}.lastSync`, "0", null, v => parseFloat(v) ); // Async initializations can be made in the initialize() method. this.asyncObserver = Async.asyncObserver(this, this._log); } // Enumeration to define approaches to handling bad records. // Attached to the constructor to allow use as a kind of static enumeration. SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy = { ignore: "ignore", retry: "retry", error: "error", }; SyncEngine.prototype = { _recordObj: CryptoWrapper, // _storeObj, and _trackerObj should to be overridden in subclasses _storeObj: Store, _trackerObj: Tracker, version: 1, // Local 'constant'. // Signal to the engine that processing further records is pointless. eEngineAbortApplyIncoming: "error.engine.abort.applyincoming", // Should we keep syncing if we find a record that cannot be uploaded (ever)? // If this is false, we'll throw, otherwise, we'll ignore the record and // continue. This currently can only happen due to the record being larger // than the record upload limit. allowSkippedRecord: true, // Which sortindex to use when retrieving records for this engine. _defaultSort: undefined, _hasSyncedThisSession: false, _metadataPostProcessor(json) { if (Array.isArray(json)) { // Pre-`JSONFile` storage stored an array, but `JSONFile` defaults to // an object, so we wrap the array for consistency. json = { ids: json }; } if (!json.ids) { json.ids = []; } // The set serializes the same way as an array, but offers more efficient // methods of manipulation. json.ids = new SerializableSet(json.ids); return json; }, async _beforeSaveMetadata() { await ensureDirectory(this._toFetchStorage.path); await ensureDirectory(this._previousFailedStorage.path); }, // A relative priority to use when computing an order // for engines to be synced. Higher-priority engines // (lower numbers) are synced first. // It is recommended that a unique value be used for each engine, // in order to guarantee a stable sequence. syncPriority: 0, // How many records to pull in a single sync. This is primarily to avoid very // long first syncs against profiles with many history records. downloadLimit: null, // How many records to pull at one time when specifying IDs. This is to avoid // URI length limitations. guidFetchBatchSize: DEFAULT_GUID_FETCH_BATCH_SIZE, downloadBatchSize: DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_BATCH_SIZE, async initialize() { await this._toFetchStorage.load(); await this._previousFailedStorage.load(); Services.prefs.addObserver( `${PREFS_BRANCH}engine.${this.prefName}`, this.asyncObserver, true ); this._log.debug("SyncEngine initialized", this.name); }, get prefName() { return this.name; }, get enabled() { return this._enabled; }, set enabled(val) { if (!!val != this._enabled) { Svc.PrefBranch.setBoolPref("engine." + this.prefName, !!val); } }, get score() { return this._tracker.score; }, get _store() { let store = new this._storeObj(this.Name, this); this.__defineGetter__("_store", () => store); return store; }, get _tracker() { let tracker = new this._trackerObj(this.Name, this); this.__defineGetter__("_tracker", () => tracker); return tracker; }, get storageURL() { return this.service.storageURL; }, get engineURL() { return this.storageURL + this.name; }, get cryptoKeysURL() { return this.storageURL + "crypto/keys"; }, get metaURL() { return this.storageURL + "meta/global"; }, startTracking() { this._tracker.start(); }, // Returns a promise stopTracking() { return this._tracker.stop(); }, // Listens for engine enabled state changes, and updates the tracker's state. // This is an async observer because the tracker waits on all its async // observers to finish when it's stopped. async observe(subject, topic, data) { if ( topic == "nsPref:changed" && data == `services.sync.engine.${this.prefName}` ) { await this._tracker.onEngineEnabledChanged(this._enabled); } }, async sync() { if (!this.enabled) { return false; } if (!this._sync) { throw new Error("engine does not implement _sync method"); } return this._notify("sync", this.name, this._sync)(); }, // Override this method to return a new changeset type. emptyChangeset() { return new Changeset(); }, /** * Returns the local sync ID for this engine, or `""` if the engine hasn't * synced for the first time. This is exposed for tests. * * @return the current sync ID. */ async getSyncID() { return this._syncID; }, /** * Ensures that the local sync ID for the engine matches the sync ID for the * collection on the server. A mismatch indicates that another client wiped * the collection; we're syncing after a node reassignment, and another * client synced before us; or the store was replaced since the last sync. * In case of a mismatch, we need to reset all local Sync state and start * over as a first sync. * * In most cases, this method should return the new sync ID as-is. However, an * engine may ignore the given ID and assign a different one, if it determines * that the sync ID on the server is out of date. The bookmarks engine uses * this to wipe the server and other clients on the first sync after the user * restores from a backup. * * @param newSyncID * The new sync ID for the collection from `meta/global`. * @return The assigned sync ID. If this doesn't match `newSyncID`, we'll * replace the sync ID in `meta/global` with the assigned ID. */ async ensureCurrentSyncID(newSyncID) { let existingSyncID = this._syncID; if (existingSyncID == newSyncID) { return existingSyncID; } this._log.debug( `Engine syncIDs differ (old="${existingSyncID}", new="${newSyncID}") - resetting the engine` ); await this.resetClient(); Svc.PrefBranch.setStringPref(this.name + ".syncID", newSyncID); Svc.PrefBranch.setStringPref(this.name + ".lastSync", "0"); return newSyncID; }, /** * Resets the local sync ID for the engine, wipes the server, and resets all * local Sync state to start over as a first sync. * * @return the new sync ID. */ async resetSyncID() { let newSyncID = await this.resetLocalSyncID(); await this.wipeServer(); return newSyncID; }, /** * Resets the local sync ID for the engine, signaling that we're starting over * as a first sync. * * @return the new sync ID. */ async resetLocalSyncID() { return this.ensureCurrentSyncID(Utils.makeGUID()); }, /** * Allows overriding scheduler logic -- added to help reduce kinto server * getting hammered because our scheduler never got tuned for it. * * Note: Overriding engines must take resyncs into account -- score will not * be cleared. */ shouldSkipSync(syncReason) { return false; }, /* * lastSync is a timestamp in server time. */ async getLastSync() { return this._lastSync; }, async setLastSync(lastSync) { // Store the value as a string to keep floating point precision Svc.PrefBranch.setStringPref(this.name + ".lastSync", lastSync.toString()); }, async resetLastSync() { this._log.debug("Resetting " + this.name + " last sync time"); await this.setLastSync(0); }, get hasSyncedThisSession() { return this._hasSyncedThisSession; }, set hasSyncedThisSession(hasSynced) { this._hasSyncedThisSession = hasSynced; }, get toFetch() { this._toFetchStorage.ensureDataReady(); return this._toFetchStorage.data.ids; }, set toFetch(ids) { if (ids.constructor.name != "SerializableSet") { throw new Error( "Bug: Attempted to set toFetch to something that isn't a SerializableSet" ); } this._toFetchStorage.data = { ids }; this._toFetchStorage.saveSoon(); }, get previousFailed() { this._previousFailedStorage.ensureDataReady(); return this._previousFailedStorage.data.ids; }, set previousFailed(ids) { if (ids.constructor.name != "SerializableSet") { throw new Error( "Bug: Attempted to set previousFailed to something that isn't a SerializableSet" ); } this._previousFailedStorage.data = { ids }; this._previousFailedStorage.saveSoon(); }, /* * Returns a changeset for this sync. Engine implementations can override this * method to bypass the tracker for certain or all changed items. */ async getChangedIDs() { return this._tracker.getChangedIDs(); }, // Create a new record using the store and add in metadata. async _createRecord(id) { let record = await this._store.createRecord(id, this.name); record.id = id; record.collection = this.name; return record; }, // Creates a tombstone Sync record with additional metadata. _createTombstone(id) { let tombstone = new this._recordObj(this.name, id); tombstone.id = id; tombstone.collection = this.name; tombstone.deleted = true; return tombstone; }, // Any setup that needs to happen at the beginning of each sync. async _syncStartup() { // Determine if we need to wipe on outdated versions let metaGlobal = await this.service.recordManager.get(this.metaURL); let engines = metaGlobal.payload.engines || {}; let engineData = engines[this.name] || {}; // Assume missing versions are 0 and wipe the server if ((engineData.version || 0) < this.version) { this._log.debug("Old engine data: " + [engineData.version, this.version]); // Clear the server and reupload everything on bad version or missing // meta. Note that we don't regenerate per-collection keys here. let newSyncID = await this.resetSyncID(); // Set the newer version and newly generated syncID engineData.version = this.version; engineData.syncID = newSyncID; // Put the new data back into meta/global and mark for upload engines[this.name] = engineData; metaGlobal.payload.engines = engines; metaGlobal.changed = true; } else if (engineData.version > this.version) { // Don't sync this engine if the server has newer data let error = new Error("New data: " + [engineData.version, this.version]); error.failureCode = VERSION_OUT_OF_DATE; throw error; } else { // Changes to syncID mean we'll need to upload everything let assignedSyncID = await this.ensureCurrentSyncID(engineData.syncID); if (assignedSyncID != engineData.syncID) { engineData.syncID = assignedSyncID; metaGlobal.changed = true; } } // Save objects that need to be uploaded in this._modified. As we // successfully upload objects we remove them from this._modified. If an // error occurs or any objects fail to upload, they will remain in // this._modified. At the end of a sync, or after an error, we add all // objects remaining in this._modified to the tracker. let initialChanges = await this.pullChanges(); this._modified.replace(initialChanges); // Clear the tracker now. If the sync fails we'll add the ones we failed // to upload back. this._tracker.clearChangedIDs(); this._tracker.resetScore(); // Keep track of what to delete at the end of sync this._delete = {}; }, async pullChanges() { let lastSync = await this.getLastSync(); if (lastSync) { return this.pullNewChanges(); } this._log.debug("First sync, uploading all items"); return this.pullAllChanges(); }, /** * A tiny abstraction to make it easier to test incoming record * application. */ itemSource() { return new Collection(this.engineURL, this._recordObj, this.service); }, /** * Download and apply remote records changed since the last sync. This * happens in three stages. * * In the first stage, we fetch full records for all changed items, newest * first, up to the download limit. The limit lets us make progress for large * collections, where the sync is likely to be interrupted before we * can fetch everything. * * In the second stage, we fetch the IDs of any remaining records changed * since the last sync, add them to our backlog, and fast-forward our last * sync time. * * In the third stage, we fetch and apply records for all backlogged IDs, * as well as any records that failed to apply during the last sync. We * request records for the IDs in chunks, to avoid exceeding URL length * limits, then remove successfully applied records from the backlog, and * record IDs of any records that failed to apply to retry on the next sync. */ async _processIncoming() { this._log.trace("Downloading & applying server changes"); let newitems = this.itemSource(); let lastSync = await this.getLastSync(); newitems.newer = lastSync; newitems.full = true; let downloadLimit = Infinity; if (this.downloadLimit) { // Fetch new records up to the download limit. Currently, only the history // engine sets a limit, since the history collection has the highest volume // of changed records between syncs. The other engines fetch all records // changed since the last sync. if (this._defaultSort) { // A download limit with a sort order doesn't make sense: we won't know // which records to backfill. throw new Error("Can't specify download limit with default sort order"); } newitems.sort = "newest"; downloadLimit = newitems.limit = this.downloadLimit; } else if (this._defaultSort) { // The bookmarks engine fetches records by sort index; other engines leave // the order unspecified. We can remove `_defaultSort` entirely after bug // 1305563: the sort index won't matter because we'll buffer all bookmarks // before applying. newitems.sort = this._defaultSort; } // applied => number of items that should be applied. // failed => number of items that failed in this sync. // newFailed => number of items that failed for the first time in this sync. // reconciled => number of items that were reconciled. // failedReasons => {name, count} of reasons a record failed let countTelemetry = new SyncedRecordsTelemetry(); let count = countTelemetry.incomingCounts; let recordsToApply = []; let failedInCurrentSync = new SerializableSet(); let oldestModified = this.lastModified; let downloadedIDs = new Set(); // Stage 1: Fetch new records from the server, up to the download limit. if (this.lastModified == null || this.lastModified > lastSync) { let { response, records } = await newitems.getBatched( this.downloadBatchSize ); if (!response.success) { response.failureCode = ENGINE_DOWNLOAD_FAIL; throw response; } await Async.yieldingForEach(records, async record => { downloadedIDs.add(record.id); if (record.modified < oldestModified) { oldestModified = record.modified; } let { shouldApply, error } = await this._maybeReconcile(record); if (error) { failedInCurrentSync.add(record.id); count.failed++; countTelemetry.addIncomingFailedReason(error.message); return; } if (!shouldApply) { count.reconciled++; return; } recordsToApply.push(record); }); let failedToApply = await this._applyRecords( recordsToApply, countTelemetry ); Utils.setAddAll(failedInCurrentSync, failedToApply); // `applied` is a bit of a misnomer: it counts records that *should* be // applied, so it also includes records that we tried to apply and failed. // `recordsToApply.length - failedToApply.length` is the number of records // that we *successfully* applied. count.failed += failedToApply.length; count.applied += recordsToApply.length; } // Stage 2: If we reached our download limit, we might still have records // on the server that changed since the last sync. Fetch the IDs for the // remaining records, and add them to the backlog. Note that this stage // only runs for engines that set a download limit. if (downloadedIDs.size == downloadLimit) { let guidColl = this.itemSource(); guidColl.newer = lastSync; guidColl.older = oldestModified; guidColl.sort = "oldest"; let guids = await guidColl.get(); if (!guids.success) { throw guids; } // Filtering out already downloaded IDs here isn't necessary. We only do // that in case the Sync server doesn't support `older` (bug 1316110). let remainingIDs = guids.obj.filter(id => !downloadedIDs.has(id)); if (remainingIDs.length) { this.toFetch = Utils.setAddAll(this.toFetch, remainingIDs); } } // Fast-foward the lastSync timestamp since we have backlogged the // remaining items. if (lastSync < this.lastModified) { lastSync = this.lastModified; await this.setLastSync(lastSync); } // Stage 3: Backfill records from the backlog, and those that failed to // decrypt or apply during the last sync. We only backfill up to the // download limit, to prevent a large backlog for one engine from blocking // the others. We'll keep processing the backlog on subsequent engine syncs. let failedInPreviousSync = this.previousFailed; let idsToBackfill = Array.from( Utils.setAddAll( Utils.subsetOfSize(this.toFetch, downloadLimit), failedInPreviousSync ) ); // Note that we intentionally overwrite the previously failed list here. // Records that fail to decrypt or apply in two consecutive syncs are likely // corrupt; we remove them from the list because retrying and failing on // every subsequent sync just adds noise. this.previousFailed = failedInCurrentSync; let backfilledItems = this.itemSource(); backfilledItems.sort = "newest"; backfilledItems.full = true; // `getBatched` includes the list of IDs as a query parameter, so we need to fetch // records in chunks to avoid exceeding URI length limits. if (this.guidFetchBatchSize) { for (let ids of lazy.PlacesUtils.chunkArray( idsToBackfill, this.guidFetchBatchSize )) { backfilledItems.ids = ids; let { response, records } = await backfilledItems.getBatched( this.downloadBatchSize ); if (!response.success) { response.failureCode = ENGINE_DOWNLOAD_FAIL; throw response; } let backfilledRecordsToApply = []; let failedInBackfill = []; await Async.yieldingForEach(records, async record => { let { shouldApply, error } = await this._maybeReconcile(record); if (error) { failedInBackfill.push(record.id); count.failed++; countTelemetry.addIncomingFailedReason(error.message); return; } if (!shouldApply) { count.reconciled++; return; } backfilledRecordsToApply.push(record); }); let failedToApply = await this._applyRecords( backfilledRecordsToApply, countTelemetry ); failedInBackfill.push(...failedToApply); count.failed += failedToApply.length; count.applied += backfilledRecordsToApply.length; this.toFetch = Utils.setDeleteAll(this.toFetch, ids); this.previousFailed = Utils.setAddAll( this.previousFailed, failedInBackfill ); if (lastSync < this.lastModified) { lastSync = this.lastModified; await this.setLastSync(lastSync); } } } count.newFailed = 0; for (let item of this.previousFailed) { // Anything that failed in the current sync that also failed in // the previous sync means there is likely something wrong with // the record, we remove it from trying again to prevent // infinitely syncing corrupted records if (failedInPreviousSync.has(item)) { this.previousFailed.delete(item); } else { // otherwise it's a new failed and we count it as so ++count.newFailed; } } count.succeeded = Math.max(0, count.applied - count.failed); this._log.info( [ "Records:", count.applied, "applied,", count.succeeded, "successfully,", count.failed, "failed to apply,", count.newFailed, "newly failed to apply,", count.reconciled, "reconciled.", ].join(" ") ); Observers.notify("weave:engine:sync:applied", count, this.name); }, async _maybeReconcile(item) { let key = this.service.collectionKeys.keyForCollection(this.name); // Grab a later last modified if possible if (this.lastModified == null || item.modified > this.lastModified) { this.lastModified = item.modified; } try { try { await item.decrypt(key); } catch (ex) { if (!Utils.isHMACMismatch(ex)) { throw ex; } let strategy = await this.handleHMACMismatch(item, true); if (strategy == SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.retry) { // You only get one retry. try { // Try decrypting again, typically because we've got new keys. this._log.info("Trying decrypt again..."); key = this.service.collectionKeys.keyForCollection(this.name); await item.decrypt(key); strategy = null; } catch (ex) { if (!Utils.isHMACMismatch(ex)) { throw ex; } strategy = await this.handleHMACMismatch(item, false); } } switch (strategy) { case null: // Retry succeeded! No further handling. break; case SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.retry: this._log.debug("Ignoring second retry suggestion."); // Fall through to error case. case SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.error: this._log.warn("Error decrypting record", ex); return { shouldApply: false, error: ex }; case SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.ignore: this._log.debug( "Ignoring record " + item.id + " with bad HMAC: already handled." ); return { shouldApply: false, error: null }; } } } catch (ex) { if (Async.isShutdownException(ex)) { throw ex; } this._log.warn("Error decrypting record", ex); return { shouldApply: false, error: ex }; } if (this._shouldDeleteRemotely(item)) { this._log.trace("Deleting item from server without applying", item); await this._deleteId(item.id); return { shouldApply: false, error: null }; } let shouldApply; try { shouldApply = await this._reconcile(item); } catch (ex) { if (ex.code == SyncEngine.prototype.eEngineAbortApplyIncoming) { this._log.warn("Reconciliation failed: aborting incoming processing."); throw ex.cause; } else if (!Async.isShutdownException(ex)) { this._log.warn("Failed to reconcile incoming record " + item.id, ex); return { shouldApply: false, error: ex }; } else { throw ex; } } if (!shouldApply) { this._log.trace("Skipping reconciled incoming item " + item.id); } return { shouldApply, error: null }; }, async _applyRecords(records, countTelemetry) { this._tracker.ignoreAll = true; try { let failedIDs = await this._store.applyIncomingBatch( records, countTelemetry ); return failedIDs; } catch (ex) { // Catch any error that escapes from applyIncomingBatch. At present // those will all be abort events. this._log.warn("Got exception, aborting processIncoming", ex); throw ex; } finally { this._tracker.ignoreAll = false; } }, // Indicates whether an incoming item should be deleted from the server at // the end of the sync. Engines can override this method to clean up records // that shouldn't be on the server. _shouldDeleteRemotely(remoteItem) { return false; }, /** * Find a GUID of an item that is a duplicate of the incoming item but happens * to have a different GUID * * @return GUID of the similar item; falsy otherwise */ async _findDupe(item) { // By default, assume there's no dupe items for the engine }, /** * Called before a remote record is discarded due to failed reconciliation. * Used by bookmark sync to merge folder child orders. */ beforeRecordDiscard(localRecord, remoteRecord, remoteIsNewer) {}, // Called when the server has a record marked as deleted, but locally we've // changed it more recently than the deletion. If we return false, the // record will be deleted locally. If we return true, we'll reupload the // record to the server -- any extra work that's needed as part of this // process should be done at this point (such as mark the record's parent // for reuploading in the case of bookmarks). async _shouldReviveRemotelyDeletedRecord(remoteItem) { return true; }, async _deleteId(id) { await this._tracker.removeChangedID(id); this._noteDeletedId(id); }, // Marks an ID for deletion at the end of the sync. _noteDeletedId(id) { if (this._delete.ids == null) { this._delete.ids = [id]; } else { this._delete.ids.push(id); } }, async _switchItemToDupe(localDupeGUID, incomingItem) { // The local, duplicate ID is always deleted on the server. await this._deleteId(localDupeGUID); // We unconditionally change the item's ID in case the engine knows of // an item but doesn't expose it through itemExists. If the API // contract were stronger, this could be changed. this._log.debug( "Switching local ID to incoming: " + localDupeGUID + " -> " + incomingItem.id ); return this._store.changeItemID(localDupeGUID, incomingItem.id); }, /** * Reconcile incoming record with local state. * * This function essentially determines whether to apply an incoming record. * * @param item * Record from server to be tested for application. * @return boolean * Truthy if incoming record should be applied. False if not. */ async _reconcile(item) { if (this._log.level <= Log.Level.Trace) { this._log.trace("Incoming: " + item); } // We start reconciling by collecting a bunch of state. We do this here // because some state may change during the course of this function and we // need to operate on the original values. let existsLocally = await this._store.itemExists(item.id); let locallyModified = this._modified.has(item.id); // TODO Handle clock drift better. Tracked in bug 721181. let remoteAge = Resource.serverTime - item.modified; let localAge = locallyModified ? Date.now() / 1000 - this._modified.getModifiedTimestamp(item.id) : null; let remoteIsNewer = remoteAge < localAge; this._log.trace( "Reconciling " + item.id + ". exists=" + existsLocally + "; modified=" + locallyModified + "; local age=" + localAge + "; incoming age=" + remoteAge ); // We handle deletions first so subsequent logic doesn't have to check // deleted flags. if (item.deleted) { // If the item doesn't exist locally, there is nothing for us to do. We // can't check for duplicates because the incoming record has no data // which can be used for duplicate detection. if (!existsLocally) { this._log.trace( "Ignoring incoming item because it was deleted and " + "the item does not exist locally." ); return false; } // We decide whether to process the deletion by comparing the record // ages. If the item is not modified locally, the remote side wins and // the deletion is processed. If it is modified locally, we take the // newer record. if (!locallyModified) { this._log.trace( "Applying incoming delete because the local item " + "exists and isn't modified." ); return true; } this._log.trace("Incoming record is deleted but we had local changes."); if (remoteIsNewer) { this._log.trace("Remote record is newer -- deleting local record."); return true; } // If the local record is newer, we defer to individual engines for // how to handle this. By default, we revive the record. let willRevive = await this._shouldReviveRemotelyDeletedRecord(item); this._log.trace("Local record is newer -- reviving? " + willRevive); return !willRevive; } // At this point the incoming record is not for a deletion and must have // data. If the incoming record does not exist locally, we check for a local // duplicate existing under a different ID. The default implementation of // _findDupe() is empty, so engines have to opt in to this functionality. // // If we find a duplicate, we change the local ID to the incoming ID and we // refresh the metadata collected above. See bug 710448 for the history // of this logic. if (!existsLocally) { let localDupeGUID = await this._findDupe(item); if (localDupeGUID) { this._log.trace( "Local item " + localDupeGUID + " is a duplicate for " + "incoming item " + item.id ); // The current API contract does not mandate that the ID returned by // _findDupe() actually exists. Therefore, we have to perform this // check. existsLocally = await this._store.itemExists(localDupeGUID); // If the local item was modified, we carry its metadata forward so // appropriate reconciling can be performed. if (this._modified.has(localDupeGUID)) { locallyModified = true; localAge = this._tracker._now() - this._modified.getModifiedTimestamp(localDupeGUID); remoteIsNewer = remoteAge < localAge; this._modified.changeID(localDupeGUID, item.id); } else { locallyModified = false; localAge = null; } // Tell the engine to do whatever it needs to switch the items. await this._switchItemToDupe(localDupeGUID, item); this._log.debug( "Local item after duplication: age=" + localAge + "; modified=" + locallyModified + "; exists=" + existsLocally ); } else { this._log.trace("No duplicate found for incoming item: " + item.id); } } // At this point we've performed duplicate detection. But, nothing here // should depend on duplicate detection as the above should have updated // state seamlessly. if (!existsLocally) { // If the item doesn't exist locally and we have no local modifications // to the item (implying that it was not deleted), always apply the remote // item. if (!locallyModified) { this._log.trace( "Applying incoming because local item does not exist " + "and was not deleted." ); return true; } // If the item was modified locally but isn't present, it must have // been deleted. If the incoming record is younger, we restore from // that record. if (remoteIsNewer) { this._log.trace( "Applying incoming because local item was deleted " + "before the incoming item was changed." ); this._modified.delete(item.id); return true; } this._log.trace( "Ignoring incoming item because the local item's " + "deletion is newer." ); return false; } // If the remote and local records are the same, there is nothing to be // done, so we don't do anything. In the ideal world, this logic wouldn't // be here and the engine would take a record and apply it. The reason we // want to defer this logic is because it would avoid a redundant and // possibly expensive dip into the storage layer to query item state. // This should get addressed in the async rewrite, so we ignore it for now. let localRecord = await this._createRecord(item.id); let recordsEqual = Utils.deepEquals(item.cleartext, localRecord.cleartext); // If the records are the same, we don't need to do anything. This does // potentially throw away a local modification time. But, if the records // are the same, does it matter? if (recordsEqual) { this._log.trace( "Ignoring incoming item because the local item is identical." ); this._modified.delete(item.id); return false; } // At this point the records are different. // If we have no local modifications, always take the server record. if (!locallyModified) { this._log.trace("Applying incoming record because no local conflicts."); return true; } // At this point, records are different and the local record is modified. // We resolve conflicts by record age, where the newest one wins. This does // result in data loss and should be handled by giving the engine an // opportunity to merge the records. Bug 720592 tracks this feature. this._log.warn( "DATA LOSS: Both local and remote changes to record: " + item.id ); if (!remoteIsNewer) { this.beforeRecordDiscard(localRecord, item, remoteIsNewer); } return remoteIsNewer; }, // Upload outgoing records. async _uploadOutgoing() { this._log.trace("Uploading local changes to server."); // collection we'll upload let up = new Collection(this.engineURL, null, this.service); let modifiedIDs = new Set(this._modified.ids()); let countTelemetry = new SyncedRecordsTelemetry(); let counts = countTelemetry.outgoingCounts; this._log.info(`Uploading ${modifiedIDs.size} outgoing records`); if (modifiedIDs.size) { counts.sent = modifiedIDs.size; let failed = []; let successful = []; let lastSync = await this.getLastSync(); let handleResponse = async (postQueue, resp, batchOngoing) => { // Note: We don't want to update this.lastSync, or this._modified until // the batch is complete, however we want to remember success/failure // indicators for when that happens. if (!resp.success) { this._log.debug(`Uploading records failed: ${resp.status}`); resp.failureCode = resp.status == 412 ? ENGINE_BATCH_INTERRUPTED : ENGINE_UPLOAD_FAIL; throw resp; } // Update server timestamp from the upload. failed = failed.concat(Object.keys(resp.obj.failed)); successful = successful.concat(resp.obj.success); if (batchOngoing) { // Nothing to do yet return; } if (failed.length && this._log.level <= Log.Level.Debug) { this._log.debug( "Records that will be uploaded again because " + "the server couldn't store them: " + failed.join(", ") ); } counts.failed += failed.length; Object.values(failed).forEach(message => { countTelemetry.addOutgoingFailedReason(message); }); for (let id of successful) { this._modified.delete(id); } await this._onRecordsWritten( successful, failed, postQueue.lastModified ); // Advance lastSync since we've finished the batch. if (postQueue.lastModified > lastSync) { lastSync = postQueue.lastModified; await this.setLastSync(lastSync); } // clear for next batch failed.length = 0; successful.length = 0; }; let postQueue = up.newPostQueue(this._log, lastSync, handleResponse); for (let id of modifiedIDs) { let out; let ok = false; try { out = await this._createRecord(id); if (this._log.level <= Log.Level.Trace) { this._log.trace("Outgoing: " + out); } await out.encrypt( this.service.collectionKeys.keyForCollection(this.name) ); ok = true; } catch (ex) { this._log.warn("Error creating record", ex); ++counts.failed; countTelemetry.addOutgoingFailedReason(ex.message); if (Async.isShutdownException(ex) || !this.allowSkippedRecord) { if (!this.allowSkippedRecord) { // Don't bother for shutdown errors Observers.notify("weave:engine:sync:uploaded", counts, this.name); } throw ex; } } if (ok) { let { enqueued, error } = await postQueue.enqueue(out); if (!enqueued) { ++counts.failed; countTelemetry.addOutgoingFailedReason(error.message); if (!this.allowSkippedRecord) { Observers.notify("weave:engine:sync:uploaded", counts, this.name); this._log.warn( `Failed to enqueue record "${id}" (aborting)`, error ); throw error; } this._modified.delete(id); this._log.warn( `Failed to enqueue record "${id}" (skipping)`, error ); } } await Async.promiseYield(); } await postQueue.flush(true); } if (counts.sent || counts.failed) { Observers.notify("weave:engine:sync:uploaded", counts, this.name); } }, async _onRecordsWritten(succeeded, failed, serverModifiedTime) { // Implement this method to take specific actions against successfully // uploaded records and failed records. }, // Any cleanup necessary. // Save the current snapshot so as to calculate changes at next sync async _syncFinish() { this._log.trace("Finishing up sync"); let doDelete = async (key, val) => { let coll = new Collection(this.engineURL, this._recordObj, this.service); coll[key] = val; await coll.delete(); }; for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(this._delete)) { // Remove the key for future uses delete this._delete[key]; this._log.trace("doing post-sync deletions", { key, val }); // Send a simple delete for the property if (key != "ids" || val.length <= 100) { await doDelete(key, val); } else { // For many ids, split into chunks of at most 100 while (val.length) { await doDelete(key, val.slice(0, 100)); val = val.slice(100); } } } this.hasSyncedThisSession = true; await this._tracker.asyncObserver.promiseObserversComplete(); }, async _syncCleanup() { try { // Mark failed WBOs as changed again so they are reuploaded next time. await this.trackRemainingChanges(); } finally { this._modified.clear(); } }, async _sync() { try { Async.checkAppReady(); await this._syncStartup(); Async.checkAppReady(); Observers.notify("weave:engine:sync:status", "process-incoming"); await this._processIncoming(); Async.checkAppReady(); Observers.notify("weave:engine:sync:status", "upload-outgoing"); try { await this._uploadOutgoing(); Async.checkAppReady(); await this._syncFinish(); } catch (ex) { if (!ex.status || ex.status != 412) { throw ex; } // a 412 posting just means another client raced - but we don't want // to treat that as a sync error - the next sync is almost certain // to work. this._log.warn("412 error during sync - will retry."); } } finally { await this._syncCleanup(); } }, async canDecrypt() { // Report failure even if there's nothing to decrypt let canDecrypt = false; // Fetch the most recently uploaded record and try to decrypt it let test = new Collection(this.engineURL, this._recordObj, this.service); test.limit = 1; test.sort = "newest"; test.full = true; let key = this.service.collectionKeys.keyForCollection(this.name); // Any failure fetching/decrypting will just result in false try { this._log.trace("Trying to decrypt a record from the server.."); let json = (await test.get()).obj[0]; let record = new this._recordObj(); record.deserialize(json); await record.decrypt(key); canDecrypt = true; } catch (ex) { if (Async.isShutdownException(ex)) { throw ex; } this._log.debug("Failed test decrypt", ex); } return canDecrypt; }, /** * Deletes the collection for this engine on the server, and removes all local * Sync metadata for this engine. This does *not* remove any existing data on * other clients. This is called when we reset the sync ID. */ async wipeServer() { await this._deleteServerCollection(); await this._resetClient(); }, /** * Deletes the collection for this engine on the server, without removing * any local Sync metadata or user data. Deleting the collection will not * remove any user data on other clients, but will force other clients to * start over as a first sync. */ async _deleteServerCollection() { let response = await this.service.resource(this.engineURL).delete(); if (response.status != 200 && response.status != 404) { throw response; } }, async removeClientData() { // Implement this method in engines that store client specific data // on the server. }, /* * Decide on (and partially effect) an error-handling strategy. * * Asks the Service to respond to an HMAC error, which might result in keys * being downloaded. That call returns true if an action which might allow a * retry to occur. * * If `mayRetry` is truthy, and the Service suggests a retry, * handleHMACMismatch returns kRecoveryStrategy.retry. Otherwise, it returns * kRecoveryStrategy.error. * * Subclasses of SyncEngine can override this method to allow for different * behavior -- e.g., to delete and ignore erroneous entries. * * All return values will be part of the kRecoveryStrategy enumeration. */ async handleHMACMismatch(item, mayRetry) { // By default we either try again, or bail out noisily. return (await this.service.handleHMACEvent()) && mayRetry ? SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.retry : SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.error; }, /** * Returns a changeset containing all items in the store. The default * implementation returns a changeset with timestamps from long ago, to * ensure we always use the remote version if one exists. * * This function is only called for the first sync. Subsequent syncs call * `pullNewChanges`. * * @return A `Changeset` object. */ async pullAllChanges() { let changes = {}; let ids = await this._store.getAllIDs(); for (let id in ids) { changes[id] = 0; } return changes; }, /* * Returns a changeset containing entries for all currently tracked items. * The default implementation returns a changeset with timestamps indicating * when the item was added to the tracker. * * @return A `Changeset` object. */ async pullNewChanges() { await this._tracker.asyncObserver.promiseObserversComplete(); return this.getChangedIDs(); }, /** * Adds all remaining changeset entries back to the tracker, typically for * items that failed to upload. This method is called at the end of each sync. * */ async trackRemainingChanges() { for (let [id, change] of this._modified.entries()) { await this._tracker.addChangedID(id, change); } }, /** * Removes all local Sync metadata for this engine, but keeps all existing * local user data. */ async resetClient() { return this._notify("reset-client", this.name, this._resetClient)(); }, async _resetClient() { await this.resetLastSync(); this.hasSyncedThisSession = false; this.previousFailed = new SerializableSet(); this.toFetch = new SerializableSet(); }, /** * Removes all local Sync metadata and user data for this engine. */ async wipeClient() { return this._notify("wipe-client", this.name, this._wipeClient)(); }, async _wipeClient() { await this.resetClient(); this._log.debug("Deleting all local data"); this._tracker.ignoreAll = true; await this._store.wipe(); this._tracker.ignoreAll = false; this._tracker.clearChangedIDs(); }, /** * If one exists, initialize and return a validator for this engine (which * must have a `validate(engine)` method that returns a promise to an object * with a getSummary method). Otherwise return null. */ getValidator() { return null; }, async finalize() { Services.prefs.removeObserver( `${PREFS_BRANCH}engine.${this.prefName}`, this.asyncObserver ); await this.asyncObserver.promiseObserversComplete(); await this._tracker.finalize(); await this._toFetchStorage.finalize(); await this._previousFailedStorage.finalize(); }, // Returns a new watchdog. Exposed for tests. _newWatchdog() { return Async.watchdog(); }, }; /** * A changeset is created for each sync in `Engine::get{Changed, All}IDs`, * and stores opaque change data for tracked IDs. The default implementation * only records timestamps, though engines can extend this to store additional * data for each entry. */ export class Changeset { // Creates an empty changeset. constructor() { this.changes = {}; } // Returns the last modified time, in seconds, for an entry in the changeset. // `id` is guaranteed to be in the set. getModifiedTimestamp(id) { return this.changes[id]; } // Adds a change for a tracked ID to the changeset. set(id, change) { this.changes[id] = change; } // Adds multiple entries to the changeset, preserving existing entries. insert(changes) { Object.assign(this.changes, changes); } // Overwrites the existing set of tracked changes with new entries. replace(changes) { this.changes = changes; } // Indicates whether an entry is in the changeset. has(id) { return id in this.changes; } // Deletes an entry from the changeset. Used to clean up entries for // reconciled and successfully uploaded records. delete(id) { delete this.changes[id]; } // Changes the ID of an entry in the changeset. Used when reconciling // duplicates that have local changes. changeID(oldID, newID) { this.changes[newID] = this.changes[oldID]; delete this.changes[oldID]; } // Returns an array of all tracked IDs in this changeset. ids() { return Object.keys(this.changes); } // Returns an array of `[id, change]` tuples. Used to repopulate the tracker // with entries for failed uploads at the end of a sync. entries() { return Object.entries(this.changes); } // Returns the number of entries in this changeset. count() { return this.ids().length; } // Clears the changeset. clear() { this.changes = {}; } }