/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* global Services */ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("services.sync.engine.creditcards", true); EnableEngines(["creditcards"]); var phases = { phase1: "profile1", phase2: "profile2", phase3: "profile1", }; const cc1 = [ { "cc-name": "John Doe", "cc-number": "4716179744040592", "cc-exp-month": 4, "cc-exp-year": 2050, "unknown-1": "an unknown field from another client", changes: { "cc-exp-year": 2051, }, }, ]; const cc1_after = [ { "cc-name": "John Doe", "cc-number": "4716179744040592", "cc-exp-month": 4, "cc-exp-year": 2051, "unknown-1": "an unknown field from another client", }, ]; const cc2 = [ { "cc-name": "Timothy Berners-Lee", "cc-number": "2221000374457678", "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2050, }, ]; Phase("phase1", [[CreditCards.add, cc1], [Sync]]); Phase("phase2", [ [Sync], [CreditCards.verify, cc1], [CreditCards.modify, cc1], [CreditCards.add, cc2], [Sync], ]); Phase("phase3", [ [Sync], [CreditCards.verifyNot, cc1], [CreditCards.verify, cc1_after], [CreditCards.verify, cc2], ]);